Eternal Life

Chapter 300

A Nirvana, starting at 400 million, is enough for the Golden Core Expert to go bankrupt. At least Ascension Sect’s Golden Core Expert, Jia Lan, Wan Luo, Ling Hao, Yan Guang can’t afford it. What’s more, if you want to take this medicine pill, 400 million is not enough. It’s not impossible to do it later.

However, this medicine pill can break the bottleneck by the assist, but it is invaluable.

“400 million medicine pill, this is not a small amount. Fortunately, I let the princes sell the Protoss things, otherwise I can’t afford the price at this time. This Xuan Huangcheng is the world’s largest city. Jiudingxuan also It’s not the world’s three major chambers of commerce. I have a crystal card of 600 million medicine pill on my body. I don’t know if I can auction this medicine pill?”

Fang Han secretly calculated, but did not call the price first.

Now six gods, all the treasures, all sold, although worth 600 million medicine pill. But whether Nirvana can buy it is an unknown number. After thinking about it, I asked the Prince, “I can tell the people of Jiudingxuan now, I want to sell things.”

“It’s not enough money, but the price of Nirvana is a bit outrageous. I don’t think that the price will be so high.” The prince was wrinkled, and the price of 400 million was a big expense for him: “You What treasures do you want to sell? In fact, you may wait for the auction to be settled.”

“You know what you are selling, the good treasure that you just got. A Golden Core of the ancestors of Qingyang!” Fang Han said.

“What! You took it out and sold it?” The prince was shocked and his face changed: “I sold the Golden Core directly. I have never heard of it. I have never seen it. But there are some people with good luck who can be in the ancient ruins.” In the middle, find the fallen Golden Core Expert wreck, which has no decaying Golden Core. But it will refine itself and save thousands of years of hard work! This Golden Core of Qingyang ancestors, why don’t you give it to me? I am paying a high price! Don’t sell it to Jiuding Xuan.”

Prince 是 is Celestial Realm’s Expert, and can also refine the Golden Core and get Divine Ability.

“Oh? I don’t know how much the price of your prince?” Actually, the Golden Core of Qingyang’s ancestors contains thirteen Divine Ability, which is not powerful. The other party, Fang Han, has two Golden Core Extreme Unity Sect giants. For Golden Core, it’s just a chicken rib. It’s better to sell it. Of course, the person who sells Golden Core, maybe he is the first.

“In this way, you auction this Nirvana, the number of shortages, how can I make up?” The prince thought for a moment, he said. “I still have some preparations for saving. This time I gave the exquisite Immortal Venerable a birthday gift to other female disciplines. It is a big deal to send a few female disciplines.”

“A word is fixed.”

Fang Han thought about it and threw the Golden Core of Qingyang’s ancestors directly to the Prince.

The prince of the prince was happy to collect it. With this Golden Core, his strength will definitely go a long way after refining, and the Culture Base will reach a terrible realm. The Golden Core of Qingyang’s ancestors is a ribbed item, but for others it is a treasure in the treasure. Nirvana is also available, and it contains the Big Golden Core of Divine Ability. There is no place to buy it.

“450 million!”

Just between this transaction, the price of Nirvana on the outside has been called the fifth round, and the price has been added to 50 million. This kind of madness is really difficult to control.

“500 million” Fang Han signaled that the prince called a **like number.

Sure enough, this shouted out, suddenly suffocated on the spot, oh yeah! Fang Han felt that a lot of powerful gods had swept over here. Fortunately, this VIP room has the effect of blocking the detection of God, otherwise it will be seen. Of course, this also has the drawback that Fang Han can’t see the other VIP rooms.

“500 million!” At this moment, in the far away a VIP room sounded, do not know who, actually dare to bid!

“500 million!” At this time, Fang Han gestured again.

“Who is that VIP room? Actually dare to bid with me! Check! Go out and check it out! Actually add 50 million directly!” At this time, sitting in a VIP room shouting 520 million A man wearing a royal robe, this man is actually a Golden Core Expert! Apparently the top ten princes of the Great Clouds Empire.

“Mr. Hua, this time I originally wanted to buy this Nirvana for you, but I couldn’t think of someone who bids with me. I will see who is going to increase the price by 50 million!”

The man in the royal robe was human in a Tsing Yi.

This Tsing Yi people, it is Hua Tiandu!

“This Nirvana is so magical. If you can buy it, you can take it to Longevity Mysteries Realm and become a giant. We have to go to Ascension Sect to congratulate you.” Hua Tiandu A Daoist smiled and was the supernatural giant Wang Tianyi of Extreme Unity Sect.

“I am a dispensable thing, from three years to five years. I will definitely step into Longevity Mysteries Realm and become a giant of the ages. I will learn and understand this realm.” Hua Tiandu Indifferent way: “I got Nirvana this time, that is, give the cigarette junior sister a gift.”

“Ah, it’s rare for the Senior brother Tiandu to have such a mind. This word has been passed to the ear of my Extreme Unity Sect. I don’t know how envious of the smoke, a Senior Sister.”

