Every Day Upgrades the Monsters and Explosives Equipment

Chapter 228: [The monster is really killed]

Every day, I am upgrading the monsters and explosive equipment https://

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Star City, Criminal Investigation Brigade.

"Chairman Yang, this case is not easy to investigate, there is no clue, this is already a case a few years ago, how to investigate it?"

A young policeman in a police uniform frowned and looked embarrassed. He shook his head and said, "It's impossible to find out."

"Xiao Zhao, if it is so easy to investigate, will this case have not been solved yet?"

The policeman with the national character face, with sharp eyebrows, is still full of vicissitudes. It is the old detective Yang Weiguo who had a relationship with Lin Shu in Jiangli City. He frowned and said directly: "It is precisely because the case has not been solved. Will always be investigating."

"Chu Yang, tell us about how you solved the 97-year-old homicide in Yongcheng. It's really terrible. Twenty-three years later, the murderer was caught."

The young policeman Xiao Zhao looked curious, looked at Yang Weiguo expectantly, and asked: "Chu Yang, talk about it, how did you find him?"

"I didn't solve that case."

Yang Weiguo heard the young policeman next to him talk about the 1997 homicide, he couldn't help but shook his head, and said, "It was only when someone recognized it on the road and was caught by the police."

For this case, Yang Weiguo has always been very impressed, not only because of the case itself, but also because of the person who solved the case.

Xiao Zhao was a little surprised. He had only heard others say that Yang Weiguo had solved the case before. He naturally admired Yang Weiguo. Although Yang Weiguo had solved many cases, he asked, "Who?"

Hearing this question, Yang Weiguo couldn't help thinking of the young man who was in Jiangli City. He still remembers the young man Lin Shu, and at the same time he didn't expect that young man Lin Shu would be so good.

Although Yang Weiguo doesn't pay much attention to the news, he also knows that Lin Shu, the 1500-meter champion who made history, is really good, and his physical fitness must be very good.

Running so fast is quite suitable for being a policeman.

However, in those news, Yang Weiguo is most interested not in Lin Shu dropping out of Shonan University and then entering Huaqing University, nor in Lin Shu running as a world champion, but in the case of a deaf-mute woman who was robbed of a child many years ago. The child will also be found. Although it is said that there is no direct report in the news that it is related to Lin Shu, in Yang Weiguo's view, the child's ability to be found is definitely related to Lin Shu.

The key except for that child, Lin Shu seemed to have subdued criminals who wanted to hurt him in the hospital before. All these made Yang Weiguo remember Lin Shu's young man deeply.

How did you recognize those criminals?

Thinking of Lin Shu's eyes, Yang Weiguo couldn't help but sighed, "He is really suitable for being a policeman."

"Who the **** is it?"

Xiao Zhao heard Yang Weiguo's sigh, and couldn't help asking another question.

Yang Weiguo shook his head, as if he didn't want to say more about this person. There was no need. When he was about to leave, a young police officer Xiao Fei walked in.

"Chu Yang, the murderer in Yongcheng was executed today."

Jiangli City where Xiao Fei went with Yang Weiguo brought the murderer back.

When Yang Weiguo heard Xiao Fei’s words, he was not surprised. It was like the murderer who absconded for 23 years and kept alive for 23 years. Although he was arrested two years ago, the case must be reviewed by the Supreme People’s Court. It will take some time for the court to approve and issue the execution order. The time from the second instance to the death penalty review in the case of the homicide in Yongcheng is not long.

Obviously, it is precisely for this reason that the death penalty has been executed on the criminal in the grand homicide case until now.

Yang Weiguo nodded, indicating that he knew.

In fact, he didn't have any special feelings about this kind of thing, but thinking of the days, Yang Weiguo couldn't help saying, "This is twenty-five years old."

There was no way to tell whether it was a sentimental or a calm narrative.

When Yang Weiguo said this, he also walked out of the conference room.

The young policeman Xiao Zhao looked at Xiao Fei and asked, "Is that the murderer of the September 15 case in Yongcheng?"

Xiao Fei nodded.

"By the way, Brother Fei, it was you and Team Yang who solved the case together. You should know who recognized it and called the police?"

