"Boom boom!"

The fierce gunshots were wrapped in killing intent and were as sharp as a knife. They shot continuously on trees and grass, making people tremble to hear.

Gunshots came from behind, and Lin Shu rushed forward quickly, but unlike the previous gunshots on the runway, this time it was a real bullet. Lin Shu could even feel that the **** of death seemed to be in front of him. After a face-to-face meeting, the difference is that he is still running with a man on his back.

The road in the dense forest is naturally different from the plastic runway. Lin Shu doesn't know where it is, but he can only run forward with this man named Lao Mu on his back to get rid of the ferocious owl birds that follow him.

It's a pity that he was chased by Xiaoniao in this way, and there were no gold coins and acceleration equipment on the road, which allowed him to rush harder and run faster.

It would be great if there was an invincible acceleration equipment!

The gunshots followed, and Lin Shu clearly knew that the owl birds had caught up.

Lao Mu was very surprised. He didn't expect anyone to rush out to rescue him. This really made him completely unresponsive. He was wounded all over, and the whole person was extremely weak. He struggled to see who it was and what it was. It's not a trap, he just saw a young profile face with a trace of tension and anxiety, but still running with his eyes firmly behind his back.

Originally, Lao Mu hadn't reported any hope of survival. He was an informant in the depths of darkness. He knew that once he was exposed, what awaited him was death.

He also understood all this for a long time, wandering on the edge of darkness, in addition to facing life and death, there are also inner struggles. He knows that one side is an abyss, the boundless darkness of one step and one wrong step, and the other is a bright future and hopeful. The inaccessible white waterfront.

Walking on the edge of the cliff, he had long thought about the results that he would expose, but even if he knew it, he never regretted his choice.

But now if the young man in front of him is also an insider like him, then in order to save him, he has completely exposed his identity, and Lao Mu feels that it is not worth it.

This person didn’t even notice him at the beginning, and didn’t know how much he was hiding in this group of drug lords. One can imagine how important his identity is, and now he put himself to death in order to save him. The danger edge.

It's really not worth it!

Old Mu struggled to say something, but the gunfire behind him became more and more intense.

Lin Shu slid under the vines in the forest and fell to the ground with the man on his back.

Lin Shu couldn't take care of the pain, so he hurried to carry the man, but Old Mu struggled and said, "No, don't—"

Before Lao Mu could finish speaking, Lin Shu had directly put the man on his back. His power was very great, and he really put Old Mu directly on his back.

The gunshots behind him didn't seem to be far away, the owl birds seemed to have been eyeing him, and the eyes of death had been locked on him. Refused to let him go.

Getting closer!

At this moment, Lin Shu clearly knew that the monsters behind him were chasing him, and that the monsters wanted to kill him!

He must run!

Run quickly!

Run desperately!

If he is really caught by those monsters, he will be eaten so much that he has no bones left, absolutely not.

Lin Shu's speed is very fast, but it is clear that he is still carrying a person, no matter how fast he is, he can't completely get rid of the owl birds that are catching up behind him.

No way, Lin Shu really stabbed the monster's nest.

Lin Shu naturally knew that he could leave this ghost place as long as he dropped the man and used the [Portal Gate], but his hand on the back of the man became even tighter.

He knew he couldn't leave this man behind.

There was no other reason, it was just a subconscious thought in his heart.

Forgive him for the sudden flood of justice in his mind, which dazzled his mind.

Lin Shu didn’t know that the owl bird monsters were extremely angry, because they didn’t know where Lin Shu came out of it, how long Lin Shu had been hiding in it, and how many **** secrets he knew. Therefore, It's impossible for those monsters to just let Lin Shu go.

But those fierce owlbirds never thought that this young man who didn't know where he came from could actually run so fast, and even a person could run so quickly. This really made the owlbirds angry.

These owl birds are almost unable to run!

But obviously the owl birds should be more familiar with this forest, because this is the territory of monsters.

Lin Shu didn't notice that the owl birds behind him split into two ways, and several of them were chasing Lin Shu from the other side.

The gunshots were intensive, and Lin Shu's heart trembled with every shot. He knew that those bullets were real weapons, and every bullet hit him, he would die.

The player does not have a resurrection armor, and if he is dead, he is really dead.

Because of this desire to live and fear of death, Lin Shu's survival force made him run forward with all his strength, and he must get rid of those owls.

While Lin Shu was still running, the black virtual doll on his left wrist seemed to move, and his left wrist was a little hot. Lin Shu vaguely heard the doll crying, and the crying sound followed him. The bigger he got, he was extremely sure that he really heard the cry.

Lin Shu stopped abruptly. He knew that [Disaster Guard Doll] was to protect him and could prevent disasters by warning.

This was the first time he heard [Disaster Guard Doll] crying.

Lin Shu's heartstrings tightened. He looked back at the owl bird that was following him far away. He felt that he shouldn't be running forward. When Lin Shu turned and ran to the other side, the baby cried loudly. NS.

The cry was sharp and sad.

Lin Shu saw several owl birds chasing from the other side, and intense firepower appeared.

Without any hesitation, Lin Shu changed the direction to escape with the man on his back.

The bullet hit the tree beside Lin Shu, and the smell of gunpowder from the bullet even made Lin Shu clearly see the **** of death~www.wuxiamtl.com~ In the next second, Lin Shu felt that the bullet seemed to lock him. 'S bullet seemed to be targeted by death.

Lin Shu ran forward desperately. He ran faster and went crazy. He noticed that the doll on his wrist gradually formed a virtual protective armor on him. The bullet seemed to have changed its trajectory because of that protective armor...


The cry of the doll stopped abruptly!

Lin Shu's heart stunned. He didn't look at his wrist and knew that the black doll pattern that had been silent and silently guarding him was gone.

A huge sadness rushed up, causing Lin Shu to run faster.

You killed my baby!

I fought with you--

Forget it, can't fight it, Wawa, I'm sorry, I'll avenge you next time!

You know well, forgive me and continue to bless me!

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