Eternal Life

Chapter 880

“So, isn’t Mibao not in the Dongling Dojo?” Fang Han was slightly disappointed in his heart, but it was a matter of fact that the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty forced him to ask him the “source of the Lord”, and it was only natural that Fang Han felt. By the way, the source of evil is too mysterious, too evil, and cannot be tolerated by the immortal world. (peak novel handwriting novel)

Fang Han is deeply aware of the power of all evils. Now think of it, the ancient god, the evil spirit, the dead gray hand, with his current strength, can not compete, to be completely killed.

This kind of thing is definitely a taboo in the fairy world.

“I don’t know if the source of all evils is destroyed in the punishment of the immortal world, or in the sub-treasure rock? It fell into the hands of the Taiqing Jiu Qingtian. But I must have the aid of the treasure.” The role of the source of all evils to me, I figured out that in the future I will enter the fairy world, and it will be of great help to save the smoke and water.”

“Luo Zhen? I finally met you today?”

Suddenly, Wang Hui waved a female cultivator in the distance and flew over. The female cultivator, a cold face, a hairpin on the top of the head became a phoenix, fluttering. And the body actually conveyed a burst of Aura, is the Longevity Eighth Layer, Black Hole Realm’s peerless Expert, there are some women’s differences all the stars cup themselves around the moon, and at this moment, at her side Also standing a long-faced man, walking side by side with her, talking to each other.

Wang Hui saw this woman, first the eyes lit up, then saw the long-faced man beside her, but it was dark again, and her face flashed with a hint of anger.

“Wang Hui, is that you?” The man named Luo Zhen heard the voice of Wang Hui, his eyes stunned, and then the long-faced man around him asked something, and she whispered.

Fang Han clearly heard, the long-faced man around her asked: “Who is this kid?” And this is called Luo Zhen woman. “Wang Hui, the son of Elder Wang Jiangliu, you see, he is standing in the air. Father Wang Jiangliu. Void Immortal Expert.”

“It turned out to be the son of Wang Jiangliu, how? It is interesting to you? But this Wang Jiangliu is Void Immortal, and my Father is True Immortal, and he is already building up strength, and in the near future, he will become the supreme too Elder. Heavenly Immortal, opened the dojo. And, you promised me, wait for my Father to break through Heavenly Immortal and become the real Immortal, then assist we both overtake the thunder and become the Void Immortal Lord, step into the sky.”

The long-faced man next to Luo Zhen is actually the Longevity Eighth Layer character of Black Hole Realm. The qualifications are excellent, and it is also a peerless genius.

“Luo Zhen, I have broken through to World King Realm, built Longevity Seventh Layer, and concise the world law. You don’t promise me, as long as I am a world law, can I be with me?”

When Wang Hui was physically moved, he landed in front of this Luo Zhen.

“Kid, you know each other.” The long-faced man with Luo Zhen looked like a kind of cold, with a hint of cold: “Luo Zhen has promised to be with me, then say. What is the use of your world king Realm? It’s just a little bit of a small position. We are too up to the nine clear days of the dojo, only the achievement of Void Immortal, through the immortal thunder penalty, is the real Lord, a word, you can become Void Immortal? Luo Zhen is different. Originally, the first Senior Sister in the Dongling Dojo was Mi Mi, but now that Mi Bao has broken things, as long as Luo Zhen stepped out of that step, he became Void Immortal, which is the Dongling Dojo. A crime. At that time, my father became Heavenly Immortal, opened the dojo, I will also become Void Immortal, the door is right. Do you know? Don’t go away? Don’t prevent me and Luo Zhen from visiting the Dongling Road Lord.”

“Mi Bao…” Hearing these two names, Luo really cold and proud woman, his face showed a smug smile: “She is not self-love, and now she is being held by the sect, I will naturally surpass her.”

“You!” Wang Hui roared, five fingers and one catch, among which condense a group of Immortal Light, it is necessary to shoot this long face man.

“Hey! I want to shoot at me, you are too far away.” The long-faced man waved a hand and appeared a bunch of holes, hit Wang Hui. The power of the hole is constantly running, and the power of Wang Hui is sucked clean. When Wang Hui is not stable, he will be inhaled into the hole and lower a realm.

“Who is my son? It turned out to be the son of Zhennan brother. Is it so arrogant?”

Seeing that his son was suffering, Wang Jiang’s fingers flicked, and a force turned into a flying sword. He directly opened the hole: “Alright, I will replace the Zhennan brothers, and teach you lessons, lest you out of me. After Jiu Qingtian, it was also arrogant and had a big loss.”

Between the words, after Wang Jiangliu opened the hole, a large sleeve appeared, a big hand appeared out of thin air, there are actually nine fingers, similar to the Protoss, but the root fingers are a virtual Immortal Dao rule.

“Hands too!”

The face of the long-faced man showed a stunned color. “Wang Jiangliu, you are Void Immortal, how can I just shoot at me!”

“I am teaching you to replace Father.” Wang Jiangliu’s “Hands of the Tomorrow” was suppressed. Immediately, the long-faced man showed tremendous pressure, but the people around him had no pressure at all, and it was easy. It shows that Wang Jiangliu’s manipulation of vitality is simply superb.

Just as the “Hands of the Tomorrow” slowly suppressed, Fang Han’s eyes flashed, and he felt the depths of time and space. A horrible force came from the sky: “Hey! My son, Zhen Zhennan, Never need the lessons of others. Wang Jiangliu, what is your Culture Base? But a Void Immortal, dare to call my brother and brother? Our position is too big. Give me a break!”

