Every Day Upgrades the Monsters and Explosives Equipment

Chapter 226: [Jianghu and 1 mysterious organization]

Huaqing University.

As always, Lin Shu went to the library to read and study. It seemed that there was no difference that the crew was still there and filming. Obviously, the crew did not know what would happen at this time.

The filming of the crew was still carried out in an orderly manner, but in such an orderly manner, the deputy director directly asked: "Is Xing Ming not here today?"

The staff on the side replied directly: "Not for the time being. I have already contacted his assistant, but he said that there is something to do and he wants to ask for leave. Move his role back."

"How can this be moved back?"

The instructor was naturally very dissatisfied with the sudden emergence, and couldn't help but said: "There was no play with him yesterday. Is there any notice that hasn't finished running? Isn't he in Yanjing?"

"He is in Yanjing, but he said he can't come."

"can not come?"

The assistant director was naturally a stunned person. He didn't want to take this matter to the director. He would trouble him again when that happened, so he could only say: "Let him come here in the afternoon and urge him!"

The staff member said helplessly: "I have made several calls, but Xing Ming did not answer his calls."

"If you didn't pick it up, you still can't pick it up!"

The counselor was annoyed and said coldly, "What is he up to now?"

The staff on the side hesitated for a moment, looked around, lowered his voice, and said, "It seems that something has happened to me, and his agent is also very anxious now."


The assistant director was taken aback. What trouble could he have with Xing Ming? Could it be that he was caught ordering takeout?

Not so much!

Obviously, the deputy director made a mistake here. Xing Ming was not caught for ordering food, but because of other reasons.

Soon some members of the crew also got news that there is no way that the actor of the TV series will not be able to shoot this scene naturally. You can't always use a substitute, even if it is Xing Ming, no matter how big the name is, give a reason to ask for leave.

Then, Xing Ming's reason for asking for leave really silenced the entire crew.

Because this reason for asking for leave is so powerful, even the director dare not deny it, after all, the person has been taken away.


Lin Shu went to the library to read books, and no longer saw the filming crew at the entrance of the library. It seems that there were fans and reporters who had come here after receiving the news for nothing, standing there, asking questions. , Why didn’t the crew shoot here?

"Isn't it just shooting on the Huaqing campus? Why not?"

"It seems that they have said something, and they can't shoot for the time being."

"What's the matter? Why can't it be shot?"

"I don't know, it seems that the matter is quite serious. I heard that it was a problem with the main performance. There was no way to shoot at all. The crew over there also ordered no information to be disclosed."


Lin Shu didn't hear these words, and didn't care about them at all, because no one knew what was happening better than him.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you passed the secret arrow, cast a great summoning technique, summoned the messenger of justice, and successfully captured the Lv10 monster Non-Brain Poisonous Insect, and gained 1. Experience +78888; 2. Gold Coins +7888. 】

Obviously, this congratulatory sound from the system has already let Lin Shu know that the big star he reported is really a monster, and that he has been caught alive by the police.

Lin Shu didn't pay much attention to the experience value of killing monsters like this. After all, he didn't focus on the experience value at the beginning, he just wanted to simply kill the monsters.

However, it is also very happy to be able to gain such an experience value now.

Lin Shu is very happy here, but it is clear that for some monsters, it is really a disaster. I don't know which of the gods has offended, and he was caught so inexplicably.

Although Xing Ming and the crew have been keeping this news secret, how could there be a complete secret in the circle, let alone a place where there is no wind and waves, and naturally there is no shortage of wind and waves. .

Soon, some netizens on Weibo broke the news that XM, a popular Xiaosheng XM with 15 million followers in the circle, was arrested for poisoning, and the case is still being heard, waiting to watch the news.

There is no doubt that as soon as this Weibo was posted, it aroused heated discussions. Many netizens began to follow this Weibo. After all, it is a popular niche with 50 million followers, and it can even be said to be the top in the current circle. The flow is not necessarily.

"Really? XM? What should I do, one of my thoughts is Xing Ming? Isn't it him?"

"Said the arrested is also drunk, blogger, you should be careful of fans, this niche is too obvious. Is it really Xingming? My mother, if it is really him, then it is really a big melon. what!"

"Get out! Bloggers who spread rumors, wait to receive the lawyer's letter! If you dare to spread rumors with such a thing, wait for the lawsuit."

