Eternal Life

Chapter 818

Three major Void Immortal. (peak novel handwriting novel)

The ancestors of the Emperor of the Holy Light, the Emperor’s family, and the ancestors of the three families of Makino, actually sneaked at Fang Han at the same time, and each displayed the means of pressing the bottom of the box. The three ancestors flashed destruction, erosion and confusion on the palm of their hands. The law of the special attack on the weakness of the ruined ancestral dragon “counterscale”.


Fang Han’s aging ancestors were hit by the scales, and the whole body shook a bit. The whole person seemed to change into a human form. Separated from the state of humanity and humanity.

“Good opportunity.” The three ancestors were overjoyed and knew that they had successfully attacked. Although it is said that the three major Void Immortal deal with one person, it is also a shame to pass it on. It is too shameful to pass it out, but first kill Fang Han and say, eight floats, Yellow Springs Diagram, various Peerless Grade Dao Artifact, for their temptation. Very big.

“By breaking the state of the integration of others, he can’t be transformed into a dying dragon, and his strength will plummet.”

“Yes, kill him, seal the crackdown, and put Magic Force into his world.”

“Broken his world rule, although his cultivation went to the Mysteries Realm, but his own world could not compare with our Void Immortal. Our three ancestors couldn’t kill this junior, and they passed away and their faces were lost. It is.”

“Three people in one, regardless of the eight Buddhism, show a big shot, directly set his body in the world. Broke his rules.”

“Good, destroy! The Holy King is taking a photo.”

The three Experts sneaked successfully, but the palms kept on, the face showed evil light, fierce light, poisonous light, and at the same time urging the amount of power, suddenly ignoring the protection of the Eight Buddhism, directly found the body of Fang Han, Destructive power has broken into his world to smash the laws of the world.

However, the power of the three ancestors has just entered the world of Fang Han, and their faces have changed.

Through the induction of Magic Force, in the mind of them, the shadow of the world in Fang Han appeared, only seeing all the vitality, showing a close structure, numerous towering ancient trees growing in it, the mountains are tall, The impact of the river rumbling, the density of water, is hundreds of times greater than mercury, one of the bees, a mosquito, the speed of flight, have reached the tens of times the speed of horror.

Even the river is flowing, and the waterfall is washed out completely beyond the speed of sound.

Even a snail, a tortoise, is crawling at a speed comparable to a flying bird. The vitality of each of these trees seems to have reached the level of Divine Ability ** heavy wood demon, in the sky, a slight breeze blowing, the powerful airflow, formed a huge tornado, in the middle of the tornado, and even Formed a respected ancient archaic giant, and a small black hole.

A cloud of clouds fell to the ground for raindrops, and the raindrops, the powers completely exceeded the speed of sound, and each drop of rain was equivalent to the stragingd artifact-level flying sword.

In this world, there is a lot of “power” everywhere. Even the most common rabbit, when it reaches the outside, is equivalent to a dragon.

In the depths of the center of the world, a huge world rule presents a gourd shape. On the world rule of the gourd shape, it is a piece of texture of the tortoiseshell. It has experienced the vicissitudes of the world, the baptism of nature, still ancient. Save.

The world rule of the gourd shape is seeded, slowly running, and directly open the fairy world, and countless liquid celestial spirits permeate down, turning into the power of this world.

The power of the three major Void Immortal Experts entered into it, destroying the world, but before it reached the central world law, it was smashed by the power of the world, and it was not shaped. And even the will of the three major Void Immortal ancestors was integrated into it and completely melted.

The three ancestors were shocked and almost jumped up, especially the “Yu Wenji”, the eyeballs almost ejected from the eyes, hysterical arrogance: “What is this freak, how can there be such a powerful body in the world, we Even if you have passed the celestial penalty, you will be completely better than the world. It is impossible for the cultivator to have such a powerful body in the world. I firmly believe that this is no longer a person, not a ghost, not a god! People and ghosts.”

“What is this cultivator? Is he a reincarnation of Taikoo?”

“The reincarnation of Taikoo was able to have such a powerful body in the world. No, I can’t feel any powerful Aura from him.”

“Retiring! Join the rest of the big world’s Void Immortal and suppress him together! The five True Immortal have already played the law, resisting the Emperor and Heart Demon, we shot together and strangled this child!”

Just when the three ancestors couldn’t strike, they were shocked by the body of Fang Han’s body. At the critical moment of retreating, Fang Han suddenly roared up in the sky, and the people who were to be beaten were once again in a state of unity. And it is more closely integrated than before.

The weak parts of the ruined ancestors of the ruined ancestors began to disappear, and replaced by a knife-cut texture, like a oracle bone rune, truly flawless and flawless.

“Three big Void Immortal, sneak attack on me. Unfortunately, my Divine Ability is too strong, and there is no limit to Hengsha! Into the eight floats, Peerless Grade Dao Artifact, turned into True Dragon!”

