Every Day Upgrades the Monsters and Explosives Equipment

Chapter 245: 【Underground Relations】

   Huaqing University, dormitory building.

  Because Lin Shu still has classes in the morning, he naturally can't stay in the computer room all the time. Even if he can continue fighting, he can go back to the trenches to supply and rest before the next battle begins.

  The key is programming after this, and writing code is not that simple. Although Lin Shu is very powerful, but programming is still not as good as Cheng Xu, and there is still a little specialization in the art industry.

   can't really let Lin Shu carry the whole team's battle alone.

   Now that Lin Shu can rest for a while, he naturally has to go back to the dormitory to lie down and take a quick sleep.

   "Lin Shu, you just come back to rest?"

   There are naturally other students in the dormitory who know that Lin Shu and Liu Zheng are participating in a mathematical modeling contest together. Seeing that Lin Shu is back in the dormitory at this time, he can't help but ask a little unexpectedly.

   Lin Shu nodded.

  Although he can still carry it now, after all, after all, he can see that he is a little tired.

  The student who asked this gave Lin Shu a thumbs up in an instant, everything was said without saying, it really deserves to be called a learning madman, it's really amazing.

   "Come on, race!"

   "Also pay attention to rest!"

   Lin Shu waved his hand, smiled and said thank you, without saying more, went back to the dormitory by himself.

Because it’s already a second year, the dormitory is in a four-person room, and one of the other two roommates moved out to live with his girlfriend because of a relationship, and the other went out to the laboratory to record experimental data early. So now there is only Lin Shu in the dormitory.

   Lin Shu was also a little tired, and he directly locked the door of the dormitory. He thought of the [Puppet Man] in the inventory and clicked to use it, and then the puppet man appeared.

   No way, the best little puppeteer for him is his intimate little quilted jacket, really like his warm lover, always listening to his instructions and caring for him intimately.

   It's just a pity that he and this little lover have an underground relationship, which is not visible.

   "Xiao Mumu, go and wash my clothes."

   Lin Shu glanced at the dormitory, hesitated for a moment, and said, "You...clean up the floor of the dormitory again."

   is not Lin Shujie’s addiction, but he ordered the puppet man to clean the dormitory.

   is this command, Lin Shu also went to the bathroom to take a bath.

   I don’t need Lin Shuguan for anything, so naturally the little puppet will clean up for him.

Lin Shu started **** as soon as he walked in. He was going to take a shower in the bathroom, and then threw all the clothes he took off directly on the puppet. It was really like a scumbag who didn't do housework and was very scumbag. Going back to his own house, he called to his wife.

   "Xiao Mumu, help me to boil the hot water, and drink it when I finish the bath."

   Lin Shu took a shower in the bathroom, and did not forget to give the little puppet a word.

   I have to say that the puppets are really swift in their hands and feet, and the cleaning is quite clean, and the whole dormitory looks much fresher.

   After taking a shower, Lin Shu asked the little puppet to blow his hair with a hair dryer. He was eating bread. After all, he went back to the dormitory without eating after all.

The height of the puppet man changed at will, just the right height, standing behind Lin Shu blowing his hair, rubbing Lin Shu's short hair with his wooden hands from time to time, I have to say that the movements are very skillful and gentle, a little bit It didn't make Lin Shu feel uncomfortable, and the movement method was definitely not inferior to the head teacher Tony of the barber shop.

  After the hair was blown out, Lin Shu asked the puppet man to prepare fruit for him.

  He also ate bread here, and drank a glass of boiled water that the little puppet had poured him. The temperature was just right.

   is so sweet!

   After eating the bread, Lin Shu took the puppets with him...

   Okay, let the little puppet go back to the inventory and wait, while Lin Shu gets into the cold bed alone.

   Obviously, he hasn't been so frantic enough to let the puppet man warm him up.

   With this last thought, Lin Shu who drank a bottle of [sleeping pills] also fell asleep.

  Because of the alarm clock, Lin Shu woke up soon after sleep. He was very energetic. Naturally, the quality of the deep sleep of [Sleeping Pill] is not in doubt.

   Lin Shu picked up the phone and checked the time. It was still early to go to class, so he woke up leisurely and swiped the message records in the phone.

