Eternal Life

Chapter 341

On the 15th, I will resume three times a day. Everyone will vote and warm up.

Overseas cultivator 40 great thieves The first thief, “abandoning the thief”, mysterious, Magic Force is even more powerful, it has long been rumored that the piracy to cultivate to Longevity Mysteries Realm, and then opened up an Immortal Dao martial art, and Fang Han more It is from the secret news inside Ascension Sect that there is probably Protoss support behind this thief!

However, this “abandoned thief” is called a name, no one knows.

However, with intuition, Fang Han’s heart flashed, knowing that the mysterious woman in the Longevity Waiting List, Van Gogh, should be the legendary first thief.

Because the top ten people on this list have their own sects. Only this first martial art was born unknown, not 40 great thieves. Who is the first?

And Fang Han also had a hatred with 40 great thieves, directly killing the third-ranked “Stolen Thief” and “Star-killing” and even refining their Golden Core. This is the number one “Abandoned Thief” who does not come to kill him.

Moreover, he has now built 90 kinds of Divine Ability’s life-giving Golden Core. World Tree is rolling in the celestial support. When you wave, you can’t describe it. Divine Ability can’t describe it. When the idler comes to kill him, he waved his hand. It is possible to suppress the enemy into a powder, and only the top ten characters in the Longevity Waiting List can give him a fatal blow.


The sword broke through the sky.

The assassination of this sword, riding him and the smoke, a hard fight, Magic Force scattered, not working, suddenly shot, the eagle hit, pointing to his weakness, began to silent, but locked Fang Han After that, it was immediately sharp, and the world was smashing and murderous, and a sword could be a god!

However, just as the sword was assassinated, Fang Han had no time to resist, but behind the door of the nose, he extended a huge dragon claw.

This dragon claw, the size of the house, is extremely sturdy, Pure yang qi, the scales are even more embarrassing, the five fingers are like a column, the nails are sharp, and they are in front of Sword light.

It is “闃?#8221;.

Since “闃?#8221; absorbed the Heavenly Dragon skeleton, the condense became the real body, the Magic Force was tyrannical, and the Mortal Body was hard. The Heavenly Dragon skeleton was further hurried by nine days, and all the Impurities were forged after Scarlet Emperor’s Flame Emperor Qi was condensed. The king of blood nights is not killing.

Now that Fang Han is in danger, he immediately comes out to protect the Lord.

His dragon claws explored the capture, but it was a Demon Dao Divine Ability. Between the claws, there are Demon Sect’s sacred magic sounds, which are filled with countless sound dragons, shocking the world, the air flow on all sides is twisted first, then collapsed, and then inflated.

After refining the Heavenly Dragon skeleton with the current strength of “闃?#8221;, the Yellow Springs Diagram can not compete with the Longevity Mysteries Realm’s Vanguard giant, but also rivals any Divine Ability Tenth Layer’s Expert.

If its strength goes one step further, open the Yellow Springs Diagram, the most mysterious, the most horrible, the most inscrutable “revolutionary disk” great array, then it can really suppress the ancient giants, and counter the “people’s pen” “the Emperor mirror “These treasures.

Dragon claws, sword shadow, colliding in the air.

Immediately, the light and shadow flew, the claws of the cockroaches shrank, the nails changed a lot of handprints, preventing the sharp Sword Qi from cutting off their claws, and the Sword light from the spurs, shaking a little, immediately Sword Qi The article Qingying assassination was on the body.

The body trembled, his eyes opened, and he saw incredulously, the scales on his body, and the pieces were picked up by Sword Qi, almost showing the bones.

“Great Thunder Sword!”

It seems that I know the sword skill, the body shakes, the door of the nose, the two great arrays of the bridge in the hands of the bridge, and the display is fascinating. Compared with Fang Han, I don鈥檛 know how much it is. After all, it is the Yellow Springs Diagram. Dominant.

The quaint stone bridge, the stone bridge contaminated with the blood of the gods, traverses the north and south in the air, and is like a dragon-like tremor. Then, on both sides of the stone bridge, one after another, the door of the nose is opened, Devil Qi Rolling out, covering the sky of 100 miles, and hiding it in it, it is really “the dragon can not see the tail.”

In the twinkling of an eye, I took the power of the Yellow Springs Diagram to the extreme, and smashed Fang Han鈥檚 sword shadow.

This group assassinated Fang Han’s sword and shadow, but did not speak. Suddenly, it was turned into a cyan female cultivator shadow. The back of the brain was clear and the face was blurred, but the body was scattered and the void was empty. Broken power, a sword in her palm, suddenly shaking.


Suddenly, all sides of the void burst open, and there are countless thunderstorms. This thunder is not the thunder and lightning in the sky, but a chaotic Aura, which faintly conveys a shock, like a world. Among them.

“Great Chaos Leifa!”

The body trembled and was shocked. It was about to be far away, but it was late. Countless big bangs exploded, and the world seemed to have become a chaotic color. The powerful Devil Qi was also blasted. The bridge of the bridge was slammed on all sides, like a boat in a storm.

The dragon scales on the body were flying, and a lot of flesh and blood were blown up behind them, showing the white bones of the forest. If its skeleton is the Heavenly Dragon, it is almost equivalent to the Undying Body, and the bones are blown up.


