Eternal Life

Chapter 882

“I know this thing is very serious, but Mibao must be taken out. (peak novels hit the novel)” Fang Han cross-legged sat down and greeted Wang Jiangliu, Wang Hui sat down together, quietly listening to Dongling Road The main explanation.

Wang Jiangliu, Wang Hui, the father and son, are also the people who have the status in the Jiuqing Tianzhong. They can count them as a small harvest and add some momentum. Moreover, this pair of fathers and sons also know the Taoist masters of some dojos in the Qing Dynasty. If they echo the contact and add Fang Han’s, they may not be able to create a momentum.

I thought that there were many hidden Lord objects in the Taishang nine clear days. Even the rumored existence of the supreme Jinxian existed, so Fang Han still had to be careful, plotting, showing a hot hand, killing the Quartet is the last means.

However, he will definitely not be in the market. He really reached that step. He didn’t mind killing the blood into a river. The corpse of the tens of thousands of people went to the cultivator of the nine clear days. Anyway, he was not afraid of the Protoss. On the nine clear days?

“Mibao is because of her Father’s business. When she was flying up, she broke the day and was destroyed by the punishment of the heavens. Then we went to the top of the nine heavens and received the symbol of the heavens. Divided into Baoyan, interrogating Mi Bao. So far, Mi Bao has been detained in the prison of the headquarters of Jiu Qingtian. I have no way.” Dongling Dao shook his head, as if there was a bitter The fruit also shows her profound master-study friendship with Mibao.

“It is also a fairyland symbol, hateful.” Fang Han’s heart moved, and now his woman, almost all of them have been attacked by the secrets of the fairy world, such as Fang Qingxue, is the object of the fairyland, such as Yanshui, has been captured in the fairy world. Now Mi Mi, it has encountered the censorship of the fairy world.

Thinking of this, he has a thought of destroying the entire fairy world.

“What about that now?” Fang Han felt the situation was serious.

“In fact, there is nothing worth considering. It is nothing more than the soldiers will block the water to cover the earth. Your strength can defeat Heavenly Immortal. In the midst of the nine clear days, except for those who are sleeping, they are blinded by the senses of the fairyland. In addition to the soaring old antiques, I am afraid that no one can deal with you. Even if you are against you, there are only a few masters of the Great Dao field. You and I join forces to force the general altar to test the situation and they see the forces. It’s so big that you won’t offend you as a terrifying enemy. When it’s time, goodbye.”

The tone of the young girl of Dongling Road is also very savage. At first glance, it is in the bones, killing and decisive, not afraid of the characters, or else, will not teach the apprentice of Mibao.

“As I imagined, Heavenly Immortal’s realm, the fairy world can still tolerate, constantly sending down the plaques and robbery, urging you to fly. Arriving at the fairy world to accept control. So some old antiques, are showing the secret of the sky, Deceive the fairy world, sleep and be lonely, can not be free to shoot, or be explored by the fairy world, immediately will be a huge number of robbery, or involved in the heavens.” Fang Han heart settled a bit.

At least, some old antiques above the Divine Immortal level can’t be shot at will, which will give him a strong and powerful force, and he will have a great assault.

From a certain rule, the rules of the fairyland have helped him.

In an instant, he had a kind of use of the rules of the fairyland, and the aftertaste of stealing the sky was in his heart. For the understanding of the law, it is far more profound, there is a sudden and cheerful epiphany, vaguely, he has a promotion to True Immortal, the realm of mastery of the law of life and death.

“It seems that I have crossed the Void Immortal robbery. The practice is really a horse. I am going to understand the law of life and death, and I will reach True Immortal. But when I understand True Immortal, I have to hide my strength. I will save my strength and reach Heavenly. The land of Immortal. The usual True Immortal power to reach Heavenly Immortal is too horrible to save enough, but I can’t save enough in my life, but I refining the flesh and blood element… until then.”

Fang Han kept flashing out the future cultivation plan, which is the golden light of Da Da, and the future is boundless.

“Predecessors, several of my elders, there are also some Taoist owners, you can unite and help the seniors.” Wang Jiangliu suddenly said. Seeing that Fang Han directly played the violent earthquake like a dead dog, the Void Immortal Expert also changed its tone and changed the name of “daoyou” into a predecessor.

“That’s OK, you can contact. If you do well, I will consider Luo Zhen and your son.” It is not Fang Han, but the Dongling Taoist.

“The younger generation went first.” Wang Jiangliu, with Wang Hui, flew away directly. When flying away, Wang Huimei opened his eyes and smiled. With Fang Han’s support, he will definitely think about it.

