Every Day Upgrades the Monsters and Explosives Equipment

Chapter 184: 【Interests and occupations】

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Star City.

Yao Chen did live in Lin Shu's house in Star City. As for Lin Shu's car, he was in his hometown. Lin Shu's father was about to start the driver's license test.

Of course, Yao Chen is still very aware that he is just borrowing and did not bring other friends to Lin Shu's house. Although he has not resigned now, he is still looking for a job. Since he cannot be as bold and fearless as Lin Shu, he naturally needs Make a good plan. Whether it's a job change or a public examination, he must have a new plan.

I have to say that Lin Shu's friend still made him feel a lot of warmth.

Yao Chen also knew that Lin Shu participated in the Huaqing University Graduate Sports Meeting, and actually broke the school record. He ran 1500 meters in 3 minutes and 48 seconds. This really surprised him, so he naturally asked about Lin Shu. thing.

Yao Chen didn't even expect that the coach of the city sports team would ask Lin Shu to practice sports.

For some reason, Yao Chen feels that Lin Shu seems to be able to achieve results in sports. This is his truest idea, because as long as Lin Shu persists in working hard, it seems that there is nothing for him to hold him back.

Lin Shu is really strong in his heart.

What about him?

Yao Chen couldn't help thinking of himself, so should he also work hard?


Yenching, Yenching University.

Xu Hui naturally knew that Lin Shu was invited by the coach of the city sports team to go to the city team for training. This incident also surprised her, but she saw with her own eyes how fast Lin Shu ran 1,500 meters, which broke Huaqing. The university's school record, and also far behind other players, is really outrageous.

"Lin Hua, Lin Shu, he might really be called by the coach to practice sports, saying that he is very talented."

"You didn't see how fast Lin Shu ran on the spot."

Xu Hui sat next to Lin Hua, chatting enthusiastically about Lin Shu's amazing performance at the Huaqing University Seminar, which really impressed her.

Lin Hua didn't react particularly to Xu Hui's words. He just looked at his laptop screen, but the words repeatedly deleted back and forth still showed that Lin Hua's heart was not at peace.

On the computer screen is still Lin Hua’s graduation thesis, a legal analysis of criminal law on child abduction and child abduction.

Lin Hua hasn't contacted Lin Shu for a long time. As for the reason, she can't tell why.

Even if she knew that it had nothing to do with Lin Shu, there was a hurdle in her heart that she couldn't get through.

"Think about it now, he was able to recognize the murderer 23 years ago at a glance, and sure enough, he is not comparable to us mortals."

Xu Hui couldn't help talking about the first time he met Lin Shu in the ancient city, and exclaimed: "Lin Shu is really terrible."

"I have passed the law test before, and now sports can easily reach the level of an athlete. It's really scary."

Hearing Xu Hui's words, Lin Hua's hand stopped, and was silent for a moment. He couldn't help saying, "He is terrible."

After Lin Hua said these words, she couldn't help being silent again. She didn't know if she felt lost, like it or hate it.

This kind of complicated feeling is really hard to describe, it's hard...


Yanjing, Huaqing University.

Lin Shu didn’t know that Xu Hui and Yao Chen were very impressed by his performance in the seminar. He himself was also very surprised that his most valuable talent was actually sports. This feeling made him wonder how to describe it. It seems that I have made the wrong choice for the first half of my life, and did not choose the path that I have the most talent for.


Lin Shu never had this idea. After all, although he is not a genius in his junior grades, he has always been excellent, so naturally he did not want to be a sports specialty student.

Now suddenly knowing that his best talent is sports, Lin Shu just feels in a daze.

However, this also made Lin Shu feel that he could really try to train. After all, he is talented in sports.

However, athletic talent eats the body very much. Lin Shu doesn’t know that his most valuable athletic talent now has had the best training time. If he goes to practice sports now, can he complete the [difficult] dungeon task and win a world champion. ?

Lin Shu thought of the [warm-blooded fruit] he ate before. Obviously, the [warm-blooded fruit] is still very important to him. It can make him enthusiastic and passionate. Then in addition to the [warm-blooded fruit], [items store] 】Is there any other magical props in it that can let him easily win the world championship?

After all, playing the game itself armed yourself, equipped with very good weapons and equipment, all attributes plus costs are normal operations.

Lin Shu clicked on the virtual [Prop Shop] and wanted to see if there were any magical props suitable for him for long-distance running.


Coach Tian asked him to buy a pair of professional spikes, so if there are any shoes that can increase his speed, Lin Shu carefully searched in the [Prop Shop], but he didn’t expect that there would be such a pair of magical shoes——

【Hyfeng Shoes】: Use it to increase walking speed as you like. Note: The upper limit of the lifting speed is different for different levels. Price: 666666666666 gold coins.

