Eternal Life

Chapter 301

900 million!

A Nirvana actually shouted the price of 900 million. This was not only shocking, but even the “Jade Machine” that bought things was stunned. Then he waved his hand and immediately there were two Experts disappearing behind the scenes. They flew past the two VIP rooms.

“The price is too high, it is not worth it. According to the truth, this Nirvana is in the sky, and it can only be sold between 500 million and 600 million. Now it is so expensive. It is a style of ruin.” Trembling.

“One billion!”

Fang Han smiled coldly and shouted a stunned word count.

One billion, a full billions of medicine pill. The rumor is that the Great Emperor refining five or six powerful Peerless Grade Treasured Artifacts, which were sold to the Heavenly Pavilion and changed to one billion medicine pill. Now this Nirvana, although the legendary Heaven Grade Peerless Grade But after all, it is not Immortal Pill, it is impossible to sell a billion dollars.

Hua Tiandu squinted and frowned. He did not think that the other party actually raised the price to such a high. One billion medicine pill For him, although it appears, the single party seems to have a price increase. If you add up, I am afraid it will become a horrible number.

He is not a Nissan goldsmith. Although he has been inherited by Coiling Martial Immortal Venerable, he has been concentrating on Extreme Unity Sect over the years. His own cultivation has consumed a lot of resources. For this Nirvana, it seems not worth it.

Of course, he didn’t know that it was Fang Han. If he knew it, he would definitely continue to call it.

“Mr. Hua…” Feng Prince saw Hua Tiandu’s face: “If you want to buy this medicine pill, I can…”

“No!” Hua Tiandu said: “Put it up again, and it’s cheaper.” Your brother, the prince, is a great man, and the billions of medicine pill are catching up with the giants of Longevity Mysteries Realm. It seems that you want it well. Take note. There are some good medicine pills, especially the final finale, there is an Immortal Pill. Wait for something to buy the last treasure.”

At the sales conference, the first one is good, it is a good start, and the last treasure is the finale.

“Indeed, I also heard that this is the last one of Jiudingxuan’s sales conference. It is the legendary Immortal Pill! I don’t know what medicine pill.” Wang Tian: “Leave money, buy the last Immortal Pill Is the right way.”

“Immortal Pill? Legend has it that only the talents of Longevity Mysteries Realm can take it. I have to take a look.” Hua Tiandu calmed down. “After the auction is over, I will see the Prince, see what he wants Nirvana.” use.”

Therefore, Hua Tiandu no longer asks for a price.

The first game of Nirvana was bought by Fang Han for one billion days.

In Fang Han’s VIP room, a man wearing a white robed and a white cloak holds a box containing Nirvana. “Hey, Prince, this is Nirvana, please come up with one billion medicine pill.”

“Daoyou! I have only 200 million in my body… plus your 600 million, only 800 million…” The prince passed the voice to Fang Han. He didn’t want to come up with more medicine pill.

“My prince, I know that you have four or five billion savings. But I don’t want you, you know, I can refine Nascent Origin Pill. But this is not good.” Fang Han smiles coldly. Use Spirit to communicate with Prince 颐.

“That’s good!” The prince bite his teeth and found four crystal cards from his body. Six of Fang Han’s were handed to the White Robed. When the White robed person checked it, he handed Nirvana to the prince: “The prince, the last treasure of the auction of Jiudingxuan, is the legendary Immortal Pill. If you are interested, you can buy it.”

“Okay, go on.”

The prince is suffering from meat. Wave.

Fang Han took this Nirvana Dan, “Hey, Prince, let’s go now!”

“What? Just leave? Don’t wait for the Immortal Pill that was finally auctioned out. Although you can’t buy it, it’s good to have a look. It’s the legendary Immortal Pill!”

“Immortal Pill has something to look at. If you get it, you can’t swallow it. It’s a scourge. I can say with certainty that Immortal Dao will fall into the hands of Hua Tiandu, but he can’t take it. He will be sooner or later. I killed, Immortal Pill is mine too. I am in a hurry. I got this Nirvana, and I can practice the Divine Ability Seventh Layer Golden Core. And Hua Tiandu will definitely come over after Immortal Pill is bought. Investigate you, when the time is a clue, conflict is not a good thing, I still can’t help him, after waiting for the Golden Core, hey! Let him survive, can’t die!”

Fang Han’s powerful Spirit thought permeated the mind of the prince.

The prince thought about it, and it was really good, so he stood up and said, “Let’s go!”

This time, Jiudingxuan appeared, and a group of people rushed back to the palace. Fang Han asked the prince to find a separate secret room, so he started the Closed door meditation cultivation.

This is a secret room with a depth of more than 100 feet. It is cast into a wall with a few pieces of hardware iron on all sides. It is engraved with various symbols that hide Aura. This is the secret room used by the prince to cultivate the Divine Ability. Under the study, it is said that even if there is no big movement, there will be no Aura.

Fang Han is here cultivation, ready to be promoted to Golden Core!

Divine Ability Seventh Layer, the realm of Golden Core Seed!

This will also be the beginning of his step-by-step journey. With more than 50 kinds of Great Divine Ability, it will become a Golden Core. In the process of transformation, Mortal Body will also strengthen to an incredible state.

