Eternal Life

Chapter 820

Fang Han did not expect that the first sentence of the old man to ask Heart Demon is the exquisite Immortal Venerable. (peak novels to play novels) According to the truth, at least it should be asked about the “desire fruit” this competing treasure.

“People’s pen, you really look like a torch, and you can see the key person in the Protoss robbery at a glance. There are many world experts in Xuanhuang, but there is only one person who can become the mainstay, not you, nor your side. The kid, not the Extreme Unity Sect, but the Exquisite Jewel Paradise’s exquisite Immortal Venerable.”

Heart Demon After a glimpse of the old man, he looked at the man’s pen and nodded, and his eyes sparkled with a hint of admiration.

“How is she now in the Culture Base?” The human pen’s fingers are rhythmicly bounced, seemingly in the calculations, or what is blocking.

“She is now in the Culture Base, I can only use four words to describe it, that is unfathomable. When I was able to reap the relegation in the Moto’s Promise, I was able to find some of her whereabouts, and now she I have really been in harmony with Great Dao, and I understand the truth of Loro, and the true meaning of myself.” Heart Demon talked between the old man and expressed his exaltation to the exquisite Immortal Venerable, but he could not see the level of the Immortal Venerable. The Culture Base is Heavenly Immortal, Divine Immortal? Even higher?

“Well, she is the person who got the inheritance of Hongmen Daoist. This time, the tyrannical against the gods in the Protoss, the main bone is her. The awful thing is that the people of Extreme Unity Sect actually dragged their legs. It seems that the outside world must be safe. In this way, let’s go to see the Immortal Venerable, first kill the Heavenly Immortal messenger of Extreme Unity Sect on the spot.” The Emperor pen suddenly made a stone-shattering opinion!

“Spread the Heavenly Immortal Herald of Extreme Unity Sect!”

Heart Demon The brow of the old man is slightly wrinkled. “Our strength should be enough. But the fairy side…”

“A fairyland, how is the fairyland? The rule of the fairyland has the rule of the immortal world. The more powerful it exists, the harder it is to come down. It can only be projected with the mind.” The Emperor pen sneered: “If not, the fairy world has long given the dragon race, the Buddha, to Extinct, even to the Protoss, and let these three forces develop like this?”

“It’s a different matter to kill and kill the Heavenly Immortal messenger. But if you are willing to join forces, it’s best. Our strength is weak in this robbery, the score is weak, and the gathering is strong. Just as I took the fruits of my wish, I can concise the Culture Base, and Immortal Venerable, I have entered the secret of Hongmeng, but now I can’t enter it again, but if there is a wish, I will rely on the origin of the world in this big robbery. Admit, there is still hope for it.” Heart Demon said: “If this is the case, let’s go soon.”

“Two seniors. Please wait a moment.”

Fang Han saw the man, and the old man of Heart Demon was about to leave, and immediately went forward.

“Hmm?” The Emperor pen stayed in the footsteps.

“Yellow Springs Treasures, many people here are looking for, if they are found by them. Not all the efforts are destroyed. The two predecessors, it is better to join me, Xian open the Yellow Springs treasure house and say.” Fang Han said.

“Yellow Springs treasure house has not yet arrived. That Su Xiuyi, got the fortuitous encounter, and the strange ass. Actually swallowed the reincarnation of the Artifact Spirit, now it has merged with the landlord book, The entire Yellow Springs are hidden.” Heart Demon said: “I can’t find any clues about him.”

“What? He swallowed the reincarnation of the Artifact Spirit?” Fang Han was shocked, but it was no small feat.

The Artifact Spirit is a big reliance on Su Xiuyi. He used to look for it, and Jiuding Immortal Venerable said that he knew the whereabouts, but then he was deceiving.

“Behind Su Xiuyi, there is tremendous support. You have to be careful.” Heart Demon said: “However, your Culture Base should be beyond him. He is not your opponent now. He is growing rapidly. In this catastrophe, if he can support it, his benefits should be maximized, because the Emperor’s book is the origin of Xuanhuang’s world, and he has more recognition from the source. You don’t have to worry. You are a genius. Now you can only pass the celestial penalty and become a Void Immortal. But your celestial penalty is unimaginable. You should prepare yourself now and save your strength. In order to avoid being annihilated in the catastrophe.”

“Fang Han, don’t take it lightly.” The Emperor wrote: “The world in your body has merged with the fragments of the artifacts. Once the thunder is over, this silk Aura is likely to spread to the fairy world, causing some powerful ideas. Peeping, such as the vengeful spear, the lost sword, the ghost of King Grade Dao Artifact, will kill you again.”

“What?” Fang Han was shocked: “So, my thunder is the most dangerous one.”

“You can say that.” Heart Demon said: “You are a cultivation genius. Throughout the history, I can’t find a few genius that are more daring than your cultivation. The Red Devils praise you. He asked me to hand you something.”

Between the words, Heart Demon the old man waved his hand, among the magic balls, there were hundreds of millions of Heavenly Demon crying sounds, Fang Han saw, there are enough 480 million Heavenly Demon.

Among them, Demon King and Demon Soul have countless.

In particular, these Heavenly Demons, unlike the general Heavenly Demon, have a dark, axe-like illusion between the eyebrows, which seems to be a mark.

