Yanjing, Huaqing University.

It can be said that the news that a computer major student stabbed a roommate really shocked all the teachers and students of Huaqing University. This is that everyone did not expect such a thing to happen. It is beyond their thoughts. It is really impossible to think about it. Knowing how much hatred there is, he would stabb his roommate with a fruit knife. The key point is that the student who was stabbed is now sent to the hospital for rescue.

   The students in the whole school can be said to be shocked by the news, and don’t know what to say for a while.

   The message spread throughout the campus for the first time, and there was a lot of discussion for a while.

   "A student majoring in computer stabbed his roommate. Now that he is sent to the hospital, he may not be rescued."

   "Let me show you the scene. The floor is really full of blood. Now the school doesn't know what to do with this matter. The student will definitely be detained under criminal law."

   "How can it be so cruel! It's really cruel to stabbed one's classmate and roommate with a knife."

"It's terrible. My classmate was on the scene. He said that the man made a very cruel attack and stabbed him deeply. He really wanted to kill the other person. I don't understand what it was for. It's not worth it! This knife is also for my life!"

   "Why is this? The impulse is really the devil. If you don't get along, you can change the dormitory and change the place. Why should you ruin the lives of others and the rest of your life? It's so sad."

   "Why on earth, taking human lives is really cruel!"

   "The devil is by my side, I really did not expect that the closest person is the roommate, and the most ruthless one is also the roommate."


   "What kind of hatred is so severe that it kills a roommate?"

   "Is the contradiction between people so sharp? It's so cruel!"

   "A classmate, actually in exchange for such a tragedy, this is the crime of intentional homicide! If this is not dead, it is an attempted murder. I don't know how the stabbed student is, I hope to live."



What is   ?

   This is what all teachers and students want to know.

   The blood all over the floor was so dazzling, it was really shocking, I couldn't imagine how terrifying and crazy the scene was at that time.

   The students in the school have no idea about the stabbing Cao Man, just as they have no idea why Yang Yu stabbed a roommate with a knife, and what kind of contradiction is there. But even if you don’t know what the reason is, it’s obvious that Yang Yu, who wounded people with a knife, is really a frantic existence in the eyes of many people, because this is really too much, and it can even be said that Yang Yu is just touching his hands. Murderer full of blood.

   Even though the student has not died yet, it is clear that Yang Yu is now a suspect.

   Article 232 of the "Criminal Law" stipulates that a case shall be filed if someone deliberately and illegally deprive another person of his life. Intentional homicide is a crime of behavior, as long as the perpetrator has committed an act of intentional homicide, it constitutes a crime of intentional homicide. Since the right to life is the most basic and most important right of a citizen’s personal rights, no matter whether the victim is actually killed, no matter what stage of the homicide is in the preparation, attempt, suspension, etc. of the intentional crime, it constitutes a crime and should be filed for investigation.

   Intentional homicide shall be sentenced to death, life imprisonment or fixed-term imprisonment of more than ten years; if the circumstances are less serious, the sentence shall be three to ten years imprisonment.

In Lin Shu's view, no matter what the Criminal Law stipulates, it is obvious that Yang Yu has become a real monster. The fierce beast in his body has exploded, losing Yang Yu's mind, and he will be engraved with a monster for the rest of his life. Branding.

   The key is that if Cao Man didn't rescue him, then Yang Yu, the monster, would soon receive the final judgment, waiting for him to die.

   After all, a murderer is always killed.

   Liu Zheng and Lin Shu went to Cheng Xuna together, trying to figure out what was going on, both of them felt very heavy.

   Cheng Xu's expression was also not very good. Seeing the first words of Lin Shu and Liu Zheng, he couldn't help saying: "The counselor and school leaders let us not discuss this matter."

   Lin Shu twitched the corners of his mouth, but couldn't laugh at all. It can be said that few people can laugh in such a situation.

   Not discussing this matter, does it mean that this matter no longer exists?

