Eternal Life

Chapter 302

One billion dollars of medicine pill’s huge money, bought a Nirvana, but also let Fang Han from the six gods of the small vault completely bankrupt. However, in exchange for Xing Yun Baobao Magic Force Dajin, who has twenty-seven Divine Ability, is now a battle with Golden Core Expert. And let yourself strip out the “Feng Shen**” from the Golden Core.

This sale is still cost-effective.

If it wasn’t for the “Feng Lingling” that met the Emperor’s pen, under the strong oppression, the Returning Origin Realm was pushed to the peak and the “virtual Dan” was condensed. Fang Han would definitely eat Nirvana.

But now that it has been “dummy”, it is only half a step away from the real Golden Core. Fang Han decided to strengthen his strength and rely on his own insight to break through the Divine Ability Seventh Layer Golden Core instead of Nirvana. In this way, Foundation will be stronger and the essence of cultivation will be more profound.

Condensing the Golden Core requires a lot of energy.

In particular, Fang Han has cultivated fifty-five Great Divine Ability people, and that the transformation of Golden Core requires more energy than the general Expert does not know.

Therefore, Fang Han’s idea is to use the Fengshen ** and the “six eyes to seal the monument” into the six hexagrams, let the five elements of the five elements and the six gongs condense together, pushing the strength of the Mortal Body to a horrible The point!

In this way, it is possible to change the Golden Core.

Under the guise of Fang Han, the six seals of the gods are getting smaller and smaller, and finally turned into six eyes, mysterious eyeballs, constantly swaying, radiating the light of the gods, flickering, and being swallowed by Fang Han. Going down, running Magic Force, it was carried to the “big intestine”, “small intestine”, “bladder”, “three-focus”, “biliary” and “stomach”.

The six seals of the gods became the eyes, and among the six hexagrams, they were intertwined with the sacred gods that Zhao Xuanyi had painfully refining, and gradually merged into one.

On the same day, Zhao Xuanyi’s sacrificial refining was to think that one day, he could reap the body and strengthen the Mortal Body. Transforming Mortal Body into an extremely powerful realm that enhances the ability to breathe Life essence and vitality.

However, it is now cheaper than Fang Han.

“Feng Shenluo, Yongzheng youth………” The secret of refining the gods, Fang Han’s constant Insight, the operation, the sacred gods among the six scorpions are brewing, creeping, first the power of the “stomach” Between the enhancement and the creeping, it seems that a mountain can be digested!

Fang Han knows that at this time, if he even swallows diamonds, hardware iron, and other solid things, the stomach can be easily digested.

Six 腑 sturdy and sturdy, which led to the power of the body. The world’s fascinating elements of World Tree also washed away, washing every inch of flesh and blood, every inch of skin. Then rushed into the six hexagrams, giving the ability to seal the gods and seal the monument.

Hey! Hey!

I don’t know how long it has been.

Among the six hexagrams of Fang Han, they were called up, and the gods and gods were finally combined and integrated into the flesh and blood, at this moment! Hey! Fang Han felt that one of his six eyes had one more eye, illuminating everything inside the body. I have never had this before, and his understanding of the body is so clear.

Your body is made up of many tiny particles. These particles cannot tell how small they are, even if the spells are applied under the eyes, they cannot be seen clearly.

These small particles, there are hundreds of millions, each arranged, in accordance with the laws of the world, composed of an endless array of great. Fang Han feels that if he is familiar with the characteristics of the hundreds of millions of small particles that make up the body, he can cultivate into Undying Body! But of course, this is impossible.

But just like this, it is enough to let him touch the essence of life! The mystery of the Mortal Body.

“Five internal organs, five lines of God! Condensed one! Convert Mortal Body ………”

In the Fengshen and Fengshen monuments completely integrated into the six hexagrams, six eyes more than six eyes, illuminating the whole body moment, Fang Han immediately spurred the five elements of the five internal organs to combine with each other.

This time, it is like a scoop of oil poured onto the fire. boom! Fang Han The roots of the whole body are beating, and the Mortal Body is blown up like a flame.

The flesh and blood of the whole body wriggle here, it seems that hundreds of millions of bugs are rearranged and combined.

It seems that steel is smashed into steel slag and re-fired.

The huge vitality is rolling, thunder, magic inflammation, the spirit of the five elements, the spirit of the gods … … running around the body, the hardware floor in this chamber began to collapse and melt.

Earth-shaking changes.

Fang Han’s Mortal Body gave birth to a earth-shaking change.

Originally, his Mortal Body was strong enough, but now, he is moving on a stronger path and moving forward.

Kā chā ,kā chā !

Just as the Mortal Body continued to strengthen, it reached a peak and actually stopped. Then, on the body of Fang Han, there was a crack in the porcelain.

Among those cracks, there was a shocking blood flowing.

This is a precursor to the collapse of Mortal Body.

“Well, it’s a problem.” 阎 panicked and cried: “Mortal Body can’t be tempered, you have to have a fixed Culture Method, such as Yama Golden Body, coiling martial, Divine Ability, Gu Wusheng Body………Fang Han now has no rules, only to be strong, how can it be, the end will decline. If Mortal Body is broken, it will collapse.”