“Fang Han, this is the 400 million Heavenly Demon, you don’t have to be awkward. It is the ancient Heavenly Demon, the first generation of Heavenly Demon made by the Protoss. The most powerful, it is the real killing, plundering, parasitic machine.” Heart Demon seems to have some admiration and reluctance to Heavenly Demon in this group of magic balls, but what kind of character is he? Even the most precious treasure, follow the promise.

“Ancient Heavenly Demon?” The man’s pen looked at these eyebrow-shaped marks and couldn’t help but nod. “It’s indeed the ancient Heavenly Demon. Only the ancient Heavenly Demon has the imprint of the artifact. These ancient Heavenly Demon have incredible power. Who can support a group, for any devil, there is a shocking power. The Red Devils can actually give these ancient Heavenly Demon to you, you can see the favor of you.”

“The Red Devils are also full of praise to Fang Han.” Heart Demon smiled and laughed: “I don’t want to win him any more. It seems that he is interested in his potential and thinks about fairyland.” , trying to make a big deal?”

“Yes, our minds are the same. The fairy world is our ultimate battlefield.” The Emperor pen looked at Fang Han and took the ancient Heavenly Demon into the eight floating sects. Once again, he was entangled in the golden mans, and his face was on his face. There was a smile: “Well, in a few days, the Immortal Dao conference will be held. At that time, the Extreme Unity Sect will be cleaned, and we will have big moves. You should go back to Ascension Sect and prepare.”

“Yes, seniors.” Fang Han promised to pass the 480 million ancient Heavenly Demon. “Right, Heart Demon, the predecessor, will you join forces with you this time?”

“His one of Demonic art has not been cultivated successfully. Once the cultivation is successful, it can swept the world, but I think it should be faster, and it will appear in this robbery.” Heart Demon’s green eyes are like a wildfire. “This robbery, although dangerous, has many benefits, but it is a coincidence that the combination of these people, whether it is the Immortal Venerable, or the Emperor, or the Red Devil, or me, is because of you. Boys can be united.”

“So, he is an air transporter.” When the human pen moves, the person disappears into the earth. Heart Demon also disappeared at the same time, leaving only a trace of words: “Fang Han, we can’t guard you, you have to grow up yourself. In the future, I hope you can surpass us.”

“I must!” Fang Han secretly said.

“The power of these Heavenly Demons is really tyrannical!” Among the eight floating sects, many of the characters of Heavenly Demon, all of them, were amazed, especially the wooden Daoist, who only saw the eight Heavenly Demons, the ancient Heavenly Demon. A little bit, the eyebrows and axe signs began to oscillate, the whole body was shrouded in black and black bone armor, and the ancient war god Aura, which was destroyed by war, appeared from these ancient Heavenly Demon.

The ancient Heavenly Demon, the first generation of the Protoss war machine, the ancestor of the Holy King, was hand-made and powerful. Born to be strong.

Even the most common ancient Heavenly Demon is more powerful than many Demon Kings. A little bit of fertilization, these ancient Heavenly Demon, the black light of the whole body became the dark gold color, such as the guardian Ming Wang in Buddhism.

Strong willingness, entangled.

“Right, Fang Han, our first time, go to the Five Elements, those Extreme Unity Sect’s Golden Core disciple, Song only, Zhao Xuanyi, those Heavenly Demon, not this ancient Heavenly Demon, if it is this In the case of ancient Heavenly Demon, the Golden Core disciple has already died.” He suddenly said.

“Maybe the ordinary Heavenly Demon, the Red Devils predecessor, the commander of the 480 million Heavenly Demon, must be the ancient Heavenly Demon, and the rest of the ordinary Heavenly Demon, are not counted among them.” Fang Han secretly explored It is found that among the ancient Heavenly Demons, the Demon King level exists, with 360,000 heads.

There are 60,000 heads of Demon King above the Golden Core level.

The Demon Soul of Longevity Mysteries Realm has eight hundred heads. One of them is Demon Soul, which is actually the Powerhouse of Mysteries Realm. This ancient Heavenly Demon has a bonebone spike on the top of his head. He is tall and tall, and looks like a beast. It is actually stronger than Kui Rongzhen, and even there are even some bliss monks who are close to the cultivation “good and evil two big Buddhas”.

The rest, World King Realm Demon Soul, has two heads.

The other is Empyrean Realm Demon Soul, Creation Realm Demon Soul, more Undying Body, and Ten Thous Soul of Ten Thousand Life Realm.

These Demon Souls don’t know how much stronger than the average Demon Soul. The old and life essence is long and the vitality is extremely strong. After Fang Han, after the ancientization, the ancient Heavenly Demon sang in sings, the Buddha was shining, and the willingness to become a dragon, all settled in the depths of the Eight Buddhism, as the power of future promotion.

“The 480 million ancient Heavenly Demon is much more powerful than my original 4 billion Heavenly Demon, and the willingness is much greater.” Fang Han said in his heart, “At the very least, it is equivalent to 100. Billion ordinary Heavenly Demon.”

“Now, do I continue to search for Su Xiuyi, or return to Ascension Sect?” He thought about it and adjusted his strength. He walked alone in the middle of the earth.

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