Every Day Upgrades the Monsters and Explosives Equipment

Chapter 227: 【Serial Killing Monsters】

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   Huaqing University.

Xing Ming, the landmine melon that has now exploded on the Internet, is undoubtedly the hottest topic. Not only Weibo, but also major video websites are reporting this news. There is no way anyone can let Xing Ming’s previous popularity itself be very popular. High, such a high traffic niche is now exposed to be a poisonous star, this is really let all the netizens eat a big melon I went to.

   There is a lot of noise on the Internet. Of course, many people in private are discussing the entertainment industry's biggest melon this year.

However, Lin Shu, who reported this big melon in one hand, did not pay special attention to this melon, because in his opinion, this monster has been captured and subdued by his big summoning technique. There is no need to pay too much attention to it. Can only monsters transform and re-behave.

   Obviously, Lin Shu didn't think that some things were not that simple.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you passed the secret arrow to the book, cast a great summoning technique, the power is huge, and it affects the Lv7 monster without the brain poisonous insect, and gains 1. experience +46666; 2. gold coins +4666.]


【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you pass the book secretly, cast a great summoning technique, powerful, and affect the Lv12 monster without brain poisonous insects, gain 1. experience +96666; 2. gold coins +9666.]

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you pass the book with the secret arrow, cast a great summoning technique, the power is huge, and it affects the Lv8 monster without the brain poisonous insect, and gains 1. experience +56666; 2. gold coins +5666.]


   This really surprised Lin Shu. He didn't expect that his Grand Summoning technique this time could kill so many monsters.

No way, whoever allows the [Non-Brain Poisonous Insects] monsters to live in groups in tribes, they fight with one move, and the palms are fierce. Other [Non-Brained Poison Insects] monsters don’t even want to escape at all, they will all be killed by the justice envoy. Killed cleanly.

I have to say that Lin Shu was really surprised this time. He didn't expect that he could kill so many powerful monsters and gain so many experience points with this call report, although he had also had the experience of killing monsters in groups before. Whether it was a piece of paper from the west, or the killing of the nine palaces, they had caused damage to a large group of monsters, but they did not get so many experience points.

   No way, who made monsters like [Brainless Poisonous Insects] very rare, rare poisonous insect monsters in the world.

   Although it has no brains, it is very harmful, and one kill can get a lot of experience points.

   For such experience points, Lin Shu is naturally very happy. Sure enough, he still has to kill big monsters to get more experience points. Of course, he also knows that big monsters like this are simply not easy to deal with.

Lin Shu took out his mobile phone and checked Weibo. There was indeed the latest news about Xing Ming’s case on the Internet. Because of the poisonous star Xing Ming, other poisonous insect monsters were implicated in Xing Ming’s confession soon. There is no way this is more the enlightened eyes of the justice messenger, and those eyes are absolutely impossible to let go of any monster.

   Netizens on the Internet are also talking about it. They are all surprised by the latest explosions. Of course, there is no surprise here.

   "My God, this melon is not a reversed melon, it is a serial melon. I never thought that Zhang Xiaoqi, the handsome guy who has always been a cute man on the show, is also a poisonous star. It's really surprising."

   "I've seen that director a long time ago. He is as thin as a ghost, and he is really a poisonous ghost."

   "Don't talk about it for artistic creation, it's a group of brain-disabled patients, so they should be blocked directly!"

   "Unexpectedly, the director's son was also arrested. Tsk tsk, this can only be said to be deserved. What a bad job, I have to play this."

"It's really exciting. This melon is really getting bigger and bigger. I thought that Xing Ming was already a sensational melon here. I didn't expect that there would be a few more behind here. The director's son actually paid me back. Taking in others, this is really going to go to jail!"

   "Wonderful, wonderful, really wonderful! I'm so excited to eat this melon!"

   "I don't know if other artists have been implicated and arrested. That actor has a good relationship with Xing Ming, and I feel that he might also be poisonous."

   "The owner of the restaurant seems to be a business partner with Zhou Ziqiao, right? Would Zhou Ziqiao also be a shining poisonous star?"

