Huaqing University.

Now that Lin Shu has accepted Liu Zheng's team invitation, he will naturally start to prepare mathematical modeling. Fortunately, school has not yet started. Lin Shu also has some time to learn some content of the mathematical modeling competition.

Liu Zhengtian also said to Lin Shu that the models involved in the mathematical modeling competition are some common models. You can read "Mathematical Modeling Algorithms and Applications", and at the same time look at previous years of competition topics and excellent papers for learning.

Although Lin Shu is only responsible for the essay assistance part, he still needs to improve his own strength, not really too weak, otherwise it is obviously not good to drag his teammates.

In order to cater for students of different professional backgrounds, mathematical modeling will involve different fields every year, and then there will be at least one problem that can be done in any major. Lin Shu also understands that in previous years, it is only necessary to look at the questions in recent years. The older the questions, the lower the reference value.

Lin Shu also knows that although mathematical modeling competition encourages innovation, it is generally difficult to make major innovations within four days. Most of them are to apply models, which means that if there are ready-made models to correspond, Try to use ready-made models as much as possible. If you can't use them directly, you can make improvements yourself or build your own models.

Because if you get the title and push formulas and modeling from scratch, you are already behind, so you need to be familiar with and prepare some commonly used mathematical models in advance, such as linear programming, dynamic programming, Markov model, neural network, simulation Annealing, ant colony algorithm, etc.

Really speaking, the essence of the mathematical modeling contest is roughly divided into two steps. The first is to abstract the reality into a mathematical model, and then to optimize the model to solve the real problem.

When the actual situation abstracts the mathematical model, that is, data processing and model construction are required. This also needs to be achieved through programming. Finally, Lin Shu is responsible for part of the modeling paper writing. The writing part is generally divided into several parts. Chapters include problem restatement, problem analysis, model hypothesis, symbol system, analysis and processing of each problem, and model evaluation and improvement.

Lin Shu carefully looked at the previous years of mathematical modeling contest questions. It can be said that he is really hurrying, because he has been reading and learning since he returned to school from the hospital. This is also because he has to make up the semester class. Naturally Need to spend more time to learn.

"Lin Shu, you are really a role model for my generation!"

Liu Zheng saw that he was planning to go to the library to read books. He knew that Lin Shu had been carefully preparing for mathematical modeling and studying problems recently.

Because Liu Zheng lives in the same dormitory with Lin Shu, he naturally knows how self-discipline Lin Shu is here. Even during the summer vacation, he insists on getting up early every day, which is really amazing.

"Why don't you get up so early every summer vacation?"

Hearing Liu Zheng's words, Lin Shu couldn't help shook his head, and said, "It's not every day. Naturally, I won't get up early for a run on rainy days."


Liu Zheng twitched at the corner of his mouth, okay, when I didn't ask anything, it turned out to be a recognized learning madman.

It's really a terrifying learning monster, arrogant and arrogant.

"By the way, Lin Shu, I told you that recently there was a crew here at the school to film the scene, did you know?"

"It seems that Xing Ming is still a very popular actor."

Lin Shu shook his head. He hadn't heard of or knew the Xing Ming at all, but he seemed to have seen someone in the library filming. Originally, Lin Shu thought it was a school club and other filming. I didn't care. Now that I heard Liu Zheng's words, I realized that it turned out that a crew came to the Huaqing campus for shooting.

Obviously, this is all contact with the school, and only after obtaining permission can I enter the school for filming.

Lin Shu didn't care too much. After all, he didn't chase stars, and he thought that even if there were no holidays, Huaqing's students would not care about the so-called celebrities, and there were crowded scenes surrounded by student groups.

After all, each of Huaqing's students is the true pride of heaven.

"My sister is a fan of him, and what she said to me made me see that I could not give her Xing Ming's autograph."

When it comes to this matter, Liu Zheng finds it funny, how could he ask for an autograph?

Lin Shu didn't pay much attention to Liu Zheng's words. He just went to the playground for morning jogs as always. It was a pity that he didn't meet the academician Professor Zhang Shiyuan, but why should he be pity?

