Yanjing, Huaqing University.

In the computer room classroom of the mathematical modeling competition, there is no doubt that the team battle has begun. The real one can even be said to be a ten thousand group battle. College teams from many provinces and cities across the country participated in the competition. Although it is divided into junior colleges, undergraduates, and postgraduates. Group, but there are also very many graduate students. You must know that in 2018, there were 12,207 graduate students who submitted papers.

This data is not insignificant, but really speaking, the winning rate of mathematical modeling competitions is still very high. For example, in 2018, according to the competition regulations, the first prize 184 teams were selected with a ratio of 1.5%, and the second prize 1588 team won The total number of second prize teams accounted for 14.5% of the total number of participating teams. The third prize was 2586 teams, totaling 4358 teams, and the winning ratio was 35.7%. The remaining 7849 teams won the successful participation award, which means that no matter how bad the paper is, there will be Participation Award.

But obviously, Liu Zheng was not for participating in the award at all. You must know that they all won the second prize last year. Naturally, they hope to win the first prize this year.

"Then let's choose the last weather topic!"

Liu Zheng has now realized that it is definitely a very wise choice for him to find Lin Shu to form a team. As Lin Shu's roommate, no one knows how hard Lin Shu has been working harder than him.

That enthusiasm for learning really made him beyond the reach, otherwise the students would not have the legend of learning magic that Lin Shu was learning crazy before.

Lin Shu was able to give a clear analysis of these two questions, and to tell the specific chapter location, he took it for granted when he was surprised.

Cheng Xu didn't have any objection, and said, "Yes, then the modeling will be left to you two."

Cheng Xu is responsible for programming. Although he has also studied mathematics, he is obviously not as good as Lin Shu and Liu Zheng. The most important thing for him is to complete the part he is responsible for.

Lin Shu and Liu Zheng nodded.

At this time, Lin Shu naturally has no idea that he can lie down and win. There is no way that the atmosphere at the scene is also very tense. The teams participating in the competition at Huaqing University are also reading topics and selecting topics. Naturally, there will be very powerful in it. genius.

Since it is a real teamfight, then it is natural to be presumptuous!

"The second question seems to be that only a small number of videos are selected in the title, and some inherent features in the image are intercepted. It is inaccurate to fail to effectively use the continuous information of the image to estimate."

Lin Shu nodded and said, "Yes, so you need to add the continuous information time, change speed and speed of the video data here. The time can be extracted from the upper left corner of the video. Because the given video is set to a fixed camera location. The only change is the area and concentration of the fog. The extracted data includes image features, differences between images, temperature, pressure and other visibility data. We can build from convolution, recurrent neural network, etc. mold."

For Lin Shu's modeling direction so quickly, Liu Zheng had to give Lin Shu a thumbs up in his heart.

There are two further questions:

Third, a certain section of the expressway only has surveillance video data, and a visibility estimation algorithm that does not rely on the observation data of the visibility meter is established (hint: in fact, the depth of field of the object in the video can be estimated in a foggy situation [1]. Conversely, theoretically also You can use the objects with different depths of field in the video to estimate the visibility of the brightness difference under different visibility), discuss the implementation process of related algorithms, and draw the visibility of the highway during this period of time based on a video provided by the subject (freeway video screenshot.zip) Curve over time;

4. Using the visibility change rule obtained in question 3 over time, establish a mathematical model to predict the changing trend (increasing or weakening) of the fog and when will it disperse (reach the specified visibility, such as MOR=150m)?

Lin Shu said: "The purpose of the third question is to compare and analyze the relevant algorithms in the future, find the most suitable model, and finally draw the visibility curve and use the airport video for detection."

"The fourth question is a prediction question. Since the data given in the previous question is only 100, methods similar to neural networks are not applicable. We can use simple models such as time prediction or gray prediction to operate. "

Liu Zheng nodded, agreeing very much with Lin Shu's modeling direction.

It can be said that Lin Shu has given a general idea and direction for solving the problem, and it can be said to be a very good direction.