   This is simply hiding one's ears and stealing the bell, I'm lying to myself!

   At this time, it is even more necessary to give a corresponding explanation. Rumors in the province are everywhere, and all kinds of nonsense are starting to fly freely.

   The truth is always important.


   Liu Zheng asked a question that many people want to know the answer. Why did Yang Yu stabb Cao Man with a knife?

   Why on earth!

   Cheng Xu heard Liu Zheng’s question, he shook his head, frowned, and said, “No one knows what happened between Yang Yu and Cao Man, hey...no matter what, it shouldn’t be—”

   Cheng Xu couldn't say anything after   .

   The atmosphere at the scene was very heavy. Lin Shu went to dinner with Liu Zheng and Cheng Xu, but the three of them were puzzled.

   "Before, Lin Shu, you told them not to arouse conflicts because of some trivial things. I think what you said is a bit exaggerated. Now it seems that we are thinking too simple."

   Cheng Xu couldn't help but nodded, and sighed and said, "Hey, no matter what the reason is, why bother, it's not necessary!"

Listening to Liu Zheng and Cheng Xu’s sigh, Lin Shu felt quite complicated. It should be said that no one is more complicated than him, because he once saw with his own eyes that the original victim has now become the perpetrator, even though he didn’t know. What is the reason for this change?

Lin Shu knows very well that the Secret Realm of Time and Space Crack is a specious independent time and space, but the previous specious difference is not in the monsters and the people injured by the monsters, but this time the people injured by the monsters end up becoming monsters. This is true. It made Lin Shu feel quite complicated and uncomfortable.

   "I'm afraid this is the first time a student deliberately killed someone in Huaqing University in so many years? Anyway, I have never heard of such a thing before."

   "I don't know. I wonder if the person who killed the roommate or classmate would be afraid of it himself? If I didn't dare it myself."

   "Everything has a causal relationship, and you will not kill people for no reason. Many things may only erupt after a long time of grievances, and finally cause the worst results. This can even be said to be the same!"

   "They are all psychological distortions, but I want to thank you for your kindness not to kill."

   Several classmates sitting on the other side of Lin Shu in the cafeteria were also discussing this incident of deliberate student murder. After talking, they couldn't help but laugh and said that ridicule to the people around them.

   Liu Zheng heard the last sentence and felt very ear-piercing, but obviously he also knew that there was no particular malicious in it, and it was just ridicule, but it sounded very ear-piercing at this time.

Cheng Xu looked at the information on the phone and couldn't help saying: "My younger brother said that Cao Man has been rescued, but he has not escaped the danger of his life. It seems that he has injured his spleen. It depends on whether he can pass this dangerous period safely. ."

   Liu Zheng heard Cheng Xu's words and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and sighed, "I hope he can be safe."

safe and sound?

   How could it be all right!

  Anyone who was stabbed could not be safe, even if he was rescued, he didn't know what scars would be left, the scar on the abdomen might have been there forever.

   Liu Zheng turned his gaze on Lin Shu again. He knew that Lin Shu had passed the law test before. The **** of the law test on the Internet couldn't help asking: "Lin Shu, what do you think will happen to Yang Yu in the end?"

   Regarding Liu Zheng's question, Lin Shu shook his head and said, "I don't know."

   "I only know that those who intentionally kill will be sentenced to death, life imprisonment, or fixed-term imprisonment of more than ten years; if the circumstances are less serious, they will be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years and not more than ten years."

   Death penalty!

   life imprisonment!

   Three years to ten years in prison?

No matter what kind of punishment it is, it is undoubtedly very serious. It can be said that even if Yang Yu is imprisoned for a few years, this criminal record will always follow Yang Yu, and Yang Yu will carry this heavy burden for the rest of his life. Charge.

   If you know that Yang Yu is still so young, it can be said that life has just begun.

   Liu Zheng and Cheng Xu couldn't help being silent when they heard Lin Shu's words.

