Every Day Upgrades the Monsters and Explosives Equipment

Chapter 162: [The meaning of the existence of law]

On the Internet, there has been a lot of attention on the child snatching incident that Lin Shu posted on Weibo 21 years ago, but netizens have reposted it on Weibo, hoping to help the poor deaf-mute woman find the kidnapped child. I hope that the man who snatches the child can be arrested and be tried by the law.

But netizens are also very clear that this matter is not that easy, and it can even be said that there is little hope.

However, when the netizens felt that hope was slim, there were already news reports on the Internet that the perpetrator who robbed the child 21 years ago had been arrested and the child was also found. That child was the perpetrator back then. Raised as his own child.

At this moment, it attracted the attention and heated discussion of netizens.

"Really? I actually found the person who snatched the child back then. It's incredible. It's really too difficult. It's really a miracle. People from 21 years ago can be found. It's really amazing!"

"The man should go to jail, even if he raised the child, but this will not change the offense he committed in the past. He caused a deaf and mute woman who was originally a socially disadvantaged woman to lose her child, and it was painful. Twenty-one years, such a crime should really be severely sentenced!"

"I'm afraid this case is very difficult. If the prosecution period really passes, it will be difficult to pursue the man's criminal offences. He can only be prosecuted for civil compensation. Moreover, he is not a kidnapping of children, it should be regarded as child kidnapping, but His abduction is a bit different. He robbed the child directly, and he deliberately hurt the woman."

"This case is very tricky. That man actually raised the child. On the one hand, it is nurturing and the other is giving birth. It is difficult for that child to make a choice."

"No matter what, this matter should never be left unaccounted for. We all have our own children, and we all compare ourselves. We are afraid that our hearts and flesh will actually meet a human trafficker someday. The traffickers will not die every day. Our children will never die every day. There is always a risk of being snatched away! Even if that man is not a human trafficker, he commits the same crime as a human trafficker. He just snatched the child back and sold it to himself, and that child is just an object in his eyes."

"I have heard from insiders. Now the public security organs just summoned the suspects. The suspects are summoned to be detained in the public security organs for no more than 24 hours, because this case is special and it is a long time ago. Discuss, if it was said that the case was not opened at all because the person had not been found, and there was no suspect, but now that the child and the perpetrator have been found, then it is impossible to say that there is no evidence, because that child is the evidence."

"I am very sympathetic to that child. Knowing the truth of this incident must be painful. The most hateful thing is his adoptive father. If he hadn't committed such a crime in the past, then he wouldn't have so much pain now."

"Anyway, I absolutely hope that the man will be severely sentenced, and I must not let him go so easily. The deaf-mute woman's 21 years of pain must not be so plainly tolerated."

"If you **** a child, you should die! Don't talk about raising the child so much. If anyone says that you can let the man go, I hope your child will also be snatched away."


Many local news media naturally reported this incident, especially Zhong Yu, as a reporter, reported it as early as the first time, and the cause and effect of the incident were also mentioned in the news report. The deaf person 21 years ago How the dumb woman was robbed of her child, was sent to the hospital for treatment, and then went to the police station. The ins and outs of the story really made netizens very sad.

As for how to find the child and the child’s adoptive father, there is still no detailed report. In fact, this is also something that many people do not understand. It can only be said that it is the arrangement of fate, because some things seem to be so coincidental.

Zhong Yu was also surprised at the beginning, why Lin Shu asked Lin Hua to help, it happened that Lin Hua was the daughter.

In the eyes of Zhong Yu and Ai Xin, it may be that Lin Hua looks a bit similar to a deaf and mute woman, and Lin Hua's father also drove a truck before, which made Lin Shu suspicious.

But they didn't know that Lin Shu was not the appearance of Lin painting, but because of the appearance of the monster and the name on the monster's head, Lin Shu really confirmed the point.

"Great! I heard that Lin Shu helped find this thing, Lin Shen is really great!"

"That man will definitely be punished, and the law must never let him go!"

"If you **** a child, you should be shot directly. Don't tell me anything to raise it. It's all nonsense, but it hasn't been sold. If something like this is frantic, you should be shot directly."

"As a legal worker, I am very angry about this kind of thing, but even if the court hears it, it will only sue the man for kidnapping the child, because he did not sell the kid, but raised it by himself, and the court may also follow the circumstances. Judgment at discretion, after all, this case is really complicated."

"This case is not complicated at all. The man who snatches the child should be sentenced. The key is that he still chooses the disadvantaged group to **** it, because the deaf-mute woman can't speak or hear. Look. She is so bully that she will **** her child. Such a person has no humanity at all!"

"Yes! That's right! He just can't make a sound when bullying the weak!"

"This is not just about grabbing children~www.wuxiamtl.com~ but the ruthless persecution of marginalized people. No matter how many years have passed, this matter must be investigated to the end! If such an inhuman crime is not held accountable , Then it’s really too much. Don’t tell me anything. The prosecution period has passed. The deaf-mute woman reported the case back then, but didn’t file the case. This is to investigate the dereliction of duty of the police officers. Just send the deaf-mute woman to the orphanage, it seems that this will solve the problem!"


In fact, as netizens discussed on the Internet, more netizens are still very angry with the man, because such a thing is undoubtedly a crime of a very bad nature, and it is related to children, so it can be said that it is very serious in society. The impact of the discussion is quite high.

Unknowingly, the topic of being arrested for kidnapping a child in Decheng in 21 years also rushed into the hot search on Weibo, and the topic was quite hot.

More and more netizens on the Internet are aware of this matter, and many netizens are very concerned about this matter, and hope that there can be a good solution, that justice can be done, and the injured and weak are protected.

More importantly, the offender should be punished.

This is the meaning of the existence of law!

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