Yanjing, Huaqing University.

Obviously, now Huaqing University has made a lot of trouble because of the deliberate killing of students with knives. The leaders of the school are also busy dealing with this matter. If such a thing happens in the school, it is easy to be held accountable and punished. Yes, especially computer counselors, because most of the college counselors are in charge, so naturally you need to follow up on this matter.

   Will the parents of the victim make trouble, and how the murderer Yang Yu, who has been taken to the police station, will deal with it? These are things that the school needs to deal with.

   Of course, these have nothing to do with Lin Shu.

Although Lin Shu saw such a tragedy in the Secret Realm of Time and Space from the very beginning, he could not stop the choice of the hearts of the people. He could not make the world peaceful. All he could do was to do his best. He and Yang Yu had already Cao Mandu had said that chicken soup, but those people didn't drink the chicken soup now, or they didn't digest it well after drinking it.

Because Cao Man was still in the ICU for treatment and observation, Lin Shu and Liu Zheng naturally did not go to the hospital to visit Cao Man, because Cao Man hadn't escaped the danger of life yet, but Cheng Xu had already told them about it, even though they hadn't been out of danger yet, But the situation is getting better.

   This can also be said to be the best news.

   Whether it is to Cao Man or Cao Man’s parents, there are still two families standing behind these two young people.

  Because the school has already started, Lin Shu also has courses here, and they have to join the group to start research on topics, but now both Lin Shu and Liu Zheng have to go to class together and prepare for mathematical simulation competition training, which can be said to be very busy.

   "Cao Man's family conditions don't seem to be particularly good. The school has already paid for his treatment, but the compensation school will also have it."

   Liu Zheng looked at Lin Shu and said, “I heard Cheng Xu said that Yang Yu’s parents had already gone to the hospital, and his family conditions were pretty good. I heard that they all kneeled for Cao Man’s parents.”

   Speaking of the latter, Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing. Sometimes his parents had to pay for the mistakes his children made.

   Lin Shu heard Liu Zheng's words, but did not comment and did not answer.

   If kneeling and kowtow can make Cao Man and his parents forgive, I believe Yang Yu's parents must be desperately kneeling for forgiveness.

   But the law is always the moral bottom line. If kneeling and apologizing are useful, then what else is the law?

   However, when Liu Zheng said that Yang Yu's parents were kneeling, Lin Shu still felt a little pity in his heart. He had said that to Yang Yu before, and it was useless at all.

   Whether it is Yang Yu being poisoned to death or Yang Yu killing Cao Man, this is a total tragedy, and there is no winner.

   Cheng Xu, who was too late, also rushed over and said: "Sorry, I'm late, I just went to talk to my instructor about the subject."

   There is no way, you must start to prepare for the graduation thesis in the second year of graduate school, otherwise there will be a lot of pressure in the third year of graduate school.

   "To tell you a good news, Cao Man's life is out of danger."

"That's great!"

   Liu Zheng smiled as soon as he heard Cheng Xu's words. It was obvious that Cao Man was really lucky to be able to escape from Death.

   Lin Shu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief for Cao Man, no matter what, this is already the most important to Cao Man, and being alive is the most important.

   Cheng Xu shook his head and sighed: "But this matter is not that easy to end. After all, deliberate homicide is really serious. This is also an attempted homicide."

   Attempted murder!

   No one here knows the crime better than Lin Shu. The criminal suspect is still held criminally responsible for the intentional homicide for attempted homicide, and the punishment is lighter. The specific judgment depends on the analysis of the specific case.

   This also means that even if the victim forgives, it is only a small light-hearted plot for sentencing. After all, he still has to bear criminal responsibility. Intentional homicide violates the criminal law. Even if the criminal suspect is forgiven, the proceedings cannot be terminated.

   But in any case, the victim’s forgiveness is undoubtedly very important, because in the case of a minor crime, the penalty can be mitigated, the sentence can be suspended, or the penalty can be exempted.

   Lin Shu didn't know what Cao Man thought, but in his opinion, Cao Man was also on the verge of life and death. He was finally rescued and took a life. It was not a simple injury at all.