Xiao Fei nodded. How could he not know that they didn't believe the news that the murderer of the case was suddenly caught in Jiangli City. At that time, the whole situation was shocked.

"Who recognized it? The murderer's friend? Did you know him?"

Xiao Fei shook his head with a smile on his face, and said, "No, just a passerby."


Xiao Zhao looked disbelief, how could a passerby recognize a wanted murderer who had absconded for 23 years.

Xiao Fei picked up the file on the desk and said with a smile: "That's a genius, because I saw the wanted criminal's photo on the Internet and recognized the wanted criminal on the road."

"Really? So powerful?"

Xiao Zhao opened his mouth wide, looking incredible.

Xiao Fei seemed to have guessed that Xiao Zhao would be shocked, and smiled and added, "Moreover, the photo of the wanted man on the Internet is a photo from 23 years ago."

"I go--!"

Xiao Zhao was stunned in an instant, and he uttered an swear word, "This TM is a talent!"

Xiao Fei couldn't help laughing when he heard Xiao Zhao's words, and said, "That's not just a talent, he is much more powerful than you think."

Xiao Fei naturally remembered that he thought it might be a coincidence at the beginning, but after he learned some things, he never thought about it that way again. The passerby was not simple at all.

Xiao Zhao really couldn’t imagine that a person accidentally saw a picture of a wanted criminal 23 years ago on the Internet, and then recognized the wanted criminal on the road after 23 years, and then he called the police and arrested him. , It's that simple, it's such a coincidence.

Is this really a coincidence?

Xiao Zhao thinks it shouldn't be that simple. Doesn't his appearance change a bit 20 years ago?

"Is the murderer the same as it was 20 years ago?"

"The similarity is less than 70%. The key is that the age span is too large."

"How do you recognize this?"

When Xiao Zhao heard Xiao Fei’s words, he felt even more unbelievable. It’s hard to imagine recognizing a passerby as a murderer with a photo 23 years ago. The key is the photo of the wanted criminal who happened to be seen on the Internet, and he muttered: "This look That’s great too!"


It's a pity that few people know that Lin Shu's eyes are so good.

It's not hidden, it's just that no one knows.

The topic on the Internet about the poison star Xingming has not subsided, the topic is still very hot, and it really set off a **** storm in half of the entertainment circle. No one knows that this is just because the **** of death glanced at Xingming in the crowd. At that glance, there was thunder, lightning, and violent storms.

But under such a **** storm, the unpredictable, at a glance, the **** of death who was blocked and dead still holding an umbrella in the crowd is no different.

Just like the rain and umbrella, without wearing a mask, it is no different from the students passing by, ordinary clothes, canvas shoes, and simple backpacks, I even looked up at the gloomy sky, and there was no sunshine, but There is no darkness.

Lin Shu walked forward quietly, holding an umbrella alone, drenched in the rain.

Because of the rain, Lin Shu naturally did not go out for a morning jog. At first, he thought about whether he should go to the library in such rainy weather. Maybe he accidentally entered the secret realm of space-time cracks. Of course, such thoughts were just a flash. However, it was impossible for Lin Shu to stop going out because of the rain.

Lin Shu still goes out with an umbrella, because the school is approaching, the number of students on the Huaqing campus has gradually increased.

"Principal component analysis, also known as PCA, is mainly used for dimensionality reduction, lossy data compression, feature extraction, data visualization, etc. PCA is one of the more commonly used data preprocessing methods in the field of machine learning, mainly to reduce data The role of dimensions..."

Lin Shu also reads in the library, preparing for the upcoming mathematical modeling contest.

But because Cheng Xu, a computer major, has not yet returned to school, Liu Zheng hasn't let the team really start training, and now he just prepares separately.

【Ding! Congratulations to the players for studying hard for 1 hour of modeling knowledge, rewards 1. Experience 785; 2. Gold coins 78. 】

Lin Shu stretched his waist and flexed his muscles and bones. He has become accustomed to learning to learn experience by himself. Of course, he also knows that the experience value of learning is still much less than killing the big monster, but it is obvious that he insists on learning every day and the experience value is still Will go up in a hurry.