Lin Shu quickly got rid of the thoughts in his mind. After going to the cafeteria for breakfast, he planned to go to the library to start his daily journey of learning experience.

When Lin Shu went to the library, he naturally saw those crew members who were shooting the set. The staff here were very professional.

Lin Shu casually glanced at the filming side of the crew. Just so casually, he saw a young man wearing sunglasses with great momentum. What surprised Lin Shu was not the man’s aura, but the dressed-up man. There is a line of text on the glamorous man's head--

[Lv10 Brainless Poisonous Insect]: The skill is to eat poisons, and casts corrupting psychedelic depravity. Remarks: The main body is a poisonous insect, which the owl bird loves to eat. 】

[No Brain Poison]?

Good at eating poisons and performing corrupting psychedelic depravity Dafa?

Owl loves food?

Lin Shu was stunned for a moment. Obviously, he was a little surprised by the handsome guy in sunglasses. It seems that the handsome guy is not that simple. Such a [no brain poisonous insect], could it be...

Lin Shu frowned.

If it is really what he thought, then it is clear that the brightly dressed monster in front of him is a poisonous insect.

Thinking of this, Lin Shu felt a little annoyed, after all, he had personally seen what an anti-drug hero like Lao Mu was going through.

How cruel are those struggles and blood on the edge of life and death.

Lin Shu was thinking in his heart, just looking at the monster like that. Obviously, Lin Shu’s meaningful eyes t_t was naturally noticed by the dark glasses brother, and his brows wrinkled, feeling that Lin Shu’s eyes seemed to have With a trace of coldness.

The handsome guy in sunglasses didn't like him, he hated being stared at by Lin Shu's eyes, and said to the assistant director next to him: "Brother Zhao, why can anyone watch the filming here? The scene is not clear?"


What field is this clear? It's not a **** scene!

The deputy director, known as Brother Zhao, feels baffled. I don't know what kind of style Xing Ming is doing. What kind of location is this kind of location shooting?

Besides, there are no students watching it. You know that school is not starting now, and even if school starts, not many students will come to watch it.

Before in Huaqing, I wanted to find some students as a group performer, but I couldn't find it, but I still found it from an outside school.

The assistant director followed Xing Ming's gaze and saw that there was a student over there who seemed to be looking at them. He raised his brows and felt that he was a bit familiar, and he didn't know where he had seen them.

"Let him not be around again, I don't know if it is a paparazzi."

With that, Xing Ming looked disgusted.

Obviously, Xing Ming still doesn't know what eyes he saw just now.

As soon as the deputy director heard Xing Ming’s words, he knew what Xing Ming meant. It seemed that this was nothing to ask for, and he didn’t want to say more, so he asked a staff member beside him to greet the student standing there and ask him to leave. .

But before the staff member passed by, Lin Shu had already turned and left and entered the library.

When the assistant director saw that he was indeed a student of Huaqing, he seemed to have no intention of taking pictures at all, and he couldn't help saying casually, "That handsome guy has a very good image."

A staff member next to him said: "It seems to be Lin Shu."

"Lin Shu?"

The deputy director obviously didn't know who Lin Shu was, and he was a little confused.

"It's the very popular student on the Internet. He was the previous Olympic champion of the 1,500-meter men's and made track and field history."

The deputy director nodded noncommitantly, and then went over to Xing Ming and said that the man just now was not a paparazzi, nor a reporter, but a student of Huaqing University.

The filming continued. Obviously, the crew did not know what would happen when Lin Shu glanced at the crowd just now.

Lin Shu searched the Internet for which crew was filming at Huaqing University. I wanted to know who the [Non-Brain Poisonous Insects] was, and even more wanted to know which [Non-Brained Poison Insects] was. Not the monster he thought.

In Lin Shu's view, such a monster's name is already very obvious, but obviously he still has to proceed from the actual situation. As for whether it is possible that the monster like that has been quit, it is impossible in Lin Shu's view.

After all, monsters can reform and re-behave, just like the original monster [Three Hands] after being released from prison, there is no longer a monster's name on his head.

If the actor has really given up and hasn't committed such a thing again, then there shouldn't be such a monster name again.

