Eternal Life

Chapter 340

The body of smoke also receded from the back. When he saw Fang Han breathing, he recovered Magic Force. His eyes flashed a look of surprise and stared at Fang Han’s eyebrows. He seemed to see something.

But what does she think is the World Tree seedling?

Even the “moving star Elder” can’t be seen.

“I want my World Tree” Fang Han’s heart, then laughed three times: “You are really greedy. But as long as you and me have a break, let me use Black Emperor’s Water Emperor Fist to capture the water god in your body. Yuan Ling, strengthen my Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty, my treasure, can also share with you.”

The World Tree seedling is the most important jewel of his whole body. Even if you abandon the Yellow Springs Diagram, you can’t give up on it. If you give up now, then he and the people, urging the Golden Core, no two or three rounds, the Magic Force will run out.

Of course, his Golden Core power can’t be answered by ordinary people. However, if you encounter Longevity Mysteries Realm Expert, or have the existence of High Grade Dao Artifact, there will not be enough long-lasting combat power, it will definitely be killed, and it will be defeated by Hua Tiandu.

However, this is also his realm is not enough, if he also cultivation to the level of Divine Ability Tenth Layer Defying Heaven Changing Fate, then the sea will be further expanded. At that time, Magic Force has more storage and transportation, and it can be supported for a long time without World Tree.

“If you don’t want to, I will take it in person.”

When the smoke shook his head, it was shot with a light as a Goose feather. Suddenly, the smoke clouded up, and the four foreigners smashed.

“Smoke water one” was shot with a palm, the smoke cloud began to rise, the fog filled, completely lost her trace, Fang Han God swept away, actually could not penetrate the dense fog, locking the other’s body, could not help but be taken aback.

“The Five Emperors are covered, and evil is not invading!”

In the twinkling of an eye, he put the Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty condense into a canopy, suspended above his head. Sure enough, at the moment he was just protective, a horrible force was conveyed from behind, and there was no sign of bombardment on himself.


This stock shocked the “Five Emperors” and shook it, and kept spinning, but it did not break the protection.

Fang Han’s Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty is incredibly powerful. When it became a Golden Core, it went one step further. If he can go further and cross the Great Windfire Tribulation, the five elements of Astral Qi are tempered by the Great Windfire Tribulation, that is really amazing, even if it is a “human pen”, I am afraid that hundreds of pens will be able to cut through him. He killed.

Now, it takes only a few dozen pens.

Before making the Golden Core, you can put Fang Han to death with just four strokes.

“Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty is worthy of Demon Dao’s highest Divine Ability. I don’t even think of you, you can use your own Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation, the god of heaven.”

As soon as the smoke and water came out of the fog, strolling in the clouds, wherever he went, where the fog and smoke clouds changed into a cloud road for her, and on both sides of the cloud road, there were Yunlong, Yunhu, and the cloud. Fairy………to worship her. She is the supreme god of heights above nine days, endless outer space days.

At this time, the Bohai Pearl has disappeared and seems to have been taken back by her, and it seems that she was hidden by her and attacked Fang Han.

Between her words, a cloud of dark clouds rushed overhead, dark clouds, volcanic lightning, and volcanic spurts. There is a kind of Aura that is coming to an end, which is completely different from the peace and calmness of the past.

“Doomsday disaster!”

Fang Han was shocked.

He has seen this Divine Ability. It is the highest Divine Ability that the Extreme Unity Sect Twelve Golden Core giants have joined together in the Five Elements. It is completely comparable to the Five Emperor Great Demon Divine Abilty.

Now, the smoke and water alone are actually displayed. This is simply shocking! How big is Magic Force? What is the realm?

Moreover, this woman’s doomsday natural disasters are much more subtle than the Extreme Unity Sect 12 Golden Core giants, and the devastating power is much greater.

This woman’s Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation, known as the “Heavenly Earth God”, is a natural disaster.

Natural disasters are invincible.

The degree of cultivation of the Divine Ability of the Doomsday Scourge can be said to be no easier than the Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty. It is necessary to put a big day fire, a black day wind disaster, a difficult land, a difficult person, Demon Soul is difficult, three difficult, difficult in nature, difficult to work, difficult to mind, difficult to soul … … and so on without the superior Divine Ability, combined into one, Then use your own strength to surrender the disaster and integrate it.

The difficulty is ten times more difficult than Fang Han’s surrender to the devil in the ghost god. Over the years, people who have become “the end of the day” have dissatisfied with a slap in the face.

This Divine Ability can be made only by having resources, but it needs to work. Extremely brilliant wisdom, perseverance. Sitting still. Practice the millennium.

However, once it is completed, comprehending the disaster of the heavens and the earth, and after the completion of Longevity Mysteries Realm, it can be said that it is not ruined. Many robberies can’t be blessed.

As soon as the smoke and water flew out of his Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation, the catastrophe condense became a cloud of robbing clouds. It was not a form. It was covered and immediately wrapped up in Fang Han. It immediately conveyed the volcanic spray. The earth is torn, the sea is dry and stone……all kinds of huge sounds.