   Obviously, both of them feel uncomfortable now.

   is not only uncomfortable for not knowing life or death, but still very dangerous for Cao Man, but also for the criminal Yang Yu.

   I knew that they had a singing party together not long ago, so why did the sunny young guy make such a terrible choice?

   Although Lin Shu doesn't know what Yang Yu's final ending will be like, he very much hopes that Yang Yu is just a [mad zombie] and has not become a [murderer].

   Both types of monsters are terrifying, but [Murder] is undoubtedly more terrifying.

Although Huaqing University sent the stabbed students to the hospital for rescue at the first time, and they have been trying their best to save Cao Man’s life, but this is not what Huaqing University wants to suppress. Can be suppressed. Even if the school has repeatedly asked students not to discuss this matter, how can the news from the outside be suppressed?

   There have been news reports on the Internet about the incidents of students hurting people at Huaqing University!

   Undoubtedly, the impact of this incident is very bad. Otherwise, Huaqing University would not want to suppress this incident. Don’t make a big noise.

   This is just the beginning of school, and there are incidents in the school where students stabbed a roommate with a knife. This is a very bad thing no matter which school it is placed in.

"Recently, a student of Huaqing University in Yanjing City stabbed his roommate with a knife. The victim has been sent to the hospital for rescue and his life is not in danger. The suspect has been taken away by the police for investigation. Further investigation..."

   There is no doubt that such a piece of news quickly rushed to the forefront of the hot search list of Weibo topics.

   No way, the impact of this incident is really too great.

"I sigh and sigh. If we only focus on grades while ignoring mental health, presumably such cases of killing roommates by students from prestigious schools will continue to occur. This kind of tragedy happened again!"

   "It's horrible, how come such an incident of hurting a roommate and killing people is really horrible!"

   "Why treat the roommates who get along day and night so cruelly? Huaqing University is a top university in China. Young people have a bright future. How to do such a thing is really heartbreaking."

   "No matter what the reason is, intentional killing is unforgivable!"

"Students at Huaqing University used to be murderers too! It seems that good academic performance does not mean that everything is good. It was originally a promising future, but now it is a prisoner. In many cases, mental health should also be paid attention to in educating children. Both the school and the education of the parents should be introspected."

   "The psychological education of school students must be paid attention to, otherwise such a tragedy will occur."

   "I hope that student will be safe."

"Born from a prestigious school, IQ is high, but EQ is not necessarily high. The world in my mind is really complicated. Although I don't know why, we must pay attention to the psychological counseling of students. Physical and mental health is far more important than academic excellence. It's just a pity. In reality, achievements tend to be more important, and the cart before the horse is turned upside down. This is also a question that the education and training system should reflect on."


   Netizens are all talking about this shocking tragedy, which is a tragedy from the very beginning. Whether it is a criminal murderer or a victim who is lying in the hospital without knowing his life or death, it can be said that the lives of two people will be changed by this. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

   Weibo topics continue to ferment, this incident can be said to shock the entire network!

School should be a place for learning and education, and the origin of education should be to shape a person with both minds and minds. A person without kindness and conscience is a handicapped person. It was supposed to be a relationship of mutual care and help, but now it’s classmates who stabbed their roommates with a knife. How can this not shock the netizens, let alone this incident is still happening in a top university like Huaqing University, those two Everyone can be said to be the true pride of heaven!

   Why on earth!

There are also some netizens who started breaking the news on the Internet. Some said they were Yang Yu’s high school classmates. They said that Yang Yu had a very bad personality and bullied his classmates before. Some said that Yang Yu was a very good student, cold outside and hot inside. What happened to him, why would he touch the bottom line of the law and do such a painful thing.

   It is naturally said that it was Cao Man’s netizens who broke the news on Weibo that Cao Man is a very good student, and that he has always been very good...

   In the eyes of many netizens, the two are roommates, and there is no reason to kill each other. There is no deep hatred at all. Now they are so cruel, people are tempted, and the good and the bad are only in a flash.

   This is the real magic!


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