   Jiang Shan naturally knows that Lin Shu is participating in a postgraduate mathematical modeling contest, and it is for this reason that she has not seen Lin Shu in the library recently, and after all, she is not in the same major as Lin Shu, and she still has her own courses.

   Jiang Shan sent a cheering WeChat message to Lin Shu before, but at that time Lin Shu didn't have the time and thought to reply.

   Now Lin Shu also returned a message to Jiang Shan to express his gratitude.

  As soon as Lin Shu responded to the news, Jiang Shan immediately responded to the news and asked if Lin Shu was in the dormitory.

   Lin Shu naturally returned a yes.

   At this time, the door of the dormitory knocked.

   Lin Shu naturally went to open the door. Standing at the door were roommates Zhou Guan and Jiang Shan.

   Lin Shu is not surprised by his roommate Zhou Guan, but surprisingly Jiang Shan has also come to their boys' dormitory.

   "Have you locked the door?"

   Zhou Guan is a major in environmental science. Now he is busy recording his experimental data in the laboratory. When he saw Lin Shu coming to open the door, he couldn't help but smile and asked, "What is this bad thing doing in the house?"

   "There is no one else except you, right?"

   This is a joke, Zhou Guan deliberately teased Lin Shu.

   Lin Shu blanked Zhou Guan's eyes, and didn't take care of Zhou Guan's words at all.

   After he came back and locked the door just now, he forgot to open it, and went straight to bed.

However, Lin Shu did not explain. He looked at Jiang Shan. Jiang Shan brought a large bag of food and said with a smile: "I just went to the computer room to send you logistical food. I didn't expect Liu Zheng told me that you are back to the dormitory."

"He said that you should be still sleeping now. He asked me not to disturb you first. I planned to put things at the door of your dormitory. I didn’t expect to meet your roommate and he would come back, but the door was locked. Tell him that you might be sleeping, but you happened to give me a message back."

   Jiang Shan brought in some supplements and fruits that she had bought, and looked at Lin Shu’s dormitory curiously. Her eyes were full of inquisition, and she asked, "Your boys' dormitory is very clean!"

   "Cleaner than our girls' dormitory."

   Jiang Shan was very surprised. I didn't expect that the boys' dormitory where Lin Shu was located would be so clean.

   Lin Shu smiled, and said nothing to Jiang Shan.

   Zhou Guan looked surprised and asked: "Did you clean it?"

   You must know that Zhou Guan was the last to leave the dormitory, and he only came back temporarily to get things. Although the dormitory was not particularly messy when he left, it was definitely not as clean as it is now.

   Zhou Guan looked at this very clean place, and involuntarily gave Lin Shu a thumbs up, and said, "You really make me feel ashamed!"

   "You are still in a mathematical modeling contest. After a long night, you clean the dormitory after you come back. I am really ashamed and embarrassed."

  Although Zhou Guan knew that Lin Shu, the world champion, was really the big brother in their dormitory, in addition to being very self-disciplined, he would also clean the dormitory from time to time. Without notifying them at all, he cleaned it alone by himself.

In his opinion, Lin Shu's cleaning is cleaner than the housekeeping service company's cleaning. They have not let go of any horns, which makes them ashamed and admired. They have told Lin Shu more than once that they must be cleaned next time. Call them together.

   Lin Shu waved his hand, for such a case, his conscience is still a little bit embarrassed.

   All this is because behind him is a good puppet who silently pays for him.

   When Jiang Shan heard Zhou Guan’s words, she knew that Lin Shu cleaned it up, and it seemed that Lin Shu often cleaned the dormitory. She really deserves to be the boy she likes. He is really excellent.

   Jiang Shan looked at Lin Shu’s desk. The books on it were neatly arranged, very neat and tidy, and her eyes could not help but brighten, and said, "Your dormitory is really cleaner than our girls' dormitory."

   "This is Lin Shu's credit."

   Zhou Guan looked for his own book, and said: "I was not so clean when I went out before. It was hard work, I am ashamed."

   Lin Shu didn't say anything about Zhou Guan's remarks.

No way. Lin Shu feels that he is not ashamed for this credit. After all, he also paid gold coins to the puppet behind him. He is not some scumbag and treats the woman behind him as a free nanny. handle.

   Every time he gave money, it was definitely a legal underground transaction.

   There will never be a ruthless X scene where you don't give a hundred dollars!