"The artists in this circle are too messy. I really can’t figure out how they would do such a thing. It’s really too brain-dead. All such trash should be blocked. Don’t show up on Weibo. I hope that Fans keep their eyes open, don’t be deceived by those false personal images, and also say that the brother works hardest, positive energy, I bah, every individual who knows it will feel defiled if he knows it."

   "Let the big melon come more violently! This showbiz really needs to be cleaned up, so that all the garbage, poisonous stars and scum can get out!"


Not only are netizens’ heated discussions, but many other artists in this circle are also at risk. Regarding some comments on the Internet, they quickly issued a statement to clarify that they are not familiar with Xing Ming, and that they have never acted like that. Resolutely stay away from and Resist the poisonous star.

   Deny Sanlian, I am not, I don’t, don’t talk nonsense.

   I don’t pay much attention to those netizens who have issued statements and lawyer letters denying that they are drug stars. Of course, they will not spread rumors for no reason under the circumstance of being sent a lawyer’s letter.

   It can be said that the current hot searches are all about the poisonous insects of Xing Ming, and the film and television drama works have been directly removed from the shelves.

   This makes investors of other unbroadcasted film and television works really want to kill the poisonous insect with a knife. There is no way to pursue the penalty. If the film and television drama cannot pass the trial, then it will eventually be a very serious loss. No way, for capitalists, losing their interests is definitely a very serious problem.

Obviously, even the Xing Ming brokerage company does not have the energy to find out whether it is Xing Ming who reported to the family, and whether there are any ghosts in Xing Ming's team. Now they have been endorsed by the products, advertisers, and crew. They are all looking for liquidated damages in a swarm.

   The large amount of liquidated damages alone is enough for the company to have a headache.

Lin Shu looked at the remarks on the Internet. Even he had to give a thumbs up to the investigative ability of the justice messenger. It was really great. He just reported a monster at random, and he didn't expect it to be implicated behind it. Many monsters are really amazing.

   The point is that there are too many experience points!

   Lin Shu is very happy to brush his experience points. He even hopes that the monster Xing Ming can give more information, so that his move can hurt more monsters.

Is this a serial move in the game? Although his move only slashed the first monster, but when the first monster fell down, the knife in his hand slashed the second monster again, and then it continued. Chop it down...

  The experience points are endless!

   "What are you thinking about? Smiling so happily?"

   interrupted Lin Shu's thoughts, and Lin Shu looked up and saw Mu Yang.

   Lin Shu was in a good mood, looked at Mu Yang, and said casually, "I just played a game to kill monsters."

   "You also play games?"


  Playing games all the time, playing games makes me happy and makes me progress!

  Although Lin Shu thought so in his heart, he replied with a smile on his mouth: "I have a chance to play."

Mu Yang glanced at Lin Shu's mobile phone, which was also scanning Weibo news, and it was news about poison stars, his eyes suddenly cold, the smile on his face disappeared, and he said in a deep voice, "I really don't understand why they did this. "

Lin Shu heard Mu Yang's words, and then looked at the hot topics on the phone, and instantly understood what Mu Yang's words meant. When the phone was turned off, he also knew that Mu Yang's father sacrificed because of anti-drug activities. He certainly didn't. I am willing to watch such news and say directly: "It is normal if you don't understand it, but it's not normal if you understand them."

Mu Yang was still going to say something. When he saw Lin Shu turned off the screen of his phone, he also understood that Lin Shu didn’t want him to watch the news more. Instead, he said, “By the way, I told you something. I asked me last time. A former friend of my father wanted to see if he knew if my father had a comrade-in-arms in Yanjing. He said he would check it for me."

   "Your father's former friend should also be a policeman, right?"

   Muyang nodded and said, "Yes, and he is also a criminal policeman. I told you that he is very powerful and solved a lot of cases. He also solved the murder case 23 years ago."

   The murder case 23 years ago?

   Lin Shu was startled, how did this case sound so familiar.

   "The murderer escaped for twenty-three years and was finally caught."

   "What case?"

   Although this is Mu Yang who asked, Lin Shu already has a guess answer in his heart.

   "You may not know, it was the September 15th 1997 homicide in Yongcheng, Shonan. The murderer killed six people and escaped for 23 years before he was caught."

   Lin Shu was very surprised. He didn't expect to hear about this case from Mu Yang's mouth. How could he not know that he should know that the murderer was caught by the police.

