Eternal Life

Chapter 881

“Mickey’s man! Going to pick up Mibao? Leave this to go to the nine clear days?” The first thing that came back to God was Lie Zhennan, the character of the peak of True Immortal, bursting into laughter and looking at him with a playful look. Fang Han: “I can’t think of it. I would have encountered such a funny thing. It was the most incredible thing in my cultivate Dao career. (peak novels, novels) Young people, although you are Void Immortal, but far from Is it a man who is qualified to be a Mibao? Is it a heartless madness? Or what? You know how serious the mistakes that Mibao has now, what kind of martial art are we going to go to Jiu Qingtian? Even her Master, Dongling Taoist, Heavenly Immortal’s peak Supreme Powerhouse, can’t assault her. You actually want to pick her up? It’s a arrogance.”

“Wang Jiangliu, you have found such a heartless and crazy person to enter the dojo of the Jiuqing faction?”

Suddenly, that violent thunder.

“Predecessors.” Wang Hui immediately passed on the mind, Fang Han waved his hand, stepped forward, did not look at the Zhen Zhennan and Lie Lei and his son, not to look at anyone else, that is, the eyes looked at the young girl The main tomb of the mausoleum, Dongling: “Dongling Taoist, you are the master of Mibao. What happened in the end? I came from the world of comprehension, I heard the failure of the owner of the treasure. And the treasure is actually too The people in the Shangjiu Qingtian took away. You will tell me in detail, who is the stalker, and must peek into the legacy of Mibao? This person, I must kill him.”

This remark is also said to be calm and light, as if the cloud is light and does not care.


The southern face of the violent earthquake changed: “Where are you going to go to the nine clear days? Is it so mad?”

“Slightly safe, don’t worry.” Dongling, the young girl, waved her hand and stared at Fang Han: “Young man, I believe that you are a man of Mibao, because Mibao was already with people when he came back. I have double repaired, and I have calculated that she will definitely find a man who is destined to go out. But this time, because of you, Mibao was promoted to True Immortal, and the treasure owner went to tear the door of the fairyland and soared. The result failed. Now you have to pick up the Mibao, the courage is commendable, but the strength is too bad. Void Immortal … a Void Immortal, outside, may be able to get the respect of countless cultivators, standing at the peak of this world, unfortunately In our midst of the nine clear days, it is not enough! Unless you have the Climate Base of Heavenly Immortal, you may be able to speak to Mibao, but it is still impossible to pick her up. ”

“Yes? Strength is not enough…” Fang Han said in a slight voice: “Heavenly Immortal? Heavenly Immortal? What is Dongling Taoist, I will let you see what my strength is? Mi Bao’s vision , never bad.”

“Junior! You are a Void Immortal, don’t talk nonsense here. Speed ​​out, this seat and the Dongling Taoist have something to talk about, there is no leisure time to see you juggling here, what strength.”

Lie Zhennan was really impatient. He suddenly had a big sleeve and a tyrannical force. He directly bombarded Fang Han and wanted to beat him out of the Dongling Dojo, even the whole Taishang.

With Cultivation Base, you can bombard people from one big world to another big world, even if Void Immortal is no exception.

However, Fang Han suddenly blinked out of the cold, and Aura was slightly shocked. The back of the glory of Aura appeared, and the power that struck him was disintegrated.

“With your heart, even my strength can’t be seen, I want to be Heavenly Immortal? I think your life is exhausted, and you can’t do Heavenly Immortal.” Fang Han’s voice spreads with his body. The next moment, it appeared in front of the violent earthquake.


It seems that the fairy mountain in the fairy world collapsed, and the pillars of the universe were broken by Fang Han. There was no suspense. The shocking expert of the earthquake was hit by Fang Han and flew out. The blood in the mouth is squirting blood, the Divine Ability is scattered, and even the law of life and death of True Immortal is bleak.


After flying for dozens of miles, I bumped into a solid void. Lie Zhennan stopped here. I rolled over and rolled into the void. The hair was scattered and I vomited dozens of blood. The blood was dark. The color is obviously the destruction of the structure of the immortal material in the body.

Under one trick, the overlord, actually vomiting blood, is on the verge of death.

“What?” Wang Jiangliu, Wang Hui, and the son of Lie Zhennan, Lei Lei, Heavenly Immortal The unfathomable Dongling Taoist leader almost jumped up.

The eyes that can’t be believed, the Luo Zhen is a mouth and a combination, like a dead fish.

Who is Lie Zhennan? Although it is not the Heavenly Immortal Taoist, but also among the martial art, the famous Lord object, the Culture Base is unpredictable, walking in the Myriad Heavenly Domain, all come and go, now it is actually hit between people Flying, even the hand is impossible, then the person’s Magic Force, too ridiculous, reached a point that is impossible to believe.

Although it is said that seeing is a real thing, but now these people have seen this scene with their own eyes, still refuse to believe. Because this has exceeded the limit that thinking can bear.


