? Shonan University.

   Downstairs of the office, the smell of red blood began to pervade wantonly, with the breath of death, devouring the most primitive life.

   The cold wind blew in desolately, with a biting chill, just like that bit by bit eroded the remaining breath and eroded the uncooled blood.

   "Come on, someone has jumped off the building!"

"come here now!"

  ? Lin Shu's mind went blank for a moment, but quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed the 120 emergency number, panicking in sorrow, and anxiety in shock.

  ??? Someone Wen Xun rushed over, some people stood not far away looking at all this in shock, and some couldn't believe what happened.

  Unbelievable, really can't imagine, someone committed suicide by jumping off the building?

How can    be so sudden?


  Who is it, why would you jump off the building if you can’t even think about it?

The icy wind suddenly penetrated into Lin Shu's heart like a needle stick, his blood seemed to be frozen, and there was a scene from the moment he just fell before his eyes, looking at the fullness of Brother Lin. With blood on his face and eyes that stubbornly stare at him, I just feel cold in my heart, and I don't understand it.

   Why is it?

The blood on Lin Shu's face was bleeding red, slowly flowing down, and his expression was a little dazed. He knelt on the ground and wanted to reach out to touch Brother Lin, but he did not dare to touch him with his hands full of blood, for fear that his touch would bring life. Just broken.

   In other words, his life has been broken, because he knows that Brother Lin is dead.

   Jumped down from the fifth floor, are you still alive?

Is    alive?

   "Doctor! Doctor! Hurry up, it's at Shonan University..."

   This thought made Lin Shu seem to have grabbed the last straw, and kept shouting at the 120 on the other end of the phone.

   Actually, Lin Shu already had the answer in his heart. Brother Lin, who was lying on the ground, was already dead.

Brother Lin's thin body was motionless, he couldn't feel his breath or heartbeat, his head seemed to be split, the red blood flowed out like that, and the blood flowed most out of his mouth, his wide-eyed eyes slowed down. Slowly turning red, a strong smell of blood permeated with the breath of death.

   The whole face is terrible!

   The bright red eyeballs have been staring at Lin Shu just like that, staring at him, showing endless sadness.


   Not long after, the ambulance rushed over. Lin Shu looked at the person, or the corpse was sent to the ambulance just like that, and then watched the ambulance leave.

   Lin Shu wiped his face, red hands were red blood, accompanied by the strong smell of blood.

Lin Shu didn't know what was going on in front of him. He appeared inexplicably in this secret realm of so-called space-time cracks, and saw a man commit suicide in front of him. The pool of blood and the smell of blood in the air clearly proved that all this was not an illusion.

   Lin Shu looked up to the fifth floor, and the monster in that place had disappeared.

   Someone committed suicide by jumping off the building. The police also rushed over after receiving the report and started investigating.


  #Shonan University graduate student fell from the building and died#

   This news has been noticed by the media and started to report, but because there is no more news, it is only a small-scale report, and it has not caused a big wave.

   But obviously, everyone in the school already knows that a student committed suicide by jumping off the building, and it has spread throughout the school.

   After all, this happened to them, and many WeChat groups and Moments are spreading it.

   "Someone from the mechanical department jumped off the building. It was on the other side of the office building. Police 120 came, but they didn't come to rescue. They died on the spot."

   "Now the moral education building is fenced up and no one is allowed to approach it."

   "It seems to be a senior in the third grade school, it is a pity, no matter what it is, it is a pity."

   "The one who jumped off the building is a mechanical engineering major. Although Lin Yiming is not familiar with him, but he has played with him, and I remember him as a more cheerful boy."

   "I don't understand why I jumped off the building, what are the hurdles?"



   Zhang Yao's expression was very sad, his eyes were flushed, and his face was still with tears. He looked at the dazed Lin Shu and said, "You said, Brother Lin, why does he want to commit suicide by jumping off the building without a meeting?"

   This question made Lin Shu even more silent, how could he know.

   Lin Shu couldn't understand why he appeared here and why he faced all this.

Lin Shu just thought about it, but it appeared in Lin Shu's mind that when Brother Lin jumped to commit suicide, a figure appeared on the fifth floor, or a monster appeared on the top of that monster's head. It says-[Cannibals].

   In fact, he also learned that the dead brother named Lin Yiming was only later.

   But even if he is unfamiliar, he feels very uncomfortable because he saw the thin and tall boy die in front of him.

   Lin Shu looked at the personal virtual panel in front of him. He has been in this secret realm of space-time cracks for a long time. Apart from this suicide incident, there has been no change.

   Zhang Yao could see that Lin Shu was in very bad condition. He also knew that Lin Shu saw Lin Yiming commit suicide by jumping off the building with his own eyes. The police also approached Lin Shu and asked about some information.

   Zhang Yao sighed, patted Zhang Linshu on the shoulder, and comforted: "Don't be too uncomfortable. It has already happened and we can't do anything."

   Things have happened, what can we not do?

   Yeah~www.wuxiamtl.com~ People are dead, so what else can they do?

   Just as Zhang Yao comforted Lin Shu, a roommate walked in, walked to Lin Shu's side, and asked, "Lin Shu, are you better?"

   "It's spreading in the school now that Brother Lin committed suicide by jumping off the building because of depression."

   "There are still people who say that they committed suicide because of his mentor."

   Zhang Yao was silent. Some of the tutors in the academy had good reviews. As for Brother Lin's tutor Xu Gui, he didn't understand, and he didn't know if Brother Lin really committed suicide because of the oppression of his tutor.


   "Don't discuss and spread? Don't spread rumors, huh!"

   Zhang Yao was very angry when he saw the message sent by the counselor in the student group on the mobile phone and asked them not to discuss and spread the matter.

   Lin Shu glanced at the group announcement in Zhang Yao's mobile phone, "The public security agency's investigation concluded that Gao Chuan died, and homicide is ruled out", which is very conspicuous.

   Zhang Yao and his roommates have both gone out and started to discuss this matter in indignation. Jumping off the building is suicide. Don’t you investigate why you jumped off the building?

  People in other dormitories also started to discuss.

   Exclude homicide!

   Exclude homicide?

   Lin Shu took out the bunch of keys in his pocket and the small U disk hanging on the keychain, hesitated, and prepared to insert the laptop in front of him.

   For some reason, Lin Shu remembered a passage inexplicably, "I looked up the history, this history has no age, and every page that is skewed is written with the words ‘benevolence, justice and morality’."

   "I couldn't fall asleep anyway. I watched carefully in the middle of the night, only to see the words from the cracks. The two characters are written all over the book as'cannibalism'!"

   Lin Shu always remembered that monster [Cannibal].

  Is there a monster eating people like he thought?

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