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Yanjing, Huaqing University.

Qin Cheng naturally couldn't regard Tian Jing as ignorance when he came to tell him about it.

In fact, Qin Cheng knew in his heart that for freshmen, it was more to open the literature and finally determine the direction. One must know that there are still many courses to be taken in the research. Therefore, Qin Cheng is not in a hurry to let Lin Shu Entering the subject research, now the school sports committee told him that Lin Shu would receive half a year of physical training and would quit training if he didn't get any results, and Lin Shu himself said that he did not intend to become a professional athlete.

Lin Shu's age is also placed here, and Qin Cheng has no objection. He also knows that this is Lin Shu being targeted by the city sports team.

Qin Cheng remembered the paper Lin Shu told him before, and asked: "You told me last time that you wrote a paper about adaptive machine vision detection?"

Qin Cheng naturally contacted Lin Shu, because he had been on business trips not long after the start of school, and he did not let Lin Shu directly join the group to conduct research on related topics. Not a project he studied.

Lin Shu nodded.

"Then you can send this paper to me later, and submit it to the journal if you can."

If you can really get a good paper in the first study, it will be great.

"Also, you have to read more literature later, and you can contact me directly if you have any questions."

Lin Shu nodded, naturally thanking Professor Qin Cheng very much.

Qin Cheng was actually very curious in his heart. Director Tian Zhi was so sure here, is it possible that Lin Shu is really the national champion, and might even win the world champion?

He wanted to know that Lin Shu's interest was noticed by the city sports team, and he thought it was very talented, but he wanted to know how high Lin Shu's talent was.

This time, is it the same as Lin Shu's previous sentence of passing the Fa-test? It's quite simple.

Lin Shu didn’t know what Qin Cheng’s thoughts were. After leaving Qin Cheng’s office, he just felt that he had to work harder. After all, he had to not only write a thesis but also learn corresponding professional courses. The key is if he really He needs to be trained, but he doesn't want to affect his academic performance because of the training. After all, he is still a man who wants to get a scholarship.

But speaking of it, if he really wins the world championship, he should also have a bonus, right?

Lin Shu was thinking about the scholarship. Liu Zheng called Lin Shu to have a meeting in the large classroom of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. The counselor organized a meeting and said that he would select the class bursary.

There is no shortage of scholarships for postgraduates in Huaqing University. For example, Lin Shu was admitted with the first grade in his major before, and he naturally got the first-class scholarship for freshmen.

There is no doubt about this, after all, his score is placed there.

In the first semester of freshmen, most of the scholarship grades are determined by admission scores. Generally, the first few students in the whole department can get the first-class scholarship. However, it will naturally depend on the final grades and related scientific research papers and awards later.

Lin Shu also hopes that he can get a first-class scholarship for his studies, and even he still has to get a national scholarship, which naturally requires him to study hard.

However, bursaries and scholarships are quite different, and bursaries are more for students whose families are in financial difficulties.

National bursaries are assessed once every academic year, and students apply to the school.

Lin Shu was a little surprised. They would organize their students to come together for a democratic review. When he was at Shonan University, he only had to have a representative in each dormitory.

When Lin Shu arrived in the classroom, the counselor had already organized a meeting on the podium, and there were many people in the classroom.


Liu Zhengchao Lin Shu beckoned and shouted.

Lin Shu carried his bag and walked to Liu Zheng's side. He couldn't help asking, "I have to vote for all of this?"

"Just for it."

Liu Zheng didn't pay much attention to it. He felt that such a democratic review was just a form. After all, the list of applicants for bursaries had almost been finalized, and no one would object at all.

They are just extras who come as a tool and raise their hands to sign.

Lin Shu couldn’t help but nodded when he heard Liu Zheng’s words. In his opinion, the number of applicants for bursaries is still in the minority. Generally, no one wants to say that their family conditions are not good as a last resort. Will not disapprove, deliberately oppose it.

Lin Shu glanced at the students in the classroom. When he didn't pay much attention, he noticed a beautiful girl.

The Department of Mechanics has always had more men than women, let alone pretty girls, it can be said to be rare.

But what caught Lin Shu's attention was not the gender of the girl, nor the beauty of the girl, but the name of the monster on the head of that beautiful girl, which made him very surprised.

[Lv2 Faceless Monster]: The skill is cheeky.

Lin Shu was a little surprised. When is being a skill too, are there two words missing after the skill?

This [faceless monster] should be shameless, right?

But such a beautiful girl is actually an Lv2 [faceless monster].