   If you stabbed the knife, you really didn't know the life or death.

   Liu Zheng looked at Cheng Xu and couldn't help asking: "Do you know why Yang Yu stabbed Cao Man with a knife?"

Cheng Xu's eyes flashed, he sighed, and said, "I heard that the two had already had some conflicts before. This time it seems that Yang Yu came across Cao Man's toiletries. He thought that he had run out of toiletries, so he just emptied it. The box was thrown away, and then there was a fight, and in the end..."

   Liu Zheng heard Cheng Xu's words, his eyes widened, and he just thought it was unbelievable. Just because of this, he wanted to kill the other party?

   "Why are you so impulsive? It's such a small thing?"

Liu Zheng really didn’t understand, he shook his head and said, “No matter how you look at this incident, it’s also Yang Yu’s fault. I stabbed the opponent with a knife in the back. This is really too much."

   "It's definitely not that simple. After all, we are not there and don't know what is going on. Maybe there are other reasons."

   Cheng Xu added another sentence.

   Lin Shu heard Cheng Xu's words and couldn't help nodding, and said, "Yes, and the same thing may have different opinions from different angles."

When Liu Zheng saw what Lin Shu said, he also realized that he didn’t need to say something like that. After all, he was not the person who didn’t know what was going on. In this way, I still feel that no matter what happens, I won’t be able to stab the opponent with a knife. I don’t know what to say. This is harming the opponent and ruining myself!"

   This is a foregone conclusion, what's the point of talking about it?

   I don’t know if it was because Lin Shu saw Yang Yu die horribly, and now I know that Cao Man was stabbed by Yang Yu, Lin Shu felt that something was not destined, but a different choice.

   No one knows why Yang Yu picked up the knife at that moment, whether that idea really had to kill Cao Man.

   People are always responsible for their choices.

   Even the parents cannot repay the wrong choice.

Lin Shu knows this very clearly, which is why he did not feel particularly sad for Yang Yu. He has said some things before, but Lin Shu has nothing to do with making such a choice in the end. Say.

   As for Lin Shu himself, he is also responsible for his choice. He agreed to Liu Zheng's invitation to participate in the mathematical modeling contest.

   Now the time for the National Postgraduate Mathematical Modeling Contest has come out, that is, starting at 8 am on September 15th, the contest will be announced on the website at that time, and it will end at 12 noon on September 18th. The registration time for the contest has been postponed to September 10th.

   Obviously, the game time is 3 days and 72 hours. When that happens, it will really be a tough battle to be fought.

Liu Zheng looked at Lin Shu and said, “Because time is tight, we must rest before the game. We stayed up late last time, but I think this is not a problem for you, Lin Shu. You can get up every day. Very early."


   Hearing what Liu Zheng said, Lin Shu somehow felt that something was wrong.

   "Also, Lin Shu, you may be the hardest, because you are responsible for the final thesis. You must follow our progress at the beginning, otherwise you will not have time in the end."


   Am I the hardest?

   Lin Shu feels inexplicably wrong, this style of painting is fundamentally different from what he thought.

   Cheng Xu also nodded, and said: "At that time, you will still be in charge of the online registration, and you will still be the captain at that time."

   "Lin Shu, do you want to be the captain?"

   Liu Zheng turned his attention to Lin Shu and couldn't help saying: "You have to write a paper again, and you have to model with me. Usually the paper writer is the team leader."

   This is a customary thing, usually the team leader who writes the paper.

   Lin Shu waved his hand, he didn't have any thoughts at all. He had already begun to accept the invitation of the team because of Liu Zheng. He just wanted to lie down with his thigh to win, how could he agree to be the captain.

   When Liu Zheng invited him before, he didn't know this. He just said that he should be responsible for writing the paper. He thought it was simple. Who knew the water was so deep inside.

Liu Zheng had no idea at all when he saw Lin Shu, so he became the captain himself, and said, "The school still attaches more importance to competition. I have already inquired about it. The day after tomorrow, a competition training seminar will be held. Then we will listen to it together. ."

   "I can't do it the day after tomorrow, I have to go to the exam the day after tomorrow."