After the two men flew away, the entire Dongling Taoist field was in the void, and there was silence. The Dongling Taoist and Fang Han were left. Silence, it seems that each is calculating what.

After a while of silence, the Dongling Taoist lord, who is facing the youth, is actually a girl in the heart of the Heavenly Immortal Big Mac. The realm of Fang Han may not be so brilliant, but the power is really strong, unimaginable, and it is a monument, a statue, sitting here, and can never be defeated.

“Being in such a realm, there is such a power, in the future… If this man can go on, what will it be? It seems that my calculations are not wrong, and Mibao has found the most reliable man in her life.” Dongling Road is the main heart.

Suddenly, a symbol, coming out of the air, Aura is strong, just like the intrusion of the outer space.

“Well? It’s a Heavenly Immortal-level character passing a book!”

When Fang Han moved, he saw the owner of Dongling Road grabbing it. After receiving this book, the book was slightly unfolded. His face changed and he stood up and said, “Let’s go to the altar. Let’s meet again today. Mibao things.”

“Well?” Dongling Road’s main heart suddenly moved again, and the body moved a bit. A magical treasure on the body bounced, and a force was transmitted. It seemed to be a god, and Fang Han even went from that god. I felt the Aura of Mibao.

“How can Aura of Mibao be transmitted from it?” Fang Han shook his body and stood up. He used his own thoughts to explore the body of Dongling Taoist, but he heard four words. , ancient and distant, is “endless origin…”

“Endless Origin………”

These four words do not seem to be sent out by Mi Bao, but are the oldest, most mysterious, and the power of creation is almost the power of the origin of the same, and has been recorded in the ancient Tao.

“What does it mean?”

Fang Han frowned.

“Endless origin! Actually is endless origin!” Dongling 妃 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东Jiu Qingtian’s peerless trick, endless origin! Very good, very good, I have not been able to comprehend this trick. In the rumor, the endless origin of this trick is that we are too old and original. The creators realized it. It has always been a martial art school. No one can understand it until millions of years ago. Now, I can see what the old guys have to say.”

“Is it a peerless trick?”

“Yes, this endless origin is a peerless trick. It is also the division of our true disciple genius genius. We are too up to the nine heavens, the most exquisite Dao technique core, is to use the universe’s most subtle, and the power of creation. The power of origin, but generally even cultivation arrives at Heavenly Immortal, it is impossible to communicate the origin. Unexpectedly, Mibao can communicate the power of origin to her current Culture Base. If it can break away from this robbery, come out of Culture Base. , will definitely reach the incredible realm, in time, Heavenly Immortal is expected.” Dongling Road Lord happy.

“Then let’s go. Look at what is going on in the meeting of the nine clear days. I have to look at it too. In the midst of the nine clear days, there are some experts to deal with the Mibao.” Fang Han coldly said.

In his body, he constantly runs his strength and raises all his strengths to the maximum.

“Go! I will take you there.”

Dongling Road was the first to fly, Fang Han followed, and the two flickered, and soon after, they came to the general altar of the nine heavens. This altar is in a small universe and does not have any buildings. It is a bright void, soft light, fairy clouds, apart from this, silent, watching flowers bloom, long years, the universe is born.

Very mysterious.

However, when Fang Han and Dongling Road Lord entered, they saw that a great throne emerged out of thin air. Many Guanghua volleyed and landed on the huge throne, and there was a Lord’s Lord. Apart from this, after the Lord’s object on the huge throne sits, under the throne, there are some Experts standing, which is the discipline of the Lord, or the subordinate. The lowest of them is Void Immortal.

It seems that it is not within the realm of Void Immortal, and it is impossible to enter the grand altar of the Shangqing.

The Lord of the Dongling Road appeared in the void of the total altar, and a huge throne rose. It seems to be specially prepared for her. Of course, Fang Han didn’t have it. He could only be a follower and stood quietly under her throne. Of course, Fang Han doesn’t care about this, but quietly observes the situation around him.

A respected throne rises up, and one after another Lord is broken. Fang Han is also secretly shocked. He actually saw the worldly, many rare Heavenly Immortal. In a big world, with two or three ancient Heavenly Immortals, they are already the top ten big world.

But this is too much in the nine altars of the altar, Fang Han has seen at least ten more Heavenly Immortal. And Heavenly Immortal is still appearing.

“We are too far from the nine clear days, there are a total of 18 Taoist masters! There are also guardian kings, left and right deputy masters, and doorkeepers.” Dongling Taoist introduced to Fang Han.

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