Eternal Life

Chapter 339

This is the first time Fan Han has dealt with a tyrannical enemy after he has become a Golden Core.

So he has no reservations.

It is hot and cruel to start. Devouring the world, the natural reincarnation of the smoke, if you keep your hands, even the current Fang Han, you have to suffer.

You know, the smoke can be broken hundreds of years ago, the characters of the Longevity Mysteries Realm.

Great Devouring Technique, the direct transformation has become a big mouth, covering the heavens and the earth, such as the day dog ​​swallowing the sun, shrouded the past, to swallow the sea god beads.

However, this sea god pearl, after all, is High Grade Dao Artifact, the treasure of the ancient water god, when it encounters a threat, it immediately changes into a big bead of the fist, the sea wave is resounding, the wind is so big, and all the surrounding The pressure was all eliminated, and then there was a woman’s form under the “Bohai Pearl”, which was just a smoke.

“I have ninety Divine Ability, and I have achieved Golden Core. I swept the world and succumbed to the world. Are you my opponent?” Fang Han’s palm condense, not leaving, stepping forward, one step! Two steps! Three steps!

Such as a dragon like a tiger, such as a wolf like a leopard, such as the god of the gods, almost shortened the distance of Space, and instantly reached the front of the smoke, punched out. This punch, no one can describe its degree, and no one can describe its overbearing and desperate world. Shocking time and space, close to the “100 million” Magic Force.

On Fang Han’s skin, there is a crystal color, the Thunder is flowing in it, the five elements of Astral Qi are rushing in it, and there is even a kind of Aura that is a fusion of Demonic art. His internal organs are like thunderous drums, and there is a big bang. A tyrannical steel mountain can be directly blasted.

He was originally strong in the body. After the baptism of the Golden Core, he gained an essential sublimation. All the powers inside, such as the power of Thunder, the power of the dragon, the power of the monument, cover the Heavenly Demon. Force, the five elements of Astral Qi are smelt into one, although there is no strongness of the Undying Body, there is very little magical treasure that can kill his body.

This is like a meteor breaking through the sky, like the ancient god arrow, shooting a punch in the sky, it was actually resisted.

As soon as the smoke and water reached out of a palm, an understatement of the beat, the fist of the hand, actually put Fang Han’s fist directly against it. Fang Han felt that all the punches seemed to be bombarded into a sea and completely dispelled. The other person’s body really seems to have an endless sea of ​​enclaves.

“My set of methods is created by the ancient water god, called the ancient sea wave of the sea, I hope not to let the Fang Han friends disappoint you.” After the smoke caught the fist of Fang Han, there was no joy on his face. Sad, the body flickers, a palm shot.

Suddenly, the emptiness of the sea waves was heard in the void, from the waves of ancient times, waves and waves, and rushed toward Fang Han.

Yan Shuiyi, Fang Han, the two peerless Experts, the peerless Powerhouse under Longevity Mysteries Realm, really fight together.

Two Experts, in the nine-day hurricane layer, the vast hurricane blew around, although even the ordinary Spirit Artifact flying sword can be destroyed, but for these two Experts, it is simply no effect.

Both, Magic Force are close to the “100 million” existence, infinitely close to Longevity Mysteries Realm.

Fang Han knew that this woman was extremely difficult to deal with when she smoked her own “Banghai Gulangzhang”. In all directions, it is a palm of the hand, and the degree is actually not under oneself, and the whole world is changing, it seems to become a water world. And this water is not restrained by its own Black Emperor’s Water Emperor Fist.

“This is a Supreme Divine Ability, and it is a combination of law and martial arts, and this woman’s degree is actually comparable to me! Why is it so powerful? But this is also normal, this woman is the ancient god of water Reincarnation, ranked above Hua Tiandu.”

At this moment, Fang Han did not dare to be scornful. The double palm is wrong, the life of the Golden Core flies out, suspended above the head, the Divine Ability, turned into a radiant, guarding his Mortal Body, while pedaling “bridge”, behind the opening of “A nose door”, hard 撼Supreme Divine Ability of the other party.

Ten punches! Hundreds of punches! Wan Quan! Ten thousand punches!

Fang Han almost showed his Magic Force, unreservedly, and his body flickered, directly playing the “Black Emperor’s Water Emperor Fist” Divine Ability! He didn’t believe that his Black Emperor’s Water Emperor Fist, which restrained the world, and also incorporated the Forgetting Emotion Potion, which had a strong punch and Hard & Soft, could not deal with the smoke.

“Black Emperor’s Water Emperor Fist” and “White Emperor’s Golden Emperor Chop” are different, White Emperor’s Golden Emperor Chop, purely sharp, sharp, and long. Instant killing, Guanghua flashed, and the head fell.

But “Black Emperor’s Water Emperor Fist” is based on the atmosphere, long lasting, dense and tough. A wave of waves, it seems that the tides of the sun and the moon, serial shocks, every punch, the power is more than 100,000 waves! No matter who they are, they can’t resist so many powerful impacts.

