"CCTV, CCTV, here is the preliminaries for the men's 1500m Edo Olympic Games that you are broadcasting live. I am the live game commentator Hou Lai."

"It's 9:05 am local time. The men's 1500m preliminaries will start right away. The atmosphere at the scene is very warm. Obviously everyone in the audience knows very well that Lin Shu is the only man in China to win the 1500m competition. Qualified talented players have broken national records many times, and have great hopes to enter the finals and make history."

"Okay, now the third group of athletes have entered the field..."

In the previous Olympics, domestic media channels would not broadcast the men’s 1500m content, but this time it’s different. Naturally, the domestic sports channel was the first to follow the live broadcast of the men’s 1500m stadium of the Edo Olympics. It is said that from the beginning of the preliminaries, online platforms and media channels have even broadcast live this difficult men's 1500-meter track and field event.

Whether it is a real track and field enthusiast or a netizen who is just going to watch the Olympics, many people in China are now paying attention to Lin Shu's 1500m preliminaries.

There is no doubt that Lin Shu, who is wearing the national team uniform, is so conspicuous in their eyes, and all the focus and expectations are placed on Lin Shu.

It can be said that Lin Shu is running for himself, but also running under the expectations of these people.

Lin Shu is not alone on the court now!

With the sound of the electronic starting gun, the players on the starting line rushed out quickly, very fast.

At that moment, Lin Shu flew out with his whole body, his reaction speed was not slow, he started to sprint quickly with one step, and he had to seize one.

Compared to Lin Shu's lack of experience in grabbing and changing lanes at corners at the beginning, Lin Shu is naturally not as ignorant as he was for the first time, his speed is increasing, and he quickly grabs a good position, which can be said to be the vanguard.

This is also the discussion between the coach and Lin Shu. No matter what, don’t think about keeping your energy and aiming to enter the semi-finals. After all, Lin Shu’s ability to appear on the 1,500-meter track is already a huge success. The first small step can be said to be a huge achievement.

Of course, Lin Shu is not satisfied with such results.

What he wants is faster and stronger, and he wants to win the world championship.

He was accelerating, quickly accelerating, quite fast, leading to first place after the corner.

In fact, in the middle and long-distance running events, it is quite normal for the squeeze to happen. As for the extent to which the squeeze will be judged as a foul, the arbitration committee can only judge and make a decision based on the video.

In terms of rules, in the final sprint and lane change overtake, you must clearly surpass the players before you can cut inward. Obviously, Lin Shu now cuts from the outside to the inside with an absolute speed advantage.

Of course, in general, there are few deliberate collisions in the 1500-meter long-distance race. Of course, there is definitely a block. However, this project is not as prone to collisions as the 1500-meter short-track speed skating, and the result of the players falling out.

[Gold coins +15! 】

[Gold coins +20! 】

[Gold coins +18! 】


Lin Shu didn't care about the sound of these systems brushing gold coins that appeared in his ears. He was now full of enthusiasm and full of power. There was only one thought in his mind that was running, running fast, rushing forward, just like that.

The players who ran next to Lin Shu were very surprised. Lin Shu actually rushed so hard in the preliminaries. This speed and cadence is absolutely full speed, which makes them feel puzzled, and they also feel the tremendous pressure, so they are naturally not one of them. Willing to be dumped like this.

Although they were scolding Lin Shu for being so fierce in the pre-race, there is no doubt that no one dared to maintain their physical strength even when other runners ran so fiercely. Naturally, they all ran at full speed for fear of accidents and explosions. Out of the upset, the preliminaries were brushed down.

"Lin Shu is very fast, he is very fast, he is rushing, he is now in the first position, next to him is..."

"The rhythm of this group of players is very fast! The first half of the rush is very fierce, but the priority is gradually separated. If you can sprint and surpass in the second half, it is not known."

Hou Lai’s voice ran quickly with Lin Shu, rushing to the first position, getting more and more excited, getting louder and louder, and shouted almost nervously: "Lin Shu is still in the first position, his speed is still the same. Soon, hold on, hold on!"