Jiang Shan has also returned to school here, and looked at the books that Lin left before writing. In addition to the one "Mathematical Modeling Algorithms and Applications", there are also several "Introduction to Algorithms" and "Algorithms and Data Structures." ", I just felt like I had seen several books from the sky, and asked: "Lin Shu, do you want to participate in a mathematical modeling contest?"

Lin Shu nodded and said, "Liu Zheng called me to form a team, and I agreed."

"That's really awesome."

Jiang Shan naturally knows that mathematical modeling contests are difficult, and postgraduate mathematical modeling contests like Lin Shu will definitely be even more difficult. Looking at Lin Shu's appearance, she knows that Lin Shu has been training on the track and field team before and was not in The school, now seems to have retired due to injury, and asked instead: "Lin Shu, you won't go to the track team to train later, right?"


Seeing Lin Shu nodding and confessing, Jiang Shan showed a smile on her face. Looking at Lin Shu, she couldn't help asking: "Lin Shu, what are you going to do after you finish your mathematical modeling contest?"

"I still need to start research on the subject paper. Although I have already published a paper before, the graduation thesis has not really been finalized. Also this semester I have to be busy making up the missing classes in the semester, and I think I don’t have enough time to think about it. use."

Jiang Shan listened to Lin Shu’s arrangement, and there was a touch of loss in her eyes. Although Lin Shu’s arrangements were all about learning, there is no doubt that it was precisely because of learning that Jiang Shan was a little bit lost. She felt that Lin Shu You should know her thoughts, she has been very obvious, but Lin Shu doesn't seem to have that thoughts for her.

This made Jiang Shan some wonder whether she should confess directly to Lin Shu, or whether she should continue to like Lin Shu.

While Jiang Shan was still thinking about this question, Lin Shu's entire complexion changed, staring blankly at the virtual line of text in front of her——

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, your heart of justice, use the invisible knife to kill monsters, use invisible power to assist the justice messenger to kill Lv24 monster murderers, gain 1. 48484 experience; 2. 48484 gold coins. 】

Kill [Lv24 Murderer]?

Lin Shu stared at the line of words in front of him blankly, and he didn't seem to hear the systemic congratulations in his ears. There was a sense of trance and unreality.

[Lv24 Murderer]?

Such monsters are only...

Naturally, Lin Shu will never forget that he once called the police to catch such a terrifying monster. He still remembers the incident in Jiang Li all the time. He knew that the monster was a really terrifying monster with blood on his hands. , That monster should have been killed.

As a person who passed the judicial examination, Lin Shu certainly knew clearly what kind of sentence the "Criminal Law" would give him for the crime committed by that monster.

Death is undoubtedly the final outcome of that [murderer].

Jiang Shan noticed the change in Lin Shu's face, her expression seemed a little abnormal, and she couldn't help asking, "What's wrong, Lin Shu?"

Lin Shu came back to his senses ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and looked at Jiang Shan, wanting to say something, but obviously he couldn't say anything.

"No, nothing."

Regarding Lin Shu's answer, Jiang Shan naturally felt that it was not that simple, but it was obvious that Lin Shu was not willing to say it, and she did not ask too much.

That [murderer] was caught because of him, and obviously it was also because of his phone call that caused the monster to die. He pushed the monster invisibly and was killed.

So, it should be at this time that the [murderer], or the death row prisoner, has already been executed.

already dead?

The explanation given by the system should not be false, and this experience value should not be made out of nothing.

Obviously, that [murderer] was really killed.

It was raining outside all the time. Lin Shu looked out the window. He knew very well that a monster was really killed.

However, since you choose to be such a monster, you should accept this ending.

I don't know, will the [murderer] regret choosing to be such a terrifying monster before he died? I don’t know how that [murderer] was killed in the end?

Such a question suddenly flashed in Lin Shu's mind, and it was so inexplicable, it involuntarily came out of his mind.

He knows that Article 252 of the Criminal Law stipulates that the people's court shall notify the people's procuratorate at the same level to send personnel to supervise the death penalty. The death penalty is executed by shooting or injection. The death penalty can be executed in the execution grounds or in designated places of detention.

Regarding this, Lin Shu, who was in a trance, gradually began to calm down.

Whether it’s shooting or lethal injection, monsters will die if they are killed—

This is the same as a monster killing.

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