Yanjing, Huaqing University.

Jiang Shan just came here to deliver logistics supplies to Lin Shu. She also knew that Lin Shu was still going to class. Looking at the bowl of pomegranate pulp on the table, she couldn't help asking: "Lin Shu, I'm the peeled pomegranate flesh. Can you eat it?"

   Lin Shu glanced at the pomegranate pulp that night, and replied casually: "If you like it, take it."

   After all, he can still let the puppet man peel him off. You must know that the puppet man is a good hand at peeling pomegranate meat.

When Jiang Shan heard Lin Shu’s words, a happy smile appeared on her face. She said something like that to Lin Shu just now. Now Lin Shu is willing to give her the bowl of pomegranate he peeled. Does this mean? Write

   "Jiang Shan, I'm going to class first, you--?"

   Lin Shu put his schoolbag on the back, looked at Jiang Shan and asked.

   "Ah, I will go with you."

   Jiang Shan took the bowl of peeled pomegranates, followed Lin Shu out with a smile on her face, and asked, "You are going to participate in modeling tonight, right?"

   "Yes, when the class is over, I will go over, and I don't know how they are doing now."

   Lin Shu left the dormitory and walked towards the teaching building, while chatting with Jiang Shan about the mathematical modeling contest.

   Jiang Shan looked at Lin Shu with a smile on her face, and said, "I will send you supper when the evening comes."


   Lin Shu never noticed that Jiang Shan had become a little different because of his bowl of pomegranate meat.

   Just as Lin Shu was talking with Jiang Shan and walking towards the teaching building, he happened to ran into Mu Yang.

   "Lin Shu, didn't you participate in a mathematical modeling contest?"

   Hearing Mu Yang's words, Lin Shu couldn't help shrugging his shoulders, and said helplessly: "You don't know what class is next, I don't dare to miss Zhou Jie's class."

   Associate Professor Zhou Jie, that is, the teacher who interviewed Lin Shu in the postgraduate entrance examination before. It can also be said that Lin Shu graduated from Shonan University, and Lin Shu is a direct student of Zhou Jie.

   However, Lin Shuke still remembers the questions Zhou Jie asked him during the re-examination interview. He didn't think that Zhou Jie would have any special brotherhood for him.

In fact, it is not just Lin Shu. It should be said that Associate Professor Zhou Jie is very famous throughout the college. Never think about skipping classes in Zhou Jie’s class, or have other unreasonable thoughts, otherwise you will definitely die. Ugly.

When Mu Yang heard Lin Shu's words, he couldn't help but smile, glanced at Jiang Shan next to him, and said: "If you are going to ask for leave, I think he will approve it. After all, you missed a semester class last semester. ."

   "The missing class is not to be made up yet."

   Lin Shu said lightly.

   Jiang Shan naturally couldn't go to the class with Lin Shu, so she left first.

   Lin Shu went to class with Mu Yang.

After reviewing the experience points of one class, Lin Shu was going to the cafeteria to eat, and also sent a message to Liu Zheng, asking him if he wanted to bring food, Liu Zheng directly said no, he and Cheng Xu had already eaten Up.

   Muyang glanced at Lin Shu, then smiled and asked, "Lin Shu, do you want to go to dinner together? Someone will treat you."


   "A former friend of my dad, he came to Yanjing, he contacted me, he will be there soon."

   "Forget it, then."

   Lin Shu felt that he shouldn't bother.

   Muyang looked at Lin Shu and refused, and didn't persuade him much. He watched Lin Shu walk towards the cafeteria, and he asked where the uncle was.

   "Lin Shu!"

   Lin Shu hadn’t walked far when he heard someone calling him. When he looked up, he was surprised by Xu Weiguo who had invited him to be a policeman in Jiangli Ancient City before.

   But Mu Yang was even more surprised.

   Because Muyang's father's friend is Xu Weiguo.

   Xu Weiguo is dressed in casual clothes, but he does not conceal a sense of righteousness on his body, a face with a Chinese character, and sharp eyes. Although there are a few more gray hairs on the temples, the whole person is very vigorous.

   Muyang opened his eyes wide, looked at Lin Shu unexpectedly, then glanced at Xu Weiguo not far in front, walked over a few steps, and asked, "Do you know each other?"

   Lin Shu and Xu Weiguo were also taken aback, turned their heads and looked at Mu Yang. It was obvious that Lin Shu and Xu Weiguo were also surprised, and they knew each other.

   However, after the accident, Lin Shu just thought it was a little coincidental.

