Yanjing, Huaqing University.

Although Lin Shu went to the party with Yang Yu and Liu Zheng tonight, it is clear that he will not always follow Yang Yu. What he can do is to avoid such a tragedy in the real world at 18:20. , As for the other things he can really do, he has done his best for those few chicken soup words.

   Lin Shu is naturally still busy with his own affairs.

  Because Cheng Xu has already returned to school, the teams that Liu Zheng invited Lin Shu to form a team are really all together. The next step is the team battle of the postgraduate mathematical modeling competition.

   Liu Zheng has already agreed with Cheng Xu, and in the afternoon we will have a game exercise in the computer room.

A national team battle will start soon. Naturally, you will need to practice before the team battle. No matter whether you can win the national battle or not, you still have to prepare carefully. After all, the winner is undivided. , No one can tell.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for running 3 kilometers in the morning and gaining 1. experience points +568; 2. gold coins +56. 】

   Lin Shu, as always, got up early and went to the morning run to brush up on his experience, and then took the opportunity to brush up on his presence in front of the academician leader Zhao Shiyuan.

Although they are fake fans, Lin Shu, a student who has no intentions, feels that even if the fake fans’ favorability is not too high, it will not be too low. Maybe they’re up to the standard by brushing and brushing them. To be able to hold the thick hand of a big man, and then soar in the day-the immortal realm of the two houses, of course it is impossible!

Zhao Shiyuan obviously likes Lin Shu's ability to insist on coming morning jogs every day, because there are really very few students like Lin Shu now. I have been able to meet Lin Shu every time. It is conceivable how often Lin Shu runs in the morning. In his opinion, such a continuous persistence is very important in scientific research.

   "After school starts, Lin Shu, are you going to prepare the subject? Have you found the subject?"

   In response to the question of the academician leader Zhao Shiyuan, Lin Shu naturally answered very seriously, saying: "No, I plan to prepare my thesis after participating in the mathematical model competition with my classmates."

Zhao Shiyuan frowned slightly. He was obviously not satisfied with Lin Shu's participation in competitions such as mathematical modeling. He said: "It is better to spend more time on scientific research. These competitions are not important. As long as you have achieved results in scientific research, it is. The best result."

   Okay, after hearing what Zhao Shiyuan said, and then looking at Zhao Shiyuan's frowning brows, Lin Shu didn't know if he had a favorability level of -1. Obviously he could only nod his head again and again at this time.

   "Teacher, you are right."

   Zhao Shiyuan just mentioned it casually. He also knew that it was understandable for students like Lin Shu to participate in mathematical modeling competitions. He didn't say much, and went to exercise directly.

Lin Shu looked at the back of the academician, and thought in his heart that he could actually use the [Copy Gloves] to copy the skills and experience of his instructor, but felt that such a magical prop should be used with caution, after all, it can copy the skills of an academician. ——

   Okay, the picture is so beautiful, I can’t even think about it...

   Lin Shuchen went to the library to read and study after running. In the afternoon, he met with Liu Zheng and Cheng Xu in the computer room.

Lin Shu has been reading books on mathematical modeling during this period, and he also started to learn programming and algorithms, but algorithm programming really has too much professional knowledge. For Lin Shu, it is still a hard bone. There is no way that Lin Shu is really not. Those geniuses in Huaqing are just ordinary people who are willing to spend time to learn.

   Obviously, Lin Shu underestimated his status as an ordinary person in the hearts of others.

   "Lin Shu, I heard Liu Zheng say that you have been learning programming lately, otherwise you will be responsible for programming together with me?"

   Lin Shu heard Cheng Xu’s words, and a line of text floated across his head. Didn’t he just come here to hold his thigh and lay down and win?

  Why do you want him to be in charge of programming together now?

   Lin Shu looked at Liu Zheng, the meaning is self-evident, you must give me an explanation.

   Liu Zheng obviously knew Lin Shu’s question and said directly: "I think you are also responsible for programming in the early stage, so you will have a better understanding of the topic, so that you will write your thesis more smoothly in the future."


   Lin Shu rolled his eyes, so to speak, is it necessary to be responsible for modeling when writing a thesis?

   "Then am I still in charge of modeling?"

   "If you can, that would be better."

   Lin Shu looked at Liu Zheng, the corners of his mouth raised, and asked: "Can I quit?"