Fang Han’s momentum has increased again. A star of sand suddenly bursts out of the body. It is infinite formless. It seems to be an eternal river that runs around the body. Inside the eternal river, the grain of Hengsha reflects its own shadow. It seems that it is inherited by hundreds of millions. . This Peerless Grade Dao Artifact was made by Qi Zhenjun’s collection of the world’s Hengsha refining for countless years. Fang Han has never had the opportunity to refine. Now I simply seize the opportunity to once again take this magical treasure. “Dragon”, integrated into the eight floating sects, with the power of refining the magical treasure, enhance the power and show great power.

An infinite amount of Hengsha came out and suddenly exploded outward. Immediately, this virtual structure of the “Taiwan battlefield” seems to have appeared hundreds of billions of stars, shining brightly, and then the tens of billions of stars suddenly burst open. The huge air and waves seem to have to penetrate the crystal wall system of the Taikoo battlefield.

This “Taiwan battlefield” is the five major True Immortal, which combines its own life Peerless Grade Dao Artifact with the life of Yuan Ling to form a battlefield to prevent the Heart Demon old man from escaping.

Even if Fang Han is even more powerful, it is impossible to break through the crystal wall system, but his intention is not to escape. In the crystal wall system of the Taikoo battlefield, the Emperor pen will naturally break through, and now his purpose is to be able to take advantage of a little cheap, suppressing a Void Immortal. It is easier to refine the eight floats.

Thousands of billions of constant sands have turned into stars, an explosion, and the light has filled the “Taiwan battlefield” but it has been oppressed by the “Taiwan battlefield” crystal wall system. It has bounced back and turned into a billion-dollar constant sand, wrapped around the body of Fang Han. .

However, this billions of Hengsha rebounded back, a little first-class turn, turned into a strip of ridiculous dragons, entered the eight floats, and Fang Han became the body of the ruined ancestors, once again violent, dragon claws, dragon body, and even It is the faucet, the scales above the dragon’s horn, the muscles, and there is a feeling of being blasted. The strength of a strong stock, like the metal destruction of the steel being blasted, is emitted from the body.

Faced with Fang Han at this time, the three major Void Immortal ancestors had only one feeling, that is, “This person is too strong, force! This is called real power!”

The infinite Hengsha is also integrated into the eight floating sects, all of which are turned into dragons.

A lot of vitality, precipitation, the vitality of the Dragon Ball seems to have a trace of Star light. All the Experts in the Eight Buddhism are also full of vitality to support the body’s own caves. If you can’t speak, you can only try to resolve this power. Even Void Immortal is innocent, and there is a lot of benefit for the singer.

In particular, the singer of the singer, the body has taken the Aura of the constant amount of constant salon, seems to have the possibility of summoning the celestial penalty at any time and being promoted to Void Immortal.

Of course, the most influential Fang Han incarnation of the ancestors.

Call… suck… call… suck…

Fang Han’s incarnation of the eternal ancestors, breathing between, the energy of the road swallowed, every breath, the energy is like a river, which is also mixed with countless Star light, a closer look, actually is the illusion of numerous stars.

At this moment, Fang Han really has a real look of the aging ancestors. Every time he sucks, he inhales thousands of billions of stars into the body. The universe is dark, and every time he calls, he will put every billion. The stars spewed out and the corners of the universe were filled with light.

So god!

Of course, the real flood of ancestors, breathing is a real star, and Fang Han turned into a ruined dragon, breathing the stellar ghost.

However, even if you breathe a stellar illusion, it will also be awe-inspiring.

“Cleft!” A word, spit out from Fang Han’s Zulong mouth, the dragon claws stretched forward, and actually opened the three Void Immortal body Astral Qi, directly to the heart of the three major Void Immortal.

Although it is a simple one, but the three major Void Immortal have a completely enemy, isolated, thousands of absolutely beautiful horses can not protect their feelings, very lonely, can only bear the horrible Longwei alone.

The three great Void Immortal ancestors were shocked, their bodies concentrated, and they retreated, and they had to retreat into the depths of the city of the sky.

Pūchī pūchī, the two voices were conveyed, and the Makino knife, Huang Yunyun retreated into the depths of the core of the sky without any resistance, without being attacked a little.

“It turned out to be a fantasy! This kid’s attack is not aimed at us, but it is too real. We all have been confused and thought it was to attack me.”

Makino Knife, Huang Yuyun’s two ancestors looked at each other. I understand that Fang Han is attacking the “Yu Wen machine” at the moment.

“His real goal is the Yuwen machine.”

“Not good! Yu Wenji.” The two men came back to God, and suddenly they suddenly changed their faces and rushed out, but they were late. A scream of screaming passed into the ears of the two, and the two looked up and saw the Fang Han’s dragon claw in the street of the city of the sky, inserted into the heart of the Yuwen machine, and the other hand Grabbing the head of the Yuwen family ancestor, Magic Force directly blasted into the other party.

The ancestor of the Yuwen family showed an incomparable suffering expression on his face, as if he had fallen into the abyss.

“Little thief, you are looking for death!” Just when Fang Han took the Yuwen machine, suddenly, in the center of the Taikoo battlefield, a True Immortal noticed the situation here, the backhand, the huge palms shrouded, With True Immortal anger, this palm, each finger, is made up of a great fairy.

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