
People here in the community already know that Lin Hua’s father, Lin Weiguo, has been arrested, and now they are all talking in private, because it was Lin Weiguo who snatched a child from a deaf-mute woman back then. Lin Hua’s The biological mother is the deaf and mute woman.

"Hey, Lao Lin is also in trouble, I hope he won't be sentenced very seriously."

Sister Zhou sighed and said, "You said before that Lin painting was bought back. Who would have thought that Lao Lin took it back."

Sister Yang was also very surprised, because at first she thought that Lin Weiguo bought Lin Weiguo, but Lin Weiguo actually snatched it from the deaf and mute woman, she never expected it.

"Although it is said that Lin Weiguo did the wrong thing, but after all he has raised Lin Hua for so many years, and he has cultivated Lin Hua so well, for her to go to school, and for her to be admitted to Yanjing University as a graduate student. This is the deaf and dumb person. It is absolutely impossible for a woman to give it to her."

"That is, even if the court looks at this, it shouldn't be severely sentenced to Lao Lin. The deaf-mute woman is a garbage picker, and it is impossible to give her a good life and education. It's better to forget it, after all, it is not easy. It can also be said to be a change of destiny if Lin Hua is offered as an offering. Otherwise, there will be something to do with the deaf and mute woman, maybe she is also illiterate!"

Sister Yang nodded, agreed with Sister Zhou, and sighed, "I don't know what Lin Hua would think in his heart."

Sister Zhou was noncommittal and said nonchalantly, "What can she think? Lao Lin is so good to her. It hurts to hold her in her hand when she was a child. If it wasn't because Lao Lin couldn't give birth, she didn't know where to suffer. , If she doesn’t recognize Lao Lin, she really has no conscience. Say yes!"

Sister Yang thought for a while and nodded. They naturally stood on Lin Weiguo's side in their hearts, hoping that Lin Weiguo's matter could be handled lightly.

There is no way. This is the relationship. After all, they have been neighbors with Lin Weiguo for so many years. They watched Lin Weiguo raise Lin painting. They are not the deaf and mute woman, nor did they see the deaf and mute woman as long as twenty-one. Nian's pain, even more will not feel the same.

Human sorrows and joys are not interlinked, even if they are interlinked, they will only be close and distant.

"By the way, Zhang Yun is going to Decheng now, right?"

Sister Yang nodded and said, "Yes, it's not easy for her, I just hope that this matter will have a result soon."



In fact, Zhang Yun felt that something was wrong from the night when Lin Weiguo took Lin painting back. Although Lin Weiguo and her did not tell the truth at first, he said that he picked up the painting on the road, but she saw Lin Weiguo's nervousness. And upset.

Later, I asked Lin Weiguo again and again and learned that Lin Weiguo had snatched Lin Weiguo from a deaf-mute woman.

For this reason, Zhang Yun has always remembered this incident in her heart. Although she loved the child she brought up since childhood, but because of that incident, she always felt that there was something missing, maybe it was uneasy, maybe it was worried. , She is not used to being close to Lin painting.

Perhaps she has been worried that one day this truth will be revealed, and she is very afraid of that day.

Now that this day has arrived, Zhang Yun felt uncomfortable and painful in her heart, but she faintly felt relieved. Maybe it was because she had been tired of keeping secrets for so many years.

Zhang Yun's eyes were red, looking at Lin Painting sitting in front of her, silently not knowing what to say.

Lin Hua looked at Zhang Yun. She only now knows why her mother is unaccustomed to doing special intimate actions with her. Such stories are hidden behind those seemingly shy and unaccustomed.

She is not Zhang Yun's biological child, she was taken back by Lin Weiguo and raised as her own child.

Lin Hua is actually very curious, is Zhang Yun scared every time she sees herself, because she is like a detonating bomb. Although she does not know when it will explode, it will eventually explode.

"You, have you always been afraid of me?"

Hearing Lin Hua's words, Zhang Yun shook his head, his voice was sad, and he whispered, "I am not afraid of you, I am just worried, worried that you know."

Hearing Zhang Yun's words, Lin Hua felt uncomfortable in her heart, and even felt a little funny, worried that she knew it, but now she still knows it, and she doesn't know whether she should continue to call Zhang Yun's mother.