And seeing that the monster's level is [lv10], obviously the level is not too low, it's not the first time at all.

Lin Shu looked at the introduction, Xing Ming seemed to be very popular, Weibo has a lot of fan attention, and the popularity is very high, and this time he is shooting a TV series in Huaqing.

Lin Shu watched the fans on Weibo discussing Xing Ming's new play, and some of the comments were saying that Xing Ming is handsome and in good shape.

"My brother is filming at Huaqing University, and this time he will definitely get a huge audience rating."

"Brother, his eyes are so handsome, they kill me!"

"My favorite artist is Brother Xing Ming. I believe that people who work so hard will shine. He deserves the best stage and the best honor."

"I watch my brother three hundred times every day, he is really handsome, his acting skills are bursting, his eyes are so dramatic, he is so handsome!"

"I have never seen someone as good as my brother. He is really warm and works hard. He is the light in my heart. In order to get closer to him, I will try to become better."

"Tell me why you like your brother. I started with good looks and loyal to character. My brother is really gentle, kind-hearted, and the most positive entertainer in the entertainment industry."


Looking at those remarks, Lin Shu couldn't help feeling very ridiculous.

The most positive artist with good character?

"Are you chasing stars too?"

Mu Yang sat next to Lin Shu and saw Lin Shu reading the artist Xing Ming's message on his mobile phone. He couldn't help but be a little surprised, and said, "I didn't expect it."

Lin Shu saw Mu Yang for a moment, then glanced at the bright star on the phone, his eyes cold.

Just like Mu Yang's father, he really died because of fighting those monsters.

Thinking of this, Lin Shu felt uncomfortable in his heart.

It is absolutely impossible for him to assume that he hasn't seen it, not to mention that there may be experience points to fight this monster, just to say that it is impossible for such a monster to be so straightforward and chic for the people of Lao Mu.

The key is that since there is such a monster, there will be a source of poison behind this monster, and it is obvious that these are all to be eliminated.

Lin Shu said coldly, "I just glanced at it by accident."

With that said, Lin Shu put down his phone, but he knew what he should do. He didn't backhand like a thumbs up, instead he should report it backhand.

Mu Yang didn’t know what Lin Shu meant, but just said, “I told you, I checked the express before, and the express was sent from Yanjing. Obviously, the old comrade-in-arms of my dad, the uncle. He should also be in Yanjing."

Lin Shu was taken aback and asked, "Is it important to find him?"

"I'm very curious and want to say thank you to him in person."

Mu Yang smiled, with a clear smile, and said, "Actually, I know it's hard to find him. After all, he didn't say his identity himself. Obviously, he didn't want to find him by himself."

"Maybe his identity is very special."

When Lin Shu heard Mu Yang's words, he couldn't help but say: "If this is the case, then you don't want to look for it anymore."

Mu Yang smiled, and did not directly answer Lin Shu's words.

In fact, Mu Yang was really just purely curious, and simply wanted to know who the uncle was and what kind of battle he had fought side by side with his father.

He wanted to hear more of his father's story.

Lin Shu watched Mu Yang's eyes change, and he couldn't help but know that Mu Yang wanted to ask not the person who gave the gift, but his father.

How many such stories are there in those fathers who have sacrificed.

Thinking of this, it was even more impossible for Lin Shu to let go of this monster.

After finishing studying, Lin Shu returned to the dormitory, and Liu Zheng couldn't help asking, "Lin Shu, did they film the movie in the library?"

Lin Shu nodded.

"My sister just called me again, she kept asking me to try it, maybe she'll get to sign."

When Lin Shu heard Liu Zheng's words, he couldn't help saying: "Let your sister change her idol to chase her."


Liu Zheng was confused I don't know why Lin Shu said this.


Lin Shu smiled and did not answer this question.

Obviously, neither Xing Ming nor his fans would know it because they just glanced at the crowd, and they never saw the face of that elder brother again.

Because that glance was the look of death, and how many monsters were cut off at a glance, it should be said that it is not just the way of monsters, it can be said that one glance over half the entertainment circle.

No way, who would let the sight of the death thief be good, his eyes bright.

Grim Reaper took a look, no one loves it anymore.


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