"No, I heard that Xing Ming's filming in Yanjing seems to have stopped, and the crew did not work there. Could it be that the actor was really taken by the police?"

"What a big melon, if this is true, it would be really a sensation!"

"Blogger, do you have any evidence! If there is no evidence, just talk nonsense. If you have the ability, just say who was arrested!"

"Don't talk to our brother, Xing Ming is filming with peace of mind on the crew, don't bite people indiscriminately."

"Is the rumor sister coming out again? I don't know if this kind of black-hearted money will be spent!"

"Don't spread rumors, who will be clear in the industry! Buy fewer drafts and harm people!"


It’s just such a revelation that has attracted a lot of attention. It seems that more marketing bloggers and entertainment gossip bloggers have also begun to break the news, and the bloggers directly said that * the most popular niche was caught by poison. Xing Ming, this melon can really be said to be a hot search on Weibo soon, and the topic's popularity has risen rapidly, causing countless netizens to start eating melon and paying attention to this topic.

Of course Xing Ming’s fans don’t believe such news

But soon there was a police official Weibo statement on the Internet, “At the end of August 2022, the Anti-Drug Brigade of the Yanjing Municipal Public Security Bureau reported through the masses that a man with a criminal surname was suspected of being a drug in Beijing. After work investigations, the Anti-drug Squadron will work with the sea. On August 27th, Xing Xing (male, 28 years old, actor, urinalysis tested positive for big* and hemp) and other drug-related personnel were seized by Xing Xing in Haiding District on August 27. After preliminary examination, Xing Xing confessed to the illegal act Not shy away, administrative detention according to law...The case is currently under further investigation."

There is no doubt that this statement is really a thunder, which really blows up the entire Weibo. It is absolutely boiling and explosive, which really shocked all netizens.

It's really explosive news!

It's so explosive!

"I'm going, the people of Yanjing are really Crouching Tigers, Hidden Dragons! Who is the reporting masses? Why isn't it the Chaoyang masses this time? Could it be that another mysterious organization in Yanjing is about to be born, the Haiding masses? Is this possible? Want to grab the jobs of the people in Chaoyang? I don’t know who made the report this time. Nice work!"

"This melon is really too explosive. It seems that there are still people who can be as awesome as the Chaoyang people! I thought that the Chaoyang people are the most mysterious and powerful sect in the rivers and lakes. There is no one. Now it seems that the rivers and lakes are true. There are also world-renowned experts."

"What to do? The unbroadcast dramas and movies of Xing Ming are miserable, and investors are about to cry in the toilet again."

"Is this the person who made the report the right? Otherwise, how could it be possible to know that it might have been reported by the people around him. But if the report was really made by the masses, the Haiding District would be very awesome, and I don’t know this. What kind of mass organization is it that wanders on the border between law and crime, gets rid of it, and hides its merits and fame. It is a strong and colorful stroke in the history of modern and modern legal systems in China!"

"I heard about it a few hours ago. I didn't expect it to be true. This is really a big melon."

"Congratulations to Xing Ming, another top player will star in "Prison Situation"."

"It's not yet the end of the year, there will be such a fierce melon, so that the earthquake in the entertainment industry will be even more violent!"

"My god, this melon is too big! Congratulations to Xing Ming for the last hot search on Weibo, he deserves such a ban on the whole network!"

"Resolutely resist the poison star! I didn't expect Xing Ming to...block it!"

"For fans of this kind of behavior, don’t think about being laundered, just go to the detention center with your brother and fall in love. In the entertainment circle, the star you admire may be a real criminal. Turnips, how much mud should I bring out!"

"I'm afraid this is the biggest melon this year, it's really too explosive! This crowd doesn't know who it is, it's probably the person next to Xing Ming."

"The deeper you learn about anti-drug heroes, the more you hate those poisonous people!"


It really happened overnight and the situation changed. This news really shocked a lot of netizens and turned half of the entertainment industry upside down.

No way, this news is really shocking, and it's very bad in nature.

The key point is that such a big melon has a police statement, and it can really be said to be a fish on the board to be slaughtered.

This kind of melon is very difficult to reverse. After all, the coffin is already covered. The most likely is to add a few more charges to the coffin, and the coffin can be even more beautiful.

