Every Day Upgrades the Monsters and Explosives Equipment

Chapter 87: [Senior Sister or Junior Sister]

   Shonan University.

Lin Shu, who was a metamorphosis of 246 on the objective questions of the law test, really made a lot of law students start to doubt life. They have no idea how Lin Shu, a species known as human, can test such a high and unattainable God score. .

   Someone at Law School is even asking about Lin Shu, the ruthless man, who wants to ask and get to know him.

   In the cafeteria, Xie Chen grabbed the food, looked at Lin Shu and asked: "Brother Lin, why did you still take the law test? It's amazing, do you want to be a lawyer in the future?"

   Lin Shu shook his head and said, "No, I just want to take the test."

   This made other people not know how to pick it up.

  The key is to get such a high score, which is really speechless.

   "Someone from the law school next door is asking about you, wanting to get to know you, Xueshen."

   Zhang Yao also interjected: "They all want you to teach some experience."

   was talking, someone came over to find Lin Shu.

   The two girls left but came over.

A girl of medium stature with a ponytail, looks not outstanding, somewhat ordinary, another girl is wearing a floral dress, petite, fair skin, long hair shawl, looks very beautiful, her eyes are shiny and watery So weak, it is very attractive.

"have not seen you for a long time."

  The middle-sized girl with a ponytail looked at Lin Shu with a smile on her face, and shouted with a smile, "Brother Lin."

   Lin Shu was a little confused, turned his head and looked, only that the girl standing in front of him was familiar, as if she knew each other, but she couldn't name her, and she was a little uncertain.

   Zhang Yao looked at the girl in astonishment. He didn't understand, and asked confusedly: "Sister Zhao, you--"

   The ponytail girl is called Zhao Yan, a second-year graduate student majoring in material mechanics, and Zhang Yao is now the same instructor, and now I call Brother Lin Shu——?

When Zhao Yan saw Lin Shu’s puzzled look, she didn’t remember herself and was a little disappointed, but she smiled and said, “Brother, don’t you remember me? My name is Zhao Yan. Luggage?"


Have it? Why don't I remember?

Lin Shu really didn’t have much impression. He did help welcome new students during his sophomore year and junior year, especially helping the newly enrolled school girls carry their luggage. Especially in the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, it is a rare species that is on the verge of extinction. Naturally, it needs more care and protection.

However, Lin Shu definitely wants to say that he does not remember it because the schoolgirls are ordinary, but because there are too many new students who need help every time they enter the school, a large group of schoolboys also come to join in the fun. When I feel tired, I don't even have any thoughts to care about rare school girls.

   When Zhao Yan saw that she had said her name, Lin Shu still couldn't remember, she was very disappointed, and said, "It seems that brother, you really don't remember me."

   Lin Shu, as a freshman in the first year of graduate school, and Zhang Yao in the current term, was called a senior by a second graduate student, and felt a little embarrassed inexplicably.

   Hedong for three years and Hexi for four years.

   The little junior sister of the year has also become a big sister, so sure enough, don't bully the younger sister to be poor.

   The older brothers have also become younger brothers. It seems that the relationship between the brothers and sisters is really complicated and changes rapidly.

   Sometimes the relationship is a little messy.

   Lin Shu waved his hand and said, "Don't call me brother, just call me Lin Shu."

   Hearing Lin Shu's words, he couldn't help but smile, his eyes rolled, with a hint of fun, and he nodded and said, "Okay, Brother Lin."

   Zhang Yao and Xie Chen both smiled, thinking that the scene of the demotion of the senior brother Lin Shu was too funny.

   Lin Shu did not want to entangle this question any more, and asked, "Is there anything you want to do with me?"

At this time, the long-haired girl who was standing by and not speaking lightly smiled, looked at Lin Shu, and said, "Brother Lin, hello, my name is Jiang Yichun. I belong to the law school. I am friends with Senior Sister Zhao Yan. I know that your law test is objective. The results are very good and I would like to ask you some experience."

   Zhao Yan also nodded, and said, "Yes, Brother Lin, now the law school knows your test scores in the law test. You are really amazing."

Zhao Yan also knew that the brother who once helped him with his luggage entered the school after three years of work, and she did not expect that the ruthless person who had been circulating in law school recently was Lin Shu. It is for this reason that Jiang Yichun knew She knows Lin Shu, so she will introduce him to

   This makes Lin Shu a little embarrassed, not knowing what to say, because he has no experience.

   "I don't have any special experience. You should know that you still have to learn the law by yourself."

   "Brother, you can get such a high score on the test. It's really amazing. Can I ask you some legal questions?"

   "Also, brother, I plan to take the postgraduate entrance examination, and I would also like to ask about English and politics for the postgraduate entrance examination. I know that your scores in politics and English for the postgraduate entrance examination are very high."

   Obviously, Lin Shu's postgraduate entrance examination results of the perverted master also spread. The 92 for entrance examination for English and 88 for entrance examination for politics are not something people can do.

   A pair of watery eyes stared like that.

   You want to ask so much, that thought flashed through Lin Shu's mind.

   Lin Shu was not easy to refuse, so he added Jiang Yichun's WeChat account, and of course also added the WeChat account of Zhao Yan, who was a former junior sister and now the master sister.


   "It's okay, Brother Lin, you are still great. Now I added the Wechat of the school sister and the school girl, just kill them all."

   "Yes, yes, it's the older sisters and younger sisters who took the initiative to find them to add, it's amazing."

   Xie Chen looked at Lin Shu’s WeChat and said with some envy: "I also want to add Junior Junior Sister's WeChat~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Brother Lin, you are so good, you must introduce the juniors from the Law School to get to know you later."

   Lin Shu somehow felt that there was something wrong with this.

   However, he will soon know that what is wrong is still behind. In fact, as he said, you still have to read and recite yourself. It is not about asking for experience. After all, it is not a case analysis. Some ideas need to be provided.

   He couldn't figure out why Jiang Yichun would want to ask him from the beginning.

   Especially when Jiang Yichun asked him to go out to play and send him some messages, those things he said--

   "Are you free now? I feel so sad, can you chat with me?"


   The true thoughts in Lin Shu's heart, I am not familiar with you, am I?

   There is always something wrong, an inexplicable contrived feeling.


   "When I sent you a message yesterday, I had a little expectation that you would call me back right away. At that time, were you with your girlfriend? With a boy like you, she was so happy."

   Is this humiliating me?

   Lin Shu was hesitant to delete the blackout, but out of courtesy, he still replied, "I don't have a girlfriend, you have to take a postgraduate entrance examination, so hurry up and read the book yourself."

   "You don't have a girlfriend? I'm sorry (ˊo????o???`), by the way, do you have time tomorrow to go play together?"

【Danger! Lv1 The temptation fox demon is holding a small handkerchief and beckoning to you shyly, do you want to play together! 】

   simply refused——

   "No more!"

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you are incomprehensible, and you mercilessly slap the Lv1 temptation fox...]


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