   Muyang looked at Lin Shu curiously, and asked, "How did you two meet?"

   Lin Shu hesitated for a moment, but soon the hesitation disappeared, because Xu Weiguo had already answered Mu Yang’s question and said with a smile: “There was a case before, and Lin Shu helped provide clues.”

   Muyang was even more surprised. He didn't expect Lin Shu to provide Xu Weiguo with clues to the case. He knew that Xu Weiguo was responsible for criminal cases, and he was very curious about what clues Lin Shu provided to Xu Weiguo.

   "Lin Shu, this is my father's friend. Since you also know each other, let's go to dinner together?"

   Muyang invited Lin Shu to dinner again.

   Xu Weiguo also looked at Lin Shu, and said: "Lin Shu, you should go to dinner together, we can be considered acquaintances."

   Lin Shu saw that Mu Yang and Xu Weiguo had both invited such invitations, and hesitated.

   "I have to go to the computer room in the afternoon, because I participated in the postgraduate mathematical modeling contest, which only started yesterday."

   "Don't worry, it won't delay your time. Just have a meal together. Uncle Xu will also catch a plane back to Star City in the afternoon."

   Muyang knew from a glance that Lin Shu had something to do in the afternoon, and he was worried that it would be too long. He stepped forward to put Lin Shu on his shoulders, took Lin Shu to the front and said, "Let's go."

   The hospitality is hard to be discouraged, and Lin Shu is also taken by Mu Yang.

Xu Weiguo naturally followed, looked at Lin Shu, and said with a smile: "Lin Shu, you are really good. If I had known that you were so good in running and your sports performance was so good, I would not give up so easily. You are really suitable for being a policeman."

   Lin Shu certainly remembered that he was in Jiangli City, because he called the police and caught the [murderer] who had absconded for 23 years. Xu Weiguo said at that time that he was very suitable to be a policeman, and asked him if he had any idea to be a policeman.

   Obviously, Lin Shu naturally refused.

   Now that Xu Weiguo mentioned this matter again, Lin Shu could only smile.

   Muyang was very curious, and asked as he walked: "Uncle Xu, which case did Lin Shu provide you with clues?"

Xu Weiguo glanced at Lin Shu. He naturally remembered that when Lin Shu went to collect the wanted order to provide clues and chose the bonus, he hoped not to disclose his situation to the public. He also knew that Lin Shu did not want to let this happen. , Just said: "For a relatively important case, it's hard to reveal the details."

   Lin Shu had heard Mu Yang mention the case that Xu Weiguo broke before. He didn't talk to Mu Yang at that time, and naturally he didn't plan to talk to Mu Yang now.

   Xu Weiguo did not say that he caught the [murderer] who had fled for many years. Lin Shu was also relieved. Although it was not something to be seen, Lin Shu still didn't want others to know.

  Because of that incident, it's still a bit weird.

   Muyang heard that Xu Weiguo said it was a big case, and the details were not easy to reveal, so he didn't ask more, but he was more curious in his heart.

   "Lin Shu, do you want to go to be a policeman?"

   Lin Shu shook his head, smiled and replied: "I was just a coincidence, I am not suitable."

   "Who said you are not suitable?"

   Xu Weiguo still remembers Lin Shu's amazing memory. He has solved a 23-year-old unsolved case. This can't be as simple as coincidence.

   "If you have a plan, my side is very welcome."

   "I still know that you caught a murderer who wanted to be a murderer in the hospital before, so your ability to observe is definitely not bad."

   "There is also that you helped the deaf and mute woman find her child who was snatched away many years ago. This can't be done casually."

   Xu Weiguo has a smile on his face, but the eyes that look at Lin Shu are profound and a little bit of inquiry.

   He was really impressed by the young man Lin Shu.

   If it's a coincidence, it's also a coincidence, and something happens from time to time.

   Muyang naturally also knows the two things that broke out on the Internet before, and said: "It's true, Lin Shu based on your sense of justice, you are very suitable for being a policeman."

   Lin Shu saw that Xu Weiguo and Mu Yang both said this, and he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. Although he was not a dead primary school student, he was indeed very suitable for solving the case when these things were put together.

   You must know that Mu Yang didn't know that he had called the police to arrest a murderer before, otherwise he would definitely think he was more suitable for being a policeman.

   No way, who would let him see the bright names on the heads of those monsters.

   Seeing those ferocious monsters walking in the daytime and appearing in front of him in a fair manner, Lin Shu really can't be regarded as having not seen it, not to mention the experience value of killing monsters, it is not good to keep those monsters to harm people after all.