When Liu Zheng heard Lin Shu’s words, he said hurriedly: "Haha, don’t, I’m kidding, I just think you are very strong in Lin Shu, you can try to program together, you are not always learning programming now ?"

"No way, you also know that our competition will only last for three days. After completing mathematical modeling and programming, you must start writing papers immediately. So your time will be very tight. If you participate in the early stage, it will be possible. It will be faster."


   Lin Shu suddenly felt that he was on a thief boat. Because it was a thief boat, this fleet didn't seem to welcome [Salted Fish Dead], nor did it have a place for the monster [Boarding Monster].

   Lin Shu can only say: "I will try my best to participate in the early stage, but don't expect too much."

   "Okay, let's start training!"

  Because it is a rehearsal, it is necessary to prepare simulation questions. This is a simulation of some topics that Liu Zheng found. Simulation training is carried out according to different directions. There are data recovery and classification, communication networking, and statistical training...

   Liu Zhengxian chose a statistical training topic for simulation training:

The appendix lists the eight main variable data of the average annual consumption expenditure per capita of urban households in 31 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions across the country. Question 1: Use the shortest distance method, the K-means method and the two-step method to compare each Cluster analysis for regions; Question 2: Carry out principal component analysis and sort by the first principal component; Question 3: Please find the average per capita population of urban residents and rural households in 31 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions across the country in the past 20 years or so Annual entertainment, education and cultural service expenditure data, and analyze whether urban residents and rural residents are significantly surprised; Question 4: Look for the average urban residents in the five cities of Yanjing, Mingzhu, Yangcheng, Pengcheng, and Xingcheng in the past 20 years. Annual entertainment, education and cultural service expenditure data for people, and analyze whether there are any significant surprises; Question 5: predict where the average annual entertainment, education and cultural service per person per person in the star city will be in 2022.

   Note: Please send your team’s papers and result files...

   Although it is said that he is in charge of the thesis, some things are not that simple. Naturally, they need to work together, especially his mathematics is not bad.

In Lin Shu's opinion, this is a statistical training. Statistics has always been a very important part of mathematical modeling. Moreover, this training problem can be completely implemented with SPSS. You can't keep staring at Python and you need to be aware of SPSS. The importance of.

   Lin Shu’s mathematics is not bad, and he also works with Liu Zheng on mathematical modeling.

The first thing to do is data preprocessing. Assume that the data of 8 main variables from 31 provinces and cities form a matrix of size 31x88. Due to the different dimensions of the selected indicators, some indicators with larger data will weaken the influence of indicators with smaller data. , Before clustering the data, standardize the original data to make the data obey the normal distribution...


In fact, mathematical modeling is more of a practical application problem. If only pure mathematical formulas are used, the real difficulty is how to transform actual problems into mathematical problems. This is also mathematical modeling. After modeling, it is Programming.

   I have to say that it is not too difficult for Lin Shu to model with Liu Zheng. As for the programming, Cheng Xu will make the final decision alone, and Lin Shu can try to start preparing the paper——

   model establishment and solution

  1.1 Modeling and Solving of Problem One

  1.1.1 Data preprocessing


   I don’t know if the big guy is very strong, or if he’s paddling too obviously. In Lin Shu's opinion, this simulation question is quite simple.

   The time passed quietly, and the school officially started soon, but for Lin Shu, it also meant that the September digital model competition was approaching.

   When Lin Shu, Liu Zheng, and Cheng Xu concentrated on preparing for the training, some unexpected things still happened.

   Liu Zheng looked at Lin Shu and said, "Let’s have dinner with Cheng Xu tonight."

   Lin Shu nodded, and said, "Okay, it just happens that I still have questions and want to ask him."

   "Lin Shen, who is willing to answer, also has questions to ask others?"

   Liu Zheng laughed and teased.

Hearing Liu Zheng's words, Lin Shu couldn't help but smile. He knew that because he often enthusiastically gave topics to people, many younger students and other people thought that others were good, but in fact he was just asking for tasks. Some experience points of that.

   After all, I can answer it easily, and I can also smash a few wools, not white or white, and I want to smash it!

   "There is no way to solve the problem of algorithmic programming. The knowledge in this area is really difficult."