A week: “Smoke-Senior Sister is the genius among the disciplines. It has been cultivated to the realm of Divine Ability Tenth Layer and Defying Heaven Changing Fate. It is the leader of this project that is very promising to enter Longevity Mysteries Realm. Looking at the Immortal Dao Ten Sects, there are very few people who can compete with the smoked water and the Senior Sister. This time, the door is too elder Tailder’s symbol, so the Senior Sister and the Senior brother Tiandu are engaged, and you are all cultivation. Longevity Mysteries Realm, when it was married, there is only one Nirvana, and the Senior Brother Tiandu is willing to give the smoke a Senior Sister, which shows that he is sincere.”

“At the time of Immortal Gathering Grand Assembly, maybe it was when we both got together Longevity Mysteries Realm.” Hua Tiandu calculated.

“Senior brother Tiandu is also careful Fang Han this child. This child is extremely fast, and this time I killed two of the Extreme Unity Sect Junior Brothers, too Elder Elder to obliterate him, but the ancient demon sealed by the Five Elements Respect is blocked! Obviously it is a chess piece of the demon, and it has to be guarded.”

“It’s fine, I’m going to let him go now. When I arrive at Longevity Mysteries Realm, I will shoot it again. Now in my Ascension Sect, there are many Elders who are still looking forward to it. I am killing him now. Headmaster Supreme Wind White Feather There is a slight remark. When I am cultivating to Longevity Mysteries Realm, I will have enough weight to kill it.”

Hua Tiandu showed a sneer on her face, a slight way.

“That is natural, as long as the Senior brother Tiandu cultivation to Longevity Mysteries Realm, the right to speak is not comparable to the present.” Wang Tianyi knows some of these mysteries, Divine Ability Tenth Layer Defying Heaven Changing Fate and Longevity Mysteries Realm’s right to speak, fundamentally Not the same day. “And the senior brother Tiandu cultivation’s coiling martial Divine Ability is a mysterious technique. Once it breaks into the Longevity Mysteries Realm, it can almost be cultivated into the Second Layer Undying Body.”

“This is indeed the case, coiling martial Divine Ability, is the ultimate of ‘force’, after cultivation, intelligence, physical strength, Magic Force, Dao Li, energy, Yuanli, root force, desire, wisdom, strength, etc. If you have a lot of power, you can have a breakthrough increase. Of course, the cultivation is ten times more difficult than the average Divine Ability. I have entered the Divine Ability Tenth Layer Defying Heaven Changing Fate for many years, and there is no breakthrough, it is the accumulation in the majesty. Once you reach the top and break through the door of Longevity, it’s like rolling the sky, no one can stop my comet-like rise! I feel that this day is not far away!”

Hua Tiandu In the words, it is simply heaven and earth, unstoppable, naturally there is a Aura who dominates the universe.

“Report! Just 50 million of the fare increase, it seems to be the prince.” Just between Hua Tiandu, a cultivator who went out to inquire returned.

“Hey Prince? This waste, when is there such a huge financial resource? 500 million medicine pill, um… Recently this waste is going to be sent to the exquisite Immortal Venerable, the hand is tight, 500 million medicine pill is probably his limit. And what does he want for this medicine pill? Does Celestial Realm break through to Returning Origin Realm? That’s too wasteful, not necessarily a breakthrough. 580 million!”

Just at this time, the price has increased by two rounds.

I heard that he was a prince, and this cultivation became a reassurance of the Divine Ability Seventh Layer Golden Core.

“600 million!” Fang Han shouted out, he is bound to get this Nirvana, cultivation to the Divine Ability Seventh Layer Golden Core, step into the sky. You can also completely refine the nine ghosts, and the first person under Longevity Mysteries Realm, what is the 600 million medicine pill? Six billion are worth it!

“600 million!” shouted the emperor next to Hua Tiandu.

At this time, the price has reached 600 million, and there are very few people who shout.

“620 million.” The prince did not dare to increase the price, shouted.

“Feng Prince, directly added to 700 million. Since I support you to board Dabao, I definitely don’t want to pay for it.” Hua Tiandu looked at the emperor around him, waved his hand, and seven crystal cards flew over. It turned out to be 700 million medicine pill!

“This………what Mr. Hua said is what he is.” This prince is the prince of Feng, born first among many princes, is the eldest brother. But it is not the most powerful Culture Base. Among the Great Clouds Empire princes, the most unpredictable of the Culture Base is the Four Emperors, the Prince. For the 700 million medicine pill, the Prince of Feng is not able to get out, but then he has to stretch.

“700 million!” Feng Feng screamed.

“How many medicine pill can you come up with?” Fang Han’s 600 million medicine pill in his hand is now spent. So I asked the prince.

“I can get up to 200 million at most.” 颐 Prince said, in fact, he was able to take out 500 million, but played a small heart.

“That’s good, the price is 800 million.” Fang Han doesn’t change his heart.

“800 million!”

A price shouted out and shocked the Feng Prince. Not only him, but Wang Tianyi, who was sitting in the VIP room, almost stood up in the week. They were the small giants of Extreme Unity Sect, but they took out 800 million. Medicine pill, this is not possible. It is already a means of Longevity Mysteries Realm.

“This……… Mr. Hua!” Feng Prince stared at Hua Tiandu.

“Jiu billion!” Hua Tiandu closed his eyes and thought for a while, suddenly opened his mouth.

“Everyone guess, the object of Hua Tiandu’s engagement, will the smoke and water not be tragedy? If you choose a tragedy, everyone will vote more.”

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