I have to say that when the postgraduate entrance examination is over, Lin Shu can really breathe a sigh of relief, completely relieved.

   The key two-day exam also gave him a lot of experience points.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for completing the first postgraduate entrance examination and gaining 1. Experience +3990; 2. Gold coins +390. 】

the first time?

   Lin Shu felt a stab in his heart. He said it as if he had a second time, and he felt like he was stabbing him just after the exam.

   Now Lin Shu needs to wait for the results of the written test to appear. In fact, in his opinion, even if the first choice is not successful, then he can still look at the national line, and then he will choose the national line to adjust.

   After all, the branch copy task postgraduate entrance examination does not stipulate the postgraduate entrance examination institution, but the rewards for completing different postgraduate entrance examination institutions are different.

   No matter what, at least for Lin Shu now, you can relax and rest for a while, and then wait for the written test results to come out, and then prepare for the retest.

  The results of the postgraduate entrance examination are generally available one and a half months after the examination, usually around mid-February.

   Lin Shu can rest first during this time.

   Lin Shu plans to inspect the house first, find the decoration company, and then go home again, and then go out to play.

   Lin Shu called Yao Chen the first time, and asked directly: "Yao Chen, I just finished the exam, do you want to travel together later?"

   "Brother, I still have to go to work, I am different from you, I don't have that many fakes."

   Yao Chen heard that Lin Shu was going out to play, he was naturally very excited, but obviously he is different from Lin Shu. Even if he does not work overtime on weekends, it is difficult to take long vacations.

   Lin Shu hasn't figured out where to go for the time being.

   But there is no need to rush. He thinks he can go to many places to play. After all, it takes a long time. Now he really takes a rest after resigning.

   Of course, during this break, Lin Shu can't stop studying and learning experience, at least two hours a day to learn to check in.

   Early the next morning, Lin Shu still woke up early and ran 3 kilometers in the morning, first brushing up on his physical exercise experience.

   Then Lin Shu went to Jiangyuan International, planning to inspect the house directly.

  Inspect and accept the house, Lin Shu intends to find the decoration company directly, because the decoration company can provide the house inspection.

Lin Shu’s phone number was leaked before. Many decoration companies called him, but because Lin Shu was busy preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination, he didn’t have the time and energy to work on the house decoration, so he decoration Lin Shu just waited for him to take the postgraduate entrance examination before proceeding.

  To decorate the house, Lin Shu's budget is 200,000 yuan. Generally speaking, this is not enough. Lin Shu found a decoration company with a relatively large brand to be responsible, and would not add any more. Although the price cannot be decorated very well, the decoration is not bad.

  The price of the apartment designed by Lin Shu by the decoration company is also 160,000, excluding home appliances.

   Lin Shu put forward some requirements here, and soon signed the contract. The developers of Jiangyuan International have a good reputation, and there is no problem with the acceptance.

   As for the house of Shonan University, he did not return, after all, he can move in only after the house is decorated.

Lin Shu spent another large sum of money. Now the available balance is 220,000. The fund stocks that Lin Shu bought fluctuate, but did not keep going down. Of course, it didn’t make a big profit. Turned more than 20,000.

   Lin Shu did not change, and continued to take one hundred thousand to buy a stable fund.


   Because of the end of the postgraduate entrance examination, although Yao Chen could not accompany Lin Shu out on a trip, he immediately made an appointment with Lin Shu for dinner on the weekend and went out to play.

   Lin Shu naturally did not refuse this time.

   Zhou Yuhe and Zhang Yuan also came over.

   Zhang Yuan didn't ask Lin Shu how he was doing in the test, but kept asking where Lin Shu was going to play, and said very excitedly: "How about, Uncle Lin, where are you going to play?"

   "I plan to go home first, and then apply for a passport later."

   "Do you apply for a passport? Are you planning to go abroad to play?"

   Lin Shu smiled, and said, "Just get your passport first, I don't know yet."

   Zhang Yuan said with envy: "I want to go to XC. If you go to XC, I would like to ask for leave and go with you."

   "It's too cold to go to XC now, and it's not appropriate."

   Lin Shu has no particular idea about XC, thinking that winter should be suitable for going to the beach.

   "I envy you Uncle Lin, you can go out and play, I really envy you."

   Hearing what Zhang Yuan said, Lin Shu couldn't help shook his head and said, "If I fail to pass the postgraduate entrance examination, I don't know how to do it later, so don't envy me."

   Actually, Lin Shu clearly knew that if he really didn't pass the exam, he would definitely need World War II.

   After all, he is a systematic branch mission.

   Zhang Yuan also knows that Lin Shu's ease is just the ease they see on the surface, and they all know the pressure behind Lin Shu.

   "Uncle Lin, you are really my idol now. I really admire you. You are really amazing now. You can do what you want. You are so free. I really admire you."

   Hearing what Zhang Yuan said, Lin Shu smiled, and said: "You should wait until I get ashore for postgraduate entrance exams and then say this, in case it doesn't happen—"

"I believe you can do it."

   Lin Shu smiled, did not answer this sentence.

   After gathering with friends, Lin Shu hurried home before New Year's Day.

   Lin Shu's home is in Decheng, and it takes more than four hours to drive back to Decheng. It is still a long time that Lin Shu has not returned.

   The late autumn in the south was chilly. Lin Shu originally set off on a sunny day, but I don’t know why it rained heavily when I left the Star City.

   Dark clouds shrouded, and the whole day was dark.

   The rain crackled down and it was fierce.

   On the highway, Lin Shu drove the car along the dark rain, followed the navigation, and unknowingly drove into the German city boundary.

   Lin Shu used to go back by train, but this was the first time I went back by car. Because of the heavy rain~www.wuxiamtl.com~, he didn't drive very fast on the highway. After all, he didn't have so much confidence in his nine-rate driving skills.

  Dark clouds, occasionally lightning, accompanied by thunder and thunder, it was very frightening.

   Approaching the afternoon, under the shining of the car lights, the front through the rain curtain illuminates the road ahead.

   The heavy rain was torrential, and there was no other sound except the sound of the heavy rain falling down.

   Lin Shu has a very strange feeling. It seems that I have been driving along this road for a long time, and there is no road and no other cars are seen.

   It seemed that he was the only car on the whole road, and there was no oncoming car in the rear through the rearview mirror. Lin Shu took a look at the navigation, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it.

   Lin Shu feels like he has to keep driving, and there is a faint illusion that if the road has no end, it is just such a one-way road, what will happen if there is no end.

   The idea suddenly came out.

I don’t know if it’s boring or other reasons, Lin Shu drove the car, and some strange thoughts popped up in his mind, feeling like he was in the story of the anime "Spirited Away", and Chihiro entered that dark cave. , Just walked forward, walked forward, and then entered another world.

   Lin Shu felt that he had such a strange idea, and it was a little funny, opened the music player, and prepared to play a song to listen to it.

   The thunder outside the car window is still roaring.

Just when Lin Shu was about to play music, Lin Shu suddenly discovered that the rain in front of him looked like twisted and deformed. It was not a straight rain line, but a twisted rain, faintly glowing with light, and the light seemed to be refracted. of.

   Lin Shu drove the car and rushed into the twisted rain screen, as if he had broken into another world.

【Ding! Player, you accidentally entered the secret realm of space-time cracks! 】

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