She still remembers the snacks that she prepared for her, and she also remembers the memories from childhood to adulthood very clearly.

But why is she feeling very uncomfortable now.

Lin Hua still remembered her biological mother, crying and laughing and handing her the milk bottle. That also made her very sad. Is she now having to bear all this?

"The dispute was accepted by the court, and he has already pleaded guilty, so this case should be judged soon."

Hearing Lin Hua's words, Zhang Yun felt uncomfortable. He raised his head and looked at Lin Hua and said, "Lin Hua, I'm sorry, Mom... I'm sorry you."

"I should have sent you back in the first place, not just left you."

Zhang Yun couldn't help crying. She was obviously so scared and disturbed, but she still left Lin Hua, because she also thought that this matter would not be known. Since she has done it, then she will do it right. That child.

Lin Hua heard Zhang Yun's words and looked at Zhang Yun's crying, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

She really didn't know how to face her adoptive mother and her adoptive father who was about to be tried by law.

Only silence.

Zhang Yun cried and looked at Lin Hua. She hoped that Lin Hua could forgive her father and said, "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, Lin Hua really hopes you, you can forgive your father!"

Hearing what Zhang Yun said, Lin Hua felt very uncomfortable. She did not expect that one day her mother Zhang Yun would cry and say sorry to her, hoping that she could forgive her father. Such a scene really made her heart feel like It was a knife being inserted, which made her heartache.

Lin Hua wiped away the tears on his face and tried to calmly say, "You didn't feel sorry for me, and he didn't feel sorry for me. You should say sorry to her."

"He shouldn't rob her of her child, that's her only."

"He shouldn't treat her so cruelly, watching her desperately clutching and crying and praying, and kicking her with his feet mercilessly, hurting her?"

"You shouldn't do this to her!"

"Do you know how she survived the past 21 years?"

Listening to Lin Hua's words, Zhang Yun cried more uncomfortably, and the tears couldn't stop flowing down.

Lin Hua's tears kept falling, but she wiped away the tears and said hoarsely, "It is her you are sorry, not me, mother."

Zhang Yun's heart trembled when he heard Lin Hua's "Mom".

Lin Hua cried and didn't know what to say. Those words were what she wanted to say, and she agreed with them. Even if she felt uncomfortable, she could not say that her adoptive father Lin Weiguo was innocent.


Decheng, the gate of the first court.

This case has attracted much attention, and online media and social news have been following up on it. Because Lin Weiguo did not conceal it, but rather directly pleaded guilty, and gave a detailed account of the incident that year, there was no need to continue the investigation. In fact, the case has long been very clear, and there is nothing unclear about it.

Lin Hua looked at Lin Shu with complicated eyes. She didn’t know whether she should hate Lin Shu for telling her the cruel truth, or should she thank Lin Shu for exposing the world of lies in her life, feeling as if she didn’t know how to face this. Everything was the same entanglement, just staring at Lin Shu in a dazed manner, and then asked for a long time, "When you asked me the answer, you already knew it."

Lin Shu nodded.

Seeing Lin Shu nodding, Lin Hua couldn't help laughing, and said, "You are really as good as ever."

The smile was sad.

"What do you think I should do?"

Lin Shu looked at Lin Hua, Lin Hua's expression was still not very good, and said, "Actually, you don't need to do anything. Now it is him who committed the crime, and the law will judge him for his crime."

Will the law try his crimes?

Lin Hua was silent and did not speak. She knew very clearly what Lin Shu meant. The law will judge Lin Weiguo's crimes and give punishment.

So, what should she do after the punishment is given by the law?

Lin Shu looked at Lin Hua, was silent for a moment, and said, "I'm really sorry."


Looking at Lin Shu, Lin Hua felt a little ridiculous, saying I'm sorry. Since everyone knows I'm sorry, why should I be sorry in the first place?

"Don't you think this is funny?"

Lin Hua smiled lightly, her smile a little sad and sad.


Decheng, the first court.

Because of online news reports and hot searches on Weibo, more and more people are paying attention to the kidnapping incident in Decheng 21 years ago. Many people want to know the final judgment of this case.

The center seat is the presiding judge, and the two sides are the judges. The table below this long table is the position of the clerk. The two sides of the clerk are the seats for the prosecutor and the defendant. The right direction is the auditorium.