   Fortunately, he does not have the power of dying elementary school students. Death will come wherever he goes, murder will happen, and death will be killed wherever he goes. The death halo of death elementary school students is simply terrifying.

   However, if he really had the power of the **** of death, it would be great, wherever he went, he was arrogant and there was no grass, and all the monsters would be killed and purified by his halo.

  The attack tactics like that must be very powerful, and the real killing is invisible.

   Xu Weiguo saw Lin Shu's embarrassment. He also knew that Lin Shu really didn't plan to be a policeman. He just smiled and said, "Lin Shu, I always welcome you to join us."

   "Uncle Xu, can you solve the problem for him?"

   Muyang smiled and asked, "If there is no way to solve the organization, then everything is for nothing, don't you think, Lin Shu?"

   Lin Shu smiled, but did not answer this.

   It's not that he didn't stop being a policeman because he didn't have any establishment. He hadn't thought about it at all.

   Xu Weiguo said with a smile: "If the world champion really comes, there must be a way to solve it."

  Because it was in the restaurant near the school, it was not far away, so I ordered good dishes very quickly.

Xu Weiguo didn’t expect to meet Lin Shu here, but he came here to visit Mu Yang, took out a letter from his bag, handed it to Mu Yang, and said, “Don’t worry, this is not for you, this is For your grandpa."

   Although it is enclosed in a letter, Lin Shu thinks that it should be the money in it.

   Lin Shu did not ask, lowered his head and ate his own dishes.

   Muyang glanced at the envelope and wanted to refuse, but Xu Weiguo had already said that it was for his grandfather, and he hesitated for a moment and said, "My grandfather won't want it either."

When Xu Weiguo heard Lin Shu’s words, he glanced at Lin Shu, and didn’t want to be too stalemate, so he collected the money first, and then asked: “You said you were looking for the uncle who sent you a gift. I found it. ?"

Mu Yang shook his head, took out the previous letter from his bag and handed it to Xu Weiguo, and said, "No, look at it. It's this letter. There is no address. The words on it are not handwritten. It’s printed out."

   Xu Weiguo took the letter that Mu Yang handed over, looked at the content on it, his expression was moved, and he was silent for a long time before saying: "He should really be your father's comrade-in-arms."

   "Why didn't he sign it?"

   "There is always some reason."

   Xu Weiguo returned the letter to Mu Yang, saying: "Maybe you don't need to find it, he will come to you in the future."

   Lin Shu sitting on the side bowed his head and ate in silence without saying a word.

   It is impossible for him to go to Muyang in the name of Muyang's father, because that is already a story in that time and space.

He can understand the curiosity in Muyang's heart. Of course, Lin Shu doesn't regret giving the gift for Lao Mu, but he doesn't know if this is a good thing for Muyang, especially Muyang has always wanted it in his heart. Know who the person who sent the letter is.

   Xu Weiguo's eyes fell on Lin Shu again, and he smiled and asked, "Lin Shu, what do you think?"

   Lin Shu heard Xu Weiguo asking him suddenly, raised his brows, and said, "I think the other party doesn't want Mu Yang to know."

"You're right~www.wuxiamtl.com~ He definitely doesn't want Lin Shu to know, Mu Yang, maybe the person who sent you this letter and gift is not your father's former comrade-in-arms, maybe your father once caught him. Prisoner."


   Lin Shu was a little speechless about Xu Weiguo's reasoning, but he also felt understandable.

   "Yes, Mu Yang, I think this speculation is very reasonable, otherwise, why hide and tuck it? It's not shameless."

   Lin Shu stabbed himself a few times silently, there was no fluctuation in his heart, but he still wanted to laugh.

   Muyang heard Xu Weiguo and Lin Shu’s words, his eyes flickered, and he had to say that Xu Weiguo’s words really made him a little puzzled. Could it be that it was really a gift sent to him by a prisoner his father once caught, but—

   "But, how could he know the agreement between my father and me?"

   When Xu Weiguo heard Mu Yang's words, it was true. If he weren't a comrade-in-arms, how could he know those things about Mu Tianming? If you know that Mu Tianming died as an anti-narcotics hero, it is absolutely confidential to his family and relatives, and it is absolutely impossible to disclose anything.

   Lin Shu was eating, looked at Mu Yang, and said, "So you don't think so much, maybe you don't need to look for it later, he will come to you again—"

   That's strange!


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