Fang Han is going to use water to see who’s water is even better!

The explosion rang! In the nine-day hurricane layer, one after another, the big blisters rise and rise. Each big blisters is tens of acres in size, densely covered with hundreds of miles of empty space, and then explodes.

If this time, even if it is a Golden Core Expert, entering the turbulence of the two fights, they must be shaken into powder, and immediately die.

Twelve breaths!

There are only twelve breaths, Fang Han! Smoke and water! One person exhibited “Black Emperor’s Water Emperor Fist”, and one person exhibited “The Sea of ​​the Sea”! The two sides fight for the 12,906,600 punches!

It is in line with the one dollar!

Among the ten breaths, more than 100,000 punches were shot in a row. Each punch has the power to collapse the rock. Only Fang Han, who has the World Tree and constantly absorbs the celestial spirit, can withstand it. Emperor, Elder Jian Kuang These people come and will immediately burn out.

Of course, this smoked water actually has such a long Magic Force, it is strange.

However, Fang Han saw the sea of ​​pearls on the other side of the head, but it was not unusual. This bead is a High Grade Dao Artifact and has been refined into a second god. The mystery of High Grade Dao Artifact is incredible. Just look at the current Yellow Springs Diagram.

Especially the water system Divine Ability, Magic Force is the longest.

Hua Tiandu is known for Magic Force, and the smoke that is still above him will definitely be even worse. Fang Han knows this at the moment, as long as he can rank in the top ten roles on the Longevity waiting list, he has extremely abnormal ability.

Of course, my ability is also abnormal.

Although Yanshuiyi and Fang Qingxue are the reincarnation of natural gods, the fighting styles of the two are absolutely different. Fang Qingxue is overbearing and killing. It is the character of the electric mother, with the power of the thunder, the punishment of the heavens, the killing of the enemy, there will be no mud and water, clean and neat.

The smoked water, the Magic Force is long, majestic, and endless. The First Layer is higher than the First Layer, but it also has a needle in the mouth, hiding the murderous machine. What is even more powerful is that the mind is extremely firm and unwavering, and is not shaken by any foreign objects. Things, thunder can’t move.

Both women are very powerful, but now the smoke is a lot because of the Culture Base for many years, and it is much more powerful than Fang Qingxue, but it is not allowed to be in the future.

For the reincarnation of two natural gods, Fang Han has a comparison in his heart. In his heart, he turned hundreds of intrigues and tricks against the character of the smoke, but it is useless now. This woman is not invading and has to fight with herself.

Although the strength of Fang Han is now, even if I can’t beat this woman, I can completely leave, and the whole body retreats, but I feel too wrong.

I have just grown into a Golden Core, and I am about to sweep the world. I am the first person to Divine Ability Mysteries Realm, but suddenly I came to a second person on the Longevity waiting list and I have to run away. What is this? Fang Han is simply doing nothing, and endlessly, with the support of World Tree, killing this smog one, the first true disciple of Hua Tiandu’s fiancee, Extreme Unity Sect, is refined into a magical treasure.


The fists of the boxing fight, the figure is flashing, the fight of 129,600 fists, Fang Han and Yan Shuiyi, turned out to be the tyranny of Magic Force, the tyranny of Mortal Body!

“It’s a reincarnation of the ancient water god. My Mortal Body is already close to the Longevity Mysteries Realm Undying Body. I can’t think of defeating you!”

Fang Han A gliding, his feet once again steadily stepping on the bridge, trying to calm the tumbling blood in his body. Among his five knowledgeable seas, Magic Force is consumed in large quantities, just like opening a dam that floods the floodgates.

The Magic Gold, which spurs ninety Divine Ability, is too expensive.

Five knowledge of the sea, the original thick and viscous Magic Force, is now thin. Fang Han’s Magic Force, among the five seas, is a crystal clear liquid, as the crystal melts, showing the purity of Magic Force. Under the fight of 100,000 fists, the liquidity of the crystal in his knowledge of the sea began to slowly transform into a thin gas.

This is because Magic Force consumes too much.

However, just as his five acquaintances of Magic Force consumed thin, the World Tree was moving, and from each of the above leaves, a lot of celestial spirits were released, rushing into the sea and his thin Magic. Force fusion, immediately the gas-like Magic Force, gradually solidified, converted into a crystal-like liquid, urging the life of the Golden Core.

In an instant, he was again Essence of Dragon Tiger’s Ferocity.

“With so many celestial elements, how many medicine pill can be made. Now it’s all consumed.” Fang Han was a pity.

Now, he has not refining Nascent Origin Pill, and the celestial spirits he collects every day are stored as a source of strength for his battle.

“In the twinkling of an eye, Magic Force is restored. The treasure of your eyebrows is the real treasure. So, I don’t want your Forgetting Emotion Potion, nor your Demonic blade. It’s not even rare for you to open later. Yellow Springs Treasure House. As long as you give me the eyebrows of the eyebrows, I will promise you all the conditions.”

The smoke suddenly opened. It seems that there is another meaning to talk about conditions with Fang Han.

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