Undoubtedly, now is a very good start for Lin Shu's team. The next step is to explode the liver modeling, and then program and write thesis.

The other teams also began to choose questions, and began to prepare to solve them one after another.

Lin Shu naturally started to model the mathematical problem with all his heart. As long as he has the correct idea to solve the problem, then it is equivalent to having a very clear direction. The rest is to express the data in the problem with mathematical formulas. come out.

Lin Shu started mathematical modeling with Liu Zheng.

During the game, other teams also started fighting. Of course, there are many players who choose to open the game in such a game battle, such as seeking help from foreign aid. Unofficial ways to solve the problem are also given, or even directly provided. Code, but the characteristic of mathematical modeling competitions is that in many cases, although these problem-solving ideas are correct, they are not necessarily very exciting. They are looking at the same problem and different solutions. Sometimes the unofficial problem-solving ideas are mostly very good. Ordinary, it won't be brilliant after using it, it can only be guaranteed to be completed.

It is also for this reason that it is easy for the competition to only win the third prize. It is easy to solve it around the most common ideas. If you write the paper beautifully, you can basically get the prize. To some extent, the competition The award rate of 33% can be said to be very high.

As for the problem-solving direction given by Lin Shu is undoubtedly very exciting, the key is to do the best work in the future, especially Lin Shu is in charge of the paper, because the final judges are looking at the paper.

A good paper is based on a full understanding of the model and process, and the paper should be written so that the judges are interested in reading, and the tables and pictures should be exquisite. These are not easy tasks. If you directly use the modeling ideas given on the Internet, and then follow the ideas to csdn and Zhihu to find the code, in fact, the tasks of modeling and programmers are very light, and the most important tasks will fall on the hands of the paper.

To some extent, writing a paper is also the last key part.

For this reason, Lin Shu started to write the outline of the thesis when he started modeling.

I don't know what the battlefields of other theaters are like. The computer room where Lin Shu is located is undoubtedly very lively. Time passes unconsciously and no one leaves, all of them are still fighting in their positions.

"I think someone in the group gave a different problem-solving idea?"

Cheng Xu looked at how to choose the topic of the unofficial QQ group discussion on the mobile phone. There was a question about E, which seemed a little paradoxical.

"Don't look at those, it's noise, it will only disturb us."

Liu Zheng is still very clear about this matter and said directly: "Someone asked how to reduce the dimensionality of data. Someone in the group said that of course manual filtering. It is really funny, but you can understand that your competitors are I don't want you to win a prize."

There is no way, the battle is so sinister, not only on the battlefield, but also under the battlefield there is a lot of blood and rain, conspiracy trapped.

Of course, the real strong would not care about those conspiracies, because there was no such noise in his heart.

In such a fierce battle, some people will naturally choose to give up, but in the eyes of more players, persistence is the most important thing, and will never give up lightly until the last minute.

There are also some people who are talking about discouraging things. Regardless of whether such words are a way for others to confuse their opponents, but in a truly capable team, there is no time to gossiping about, and there is not enough time to realize their own ideas. Any extra thoughts.

"Lin Shen's problem-solving idea is the best."

Liu Zheng couldn't help calling Lin Shu by the name "Lin Shen". Although he could also give ideas for solving problems, he also had to admit that the ideas given by Lin Shu were really fast. Good again.

Cheng Xu looked at Lin Shu and asked, "Lin Shu, would you like to take a break first?"

Lin Shutou didn't reply, he was checking the math formula all the time, and said, "No."

Liu Zheng waved his hand to Cheng Xu. He knew how strong Lin Shu was. That was a real learning madman. Such a state was actually nothing to Lin Shu.

In Lin Shu's view, it was nothing more than a battle with questions.

Not to mention, there are still a lot of experience points for this kind of battle. Lin Shu naturally didn't feel tired. On the contrary, he kept listening to the system's experience points, and the calculations were flying.

Isn't it just playing team battle games to gain experience, come on and gain experience!

