Every Day Upgrades the Monsters and Explosives Equipment

Chapter 53: 【The World of Time and Space Cracks】

【Ding! Player, you accidentally entered the secret realm of space-time cracks! 】

Hearing these words, Lin Shu was shocked, and his entire body was erected in an instant. He didn't know what was going on, why he suddenly entered the secret realm of space-time cracks. This feeling really made him feel very much. Strange, I don't know what is going on.

   There is darkness before my eyes.

  What kind of space-time crack secret realm? What's in it?

   Or it will be like the world in the game is full of monsters and opportunities. If it is really like a monster in the game, what will it be like?

What does    time-space crack mean? Is it parallel time and space?

   Lin Shu had countless thoughts in his mind for a short while, and these thoughts made him very nervous and uneasy.

   appeared in the darkness, a dazzling light appeared, causing Lin Shu to close his eyes. The dazzling light slowly disappeared, and Lin Shu found that he was standing on a road with nothing around him.

   Lin Shu really didn't know what was going on, and his mind was still a little confused. Although he had previously thought about whether the system would also exist in the secret realm, he did not expect that he would suddenly enter the space-time secret realm. It was really inexplicable.

who am I?

   Where do I come from?

   Where am I going now?

   Lin Shu didn't know what he wanted to do now, and how he wanted to return to his original world.

   Lin Shu felt at a loss.

   The surrounding area is very quiet, there is no sound.

   This is really a very absurd and terrible thing. In the blink of an eye, I am in a different world. This is definitely not a dream.

   Lin Shu was a little nervous and uneasy. He didn't know where this time and space secret realm was, and everything felt so real.

   Why there is such a strange secret realm, I won't explain it.

   Is he the ninth child selected and entered the world of Digimon very late?

   What about his Digimon and Divine Plan key?

   Or, is there a fairyland in this place? But why does it feel like a modern urban wind is blowing?

   It doesn't feel right.

   Lin Shu didn't know where he was, where he came from, and where he should leave. Everything is unknown.

   But the unknown is the most terrifying.

   Lin Shu felt that he shouldn't just stand on the spot so stupidly, he should go forward and see what's there.

   "System, system? Where is it?"

   Lin Shu looked at the personal virtual panel in front of him and shouted several times at the system, but there was no response.

   There is no answer in the system.

   Lin Shu walked forward carefully, and suddenly felt that everything in front of him gradually became clear, slowly emerging, and there were also voices, and the key buildings seemed to be familiar.

   This seems to be Shonan University?

   Lin Shu is a little dazed and suspicious.

   Lin Shu is a little dazed, this is the secret realm of time-space secret cracks?

   is too low, right?

   is not high-end magic at all. Fortunately, he thought there would be something special in the secret realm. He didn't expect it to be the real world. The place where he is now is Shonan University?

   Lin Shu has some gaps in his heart, the point is that he does not know why he suddenly appeared at Shonan University.

   Generally speaking, entering the secret realm should be a special mission or adventure. What's the matter with him now?

   This seems to be a teaching building, Lin Shu thinks he should have read it right.

   Why did it appear in Shonan University?

   Just when Lin Shu was puzzled, a voice came from behind, "Lin Shu, what are you still standing here? Hurry up and go. Class is about to begin."

   Hearing this voice, Lin Shu looked back, only to see a boy with a Chinese character face urging him to leave.

   Lin Shu was a little uncertain, but he still walked towards the boy, but kept looking around.

   There are not many students around, coming and going, in groups, talking, just like the scenes in the movie appearing little by little.

   Lin Shu took a look at the playground next to him. This is where he got up early for a run. He is very familiar with it, so it means that this is really Shonan University.

   "What's wrong with you? Absent-minded?"

   The boy in front handed a backpack in his hand to Lin Shu, looked at Lin Shu suspiciously, and asked, "Still worried about Brother Lin? Don't worry, nothing will happen."

  Who is Brother Lin?

   Lin Shu followed the boy, and he saw a teaching building not far away.

   Lin Shu didn't speak. He still hasn't figured out whether his environment is real or false.

   If this time-space crack secret realm is real, then why does he appear here?

   Lin Shu didn't understand, if it is false, why everything just feels so real.

   Lin Shu was standing at the entrance of the experiment, and he saw one entering the lecture hall, and then he followed the boys into class.

   is really in class.

   Why do you teach here?

   Lin Shu has a lot of questions in his mind, and I don’t know exactly what such a secret realm is?

   There are no monsters and no opportunities.

  What kind of secret is this place?

   Lin Shu noticed that the name of the boy next to him was written in the textbook, Zhang Yao.

   Zhang Yao?

   He doesn't even know this person!


   After listening to a celestial book, the class ended.

   When the absent-minded Lin Shu was holding a book and followed the boy Zhang Yao to the outside of the classroom, a thin and tall boy bumped into Lin Shu, and all the books in Lin Shu's hand fell to the ground.

   "Yes, yes... I'm sorry, Lin Shu."

   Lin Shu was a little surprised, looking at the thin and tall boy in front of him, this boy knew him.

   Lin Shu doesn't know who he is.

  , Zhang Yao, a classmate next to him, helped Lin Shu pick up the book~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and asked, "Brother Lin, are you okay?"

   Brother Lin?

   This is Brother Lin that Zhang Yao said at the beginning?

   Lin Shu is a little uncertain.

   The thin and tall boy was in a trance, his smile was a little reluctant, and there was a trace of trance in his eyes.

   Lin Shu was still about to say something, when he saw a thin and tall boy named Senior Brother Lin walking to the teaching experiment building.

   Lin Shu was just about to leave, but found that there was a key under the book in the book that had just been scattered on the ground.

   "Brother Lin's key, please send it to him quickly."

   Lin Shu heard Zhang Yao's words, nodded, and followed up where Brother Lin had left.

   Lin Shu chased downstairs and saw a tall and thin boy standing in front of an office on the third floor of the teaching building.

   Just as Lin Shu was about to shout, he watched the thin and tall boy climb onto the balcony, and then jumped off the stairs.

   There was a loud noise!

   A figure flashed in front of Lin Shu, splashing red blood on his face.

   is boiling hot, and warm blood is slowly flowing down his face.

Lin Shu was so scared that his body was shocked. The books in his hand fell to the ground and his mind was blank. Looking not far in front of him, his whole body instantly became cold, and his blood froze at that moment. Only the thin brother Lin was lying on the floor. Ahead of him.

   The blood flowed out of the body like that, and the red blood flowed slowly to Lin Shu's feet like that.

   Those eyes stared at Lin Shu, revealing endless despair.

   A strong and fresh **** smell, real and terrible.

   Lin Shu did not respond, staring blankly at the person lying on the ground in front of him, then glanced upstairs again, there was an invisible figure standing upstairs with a line clearly on his head—


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