The more Divine Ability, the harder it is for Golden Core.

But once it is refined, the Divine Ability will combine with the Mortal Body, resulting in a significant increase in Mortal Body Life essence. If after the promotion of Golden Core, the Divine Ability of cultivation is the same, but it does not increase the role of Life essence.

Like the ancestor of the Qingyang, the Golden Core has thirteen Divine Ability, but six of the Divine Ability are cultivated after the Golden Core. In other words, when he was promoted to Golden Core, he changed with seven Divine Ability. Life essence can’t be increased much, just a few hundred years.

Fang Qingxue is a change of twenty-four. That’s a lot more, and it’s not unusual for three or five thousand years.

Zhao Xuanyi, Song Weiyi’s Golden Core, although there are twenty-seven Divine Ability, most of them are later cultivation, and there is not much Divine Ability.

Divine Ability before Golden Core, called “Divine Ability”!

Why is it called life?

Or because of the transformation of Golden Core, these Divine Ability and Mortal Body exchanged vitality into one. In the future, it is extremely flexible and changeable, which is equal to a part of the body. So it is called Divine Ability.

Transforming Golden Core is an extremely important process. It is a cornerstone of Longevity Road. The stronger the Foundation, the better the opportunity to cultivate to Longevity Mysteries Realm and become a giant.

However, the general Expert does not have much life before the Golden Core. Also cultivation does not come out with several Divine Ability. You can only become a Golden Core and live for a few more years. See if there is another chance, such an Expert, most of them are Longevity Mysteries Realm hopeless, can not become a giant.

“I have fifty-five Divine Ability, and I have become a Golden Core. Will it be directly turned into a nine thousand years old?” A strange idea rose up in Fang Han’s heart and then smiled.

“Xing Yun Baobao! This time I spent 1 billion medicine pill and bought a Nirvana! Give it to you. If you can’t break through the realm of Celestial Realm, I will eat you!”

Fang Han took a shot and Xing Yun Baobao came out of the Sun Moon Five Stars Bracelet and opened his eyes.

He ate Divine Ability, Yin-Yang Longevity Pill. It was also ridiculous that Fang Qingxue was tempered with an inexhaustible electric sign, but it has not yet broken through to “Celestial Realm”.

Although Fang Han knows that the future star of Xing Yun Baobao cultivation is a Supreme Divine Ability, it is very difficult to break through. Although it is not as good as its own Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty, the accumulation of needs is terrifying.

“Eat! Eat! Eat! I ate this medicine pill first!” Xing Yun Baobao grabbed Nirvana Dan, hehe smiled, spewed out a Star Power wrap, swallowed inside the stomach.

puff! puff! puff!

This swallowed Nirvana, his whole body spurted out the flames, and the powerful force seemed to calcine every inch of his body, like a phoenix nirvana, and the fire was reborn.

Even including, Astral Qi, his future star, is also calcining. A glimpse of the Star Light, even more bright, like a galaxy vortex, constantly flowing, showing the magic of the universe.

“I was born to be lazy, a dream of a thousand years, and suddenly I am a god, the future starry sky!”

Xing Yun Baobao seems to be swearing at the future of the stars. In the chanting, a nebula on his head is flowing, and condense becomes a wonderful array. At the foot, there is also a nebula.

His future star, Astral Qi, finally condense into a battle! It turned out that when he spurred the Supreme Divine Ability, it was like the holy baby in the sky, but now, there is a faint Aura of the starry sky.

“Future Starry Sky King………” He waved his paws and kept patting: “Great momentum, mother.”

“I didn’t let me down! The cultivation went to Celestial Realm. One billion medicine pill didn’t have white flowers. It’s still a penny. If you don’t break it, I have a suicidal thought.” Fang Han breathed a sigh of relief. Out of the magic of Nirvana. Xing Yun Baobao breakthrough, related to his big plan, this breakthrough, Xing Yun Baobao can also go to his own Stars Sect Yaowu Yangwei.

“Zhao Xuanyi, Zhao Xuanyi, your Golden Core can come in handy!” Fang Han smiled and took out Zhao Xuanyi’s Golden Core. He shot a fist and the Golden Core burst immediately. For twenty-seven Divine Ability great arrays, rotate around! Fang Han spurts between the successive ones, stabilizing these great arrays, not dissipating!

“Xing Yun Baobao, I don’t want to swallow these great arrays!”

Xing Yun Baobao Just cultivation to Celestial Realm, the changes in the five internal organs, Mortal Body strengthening, Life essence increased, I am recollecting the words of Fang Han, Zhang mouth slammed, and the great array was eaten. I ate twenty-six. Only a great array is left, that is, “great array”.

Fang Han nodded, and the life of the cockroach flew out. He swung around the great array of the gods, and gradually condensed the great array of gods into six elements, and was sucked into his six hexagrams.

The six seals of the monuments also flew out, and as Fang Han’s spurt, it kept getting smaller.

“Six eyes sealed the monument! Incorporate my six scorpions! Make my Mortal Body incomparably! Condensed into the Golden Core, step into the sky! It’s here!”

At this time, it is a crucial moment!

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