Well, don't think about it, seeing the price behind him is a luxury that he can't afford.

Unless the mysterious gift of the next upgrade reward can burst him with such equipment.

Otherwise, he really can't wear such expensive shoes.

Lin Shu continued to search in the [Item Store] to see if there were any items suitable for his consumption and purchase. Okay, he saw an item that was cheaper than [Ship Shoes]——

【Daily Traveling Thousand Miles】: It can be used for thousands of miles within one day after use. Price: 233333 gold coins.

Seeing this [Day Traveling Thousand Miles Talisman], Lin Shu knows that even if he can buy it, he can’t buy it even if he can buy it. After all, this charm is not a permanent equipment like the [Brush Shoes]. This is a one-time consumable, even if he buys it, he can't buy it.

After all, you can't put a talisman like this on yourself every time you run.

Lin Shu thinks it's fine, maybe he is suitable to eat a [hot blood fruit] before the game, after all, this [hot blood fruit] is also like a Buff bonus, which allows him to perform at the best level.

Lin Shu closed the virtual [Item Store] and took another look at [Inventory]. There was a piece of equipment in the [Inventory] that was slightly touched. [Portal] could make him move instantaneously, but it was obviously impossible. Using this prop on the field, his front foot is still on the starting line, and he will appear at the end in the next second.

I'm afraid this flash will scare many people to death!

Lin Shu shook his head, thinking that he still had to train honestly.

Although training is required, Lin Shu is still busy in class and study. He has also written a lot of papers here. He hopes to finish the manuscript as soon as possible and submit it to relevant mechanical journals. There are domestic journals such as "China Machinery", "Journal of Construction Machinery", "Construction Machinery" and other national and journals, in addition to provincial journals, as for foreign journals, Lin Shu's paper "Continuous Motion Thread Size Adaptive "Machine Vision Inspection Research" did not consider it.

Lin Shu is still very clear in his heart that the related research of his thesis has corresponding research results in China, and he proposed a continuous motion thread size adaptive machine vision monitoring method based on the detection method of the domestic research results. .

Lin Shu also knew that before submitting the paper, his mentor, Professor Qin Cheng, had to read this paper.

After all, Qin Cheng is his own mentor now, and if he publishes a thesis here, after all, he still has to ask Qin Cheng to put forward relevant opinions.

As for whether Qin Cheng is willing to be named, it is not his decision.

The tutor professor is named, in fact, sometimes it can also allow him to improve the pass rate of the paper.

Here Lin Shu is going to the city track and field team for training. Tian Jing, the director of the school sports committee, is very caring. In his opinion, whether Lin Shu can enter the city track and field team, at least the school sports team Lin Shu must be There is no problem. On the contrary, he knows very clearly that Yilin Shu's performance in the 1500 meters, even if he enters the national team, is not a big problem.

After all, the results are there, and the data that ran out is real, faster than other players, that is really fast, it is impossible to use any technique, completion degree and so on.

Sports like track and field are to see who is faster and stronger!

For this reason, Tian Jing also planned to chat with Lin Shu's mentor Qin Cheng about this matter.

Qin Cheng didn't expect to hear this from the school sports committee. His student Lin Shu actually has a very high talent for long-distance running, which really made him very surprised.

"You mean that Lin Shu has a talent for long-distance running. He can win the national championship in the 1500-meter event, and it is possible that the world championship is also possible?"

Tian Jing nodded.

Qin Cheng's gaze turned to Lin Shu. He still couldn't believe it, but Lin Shu's height was indeed very good. He looked at Lin Shu and asked, "Then you are planning to practice sports?"

Lin Shu shook his head and said, "I still want to stick to scientific research. Running is just my hobby. I didn't think I would have talent. I didn't think about being a professional athlete. I was just interested and thinking about exercising."

These words are from Lin Shu's heart. He really didn't expect that he would have a talent for sports.

The corner of Qin Cheng's mouth twitched, and he remembered that Lin Shu had said similar things during the previous re-examination interview. Before he took the French examination as a hobby, he thought it was quite simple, and then he passed the examination.

Now running is also an interest, but I also said that I have the strength of a national championship, and I have great hopes to win glory for the country and win the world championship.

This really made him wonder what to say~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Although Lin Shu's hobbies are not broad, but being able to cultivate his interests to such a level really makes him speechless.

Really absolutely!

Hearing what Lin Shu said, Tian Jing also felt a little speechless. To Lin Shu, running was really just an interest, and he didn't want to become a professional player.

Lin Shu told the truth: "I just run in the morning every morning and exercise, and then Zhou Bohe said that no one in our department had signed up for the 800m and 1500m of the seminar. Then I went for a run. I didn’t expect the 1500m to break. School records have reached the level of athletes."

"I was also quite surprised."


Both Qin Cheng and Tian Jing were silent.

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