I know that I am not the opponent of this woman. This legendary chaotic Leifa is the source of Ray Supreme, the source of Wan Lei, and the power and the “Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty”. I haven’t cultivated yet to the Undying Body. I have a hard time, my body is broken, and I don’t know how much Pure yang qi I have to recover.

Its body shrinks, no matter the door of the nose, the bridge of the bridge, disappears, there is only one scroll in the air, then the body of the Yellow Springs Diagram.

No matter how many Divine Thunders are blown up on the Yellow Springs Diagram, there is no use. The essence of this picture is Peerless Grade Dao Artifact, not so easy to destroy.

I am shrinking.

However, his performance was to give Fang Han a valuable breathing time.

“Today, I am afraid that it is difficult to end. One smoke, one, I can’t clean it up. Actually, I have come to a Van Gogh shadow! The two killed me, and I am unable to continue the means of heaven! It is better to go.”

At this time, Fang Han finally suppressed the chaotic blood, and the magical force that was tumbling, took a breath, reached out and grabbed the Yellow Springs Diagram in the air. The Golden Core on the top of the head shone, and suddenly surrounded by madness. The “Great Chaos Leifa” all collapsed under the Golden Core glare, without a trace.

“Hahahaha, I don’t think that the first and second existences on the Longevity waiting list came to kill me a Golden Core Expert. Think of me as the great giant of Longevity Mysteries Realm? You both killed me, won’t win. I am happy to accompany you, but today I am going to rush to the Immortal Venerable birthday, I will not be accompanied!”

Fang Han laughed, his sleeves slammed, his body rose like a dragon, and several ups and downs, moving in an instant, he rushed out of the trap and got out of trouble.

Although he is powerful, but in the face of two major experts, Longevity Mysteries Realm’s Van Gogh giants may have to be unpredictable, and is it himself? Before the scene of absolute failure, Fang Han would not have the slightest reluctance to say that he would leave.

Although not the opponent of the two, it is always possible to escape.

With Fang Han’s current Culture Base, wanting to escape and save his name, Longevity Mysteries Realm’s Van Gogh giant is really hard to kill him.

And at this time, Fang Han fled, without a little psychological shadow. Two people kill themselves, don’t you run and wait for death?

“Want to run?”

The smoked water seems to be prepared as soon as possible. When he and the “Vatican Qingying” lightning-likely played, they mobilized their hands and mobilized their hands, and waved their hands, and a magical treasure like a handkerchief flew out and turned into a cloud of smoke. Covered in all directions. This is a Peerless Grade Treasured Artifact called “Mary Mile Cloud”.

Just when Fang Han wanted to run, the 鈥淲anyun Cloud Barrier鈥?suddenly moved, rolling white clouds, forming a cloud wall, actually blocking Fang Han.

“Give me a crack!”

Fang Han did not hesitate, grabbed his hands and directly tore the rolling cloud wall. It was like a broken bamboo. The “Million Cloud Cloud Barrier” immediately turned into a handkerchief, but the middle of the broken, this Peerless Grade Treasured Artifact has been ruined. Fang Han actually ruined this Peerless Grade Treasured Artifact!

Now, his power can even hurt the Low Grade Dao Artifact, a Treasured Artifact like Fifth Hell King Cauldron, which can be a punch.

Once the “Wanli Cloud Cloud Barrier” was destroyed, the smoke and water did not have a bit of heartache. It seemed to be abandoning a magical treasure, blocking Fang Han from the moment, and winning the opportunity to prevent her from running away.


Sure enough, when Fang Han waved and destroyed the “Mary Mile Cloud”, he paused. What is the smoke? Directly caught the flaws, among the gods of the sea, a slight rotation, suddenly burst out of tens of thousands of Sword Qi.

These Sword Qi are all a mouth-shaped sword. Every sword is like a sip of autumn water. It is a frosty, cold and incomparable. It seems to be a magical crystal refining.

Fang Han, at first glance, knows that each of these is an extremely powerful treasure, the essence of water, tens of thousands of mouths, do not know how long sacrificial refining. In the moment when the sword flew out, among the gods of the sea, it was flying out of a picture. There were countless female fairy shadows holding swords. Each female fairy had different faces, like Lingbo Fairy.

Tens of thousands of swords, one fell into the picture, the swords in the palm of the Lingbo fairy are vivid, and they are scattered, and suddenly Fang Han is trapped in the middle.

This is an extremely powerful sword array!

Lingbo Wanxian ** sword array.

The tens of thousands of swords, each of which is the Thousand Year Old Cold Iron elite, plus Wanzhong soft crystal, using nine days of hurricane, Xuan Bing real water hard work, smoke and water is impossible to make a million Even if the sword is a giant, it will take thousands of years. This is the legacy of the water god.


Fang Han was trapped in this sword array, suddenly stunned, white clouds, countless female singers with swords appeared, and sent him a powerful Sword Qi.

The smoke and water, the body moved, also entered the Lingbo Wanxian ** sword array.

As for the murder of Fang Han’s Fan Qingying, he has not spoken, his body has moved, his light has melted, and he has entered the sword array. It seems to be in line with the killing of Fang Han.

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