"Lin Shu's strength in the second half is recognized as strong. Lin Shu is still running fast. The players behind him are clenching and trying to surpass. Lin Shu stabilizes the rhythm."

Lin Shu would not hear the excitement and cheer for him. He just ran desperately. He had to get rid of the players behind him. He must not let them surpass himself. He is a man who wants to win the world championship. He must not. lose.

Lin Shu took a step forward, with a very fast pace and a steady rhythm, with the whistling wind and the sound of gold coins being harvested in his ears.

The two legs still sprint again, and then run fast.

Of course Lin Shu feels tired, but he also feels that his whole body is full of strength. He can still run and rush, he will definitely not just slow down like this.

"Okay, now entering the second half, Lin Shu still rushes very hard, he can persist, the speed is still very steady, and his rhythm has not slowed down. The players behind him are chasing, and the positions of the two are very close, but Lin Shu is still leading, coming soon, there are still the last 400 meters, hold on!"

"Come on, Lin Shu, come on Lin Shu!"

There is no doubt that a high-level game is such an excitement, watching the audience enthusiastically cheer for the players on the field.

Lin Shu stared at the finish line ahead, and there was the last one hundred meters. Lin Shu didn't pay attention to the players behind or beside him. He had only one thought now, and that was to rush to the finish line.

Ninety meters, eighty meters, seventy meters...

"There are the last fifty meters, come on Lin Shu, hold on!"

"It's fast, it's fast, ah—the line is crossed!"

"This, Lin Shu is the first to cross the line!"

Before the results of the electronic timing board came out, the narrator exclaimed excitedly: "Lin Shu has entered the semifinals!"

Because it can be clearly seen on the live broadcast screen that although the players bite very tightly and the distance is very close, the advantage of Lin Shu's lead is still very clear. Lin Shu is the first to cross the line.

Immediately afterwards, the results of the electronic timing board were soon displayed, and the first place was Lin Shu: 3 minutes 29 seconds 85!

"3 minutes 29 seconds 85!"

"Lin Shu refreshed his best score and successfully advanced to the semi-finals with a score of 3:29.85!"

"he is--"

"Group first!" "CCTV, CCTV, here is the live broadcast of the men's 1500m preliminaries for the Edo Olympics. I am the live game commentator Hou Lai."

"It's 9:05 am local time. The men's 1500m preliminaries will start right away. The atmosphere at the scene is very warm. Obviously everyone in the audience knows very well that Lin Shu is the only man in China to win the 1500m competition. Qualified talented players have broken national records many times, and have great hopes to enter the finals and make history."

"Okay, now the third group of athletes have entered the field..."

In the previous Olympics, domestic media channels would not broadcast the men’s 1500m content, but this time it’s different. Naturally, the domestic sports channel was the first to follow the live broadcast of the men’s 1500m stadium of the Edo Olympics. It is said that from the beginning of the preliminaries, online platforms and media channels have even broadcast live this difficult men's 1500-meter track and field event.

Whether it is a real track and field enthusiast or a netizen who is just going to watch the Olympics, many people in China are now paying attention to Lin Shu's 1500m preliminaries.

There is no doubt that Lin Shu, who is wearing the national team uniform, is so conspicuous in their eyes, and all the focus and expectations are placed on Lin Shu.

It can be said that Lin Shu is running for himself, but also running under the expectations of these people.

Lin Shu is not alone on the court now!

With the sound of the electronic starting gun, the players on the starting line rushed out quickly, very fast.

At that moment, Lin Shu flew out with his whole body, his reaction speed was not slow, he started to accelerate the sprint quickly, he must seize a good position.

Compared to Lin Shu's lack of experience in grabbing and changing lanes at corners at the beginning, Lin Shu is naturally not as ignorant as he was for the first time, his speed is increasing, and he quickly grabs a good position, which can be said to be the vanguard.

This is also the discussion between the coach and Lin Shu. No matter what, don’t think about keeping your energy and aiming to enter the semi-finals. After all, Lin Shu’s ability to appear on the 1,500-meter track is already a huge success. The first small step can be said to be a huge achievement.

Of course, Lin Shu is not satisfied with such results.

What he wants is faster and stronger, and he wants to win the world championship.

