Eternal Life

Chapter 221

The general “selling treasure conference”, the first treasure is the main event, to get a good start. The last treasure is also the highlight, because it is the finale.

Now the “Tiandaoge” of this treasure fair, the first treasure to open is a giant egg covered with the jewels of the Treasured Artifact level. I don’t know how many people are attracted. Of course, the most surprising person is Fang Han, because he also has the same giant egg, and even the old antiques such as “阎” can’t recognize the egg of the ancient beast.

However, the vitality contained in this giant egg is shocked even if it is “阎”.

Now on Fang Han’s dome, there is a dense Heavenly Demon spell, not the “Seven Leaf Devil” left, but it seems that Demon Soul Expert is using the spell to hatch this giant egg, making this The Dome keeps drawing on all the energy in the void.

“What exactly is this giant egg?” Fang Han’s heart did not buy the giant egg, but he was very curious. It’s not just him, but the people who are also in the VIP room’s Golden Core giant “Lianyun Fairy” also look at the “Heavenly Pavilion”.

Sure enough, in a short while, an extremely strong red light fell on the central auction platform, showing the cultivator wearing a red robe, tall and strongly built, nine feet tall, hands are strong red. It turned out to be a Golden Core Expert!

“Red-handed fairy? When did you join the Heavenly Pavilion?” The red-faced woman was floating in the clouds and muttered to herself.

The Divine Ability Seventh Layer Golden Core Expert of the red cheongsam palm, before that, was a famous Rogue Cultivator in the cultivate Dao world. One person cultivated got the fortuitous encounter Immortal fate. After hundreds of years, it actually cultivated into a Golden Core. Alone, but now joined the Heavenly Pavilion. Fang Han also recalls that among the Rogue Cultivator celebrities recorded in World, there seems to be this person. The Golden Core of cultivation contains more than 20 Divine Ability.

“World” is something that was written almost before the first one. It can be seen that this “handsman” is a powerful figure who became famous 60 years ago.

“You, today is my Tiandaoge once a year, the most grand sales conference. It is rare for you to come and join us. The first treasure we are going to sell today is an egg of the ancient singular beast.” The celestial piece grabbed the brocade of the Treasured Artifact level, and the giant egg appeared.

Suddenly, an amazing vitality suddenly burst out. Fang Han only felt that there was a huge Taikoo beast in Spirit. He was oppressed by himself, pointing to the sky and having a totally unbalanced thought. He couldn’t help but be shocked: “The vitality of this egg is so powerful? Fortunately, my egg was blocked by the Heavenly Demon spell. Otherwise it will be paid!”

“Ah! Good vitality!”

“This egg is amazing, I am afraid that the dragon egg is not so strong!”

“Bragging, have you seen dragon eggs? There are a lot of things like Jiao Dragon in this world. The real Heavenly Dragon, where is it? It was extinct as early as the ages.”

“You don’t know this. I went to Extreme Unity Sect. There is a dragon egg in the Extreme Unity Sect. The rumor block has to hatch Heavenly Dragon. Taikoo Heavenly Dragon!”

“Exquisite Jewel Paradise also has a beast and phoenix egg, and even seems to have an ancient phoenix!”

“Ancient Phoenix, that’s the big man of Longevity Mysteries Realm!”

For a time, all the people talked about it, and Fang Han also felt that some of the VIP rooms were in communication, and they were talking about what it was!

“You must know that this is an egg. You have such a strong vitality!” The bare-handed fairy looked at the giant egg, and his face also showed a look of envy. “This is an ancient egg.” !”

“It is actually ancient Peng Peng!”

“This is the legendary sacred beast, it can be turned into a fish, it can be turned into a bird. When it is turned into a fish, it is equal to a continent at sea. When it is turned into a bird, it is 90,000 wings. It is rumored to be too old. Some great powers, the palace is built on the back of Kunpeng, and the sky is too empty! This kind of holy beast is more powerful than the dragon.”

“Is this really the egg of Kunpeng? How can this kind of thing be sold out? I am afraid it is impossible. It has long been hatched by the power of Longevity Mysteries Realm.”

“That’s not necessarily, this kind of ancient sacred beast hatched very hard. Even if it hatches, it will not grow for tens of thousands of years, even hundreds of thousands of years. Eat a poor Immortal Dao sect.”

“It is true that this egg is difficult to hatch, or it does not hatch.”

Fang Han listened to the argument and had some general outlines in his heart. Of course he knew that this giant egg was very difficult to hatch, and even if it hatched, the young beast had no ability to grow up in tens of thousands of years. . Turning into real power, tens of thousands of years later, Longevity Mysteries Realm is gone. What is the use of this thing? It also wastes a lot of vitality, resources to hatch and feed.

However, this giant egg is not nothing, not hatching, can rely on its strong vitality, refining magical treasure, etc., as well as some Demon Dao Xuan Gong, refining medicine pill with the giant egg as the medicine herb. It is a viable behavior.