This really surprised Lin Shu.

"Have you noticed that too? That's Yang Qing, a rare beauty in our department and mechanic department, but I heard that she already has a boyfriend, and the boyfriend is from another school."

Liu Zheng looked at Lin Shu and noticed Yang Qing. He couldn't help but smiled and said, "You have no chance."

"What are you talking about!"

Lin Shu didn't have this idea at all.

No matter how beautiful a girl is with a line of monster names on her head, it doesn't look good.

However, Lin Shu didn't say much. He was used to seeing one or two monsters in the vast crowd. He sat at the back of the classroom and took out his laptop to read the literature.

The counselor here is talking. Liu Zhengzheng is telling Lin Shu about some things in the department. There is no doubt that the social expert Liu Zheng knows some things in the department better than Lin Shu. You must know that Lin Shu has been busy. Learn.

Liu Zheng listened to the counselor talking about the candidates for the scholarship, but he was a little surprised that Yang Qing was there.

Yang Qing actually applied for a bursary too?

Liu Zheng wanted to say something but stopped, hesitated a little, hesitated for a moment, and still didn't say anything.

Just when Liu Zheng hesitated, a thin boy stood up.

"No, it's not right!"

The thin boy stood up and said directly and loudly: "Teacher, I think this is wrong, this is unfair!"

The counselor was a bit astonished. Obviously, it was very unexpected that in such a situation, someone would say that it was unfair and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Yang Qing's family is in the downtown area of ​​Yanjing. She is a local. She has two apartments in Yanjing. Her family conditions are not poor at all. All the clothes she wears now are all famous brands. I think the scholarship should be given. People who need help, instead of giving some people with good conditions, let her use the money issued by the country to spend casually."

These words undoubtedly made the whole classroom quiet for a few seconds.

It's really deadly quiet.

The scene was very embarrassing.

It was so embarrassing that many people clung their toes to the ground for that beautiful girl.

The beautiful girl, Yang Qing, was flushed and her ears turned red and embarrassed. Her whole face was flushed, her big eyes were full of tears, and she looked very aggrieved.

Obviously, Yang Qing never thought that someone would say such a thing at this time.

Now that there is still a family whose conditions are really bad, don’t all grants apply like this?

Why do you talk about her in front of so many people!

Yang Qing only felt that her face was burning, which made her very embarrassed, so she started to cry when she felt wronged.

The counselor was obviously also very surprised. Some students would stand up and say something was wrong.

This makes him feel very embarrassed.

Lin Shu didn't know the girl and didn't know the situation, but he agreed to stand up and what the boy said, if the girl has family conditions, she should naturally not apply for bursary.

It seems that it is indeed shameless.

But Lin Shu agreed. It doesn’t mean that other students would think the same way, because other people actually knew that Yang Qing’s family was not poor, but they all tacitly didn’t expose it. It doesn't matter.

Among the classmates, there is no need to dismantle them.

Some people have already begun to watch the fun with a smile, not knowing whether they are watching the joke of the boy or the beautiful girl.

But more people are dissatisfied with boys, because they didn't see other girls crying!

Not on the national bursary, among the students, as for it!

There is no need at all!

Why oppose it!

This picture feels that the thin boy seems to be an out-of-group. He is a maverick. It is obviously a matter of course and there is no need to object to it. However, he raises questions here and makes other girls cry. If you can't come to Taiwan, this is completely unnecessary. Do you have to appear to be particularly upright?

It's really out of the ordinary!

That boy just stood there alone, his thin body stood very straight, looking very strange and lonely.

Those who looked at the boy looked like they were looking at an alien.

Lin Shu already knew why that beautiful girl was a [faceless monster].

The beautiful girl cried very aggrieved, and Ewha brought rain, but Lin Shu didn't know what she was wronged.

"Teacher, if it is true, then the conditions are not met, and the bursary should not be given to her."

Lin Shu also stood up~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and said such a thing of course.

There is no doubt that when Lin Shu also stood up and said such things, it seemed that the stranger was not just the boy.

To tell the truth is not an alien, he is not alone.

Not everything is right for granted.

The boy naturally noticed Lin Shu, and when he saw Lin Shu stood up and said, at that moment he was a little surprised and surprised.

Obviously, because the boy and Lin Shu stood up to object, the scholarship of the beautiful girl Yang Qing was already shaky, but at this time no one would pay special attention to the girl who was still crying on the table.

Because stand up and say that the opponent is no longer alone.

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