He was accelerating, quickly accelerating, quite fast, leading to first place after the corner.

In fact, in the middle and long-distance running events, it is quite normal for the squeeze to happen. As for the extent to which the squeeze will be judged as a foul, the arbitration committee can only judge and make a decision based on the video.

In terms of rules, in the final sprint and lane change overtake, you must clearly surpass the players before you can cut inward. Obviously, Lin Shu now cuts from the outside to the inside with an absolute speed advantage.

Of course, in general, there are few deliberate collisions in the 1500-meter long-distance race. Of course, there is definitely a block. However, this project is not as prone to collisions as the 1500-meter short-track speed skating, and the result of the players falling out.

[Gold coins +15! 】

[Gold coins +20! 】

[Gold coins +18! 】


Lin Shu didn't care about the sound of these systems brushing gold coins that appeared in his ears. He was now full of enthusiasm and full of power. There was only one thought in his mind that was running, running fast, rushing forward, just like that.

The players who ran next to Lin Shu were very surprised. Lin Shu actually rushed so hard in the preliminaries. This speed and cadence is absolutely full speed, which makes them feel puzzled, and they also feel the tremendous pressure, so they are naturally not one of them. Willing to be dumped like this.

Although they were scolding Lin Shu for being so fierce in the pre-race, there is no doubt that no one dared to maintain their physical strength even when other runners ran so fiercely. Naturally, they all ran at full speed for fear of accidents and explosions. Out of the upset, the preliminaries were brushed down.

"Lin Shu is very fast, he is very fast, he is rushing, he is now in the first position, next to him is..."

"The rhythm of this group of players is very fast! The first half of the rush is very fierce, but the priority is gradually separated. If you can sprint and surpass in the second half, it is not known."

Hou Lai’s voice ran quickly with Lin Shu, rushing to the first position, getting more and more excited, getting louder and louder, and shouted almost nervously: "Lin Shu is still in the first position, his speed is still the same. Soon, hold on, hold on!"

"Lin Shu's strength in the second half is recognized as strong. Lin Shu is still running fast. The players behind him are clenching and trying to surpass. Lin Shu stabilizes the rhythm."

Lin Shu would not hear the excitement and cheer for him. He just ran desperately. He had to get rid of the players behind him. He must not let them surpass himself. He is a man who wants to win the world championship. He must not. lose.

Lin Shu took a step forward, with a very fast pace and a steady rhythm, with the whistling wind and the sound of gold coins being harvested in his ears.

The two legs still sprint again, and then run fast.

Of course Lin Shu feels tired, but he also feels that his whole body is full of strength. He can still run and rush, he will definitely not just slow down like this.

"Okay, now entering the second half, Lin Shu still rushes very hard, he can persist, the speed is still very steady, and his rhythm has not slowed down. The players behind him are chasing, and the positions of the two are very close, but Lin Shu is still leading, coming soon, there are still the last 400 meters, hold on!"

"Come on, Lin Shu, come on Lin Shu!"

There is no doubt that a high-level game is such an excitement, watching the audience enthusiastically cheer for the players on the field.

Lin Shu stared at the finish line ahead, and there was the last one hundred meters. Lin Shu didn't pay attention to the players behind or beside him. He had only one thought now, and that was to rush to the finish line.

Ninety meters, eighty meters, seventy meters...

"There are the last fifty meters~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Come on Lin Shu, hold on!"

"It's fast, it's fast, ah—the line is crossed!"

"This, Lin Shu is the first to cross the line!"

Before the results of the electronic timing board came out, the narrator exclaimed excitedly: "Lin Shu has entered the semifinals!"

Because it can be clearly seen on the live broadcast screen that although the players bite very tightly and the distance is very close, the advantage of Lin Shu's lead is still very clear. Lin Shu is the first to cross the line.

Immediately afterwards, the results of the electronic timing board were soon displayed, and the first place was Lin Shu: 3 minutes 29 seconds 85!

"3 minutes 29 seconds 85!"

"Lin Shu refreshed his best score and successfully advanced to the semi-finals with a score of 3:29.85!"

"he is--"

"Group first!"

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