   Cheng Xu asked curiously: "What exam?"

   "Make-up exam!"

   Lin Shu couldn't help it. Last semester, he didn't attend classes for a few days at all, so naturally he didn't take the exam. He has been reading and studying since he was discharged from the hospital.

   Cheng Xu was a little surprised, and Lin Shu had to make up the exam.

When Liu Zheng saw Cheng Xu’s misunderstanding, he couldn’t help explaining: “His world champion didn’t go to the competition last semester. He didn’t attend classes and didn’t take exams. The school originally asked him to retake the exam, but Lin Shu planned to do it again. Make up the exam with those who haven't done it. Of course, he won't be counted as making up the exam this time, because he is self-study.

   Cheng Xu nodded, and couldn't help giving Lin Shu a thumbs up, and said: "You are still good at Lin Shu. This is all self-study, admire!"

   Lin Shu didn't answer. He still had a certain amount of pressure in his heart. Although he thought he could pass the exam, it was clear that he didn't want to pass the exam as simple as that, he still wanted high scores.

   "At that time, I went to the lecture and came back to tell you some points that need attention."

   Lin Shu nodded, he also knew that he would definitely not be able to paddle in this team.

   The final essay was written by him. You must know that in the competition, the final results are all displayed through the essay, so the writing of the competition essay is very important. No matter what the topic is, you must completely sort out your own problem-solving ideas and thinking methods, and use concise and clear language to completely display in the essay. He has also been understanding the competition essay writing norms recently.

   "Do you think, what is the name of our team?"

   Cheng Xu asked this question.

   Liu Zheng said: "Or just use last year's team name?"

   "What was your name last year?"


   Cheng Xu's expression was a little unclear, and he shook his head and said, "You better don't know."

   "Our name was last year-Brave Duck is fearless!"


   Lin Shu only felt a crow drifting above his head, and looked at Cheng Xu and said, "Change one."

   Cheng Xu nodded repeatedly.

   Liu Zheng asked: "Then what do you think is better?"

   "Be simple."

   Liu Zheng thought for a while and said, "Three heads?"

   Cheng Xu looked at Lin Shu and motioned Lin Shu to give a team name quickly.

   Lin Shu said: "You think about it, I have to go to see the tutor."

   Liu Zheng nodded. He knew that Lin Shu would go to see his mentor later. He would also do his own experiments later. There is no way that graduate students in science and engineering are not so easy, especially at Huaqing University.

  Participating in the competition is an extracurricular activity, which has little to do with the usual reading of literature and doing experiments. Although the tutor will not object to the participation of students, it must not occupy too much of the normal study. This is why the former academician Zhao Shiyuan heard Lin Shu say that he was going to participate in the postgraduate mathematical modeling contest and asked him to focus more on scientific research. above.

Lin Shu never found his tutor Professor Qin Cheng because of the training and competition last semester. Now it is naturally impossible not to contact the tutor anymore, otherwise the tutor would have forgotten his world champion~www.wuxiamtl.com~, Lin Shu is about to leave. At the time, Cheng Xu answered the phone, hurriedly called Lin Shu, and said directly: "Lin Shu, Yang Yu wants to meet you."

  Meet me?


   Lin Shu has a question mark. I don’t understand why Yang Yu wants to meet him at this time. Shouldn’t it be a lawyer at this time?

   Although he said he passed the judicial examination, he had no plans to become a lawyer at all, so he would never let him defend himself?

   Not to mention that he had no plans, even if he had plans, he didn't have any idea to defend Yang Yu.

   In his opinion, the focus of this case is on Cao Man. The key lies in Cao Man’s attitude and whether it is possible to forgive Yang Yu.

   Of course, if Lin Shu was Cao Man, he would never forgive him, nor would he think that Cao Man should be forgiven if he is alive.

  Because death is really an instant, it is impossible to live again after death.

  If the position of the knife is a little bit off, if the ambulance is stuck on the road for a while, if you say...

  I believe that at that time, Cao Man in the Yin Cao Jifu would never say forgiveness.

  Because the dead cannot speak.


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