“This Peng Peng Dome is a giant singer and a few Demon Soul vying for it. I don’t know that there are three 鲲 巨 巨 巨 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 不 不 不 不 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几The other two were taken away by Demon Soul among the two Heavenly Demons. The giant changed the need for a treasure from the Heavenly Pavilion, so he replaced it with this giant egg. Although this giant egg can not hatch, but this giant egg can not hatch, but It is the refining of some ancient medicine pill, or the excellent material for constructing the core of magical treasure.”

Fang Han moved in the heart and knew that it was possible that his own Peng Peng Dome was also one of three.

“This Kunpeng giant egg, the price is 30 million Baiyang Dan. Each price is called once, plus one million!” Chishou Xian said this.

Suddenly, many of the Experts present were silent, looking at the giant egg and swallowing. What is the concept of 30 million? Fang Han’s Low Grade Treasured Artifact Robe is only 300,000 medicine pill. You can buy one hundred! Divine Ability Mysteries Realm Expert, which is not particularly wealthy, is worth hundreds of thousands of medicine pills.

30 million, you can buy a small Immortal Dao martial art.

“Senior Sister, this Kunpeng Dome, for us, is only afraid of some value, whether or not.” The red-faced woman floating in the clouds seems to be heart-warming.

“Thirty million is really too expensive and definitely can’t be bought. This thing has to be taken down. I am afraid not less than 50 million!” Lian Yun thought about it and then shook his head.

Sure enough, the next situation did not surprise the Lotus Fairy.

“Thirty-one million!” is talking about an Old man in the VIP seat. Fang Han looks at the Elder of Sun and Moon Sword Sect ten days ago. I don’t think this Old man is so wealthy! More than 30 million medicine pill, so screaming. It is indeed a need for courage, and there is huge financial support behind it.

“35 million!”

At the end of the VIP room in the west, a big man shouted a number directly. Fang Han doesn’t look at it any more. He already feels that the big man is a Divine Ability Seventh Layer Golden Core level Expert.

“Three million six million!” Fang Han saw the hand holding the scepter, the whole body black robe, suspected to be the demon man of Demon King.

“40 million!” At this moment, a crisp, youth-like voice is conveyed from the north side of the VIP room, but it is a very small youth. It seems to be 13 or 14 years old, with a white robed, plain look, but the root bone is excellent. It seems that all the spirits between heaven and earth are concentrated on this youth.

This youth, the body of Aura, faintly makes people have a deep unfathomable, seems to be the general taste of the starry universe.

“I don’t think of Ascension Sect’s genius Meng Shaobai is coming. He seems to have broken through the realm of Golden Core and entered a higher level. In the year before, I heard that this child went out and traveled to become a Golden Core, thinking for more than a year. After that, this child not only condensed into Golden Core, but also the Golden Core, I am afraid it is already the Expert of the Divine Ability Eighth Layer ‘Great Windfire Tribulation’.” Lotus Yunxian looked at this youth and was also taken aback.

“What? He is Meng Shaobai? I am genius among Ascension Sect? But genius is over, how is he so wealthy? Forty million medicine pill? If I didn’t buy the pieces of World Tree, I would have thought about it. More medicine pill.” Fang Han knows that the 13-year-old White robed youth is actually the genius Meng Shaobai among the Ascension Sect, who got the five elements.

“41 million!”

In another VIP room, the voice was conveyed. Fang Han was about to see who was bidding. Then Meng Shaobai actually spoke, “45 million!” shocked Fang Han again, watching Meng Shaobai The posture of treating the enormous wealth of the 45 million medicine pill is like treating the ordinary Spirit Artifact. This shows that this child really has a huge amount of wealth.

“46 million!” A voice sounded, but it was a lotus fairy. She seemed to be testing.

“Five million!” Sure enough, Meng Shaobai did not hesitate to shout out a price that made everyone shocked! For this price, you can buy a Peerless Grade Treasured Artifact!

The audience was silent.

Finally, this Peng Peng Dome was bought by him.

“Hey, it seems that Meng Shaobai is also a person with a fortuitous encounter. It is likely to have a certain ancient powerhouse, like Hua Tiandu, but even if he gets a fortuitous encounter, he is also sitting on the mountain! It is better than me. There is great wealth! In time, it is not difficult for me to crush this person with wealth.”

Fang Han thought in his heart.

The grand opening of the sale of the treasure conference, the Peng Peng giant egg was bought. Then, the second treasure is, but it is a nine-person-high gourd, which is filled with Nine Yang Holy Water.

Nine Yang Holy Water Although it is a good thing, it is not uncommon, and every Immortal Dao martial art is stored. Fang Han raised the price slightly and bought it at the price of two million medicine pill.

That Meng Shaobai did not ask for it. It seems that he did not see this thing.

When Fang Han got Nine Yang Holy Water, he immediately threw away the Yellow Springs Diagram and let it swallow it. After eating, the body flashed a glimmer of yellow light, the injury was completely good, it seems to have added some strength, but still did not break through the realm.

“Nine Yang Holy Water is too little. It is not enough for me to break through the realm. Look at the Peerless Grade Pure Yang Treasured Artifact! Since it is Peerless Grade Treasured Artifact, it absorbs Nine Yang Holy Water, at least one big. There are so many ponds. This will enable me to break through the realm.”

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