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for your mathematical modeling team battle for 1 hour, gaining 1. experience +569; 2. gold coins +58. 】


【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you continue to fight in mathematical modeling team battles for 2 hours, gain 1. experience +1259; 2. gold coins +120. 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for your crazy mathematical modeling team battle for 4 hours, gaining 1. experience +3989; 2. gold coins +390. 】


The experience keeps going up.

Mathematical modeling team battle experience value is very powerful.

Obviously, except for Lin Shu's team, the other teams are also fighting seriously.

Obviously everyone is trying their best in such an important game, but even if someone is trying their best, no one is paddling, or the paddling is not obvious, it is not enough to make it strange. .

There is no fierce artillery fire, and there are no irritating operations, but the battle is still very fierce.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, few people left.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, there were a few fewer people.

But at six o'clock in the evening, several more people came.

Just come and go, until two o'clock in the morning, there are only a few people left in the computer room, and there is no way to model and program.

Liu Zheng and Cheng Xu could no longer hold them, so they went back to rest first.

Students in other teams began to trance, unable to concentrate, their heads buzzing, hands and feet trembling unconsciously, unable to hold them, fell down, and finally fell asleep on the table...

Lin Shu is still fighting.

At this time, someone saw Lin Shu still fighting, and looking at the opponent who was still fighting, he obviously knew that he couldn't sleep. Looking at the computer screen with strong fighting spirit, someone asked, "Lin Shu, don't you go back? "

The students from other teams naturally knew Lin Shu, a man of God, and they couldn't help asking when they saw Lin Shu was still writing the essay.

Lin Shu nodded.

Seeing that Lin Shu didn't even plan to go back, the students from other teams were naturally unwilling to admit defeat, and at least their attitude could not admit defeat without telling how to solve the problem.

Okay, let's fight, let's die together!

Lin Shu is so old, he can still stay up late, can't he?

Isn't it just staying up late?


Just so quietly, under the dark night, in the fierce battle, I don’t know how many hairs died and drifted away in the wind...

Obviously, the choice of the competition is three days, not longer. It may also be because of the fear that the player will be addicted to fighting because of excessive indulgence in the game, and then addicted to sudden death. Three days may be just right. Many college competitions are three days to prevent sudden death. mechanism.

As for the crazy all-night overtime of social and animal workers, it is not just three days, but N days. That is because adults do not have a protection mechanism to prevent overtime addiction. The XX law cannot protect adults who want any protection.

Cheng Xu and Liu Zheng came here early in the morning. They knew that Lin Shu did not go back to rest, but when they first came here, Lin Shu just came out.

"Are you two here?"

Lin Shu rubbed his eyes and yawned. It has been a long time since he stayed up late, and he said directly: "Liu Zheng, the model you wrote before can't connect with him, and the data on both sides cannot be connected. I have corrected it. Yes, the third question is about modeling. I have also written some papers on modeling content. The rest depends on your programming. I still have classes in the morning, so I can’t ask for it. Continue to write the rest of the paper..."

Because the paper is not only about mathematical modeling, but also algorithm programming. Although Lin Shu has a general understanding of it, I still need to communicate with Cheng Xu. After all, the code is not that easy to write.

Hearing what Lin Shu said~www.wuxiamtl.com~Liu Zheng and Cheng Xu didn't know what to say for a while, what's the matter of having a sense of guilty conscience and shame?

Is this what it feels like to walk forward with your thigh?

"You go back and rest quickly!"

When Liu Zheng heard Lin Shu's words, he said hurriedly: "We still have enough time, you go back to the break."

Lin Shu naturally wants to go back to the rest meeting, but he will not rest for long. Although he is very tired, he still has a man with [sleeping pills]. When the time comes, a deep sleep will allow him to regain his energy and continue to fight with full blood. .

Seeing Lin Shu's departure, Cheng Xu couldn't help but say to Liu Zheng, "It's really great that you call him to form a team."

What you want in a team battle is such a fairy player, and it's best to be able to take them to fly.

Lin Shu is now leading them to fly. He is not playing in a support position. He is in the jungle, he is in the top lane, he is in the mid laner, he is in the shooter...

Well, he is everywhere.

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