Every Day Upgrades the Monsters and Explosives Equipment

Chapter 183: [How much is the talent worth]

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Yanjing, Huaqing University.

Lin Shu has already agreed to go to the Yanjing City Track and Field Team for trial training. The key point Tian Zhi seems to have changed his attitude towards Lin Shu. I don’t know why, so I told Lin Shu directly and let Lin Shu come to the track and field first this weekend. The team conducted physical examinations and instructed Lin Shu to prepare a pair of professional track spikes.

Liu Zheng had some surprises that Lin Shu would be drawn to the city track team to train. This really made him wonder what to say, which was completely beyond his imagination.

However, Liu Zheng also knows that Lin Shu's performance in the research and sports meeting is very good, not to mention 800 meters, only to say that 1500 meters really set a record, reaching the level of national athletes, which is really too strong.

"Lin Shu, do you really plan to go to the city track team to train?"

Lin Shu shook his head and said: "The coach just asked me to go to the city track team to take a physical test, because I still have to study. I plan to train directly with the school team, which may be more convenient."

"But it still depends on the results of the weekend physical test. He wants to see how much I can achieve by running 1500 meters."

With that, Lin Shu shook his head again and said, "If I am really talented in long-distance running, he might not agree with me to train on the school team."

Liu Zheng asked: "Then what do you do in class? And papers?"

Lin Shu and Liu Zheng talked about what the dean of the school’s sports committee had promised him, and then said: “I don’t know if Professor Qin Cheng will agree, but Coach Tian said that I will talk about it after I go to the official test run on the weekend. "

Liu Zheng nodded and asked: "Then what do you think?"

"I didn't actually think about practicing sports, but they all said that I was talented, as if I also felt talented."

In fact, Lin Shu felt even more that it was because of the increase in his [Basic Attributes]. If it hadn’t been because of the increase in [Basic Attributes], I was afraid that it would be impossible for him to achieve such a good result.

Lin Shu feels that the 1 point attribute change has also greatly improved his whole person.

No wonder attribute growth is so difficult!

Thinking of his attributes, Lin Shu also thought of his talents. Lin Shu glanced at the [Devil Trading Scale] that was always in the inventory. He suddenly wanted to know what the most valuable talent was in the eyes of the devil.

Could there be any hidden talents that he didn't notice that have been buried by him?

Lin Shu really felt that he could ask the ugly devil, after all--

Ask and don't want money!

Don't ask for nothing!

After Lin Shu and Liu Zheng also left the dormitory, he locked the door of the dormitory and ran into the toilet. The book also thinks that it is better to be careful not to let other people think that he is crazy and keep talking to himself.

Just after Xia Lin Shu clicked on [Devil's Trading Scale], the next second, a change that hadn't been seen for a long time, the devil statue was resurrected and the stone devil appeared in front of him.

"Young man, do you think about what you want to deal with this time?"

It was still a thick, hoarse voice.

Lin Shu watched the devil's very infiltrating changes. If this was seen by others, he still didn't know what would happen.

Lin Shu still remembered what the devil woman said to him before. You can't look into the eyes of the devil, so you can see through the thoughts in your heart, and asked: "Devil, I want to ask, other people can't see you, right?"

"Only you can see the devil."

Why does this sound so awkward?

Lin Shu suppressed the awkwardness in his heart and asked, "I want to ask, did you say that I can trade my talent?"

"Yes, you can trade all your talents, and the devil can give you what you want."

The sound is full of alluring, and the feeling really seems to be bewitching.

But I don't know if Lin Shu has become accustomed to this voice, or because Lin Shu's [spiritual] attribute 5 is very powerful, and I don't have any special feelings for this temptation.

Lin Shu asked directly: "So, what is the most valuable talent in me?"

Although Lin Shu felt that using money to measure his talent, he slightly insulted his talent.

But if it is measured by money, it seems that it is probably not that serious.

"The most valuable talent in you is sports."

I go!

Is it really a talent for sports?

Lin Shu was very surprised. It turned out that he was really a man with well-developed limbs and a simple mind!

He is really a master in sports!

It is a pity that although he has a lot of wishes when he was a child, he thought about being a scientist, a doctor, an astronaut, a teacher...

But I never thought about being an athlete at all!

After all, his talents in sports disciplines were concealed by his excellence in other areas, alas!

Is it because when I was young, I didn't find my talent in sports, and the world missed an athlete who was never born?

This is a shame!

It's a pity that Lin Shu is for the world, but he missed the mobilization of such an outstanding genius.

"Then how much is my athletic talent worth?"

"Different levels of trading value are different, your athletic talent can be traded for three million."


Lin Shu feels that his athletic talent has been insulted. The world is so excellent and rare that athletic talent is worth only 3 million?

This is his most valuable talent!

Why is it so cheap!

Not expensive at all!

This is too cheap!

Know that all the laziness in him is worth four million.

His most expensive talent is actually no better than laziness, which really makes Lin Shu unacceptable.

"Then what is my second most valuable talent?"

The devil said with a dumb voice, "Painting."


What the hell?

He can't be an athlete, can he be a painter?

Is there not only one talented athlete missing in this world, but also one contemporary Van Gogh?

Lin Shu asked: "Then how much is my talent for painting?"

"Five hundred thousand."

Hemp egg!

Contemporary Van Gogh is actually worth only half a million!

Lin Shu became a little unhappy, and asked, "Then how much is my literary talent?"

"Three hundred thousand."


"What about the music?"

"Nine cents."


Lin Shu felt that his music had been insulted, and the little angel in his soul who wanted to sing was severely chopped off and cut off his wings.

The stone devil was asked by Lin Shu one after another about the price of many talents, as if a little irritated, and asked angrily: "What kind of talent are you trading?"

"Huh? I'll just ask, no deal!"

The whole ghost of the stone devil was completely irritated by Lin Shu's words, the devil's breath soared, as if he was angry, and rushed directly to Lin's writing, and roared: "I have been here to force Lai Lai, and no deal!"

"You are playing me!"

Lin Shu was completely frightened by the angry look of the stone statue devil~www.wuxiamtl.com~ hurriedly comforted: "Don't get excited, calm down, calm down!"

"Speak as you speak, don't slobber!"

The stone dross of the stone statue of the devil sprayed Lin Shu's face again.

Although it is virtual stone scum, the image of saliva sprayed on the face feels really bad, because it is too real.

Lin Shu took a step back and said, "I don't want to know the market first. Of course, I have to ask clearly about the transaction."

"By the way, how much is my talent for humor worth?"

The stone statue devil spouted out a mouthful of stone dross again, and roared: "You go to Laozi, I don't want to see you again!"

In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 182 [How much is the talent] (subscription required)), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf!

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