   Liu Zhengbai glanced at Lin Shu, and said mercilessly: "I don't think there is anything that can stump you. No matter how difficult it is, it doesn't matter to you."

   "I can be regarded as persuaded you, really have enough to fight."

   Hearing Liu Zheng's words, Lin Shu could only say helplessly: "There is no way, the stupid bird can only fly first, and diligence can make up for it."

   "Your words will really hurt our feelings. If others hear you, you will really be scolded!"

   "You are a pervert, a monster!"

   Lin Shu heard that Liu Zheng complained that he was a monster, and smiled. This is a compliment.

   There is no way. On the Huaqing campus, where there are so many tyrants and geniuses everywhere, Lin Shu’s intellectual attributes are alone, so he can’t be a genius, so he can only try to be a monster.

   "Wait for me, I'll call Cheng Xu."

   Liu Zheng took out his cell phone and prepared to call Cheng Xu, and said, "Tell him, let's go to dinner together."

   Lin Shu nodded, and he started to pack his books and laptop first, and was about to go back to the cafeteria with Liu Zheng. After a while, he saw Liu Zheng's expression change, very solemn, and it seemed that something was wrong.

   "What did you say? How could it be possible?"

   Liu Zheng's eyes widened, and he didn't expect to hear the news from Cheng Xu.

   Lin Shu was wondering, I don’t know what happened to make Liu Zheng so flustered, and asked directly: "What's the matter? Your expression is so ugly?"

   Liu Zheng hung up the phone in a panic, and then hurriedly said to Lin Shu: "Lin Shu, something has happened."

   "Yang Yu and their dormitory had an accident."

"What happened?"

Liu Zheng's expression was full of shock, his eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe what he had just heard. He turned through the WeChat group with his mobile phone, and said with a trembling voice: "Gang Cheng Xu told me, Yang Yu used... ...I stabbed Cao Man with a fruit knife. Now Cao Man... Cao Man has been sent to the hospital for rescue."

   Yang Yu stabbed Cao Man?

How can it be!

   There is no doubt that Liu Zheng's words are definitely a thunder struck down, making Lin Shu dumbfounded.


  What a joke!

   Lin Shu was stunned, he didn't expect this to happen, he really didn't expect it.

   How could Yang Yu stabbed Cao Man?

   shouldn't be!

   Even if something like this happened, Cao Man should have stabbed Yang Yu!

   Lin Shu clearly remembered the ferocious face where Yang Yu was poisoned to death in the Secret Realm of Time and Space, with painful and unwilling eyes.

   How come Yang Yu stabbed Cao Man now?

   Why does this happen?

   Liu Zheng looked at the photos posted by his classmates in the WeChat group. He was shocked. He also felt shocked. He was really unbelievable. He handed the phone to Lin Shu and asked Lin Shu to see what terrible things had happened.

Lin Shu took the mobile phone handed over by Liu Zheng and saw only the blood-stained photos from the group. The bright red blood was stained on the ground. Someone also took a video photo of Cao Man being taken to an ambulance. There is a scene of Yang Yu's hands stained with blood.

   The fruit knife is lying on the ground, red and bright.

   Lin Shu feels a little stupefied~www.wuxiamtl.com~ He obviously saw Yang Yu being poisoned in the Secret Realm of Time and Space Crack. Why is it that Yang Yu stabbed Cao Man now?

   Lin Shu found it ridiculous and funny.

   A chill came up like that, making his back chill.

   The red blood in the photo is so dazzling, and in the noise in the video, it is not Yang Yu who is lying on the stretcher, but Cao Man.

   Perhaps it is not Cao Man who hides the fierce beast in his body, or it is not only Cao Man.

   Maybe Yang Yu and Cao Man both have a fierce beast hidden in their bodies. No one knows when the fierce beast will explode, and who will explode first.

  No one knows the answer, maybe Yang Yu walked by with that black umbrella at the entrance of the cafeteria.

   But at this moment, Lin Shu clearly knew that he was not the **** who stopped everything, he would not know the truth, nor could he really understand the human heart.

  The different choices of people's hearts are the future in an instant.

  Even God cannot completely decide to interfere with the choice of man himself.

   A difference in thought is a different world.

   What's more, he is not a god, nor does he have any clergy status. He has always been just an ordinary player without an identity.


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