It looks out that Fang Han is trying to become stronger and desperate. He has left the Yama Golden Body’s cultivation method and seems to be looking for his own feelings and innovating a physical practice technique.

Fang Han is in the midst of luck, Yama Golden Body for a while, and the ancient sacred body in the Divine Ability of coaling martial for a while, and some inexplicable refine body secrets for a while, seeking the best one. In this way, there is danger.

Nothing wrong, Fang Han’s experience is very rich, especially in the “Tempordial Immortal House” for 18 years, the mysterious people have been constantly instructed to lay a solid foundation of practice. It can be said that his current practice experience is more abundant than Hua Tiandu.

Ascension Sect Headmaster Wind White Feather can teach Hua Tiandu for eighteen years without endless chatter.

Moreover, the mysterious man is much stronger than the white feathers, and his knowledge is very powerful.

Fang Han’s Culture Base to advance with leaps and bounds, cultivation is like a fish, can cost cultivation in the Five Elements, and most of them are accumulated in the 18-year-old Primordial Immortal.

However, even if he is rich in experience, he can’t just temper Mortal Body, not according to the previous Humanity Method. After all, the experience of the seniors is much richer than him. He is also a small fries of Divine Ability Sixth Layer Returning Origin Realm.

Just when you were ready to stop Fang Han, suddenly Fang Han was concentrating! Thousands of times of concentration!

At this moment, “阎” is now, and Fang Han’s body seems to be somewhat like the moment when the man’s pen shrinks, creating a “mixed hole” mood. At the moment of concentration, the cracks on his body disappeared, and all the Essence Blood retracted into the body.

And the body becomes more compact and tight in this collapse. Especially his left hand, in the collapse, strong energy squeeze, a few black runes, the eggs are generally broken, completely combined with their own vitality.

“The cover of Heavenly Demon is completely broken! Combine with the body!”

I saw all this. “It turned out that you had prepared for it. You actually realized this trick from the Emperor’s pen and deliberately broke the back.”


Fang Han took a long breath, his body moved slightly, and there was a wonderful sound inside the bones. The muscles squirmed and faintly, and the pores conveyed a “blowing snail” and “hitting” *Drums” sound.

This is not a voice, it is purely produced by the body.

“The body can also be cultivated to blow the snail! The degree of the drum!” screamed “Heaven! How strong is your body?”

“King of Blood Night! Give me a knife!”

Fang Han didn’t answer the embarrassing words, just shouted.


The king of blood night flew out and turned into a bloody glow glow. He swam in the void for a while, many blood-colored civilizations disappeared, and the momentum climbed. It was gaining momentum, after a few breaths, and the momentum was rushing to peak, 嗡嗡………A stream of air turbulence, the king of blood night disappeared out of thin air, one thousandth of a moment, appeared on the top of Fang Han, a knife.


The king of blood night had just kneel down and touched the skin of Fang Han, and he was stuck and could not be killed. It was actually rebounded. Reinventing a person wearing a bloody night cloak, his face showed great surprise.

“I am Dao Artifact! Killing the Buddha and destroying the Buddha, how can you not touch your body! How strong is your body! Heaven, compare Dao Artifact magical treasure?”

“My current body has actually become like a magical treasure, the existence of a non-magical treasure, a fusion of the six-headed monument, covering the Heavenly Demon hand, these two magical treasures, originally Zhao Xuanyi, the ghost emperor in order to strengthen himself Life essence, temperament refining, but did not comprehend something, so it can not be completely integrated with the body. I also saw the human pen, only to understand the truth of humanity and harmony. Now my body, although not Undying Body, But ordinary people can’t kill me!”

Fang Han said: “Now my body has undergone this tempering, and the Essence Blood is filled, reaching an unprecedented peak, it is time to refine it into Golden Core!”

Between his words, the symbol on the top of his head flew out, “Blowing the snail” and “Blowing the drum”, and his body was also “blowing the snail” and “snapping the drum.”

Preparing for the work is so full, Fang Han is ironic, and he has become a Golden Core and swept all the Experts of Divine Ability Mysteries Realm. He is now fully grasped.

Unceremoniously, Fang Han is even more powerful, injecting himself into his powerful life.

Suddenly, this contains fifty-five Great Divine Ability’s sacred symbols, once again turned into an “unreal Golden Core”, and in the not only vitality of Fang Han, there is a virtual reality.

Others condense the Golden Core, be careful, difficult. Fang Han is now at ease, nothing else, he is prepared too well.

The body is so powerful that it gives you the power you need to transform Golden Core.

At the moment when the Golden Core is about to condense, all the Space, trembled together, and the momentum of the roll penetrates into the Yellow Springs Diagram.

At this moment, suddenly the Peng Peng Dome in the Yellow Springs Diagram seems to have felt unprecedented strength! The big engulfing magic array above, violently running. The surrounding vitality swept through the air, and even the giant egg flew out automatically, swallowing the vanity of Fang Han’s life!

“not good”

In an instant, a lot of vitality was swallowed up, and Fang Han looked at the Golden Core, which was about to condense, and became a virtual Dan!

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