Eternal Life

Chapter 819

“It’s True Immortal, and St. Tian’s shot. (peak novels, novels)”

Fang Han has just made a big splash, and the dragon claws have caught the body of Void Immortal “Yu Wenji”, and he is about to blast into his body. With the help of Lesser Karma Technique, the evil spirits of the evil spirits, the worldly self-reliance of the Buddha, and the power of mysterious Turning him into a servant and servant, but did not expect that this action actually caught the attention of True Immortal.

Between the two sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred

It’s awkward, and there are a few pieces of dragon scales on his body.

“How could there be such a powerful force, my current Culture Base, even True Immortal can compete.”

Fang Han suppressed the “Yu Wenji”, but couldn’t believe that Shengtian had such a powerful force.

“Master, at this time, the Holy Scorpio has been combined with the other four Experts, and the strength of each person is equal to the five people. That is to say, this palm is equal to the five major True Immortal you have joined together. Hit, the master you are still able to withstand, it is really invincible.”

Xuan Wudao, he tried to integrate the Void Immortal rule into the body of Fang Han, otherwise Fang Han may collapse.

“Five people are one, so horrible.” Fang Han only felt the body, suffered great oppression, and even all the strengths have been suppressed, the dragon scales on the body, pieces blasted. Fortunately, the Holy One is a five-in-one. More power is being dealt with the Emperor and Heart Demon. Otherwise, if you kill him all, you will be seriously injured.

“True Immortal Spirit Talisman.”

Without hesitation, Fang Han exhibited the Spirit Talisman in the fifth layer of the great array of the gods of the wild, with five True Immortal refining Spirit Talisman flying out, the five True Immortal Spirit Talisman, twisted In one share, once they flew out, they exploded with each other and resisted the big hand. When this opportunity was taken, one of his bodies was derived and regrouped again. The blasted dragon scales recovered.

“Fang Han kid, do you want to use the Great Puppet Technique to make me?”

Yu Wenji took this opportunity and changed his body. He tried to narrow it down. A force swayed from the Fang Han dragon claws. The dragon claws were actually opened and he was about to get out.

“Yu Wenji, seeing old friends, it is necessary to go, what a pity, I will go to your world to tell the old and the old.” Suddenly, a voice passed from the ears of the Yuwen family ancestors, in his panic In the eyes, a Daoist shadow, wrapped in a great seal, entered the body of the Yuwen machine.


Yuwenji seems to be seeing ghosts: “How come you are here.”

“I have completely converted to the owner of Fang Han, and there is no end to it. You also convert and see the Void Immortal rule that I am in your body.” Xuan Wuyi used his own Void Immortal rule to suddenly display the Great Emperor. The illusion of no great world reappeared in the body of the Yuwen machine.

How big can this effect be caused by the role of Void Immortal? Nature is endless, and the Great Emperor is free to punch. I don’t know what the mysterious Martial art is, and the world of Yuwen’s body is turned upside down, and the crystal wall system begins to burst.

Yu Wenji spewed a few mouthfuls of blood and was extremely hurt.

Yellow Springs Diagram !

Fang Han has no expression, and the fist carries the reincarnation. The bombardment enters the world of Yuwenji, and even enters the world with the whole person.

A flooded ancestor, drilled into the body of the Yuwen machine, began to blast inside.


Among the seven yuyun machines, blood was flowing.

Then, the whole person, he burst into a powder, and in this powder, countless flashes, actually Fang Han gave a total of 36 pieces of Void Immortal refining, and then Yu Wenji reorganized. The body is turned into a strip of dragons, and then recombined, turned into a similar dragon with the ruined ancestors, wrapped around the Eight Buddhism, completely united.

In the Dragon Ball, there is another Void Immortal Expert.

“the host!”

Yu Wenji respectfully said, and then Immortal Dao’s law was also entered into Fang Han’s body, and the eight floats immediately increased their power. The two major Void Immortal teamed up, and Fang Han’s power was overwhelming. The body’s spurt, the illusion of hundreds of millions of stars is clear again.


At this time, in the sky, five True Immortal scorpions were directly captured, and the scorpio’s big hand grabbed it and covered Fang Han’s head.

“Kill!” Fang Han showed sneer on his face, his claws open, and his claws caught. After repeated explosions, the disk of the reincarnation flew out, and the palms of the five great condenses were smashed into pieces.

Among the eight floating sects, there was one more Void Immortal, and between the two major Void Immortal spurts, the power of the reincarnation surged again. Yellow Springs Diagram This Peerless Grade Dao Artifact, power seems to have no limits, the higher the power, the more fierce the urging. A Void Immortal Expert is no different from the two Void Immortal urgings.

The same is true of Cangsheng.

