
Obviously, the local procuratorate has also received news about this case.

Because of the social influence and topicality of this case, the prosecutor’s office and the police are very concerned about it, and they did not delay it. Naturally, it will not happen again 21 years ago because the deaf-mute woman was unable to speak. The dumb woman was sent to the orphanage.

I have to admit that although public opinion often brings some negative effects, it is precisely because of the popularity of public opinion that some people dare not pay attention to this matter. It doesn't look like a big event, thinking that the big event is turned into a small matter.

As mentioned on the Internet, there is a prosecution period for criminal offences, but it is precisely because of the previous controversy. The controversial point is that the deaf-mute woman had gone to the police station to report to the police, whether it was because she did not understand, but she did not care too much about the dereliction of duty by the police. , Anyway, the case was picked up and not filed, so the case should be filed. And another point of contention that Lin Shu and Lin Hua said before and that is the starting time of the prosecution period. According to the law, it means that the criminal act has ended, and the offender’s abduction behavior should continue from the day of the abduction. Until the child turns fourteen, his criminal behavior has remained in a continuous state, and it was not considered as the end of the crime until 2011, so the prosecution period should start from 2011.

In fact, there is such a controversial point, because in many people's eyes, they hope that the man can be held criminally, and that the man cannot be let go so easily. The legal aid lawyers at the welfare institute have also been helping the deaf-mute woman to raise these two points to the prosecutor's office. This is the hope that the prosecutor's office can really try the crime committed by the man that year.

The so-called prosecution period must not be used to allow that man to escape the punishment of the law in this way.

Lin Shu naturally thought the same way, otherwise he wouldn't keep trying to uncover this matter.

Because he knew that even if the person was not Lin Hua, he might be someone else. He would still make the same choice because he saw the crime committed by that person with his own eyes, and the deaf-mute woman was an independent person.

She has no reason to be so cruelly hurt and not protected by the law.

The deaf-mute woman at the orphanage already knew that the truck driver who snatched her child was caught, because it was not only the monster who was crying and crying, but also the crying victim who was very excited and crazy when seeing the monster's photo.

People who are deeply hurt by monsters also cry, and also have painful tears.

And this crying lasted for twenty-one years.

The moment the deaf-mute woman saw Lin Weiguo's photo, the whole person was anxious and frantically gesticulating something. Obviously, the painful torture of so many years did not erase the deaf-mute woman's painful memory of the monster.

Obviously, this is also evidence to confirm that Lin Weiguo was the perpetrator of kidnapping.

Even if the deaf-mute woman can't speak, her excited reaction is enough to prove all the answers.


Ding! Congratulations to the player for your awe-inspiring righteousness, cast a great summoning technique, summon the messenger of justice, and successfully capture lv1 monster ghost tooth woman alive, gain 1 experience +80265; 2 gold coins +8025.


Ding! Congratulations to the player for completing the task requested by the nc dumb woman, rewards 1 dumb woman’s favorability +20; 2 experience +55200; 3 gold coins +5520.

Although Lin Shu found the monster Ghost Tooth and completed the mission requested by the deaf-mute woman, and obtained such a large amount of experience points, Lin Shu did not feel particularly happy because he knew it was not a simple nc search. Human task, even if he helped the deaf-mute woman find his biological daughter Lin Hua, it does not mean that he really found the child.

Because the child had been snatched away on the night 21 years ago and could never be found again.

The twenty-one years of time will never be found again.

Lin Shu looked at the deaf-mute woman in front of him, feeling a little uncomfortable because he knew that Lin Hua couldn't recognize the deaf-mute woman as his biological mother so simply. Because Lin Shu knows that even if Lin Hua is a student of law, even when he asked Lin Hua's questions, Lin Hua's answer was on the side of the law, but people's choices may be different.

Lin Shu knew that his task seemed to be completed, but it was not really completed.

But whether he can really complete it is no longer for him, and he can't do anything anymore.

Lin Shu didn't feel relaxed in his heart, because he knew that the innocent smile on the face of the kid he saw back then would never be there anymore. The real kid and her smile had disappeared in that time and space. .

As a victim, the deaf-mute woman naturally has to go to the police station to make a record. When the deaf-mute woman sees the monster, she is also crying, going crazy and going up to fight the monster, wanting to find her own. child.

Obviously, the deaf-mute woman did not realize that the girl standing behind the monster who was crying was her child.

Lin Weiguo naturally saw the deaf and mute woman. He was the child who was snatched from this woman back then. He always remembered the woman's tearing, holding on to him tightly and not letting go. He tried so hard to make a voice and yelled, but he was always dumb. The sound of shouting.

He kicked the woman in front of him without mercy.

At that time, he was also very I hope this woman will let go, but the woman has been holding on to it, and he kicked it up one foot after another.

Finally, in the middle of the night, he snatched the child away.

He also thought that he might be arrested, but after so many years, he thought that no one would know about it. He never came to Decheng again. He also thought that he would never see that woman again, but he did not expect to be here now. Meet the deaf-mute woman.

Ai Xin stopped the deaf-mute woman from letting her fight Lin Weiguo, so that the deaf-mute woman calmed down, and pointed at Lin Hua again.

Lin Hua was crying, not knowing whether he was crying when he looked at Lin Weiguo or the deaf and mute woman was crying.

At that moment, the deaf-mute woman seemed to understand that the girl who was crying was her child. At that moment, the tears on the face of the deaf-mute woman continued to flow down, just as she watched with tears on her face. The crying Lin Hua opened her mouth and tried to make a sound, but she yelled "Ahhhhh" but couldn't say anything.


The deaf-mute woman walked to Lin Painting with a trembling body, and at some point she took out a small old baby bottle from her pocket and handed it to Lin Painting tremblingly, crying and laughing.

It seems that her child will not cry anymore.

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