Are you a policeman?

Hearing this cold voice, Lin Shu was startled, his body stiff, but he still closed the door and walked towards the window step by step, he wanted to see what was going on outside.

Then he saw the owl bird headed wearing a pair of gold glasses, with a gentle temperament all over his body, but holding a gun in his hand, looking at the man coldly.

The man was sitting with his back against the big tree, **** and embarrassed. At first glance, he suffered a lot. His hands were tied back. As for the two legs, they were not tied, but they seemed to be bloodied. It seems to be interrupted.

Because there are still wooden ballasts on that leg, and a broken wooden stick lies on the side.

There were blood stains on the man's entire face, but his eyes were extremely calm, as if he was quite calm about the outcome he was about to face right now.

The cold breath engulfed in the smell of blood hit like that, causing Lin Shu to shudder.

Obviously, Lin Shu already understood what all of this meant.

Regarding the question about the first bird, the man did not answer, because everything was very clear, and there was no need to say more.

The headed [Lv20 Desperate Druglord] The owl bird stepped on the man’s broken leg, and the man trembled with pain, but the owl bird’s expression did not change at all, he stared at the man coldly and laughed. He said, "Old Mu, why are you doing this?"

The man named Lao Mu trembled in pain, but still gritted his teeth and said, "Jiang Hua, you won't live long."

With that said, Lao Mu took a sip of blood at the monster Xiaoniao named Jiang Hua, his eyes full of disdain.

This action was followed by a series of fierce actions against Lao Mu. The few little owl birds standing next to them didn’t need to give orders at all, and they took the sticks directly at Lao Mu’s head and body. A violent beating.

The start is extremely cruel and merciless.

Looking at this cruel picture, Lin Shu was thinking madly about what to do. He knew that the most dangerous thing now was not him, but the man who was beaten up. If these monsters [Deadly Drug Lord] are really poisonous Xiao, then the man who was **** really has no way to survive.

Waiting for the end of that man, Lin Shu didn't dare to think about it anymore.

He must save that man!

But will I die? Those [Desperate Druglords] monsters are definitely very terrifying monsters. He should stay away and don't provoke these monsters, especially in such a dangerous place.

Fear made Lin Shu flustered, but he looked at the man, the man who was beaten up, that was the messenger of justice he had summoned more than once.

Even though Lin Shu was very scared in his heart, really quite scared, he knew very well that the man who fell into the hands of these monsters must end up terribly.

All the hesitation and entanglement, timidity and cowardice, hesitation and struggle are still there, but they are swallowed by Lin Shu's pounding and hot blooded heart.

He is a human, he will be afraid, but it is precisely because he is a human, his blood is still hot, and his heart is still alive.

But how he was going to save this man, Lin Shu was very nervous. He knew that he was in the monster's nest now, and it could be said that there were all owl bird monsters outside.

Even if he wanted to save him, and one rushed forward, it would only be a gift.

He doesn't want to give away heads!

Lin Shu looked at the wooden house in front of him, except for the burning wood. It was impossible for him to use fire to attack. This attack power was not enough.

The key point is that he has no other weapons and equipment to use in his current inventory. Lin Shu looked at the virtual inventory in front of him, and looked carefully at it, it seemed that there was only one [air gun] that was still usable, but he didn't know the power. how.

【Air Gun】: Use to fire air bullets. Remarks: The shooting distance is different for different levels. Each air bullet shot requires 2333 gold coins to provide power energy. Price: 23333333333333 gold coins.

The key point is that his [air gun] is simply no match for the weapons of the owl bird, and I don’t know what heavy weapon firepower is in the owl bird’s monster nest.

He was holding an [Air Gun] even if he fired it, he was afraid that it would be lonely in the air, and he would be suddenly abrupt by this group of owl birds.

In addition to the [Air Gun], he also has [Space Box], [Headphones], [Portal]...

By the way, [Portal Gate] Can he use [Portal Gate] to take the man away? Although Lin Shu thinks this is unlikely, he still has to try it. After all, the man is really dangerous now, maybe in the next second Will be killed.

If it is said that the [Portal Gate] cannot be used to take the man away, then he must use other methods to take the man away.

Lin Shu looked at the whole room, and first tried to see if he could use the [Portal Gate] in this space-time crack secret realm. After verification, Lin Shu's gaze fell on the burning wood, his eyes flickering...

The outside voice continued, Lin Shu did not dare to delay, because he had heard that the owl birds were really going to kill the man.

The fire was also burning in Lin Shu's eyes.

Jiang Hua's owl bird seemed unwilling to see this picture, and motioned to the mobs to stop, took out a handkerchief from his pocket, and wiped the pistol in his hand, as if to wipe off something dirty, mockingly Looking at the old wood on the ground, he said coldly: "Do you really think I trust you completely?"

"You are the person brought by your second child. How could I believe you completely? I did not expect to put the bait. You are so uncomfortable and you are hooked. You have too many feet, and the most important thing is this. This time the news broke, do you really think I am stupid?"

Lao Mu leaned against the tree, his face was bloodstained, and he gasped and said, "Have a good time, Jiang Hua, it depends on whether you dare to kill me!"

Jiang Hua’s owl bird seemed to be reluctant to look at the following things, so it was handed over to the following to deal with the matter. To the second owl bird, he said: "The second child, this is the person you brought, and you will solve it. Got it."

"He's a police...ah! He really wants to kill..."

"Nonsense, you didn't kill him, he wants your life, he wants all of us!"

Jiang Hua's face is hideous.

The second child seemed to know this too. He took out his gun and aimed at Lao Mu, ready to shoot, which resulted in the man's pain.

A moment, really a moment!

At this moment, the flames burned, the wooden house suddenly burned, and a thick smoke burst out like that. It was really a big fire suddenly burning up.

All the monster owl birds were very accidental. I didn't expect that the house would suddenly catch fire. All the monsters were all startled for a while, and the owl birds screamed everywhere.

The fire attracted the attention of all the owl birds, and their eyes fell on the fire, not knowing why it suddenly caught fire.

The monster Owl who was about to shoot at the man also stopped, turned his head and looked at the burning house, and said quickly: "The goods inside!"

Several owl birds ran towards the house, busy to put out the fire.

Lin Shu didn't hesitate. Taking advantage of this panic, he directly used the [Portal Gate] to teleport to the man. It was really an instant that Lin Shu appeared where he was thinking of, and stood beside the man.

Lin Shu pulled the man up, just about to take the man to use the [Portal Gate] to leave this dangerous monster's but found that he couldn't take the man through the [Portal Gate] at all.

Sure enough!

Lin Shu was shocked!

In that instant, Lin Shu knew that he could not take the man away.

There was no way, Lin Shu had thought of this result a long time ago, without any hesitation, he could only put the man on his back and began to run wildly.

Everything happened too suddenly, it was really just a moment, and the monster didn't react quickly.

The owl with gold wire glasses was still suddenly wondering about the burning house. When he turned his head and heard the movement, he saw someone escaping quickly with the old wood on his back.

"Boom boom!"

Xiaoniao's angry bullet fired in the direction that left, and immediately after that, several gunshots resounded through the dense forest with a cold killing intent.

The bullet came with the breath of death.

Darkness shrouded, and death came.

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