"What's wrong?"

   Muyang was taken aback by reading Lin Shu, and couldn't help but said, "This incident is a story from Xiangnan Yongcheng. You don't know it is not surprising, how old were you at that time?"

   Lin Shu didn’t answer Mu Yang’s question, but instead asked, “What’s the name of your father’s friend?”

   "Yang Weiguo."

Hearing this name, Lin Shu suddenly felt that it was the policeman. He still remembers the sharp eyes of the police officer Yang, and he still remembers that at that time Yang Weiguo asked him if he wanted to be a policeman, thinking he was very Suitable for being a policeman.

   Muyang looked at Lin Shu, and said, "Uncle Yang and my father were former alumni. They graduated from the same police academy. Although they are not in the same place after graduation, they still have contact."

   I didn't expect that Lao Mu and Yang Weiguo would still be friends.

   This fate is really clever.

   Lin Shu suddenly felt that the world was a little smaller, and a little coincidental.

   However, Lin Shu didn't have much feelings either. After all, he and Yang Weiguo were only fate at that time. It was only because that monster [Murder] was handed over to Yang Weiguo, so he would be fate with Yang Weiguo.

   "You asked him, what did he say?"

   Muyang shook his head and said, "I just asked him if my father had any friends in Yanjing before, he said he didn't know."

   Muyang replied that, in fact, he himself was not particularly disappointed, because he didn't have any high hopes.

Originally, Lin Shu didn’t think that the gift he sent to Mu Yang would be found out as the one sent by him, but obviously now Lin Shu has somewhat underestimated Mu Yang’s curiosity about this gift, or even underestimated Mu. Yang's curiosity about his father's past stories.

   "Then are you planning to find that uncle?"

   Muyang shook his head and said, "I want to find that uncle, but later on, I think that uncle just doesn't want me to find him. Maybe one day I don't need to find him, and we will meet."

   Don't worry, you often see each other.

   Lin Shu said silently, when he was about to say something, another voice appeared in his ear——

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you pass the book with the secret arrow, cast a great summoning technique, it is powerful, and it affects the Lv4 monster without brain poisonous insects, and gains 1. experience +36666; 2. gold coins +3666. 】


   Seeing another experience value swiping the screen, Lin Shu was very happy.

   This kind of continuous monster killing damage is really quite good, I have to say that the Xingming little poisonous insect is quite powerful.

   Such a sudden monster killing experience is really a little surprise in life, so lucky!

   Lin Shu was in a good mood, and Mu Yang could also see that Lin Shu was in a good mood, and smiled and asked, "What is so happy about you?"

   "It's nothing, I'm in a good mood. If you want to go to dinner together, I'll treat you."

   Muyang rejected Lin Shu's kindness and said directly: "No, I have to go to the laboratory, so I won't go with you."

   Lin Shu has some regrets. He still wanted to find someone to share his little fortune with him, but he didn't expect Mu Yang to refuse to come.

I don’t know why at this time, I suddenly miss Yao Chen, his friend who was often rejected by him at the beginning~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Unfortunately, Yao Chen, who is far away in Star City, hasn’t invited him for a while, not for a while. He used the bad temptation rejection technique to kill the [Temptation Fox Demon] Yao Chen gave him. I really miss it!

   If Yao Chen invites him again, he promises not to refuse—


   A message came from WeChat, "Brother Lin, it's been a long time since we started hacking together. How about forming a group to hacking together at night?"

【Danger! Lv2 The temptation fox demon is dancing, wagging its tail, showing you a charm to seduce Dafa, come together! Let's play together! 】


   Lin Shu pondered for a moment, as if it was not what Lu Xun said, but Lu Xun and his wife said that a man's guarantee is the most unreliable.

   "No, next time."

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you turned your face ruthlessly, displayed the "no" mantra, and slapped the Lv2 to seduce the fox demon with one palm to kill the fox demon, gaining 1. Experience +990; 2. Gold Coins +99. 】

   What a ruthless man!

   Lin Shu shook his head, looking at himself on the phone's WeChat, and actually ruthlessly rejected his friend Yao Chen.

   Tsk tusk, Lu Xun and his wife are right.


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