“All Void Immortal, all in one, into my body world, our five world elites, can not be consumed here, this is our first battle to plunder the mysterious big world, must have Heart Demon old man, people pen , Fang Han, this kid, together with the suppression.”

Suddenly, the sound of the sound was full, and five True Immortal made a sound. Immediately, more than a dozen Void Immortal turned into a shocking weather, and all the Experts, rising into the sky, entered the top five True Immortal The body.

Even the city of the sky has shrunk, shrunk, and shrunk, and it has become a city of slap in the palm of its hand, and has entered the body of the “Wojia Biyu” like the big world female True Immortal.

In an instant, the five major True Immortal Cultivation Base skyrocketed.

And the five True Immortal, once again merged, turned into Essence Qi, strangled together, changed into an unrecognized tyrant, as if from the heavens. This tyrant, the lifespan of the body burned, a little open palm, five fingers support, the world seems to have become wide, seems to be higher by the palm of this tyrant.

“The law of the sky! Divine Immortal Great Dao! You dare to cultivate the taboos! You dare to burn your life, desperate. People’s pen! Go! This is the law of the celestial world, they are forbidden, they are now I already have some of Divine Immortal’s abilities, and we don’t lose both of them!”

Heart Demon When the old man saw this tyrant, he gave the world a high support. He was shocked. He screamed and his voice was sharp. There were countless magic shadows in the air. The whole person turned into a magic cone. A drill outside: “People’s pen, we join forces to break the battlefield of Taikoo, you are sharp and unparalleled in the world, don’t wait for the group’s celestial methods to reach the limit, then we will be difficult to go out.”

“it is good!”

The Emperor’s pen also knows how powerful it is. When it moves, it suddenly changes into the original shape of the crystal pen. The dragon and the tail write a beautiful font. This beautiful font is full of joy. It is a great joy. When a civilization reached its peak, all the creatures made a hymn of the prosperous world.

“Humanitarian secrets, Sheng Shihuazhang!”

When this “Shengshihuazhang” was written, it immediately conveyed a cheer in the sky. It seems that it is countless human civilizations. When it reaches the peak, it has sublimated, and it has to break through and elevate to a higher realm.


The mighty sublimation of the civilization has directly destroyed the Taiko battlefield, and the Emperor’s pen has recovered its shape. With a handle, Fang Han’s body flew involuntarily and reached his side. He stepped into it. The void, disappeared in the land of Nine.

“It’s so powerful, this person’s realm of heaven and earth is really a horror. It is a saga of the sacred world. It is a triumph of civilization. It completely surpasses the scope of Divine Ability. As long as you continue to improve your strength, you will only arrive at King Grade.” The extent of Immortal Artifact. However, I see his chest, not only that, but also may want to be promoted to the legendary artifacts, but unfortunately, Insight’s road to creation is extremely difficult, we are just getting started.”

Heart Demon The old man saw that the Emperor’s pen directly smashed the battlefield of Taikoo and went out, and his heart also had a strong admiration. The body exploded, and countless shadows fell into the land of nine secluded, and disappeared.

“People’s predecessors, even if you and Heart Demon old people join forces, can’t fight the elite alliance of these five major worlds?”

It is still the depths of the nine secluded land, but at this time, the black fog around has disappeared, and the ground is a large piece of dark black land, which seems to be dyed red by blood. The blood-stained land is terrifying.

Here is the ancient earth, which is the deepest part of the world of Xuanhuang. There is the existence of the gods. In the early days and a long time, the Junior brother of Daoist, the reincarnation of Daoist, is the first god of the ancient world. Power.

As for the body of Hongmeng Daoist, no one knows.

No one knows how big, peaceful, peaceful, and there is no sinister Aura of the Nine Secrets. It seems to be the final destination of all souls.

At this time, Fang Han, Renhuang pen, Star Master, has reached the ancient earth. Down to earth, Fang Han has an inexplicable peace of mind. The Yellow Springs Diagram is also in a peaceful state and seems to return to the mother.

“If you don’t need it, you will lose both. When the Protoss invades, it will be difficult to compete.” The Emperor’s pen faintly said: “You have also benefited, and it is a great harvest to cross a Void Immortal. It is an assister Heart Demon. The old man, this person can also assist you to a lot of things in the future.”

Between the words, the Emperor’s pen suddenly fainted a pause, “Heart Demon old man, come out. Our realm, between each other, do not need to hide anything.”

“People’s pen, although experienced a big robbery, but your achievements will be higher and higher, after the Protoss robbery, you will enter the fairy world.” A black gas rose from the earth, changed into Heart Demon old man Body.

“What is the matter of the exquisite Immortal Venerable?” the man’s pen suddenly asked.

Heart Demon The old man stunned. He didn’t expect the first sentence of the Emperor’s pen to actually ask for a marginal word.

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