Fang Han only felt that it was black, but he didn’t have time to fly out.

This smothered, devastating force around the tearing, wave by wave, even bound himself to move. It seems to be a fly that was frozen by amber!

“This woman can actually trap me! The end of the natural disaster, really great. She really got the essence of it. But with this Supreme Divine Ability to kill me, it is simply delusional, to the old man!”

Fang Han was trapped in it, and he struggled all the time. He was not used at all. He was shocked by all sides, and the void was constantly falling. In the twins, Demon Soul, wind, fire, water and so on, came one after another. Although he can’t hurt him, how can he endure this difficulty? Suddenly, the heart was very angry, and the strength was shrunk inward. The tall body had become only one or two feet high, like a baby.

And his life-long Golden Core, even shrinks, becomes the size of sesame.

This time, it is his all-in-one solution, and now he is too lazy to join this female rogue, simply come to a fish to die, and use violence to fight a dead sea.

“The natural disasters of the gods can not destroy him! This person is really horrible!” Just as Fang Han shocked the smoke and water and actually built into the doomsday disaster to trap himself, the smoke is also shocking Fang Han’s ability to fight.

This is the end of the natural disaster, the horror of lawlessness. Since the refinement of the smoke, the general Divine Ability Tenth Layer, as long as the cover down, the other magical treasure of the other side will be shattered, Mortal Body becomes a powder, Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation seriously injured, Cangjie escape.

One trick can explode the same level of Expert.

But now, Fang Han is trapped in it, and the other side has nothing to do except the action is blocked. The force of the day, hitting the Golden Core Guanghua on top of his head, it was hard to erode, and the other side did not even squirt blood, or live a tiger.

“I didn’t even suffer from the injury! How terrified is this person?” At this moment, she also knew the horror of ninety Divine Ability Golden Cores.

Just when she was running Magic Force again, suddenly she was in the middle of the air and saw that Fang Han was shrinking. The huge Golden Core had become a big bit of sesame. I couldn’t help but screamed badly and quickly put the “natural disaster.” The Yuanshen is closed to the outside.

boom! After Fang Han’s Golden Core was condensed into a small sesame spot, between a thousand times, it swelled in a thousand times, suddenly ignited with fire, as the scorching sun exploded in the sky, and the layers of Space were shaken. The nine-day hurricane layer of a thousand miles seems to have suffocated, and the hurricane stopped working.

A Golden Core with a house size, hanging in the void, Divine Ability, bursting, cutting, and swallowing on all sides, and the natural disaster god of the smoke, was directly shattered and flew hundreds of miles away. This condense up and turn into a cloud of clouds and re-enter his body.

“There is no fear of natural disasters, it is difficult to be fearful, and it is difficult for people to be insatiable. Even if you are refining into three disasters, but I am not ruined!” Fang Han shook the gods, got out, didn’t stop, and carried Golden Core. Power, one step out, Yellow Springs Diagram shakes, the bridge is placed directly between him and the smoke, a punch.

This punch, in all directions, all the vitality, hurricane are absorbed, and is infinitely absorbed, pulled, twisted, do not know how many airflows become chaotic.

The smoke and water changed one after another, only one flashing, it was a hundred miles away, but she just turned back and saw the bridge of the bridge, and she was set behind her, Fang Han swept down from the bridge, such as the god god The goshawk rushed rabbit.

“This bridge, there is such a Divine Ability! Let’s lock my Aura!”

When the smoke and water picked up, it no longer flew, and the sea god beads flew out of the eyebrows, turned into a fist, changed thousands of gestures, and finally turned into a world that seemed to gather on the world. The French seal went to Fang Han.

This French seal is the handprint used by the Emperor, the Emperor, in the stars and the ancient devils. The mystery is endless, and the power is terrifying.

Fang Han’s fist, the momentum, the handprint of the smoke and water, contains the martial arts. The two did not hesitate to collide in the sky together.


Fang Han only felt that his head had been knocked out by a sledgehammer for a million, Magic Force was in trouble, and Golden Core Guanghua was fading. The Bohai Sea Pearl is directly shocked back to the body of the smoke.

The woman was under tremendous turbulence, her body was flying backwards, her face paled a little, and it seemed to have been slightly hurt.

There is no benefit between the two.

Just when the Fang Han Magic Force was in trouble, when the golden light was dull, suddenly. Above the higher sky, a secret place, a smashing Sword Qi, bursting! Move towards Fang Han The impact of this, Sword light, is no less than Hua Tiandu’s coiling martial sword.

It turned out to be a sneak attack and assassination!

Behind Sword light, Fang Han saw a woman in Tsing Yi, who was unpredictable!

“Longevity waiting list, first, Van Gogh shadow. 40 great thieves, the first thief.” Fang Han at this critical juncture, suddenly understand, who is the person who stabbed himself!

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