Bang! A piece of time and space, was torn open, one of the fists, directly collided with the hand of the upper hand, and then hit the hand of the top into a powder, 蹬蹬蹬, 蹬蹬蹬, Wang Jiangliu face suddenly changed, a few steps back The face was pale and seemed to have suffered a little bit of injury.

At the same time, in the depths of the cracked time, a man in yellow, a bear-bearing waist, a domineering, a master of the four sides of the sky, the body and the heavens combined with the Aura, passed out, shocked the audience.

It is actually a “True Immortal peak”, half a foot into the Heavenly Immortal, only half a step, you can become a real Immortal.

Such an Expert is very rare in the top ten worlds of the three thousand worlds. Far beyond the Holy Sky, the Passive and others. True Immortal level, there are also three or six, etc. There is no doubt that this “Geng Zhennan” is the pinnacle of True Immortal.

From True Immortal to Heavenly Immortal, it is the dividing line of Longevity and Immortal. It is harder to repair than the Void Immortal. It relies on chance, insight, water mill, patience, dripping stone, rope sawing, most The determination to hone the cultivate Dao is also will. Ten thousand True Immortal in the universe of heaven and earth, which can have a breaking rule, it is already very good to build Heavenly Immortal.

“Geng Zhennan!”

Wang Jiang hates the channel.

“Yes, it’s me. Who is bullying my Lei, I want to make him look good.” True Immortal Li Zhennan looked at Wang Jiangliu, his eyes swept away, stayed on Fang Han for a while, and felt a touch of Void. Immortal’s law, but can not see the true strength of Fang Han. I thought it was a normal Void Immortal Expert.

His son, the long-faced man, was originally called “Lei Lei.”

“Geng Zhennan, you shouldn’t be crazy. Although you have become True Immortal, you can’t make Heavenly Immortal, open the dojo, and become the master of the nine-day heaven.” Wang Jiangliu coldly said.

“Isn’t it possible to repair Heavenly Immortal, is it determined by your little Void Immortal?” Li Zhennan looked disdainful: “Just your son, also want to marry Luo Zhen? Do not look at your son’s qualifications. And I The son is different, genius is overflowing, and soon it can become Void Immortal, even if the original treasure in the Dongling Dojo can be worthy. I personally came to the Dongling Dojo, I saw the side of Dongling Road. Give her a kiss. After I made Heavenly Immortal, the two Great Dao fields joined forces.”

At this time, the crowds in front of the Dongling Dojo were scattered, watching the two Lords match.

“That Zhen Zhennan is really domineering, and Wang Jiangliu Elder is not an opponent.”

“Of course, the difference in rank is where. The tremor is the legendary True Immortal peak, the Longevity Tenth Layer, the half-step Heavenly Immortal, and the Wang Jiangliu is the Void Immortal. The strength is ten times worse.”

“The recent Dongling Dojo is not very calm. It is because the Mibao has a problem.”

“Mibao Senior Sister, originally the leader of our Dongling Dojo, undisputed genius, but unfortunately did not know what happened.”………

Around, many of the disciplines that are too close to the nine clear days are all in talks.

“Geng Zhennan, Wang Jiangliu, you are all Elder who is too up to the nine clear days, so that I am arguing in the Dongling Dojo, it is awkward, what is the problem, come in and talk!”

A force emerged from the Dongling Dojo and turned into a golden bridge. The vast Immortal Qi, the sound of the sound in which it oscillated.

“The Dongling Taoist took the shot.”

Seeing this power, everyone knows that the real character of the Dongling Dojo, Master of Mibao, and Dongling’s intervention.

“Hey!” Wang Jiangliu took advantage of the slope and set foot on Jinqiao.

The southern part of the tremor was disdainful and stepped on. Later, Luo Zhen, Lie Lei, Fang Han, and Wang Hui also stepped on. Jinqiao shrank and turned around, and they came to the Dongling Dojo. The vast dojo is the void. In front of them, sitting on a girl, looks like a 17-year-old, looks beautiful, but when you look closely, you will find that there is a eternal body in the body of this young girl, and the law of youthfulness is Flowing.

This is Heavenly Immortal Great Dao, the real power.

Mysterious and unpredictable, you can come to the fairy world at any time and tear the door of the fairy world. Flying up in the day.

Undoubtedly, this young girl is the master of Mibao, the owner of the Dongling Dojo, Dongling.

“Dongling Taoist! I am here today, you know, I am coming for my son.” Lie Zhennan saw this woman, and the look also converges: “I will soon break through the last half, to At the time of the achievement of Heavenly Immortal, it is also a great support for the Dongling Dojo. This time, because of your apprenticeship, the position of Dongling Taoist is quite difficult. If I have my support, I think it is much better. ”

“Is it?” The owner of Dongling Road did not set a way to return, and looked at Wang Jiangliu: “You come to me, not to ask your son for help.”

“Nature is not.” Wang Jiangliudao: “This Taoist friend is a man of Mibao. This time, because of the things of Mibao, come to seek the Dongling Taoist!”

“What? Mibao’s man?”

The owner of Dongling Road, as well as Lie Zhennan, and all the people, looked at Fang Han.

Fang Han didn’t move, coldly said: “Yes, I am the man of Mibao. This time I came to pick up Mibao and leave the sky.”

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