All of the advertising endorsements that signed with Xing Ming all gave out the contract statement while retaining the right to be held accountable for breach of contract. Obviously, it was not Xing Ming’s fans who suffered the most, but the capital, because of the investment in the filmed works. Obviously, Xingming was in serious trouble in this scene.

In fact, just as netizens also discussed that the masses reported the report, the Xingming company and the capital behind it also wanted to know who made the report, whether it was the opponent, and if it was the opponent, then who was it or the paparazzi? Reporter, if it's a paparazzi reporter, why is there no news, or is it really just a report from the masses?

It can be said that the company behind Xing Ming is thinking of a way to see if it can be suppressed and whether it can be rescued and washed Xing Ming. At the same time, he is even more annoyed at who reported the news.

It's not so easy for them to believe that it is really a report from the masses. This must be someone who has dealt with Xing Ming!

Regardless of whether it is a broker, a brokerage company, or the financial capital behind it, it can be said that they hated the person who reported the report. Obviously they also hated the unsatisfactory Xing Ming. Although the entertainment industry does not lack entertainers, it is top-notch. The most popular artist is a cash cow that makes money every day. Now this cash cow has been cut down. This is not a vengeance, what else can it be!

The key trick is really too ruthless, absolutely!

However, it is clear that just as people in the circle don’t know who reported Xing Ming, netizens will not know that even if the company behind Xing Ming really finds out the person who reported the report, it is impossible to retaliate, let alone them. Can't find it yet.

Netizens and people from Xingming's company would not know, just because there was a **** of death who looked at Xing Ming more in the crowd, and no one could see Xing Ming's face again.

From then on, there will be one more mysterious organization in the arena. This organization is silent and unpredictable. Although the number is not comparable to the Chaoyang masses, it is clear that the fighting power is not weak, and this is just the beginning.


Huaqing University.

Liu Zheng really didn’t expect anything like this. Seeing Lin Shu coming back from the outside, he couldn’t help asking: “Lin Shu, do you know? The crew that was filming in our crew heard that it could not be filmed, and they have already withdrawn. Xing Ming’s leading actor was that Xing Ming had an accident."

There is no need for Liu Zheng and Lin Shu to say, Lin Shu knows what is going on, and it should be said that no one knows this better than him.

"This is really big news!"

Although Liu Zheng doesn’t pay much attention to the entertainment industry, he obviously knows Xing Ming and how popular Xing Ming is in the circle. He shook his head and said, “I don’t know who really did the report. It's so beautiful!"

Lin Shu also felt very happy, and he also felt that he did a pretty good job.

"Lin Shu, you just said last time that my sister would be chased by an idol. Now that Xing Ming is in the game, do you know what?"

Liu Zheng asked with a smile.

Of course, what Liu Zheng said was just a joke. He didn't think Lin Shu would know anything about it.

Lin Shu naturally laughed and didn't say anything about Liu Zheng's words. He didn't know anything. He just used a big summoning technique backhand. There was absolutely no dark arrow injuring people. He was born out of nothing, crossed the river to demolish the bridge, borrowed a knife to kill...

He is a student who is studying hard and making progress every day. School will start soon and there will be mathematical modeling competitions. He also has to read books and learn.

"Don't pay attention to the news, hurry up and prepare for a mathematical modeling contest!"

Liu Zheng heard Lin Shu’s words and looked at the explosive hot search topics on his mobile Weibo. He was reluctant to let go of the melon in his hand. What is even more terrible is that there have been news on the Internet that Xing Ming was also in the police station. I explained some things, where did I get the things from, and who provided them. In such an explanation, it can be said that the amount of information is really huge. For a time, the waves in the circle are constantly ~www.wuxiamtl.com~the dark tide is surging. Many people in the circle with ghosts in their hearts are beginning to endanger themselves.

Everyone knows that a butterfly in the tropical rainforest of the Amazon River Basin in South America, occasionally flapping its wings, can cause a tornado in Texas in two weeks, not to mention that someone is directly throwing a force in the entertainment industry. Huge bomb.

The first domino tormented down, then it also means that dominoes will also fall down.

You must know that after the first blood, it is Doublekill, Triplekill, Quadrakill, Pentakill...

Such continuous killing tricks are quite rhythmic and lethal.

Lin Shu will soon know that killing monsters is sometimes as simple as that. One move may affect all monsters and monsters in ponds--

Mission destroyed!

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