Because this matter was a criminal offense, the procuratorate naturally filed a lawsuit, and the defendant Lin Weiguo naturally had a lawyer to appeal for it.

As the victim of this incident, or the client, Lin Hua naturally also appeared in court. During this period, Lin Weiguo's legal lawyers also naturally approached Lin Hua, hoping that Lin Hua could appear in court to speak for Lin Weiguo.

As the real victims, the deaf-mute women here naturally also have to appear in court.

In fact, the trial of the case was very clear, because Lin Weiguo did not deny from the beginning to the end, on the contrary, he pleaded guilty very clearly.

The lawyer here will naturally plead for Lin Weiguo, saying that although Lin Weiguo committed a crime, he raised Lin Hua as a daughter, and has been caring and loving since childhood. I hope that the judge can make a judgment in this regard.

Undoubtedly, this was a very smooth trial. The two sides did not have a verbal confrontation. Some were just disputes over law and favor. One side was fighting in accordance with the law and prosecuting Lin Weiguo's injury to the deaf and dumb woman. The other side wanted the judge to exercise discretion. judgment.

Obviously, the atmosphere of the entire trial seemed a bit silent.

With the final judge's verdict, the audience fell silent, suddenly becoming very quiet.

No matter how the discussion is heard, the law will give the final judgment.

In fact, as discussed by Lin Shu and Lin Hua, Lin Weiguo can only be punished for the crime of kidnapping children, not the crime of kidnapping children, and Article 262 of the Criminal Law stipulates the abduction of minors under the age of fourteen. Those who leave the family or guardian shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years or criminal detention.

"After the trial, it was found that at about 19:00 on November 25, 1999, the defendant Lin Weiguo met the daughter of a deaf-mute woman Jiang Xiang near Gukou Road in Decheng City. Xiang tried his best to stop and beat and kicked the victim Jiang Xiang. With the above facts, the defendant Lin Weiguo had no objection during the trial, and he had his confession and confession in the public security organ..."

"The defender made the following defense opinions: 1. No objection to the facts and characterization of the charges. 2. After returning to the case, the defendant truthfully confessed his crimes, with confession plots and profound repentance. He was a first offender or an accidental offender and should be treated lightly in accordance with the law. 3. The purpose of the defendant taking the victim’s daughter home is for adoption. The defendant’s crime is minor and the social harm is low, and should be given a lighter punishment. Based on the above reasons, the defendant is requested to apply a suspended sentence. If you have a daughter to support her to go to school, the punishment for the defendant should be mitigated."


"This court believes that the defendant Lin Weiguo robbed a minor under the age of 14 to leave his guardian, and his behavior has constituted the crime of kidnapping children, and the injury to the victim Jiang Xiang constituted the crime of intentional injury, bullying the vulnerable group, and the circumstances were serious~www. wuxiamtl.com~ should be punished. The prosecution’s allegations are established. Since the defendant can truthfully confess his crime after returning to the case, he can be confessed and can be punished lightly in accordance with the law. The defense opinions expressed by the defender in this regard can be adopted. According to the "People of China" The Criminal Law of the Republic of China, Article 262, Article 67, Paragraph 3, Article 234, Paragraph 2, Article 36, and "General Civil Law Law of the People's Republic of China" 110 According to Article 9 and Article 131, the judgment is as follows--"

"1. Defendant Lin Weiguo committed the crime of kidnapping and deceiving children, intentionally hurting, and was punished for several crimes, and was sentenced to four years in prison.

(The term of imprisonment is calculated from the date of execution of the sentence. For those who are detained before the execution of the sentence, 1 day of custody will be converted into 1 day of sentence.)

2. The defendant Lin Weiguoping compensated the victim Jiang Xiang for a total of 210,000 yuan for his mental losses.

If you disagree with this judgment, you can appeal through this court or directly to the Intermediate People's Court of Decheng City, Xiangnan Province within ten days from the second day of receipt of the judgment. In case of a written appeal, one original and two copies of the appeal petition shall be submitted. "

In such a court trial, the first instance was decided.

No matter how close and estranged, pray for forgiveness, and redeem the merits, the final result of the judgment is -

Four years in prison!

This is the verdict of the law!

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