Suddenly, the violent earthquake that was hit by the fly flew up, like a demon like a god, a hair flying, blood flowing, and a huge life burned: “Impermanence of life and death, hooked the great fairy!”

The ghost is crying, and the blood is falling in the sky. In the bloody rain, a big hand of Baishen’s soul suddenly appears. It is a large fairy with more than 80 kinds of Three Thousand Great Daos condense. The majesty of the world, landing down, screaming souls, killing the invincible existence.

“There is a taboo technique!” Wang Jiangliu saw, the whole body was shocked: “Geng Zhennan, are you afraid of being punished by the martial art? This is a taboo technique!”


His gods had just been sent out, and he saw an incredible scene. Fang Han was expressionless and his hands were in the air. The power of Insight’s creation surged, and the illusion of an 33 Skies appeared in the air, only a shock, and the smashing of the Great Immortals was completely destroyed, and the wind and the clouds were everywhere, and the smoke disappeared.

Then, Fang Han slaps in the face. No matter how hard the south of the earthquake, it was useless, and it was taken out again, and the blood was sprayed even more.

“Give me over!”

Fang Han caught the emptiness and displayed the “Qingtian Hand” in 33 Skies Creation Divine Fist. Only when the gas of creation was running, his hand had already pinched the neck of Lie Zhennan, and the hard dangling was lifted up. No matter how the Lord’s things changed, he could not leave his palm.

The violent earthquakes of the south legs are constantly kicking in the air, and the eyes are like fish bubbles. Gradually, the face appeared a look of fear.

Naleiley saw this scene and almost fainted to death. The chest gasped and gasped, and there was a suffocating taste.

“Sure enough, if he didn’t say anything big, he could hunt down the existence of the dragon emperor! Lie Zhennan was picked up by him, and it was better to die! Even the Heavenly Immortal Taoist, some Magic Force deep Jiu Qingtian giants, It is impossible to defeat Lie Nan in such a clean and neat manner.”

Wang Hui, Wang Jiangliu two fathers and sons, mad at the depths of the heart, hysterical. They are also absolutely not thinking that Fang Han’s strength is so high. Originally thought that the strength of Fang Han is at most equivalent to True Immortal, but it has reached a level that is unimaginable.

It is as if a person has met Huazi on the road, but suddenly found that his true identity is the emperor of the micro-service private visit.

“Geng Zhennan, do you say that I have this qualification?” Fang Han grabbed the neck and put it in his hand, whispering softly: “Heavenly Immortal? Heavenly Immortal For me, nothing is wrong. Who stopped me? Out of Mibao, who’s the end, it’s 10,000 times worse than you. I made it to the Great Dao, and even the final judgment of the fairy world, I can’t help me. Are you too close to the heavens?

Wū wū wū ,wū wū wū …

Lie Zhennan strongly supported the arrogant, and he couldn’t speak. All his thoughts were blocked. The life and death of ** was between Fang Han’s thoughts. At this time, he felt the horror of Fang Han and felt it. In the body of Fang Han, the Divine Strength, which is similar to the creation of the 33 Skies, is not able to compete. At this time, he can’t even raise the mind of hatred. In the face of such irresistible power, Hatred is useless.

“I don’t think Mibao actually found a man like you. Her luck is really good.”

Suddenly, the Dongling Taoist, who looks like a young girl, spoke. In the past scene, the changes in her heart were also overwhelming. Even if she was to defeat Lie Zhennan, it would take a lot of effort, even in the other side, to fight back. I am afraid I will be injured and lose weight. But now Fang Han shot, understatement, the Thunder issued the universe, squatting in space, three strokes and two styles, directly defeating the violent earthquake, what is this means? Even the most powerful Heavenly Immortal can’t do this. Is he better than Heavenly Immortal?

“Let the Zhen Zhennan, he is a Lord who is too up to nine clear days. You killed him. The trouble is not small. It is even more difficult to take out the Mibao.”

“Alright, my original meaning, I don’t want to kill in the sky, but I won’t come to see you.” Fang Han said to Dongling: “But if someone forces me, I don’t. I will marry me. This is the role of a dead dog. For me, killing a chicken is like killing a chicken. There is nothing to worry about. Roll!”

With a handful of pieces, a piece of emptiness splits, and the violent earthquake of the South dead dog is generally thrown out, and I don’t know where I was thrown.

The Thunder’s throat creaked, his eyes were all fearful, and he couldn’t speak.

“You also go out.”

The Dongling Road Lord waved his hand and sent Luo Zhen and Li Lei.

“How? How is my strength?” Fang Han turned and smiled at the Dongling Road owner.

“Your strength is unfathomable. You can beat Heavenly Immortal.” The Dongling Taoist look has calmed down. “Good, very good. I am no one to unite with me, save my child, now there is There is hope for you. Sit down, I will tell you something detailed.”

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