  Because Zhou Guan just came back to the dormitory to get the materials, naturally he didn't stay in the dormitory for a long time. He directly said to Lin Shu and Jiang Shan, "I still need to know the laboratory, and I will leave first."

   "Lin Shu, come on mathematical modeling contest!"

   Lin Shu nodded, and looked at Jiang Shan again.

   "Lin Shu, I sell a lot of supplements here. You must be very tired these three days. Here are some supplements that are suitable for you to eat. I heard Liu Zheng said that you stayed up all night yesterday and you must be very tired."

   Lin Shu watched Jiang Shan show him all the things she bought, and couldn't help laughing, and said, "It's not that exaggerated, it's okay at all."

This is Lin Shu’s truth. One reason for him staying up late was because he was in the state and didn’t feel tired. He just thought about completing the previous mathematical modeling in one breath. Another reason is the experience value of the team battle. Addicted.

   Of course, Lin Shu would never admit that he was addicted to team battles and gaining experience at that time. He fought hard for the final victory of the team, definitely not... just for experience points.

   "If you buy these fruits, we won't be able to eat them at all, or you can bring some back. I still have a lot of fruits here."

   Jiang Shan smiled, but her eyes fell inadvertently into a fruit bowl on the desk of the forest, which was full of peeled pomegranates, red pomegranate flesh, crystal clear, plump and plump.

Seeing the bowl of red and bright pomegranate pulp, Jiang Shan's eyes flashed, and the pomegranates that she bought in the bag in her hand. Of course, she knew that pomegranate flesh was rich in glucose, fructose, sucrose, malic acid, and citric acid. And various vitamins are very nutritious, so she sold pomegranates, but she didn't expect Lin Shu to peel such a bowl of pulp by herself.

   This is too patient!

   But, is this bowl made by Lin Shupei?

  At this time, never underestimate the curiosity and sharpness of a woman.

   Jiang Shan had such a little curiosity in her heart. She turned her head and glanced at the trash basket beside the dormitory. It was obvious that the peeled pomegranate flesh was peeled in the dormitory.

   But before Jiang Shan heard Liu Zheng say that it hasn't been that long since Lin Shu came back.

   The dormitory was cleaned up, and Lin Shu said that he was asleep, and would he still have time to peel such a bowl of pomegranate?

   Jiang Shan had a little doubt in her heart, as if she walked to the dormitory balcony unintentionally, and looked at it, the balcony was also cleaned up, and the clothes on the air shouldn't be washed for long.

   Jiang Shan looked at Lin Shu and asked, "Lin Shu, you were alone before the dormitory?"

   "Yes? What's wrong?"

   Lin Shu is packing his books and preparing to go to class. He still has classes to listen to in the morning. He can't be late, let alone skip class. Hearing Jiang Shan's words, I feel a little puzzled, why he still asks this question.

When Jiang Shan heard Lin Shu’s answer, she felt that Lin Shu should have not lied to her, but she thought that before she and Zhou Guan came in, the door of the dormitory was locked upside down. She looked at the bathroom as if she accidentally looked at the bathroom, and peeped through the door. Take a look inside.

   Well, there are no Tibetans.


   Jiang Shan felt that she was overthinking. How could Lin Shu be such a person? She was really too much thinking about this here. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

   Obviously, Lin Shu, who was packing his schoolbag, didn't know that a thrilling and similarly dangerous incident had just happened to find the mistress.

   Of course, even if Lin Shu knew it, he didn't think that the puppet was a puppet. It was necessary to know that the puppet was the white moonlight in his heart.

   Jiang Shan raised her eyebrows, smiled and walked to Lin Shu, looked at the bowl of peeled pomegranate pulp on the table, and said: "Lin Shu, you like to eat pomegranate? You peeled it yourself."


   Lin Shu didn't even know what Jiang Shan was thinking, so he responded casually.

   Jiang Shan said with a smile: "Did you know that if someone is willing to take the trouble to peel a whole pomegranate for you, he must love you very much from the heart."

   Hearing Jiang Shan's words, Lin Shushou had a stop, and his heart was—


   Of course he knows that the puppets love him very much.

   He also knows this sentence, if you meet someone who is willing to peel the pomegranate for each other, you must be together!

  Of course he will always be with the puppets, but it is a pity that the underground relationship between them is not visible, but he believes that the puppets will not care about being blinded.

   After all, they are true love!


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