Eternal Life

Chapter 220

“Even pure yang Peerless Grade Treasured Artifact, Nine Yang Holy Water has an auction! If you buy it, wouldn’t you come to the Great Clouds Empire?” Fang Han is excited, the stronger the strength, Yellow Springs Diagram The greater the role.

However, pure yang Peerless Grade Treasured Artifact is equivalent to Hua Tiandu’s “Nine Palace Golden Pagoda” and Xing Yun Baobao’s “Sun Moon Five Stars Bracelet”. The value is immeasurable. After a cultivate Dao person gets it, almost It is the evil that does not invade, and the self-cultivation cultivation has the magical effect of resisting the devil. This kind of thing, someone actually took it out and sold it!

Fang Han is really unimaginable.

“It seems that after Dao Artifact, no one will take it out and change things.”

After getting the news, Fang Han was in a hurry and greeted him. The body had already vacated. A group of blue light bullets jumped and went to the auction hall of Tiandaoge.

“Daoyou also please wait!” Piaoyun, Lianyun, the two Exquisite Jewel Paradise’s Expert quickly waved their hands, and the 300,000 “Nascent Origin Pill” piled up on the ground all included a huge Hundred Treasure. In Bag, it also flew and followed behind Fang Han. Can really come up with so many “Nascent Origin Pill” For them, Fang Han is already a treasure, not to mention that they heard that these medicine pill or Fang Han’s own refining, then what? It is equivalent to the plum house of Extreme Unity Sect.

“Fang Han, the two women of Exquisite Jewel Paradise, some of them mean you!” I saw them behind and laughed: “Do you have any thoughts?”

“People who can take out 300,000 Nascent Origin Pill at a time are not blamed.” Fang Han thought for a moment: “I certainly have an idea! Are the three mysterious Golden Core Experts not killing me? I don’t necessarily have to Will quietly cooperate with the people of Exquisite Jewel Paradise to kill the three Golden Core Experts, the Divine Ability is very high, but there is only one person. If there are five or six Golden Core Experts, the ambush can be arranged beforehand. May kill the three mysterious Golden Core Expert!”

“It turns out that you are playing this idea!” The king of blood and the night of the blood suddenly moved.

They didn’t think that Fang Han was so thoughtful that he was still considering the strategy of attack using strength of another.

Indeed, the three mysterious Golden Core Expert assassinations, Fang Han is invincible, as long as the Great Clouds Empire, there is a disaster. But even if they teamed up with Yunyun Fairy, they couldn’t deal with the three Golden Cores, let alone kill them.

To kill the three Golden Cores, the Longevity Mysteries Realm’s Van Gogh giants have to be careful. In case they dying, the three Golden Cores blew themselves, it was no joke.

Fang Han calculated, at least for himself, Fang Qingxue, then five Golden Core Experts, pre-arranged ambush with Dao Artifact, introduced the three Golden Core Experts into the great array, and then shot together, Thunder hit, only The possibility of seventy to eighty percent.

Killing Golden Core completely is not hurting, and it’s the only way.

But I am afraid it is very difficult to do.

Fang Han has a strong desire to kill the three mysterious Experts. After all, no one wants to have three shadows to follow themselves, threatening their lives all the time.

“Hey, if I can get a Peerless Grade Pure Yang Treasured Artifact, the strength can be upgraded to the level of Returning Origin Realm, and it will be able to devour more magical effects of the Yellow Springs Diagram, such as ‘Destroy the Magic Array’ and match the King of Blood Night. It seems that the Golden Core Expert is not a problem. Golden Core Expert blew the Golden Core in the Yellow Springs Diagram. It doesn’t hurt me. When Immortal Demon great war, Great Emperor Yellow Springs used the Yellow Springs Diagram to cover dozens. Golden Core Expert blew in it, I have nothing to do!”


“So powerful, I don’t believe that dozens of Golden Core Experts are exploding, and Longevity Mysteries Realm is going to be annihilated. You don’t want to blow leather.” The King of Blood Night sneered.

“The king of blood night, I will let you know sooner or later!”

“Well, I am in the Heavenly Pavilion. Let’s go down!” Fang Han turned into a green light and appeared at the door of Tiandao Pavilion. Just after a stop, Green Eyebrows greeted him: “Predecessors, I don’t know Nascent Origin.” Things about Pill”

“This is not an urgent matter, you can talk slowly. I heard that you have sold pure yang Peerless Grade Treasured Artifact and Nine Yang Holy Water today?” Fang Han is not willing to say more, first ask yourself what you need. s things.

“The original predecessors urgently need these things, please go to the VIP room. But today’s sales conference is the most solemn one, and there are so many high-ranking people. It is not easy to take the same suitable things. If the seniors Without the medicine pill, my Tiandao Pavilion can pick up the convenience of the seniors.” Green Eyebrow introduced Fang Han to the VIP room.

“Lending? How much can I borrow at one time? How much money?” Fang Han heard this, and it feels a little funny. There are “smuggling” loan sharks in the world, “printing money”, “阎王债”, etc., I can’t think of cultivate Dao. There is such a thing in the world, but this is very beneficial for Fang Han. Now he has a huge amount of “60 million medicine pill”, but today he wants to buy pure yang the best-made Treasured Artifact, I am afraid it is not enough. If you can borrow some, then it is a good choice.

Anyway, he can produce more than 36,000 Nascent Origin Pill every day, and he is not afraid of borrowing.

Seeing that Fang Han seemed to be interested in borrowing, the green eyebrows showed a hint of joy, and quickly said: “If we can know the identity of the predecessors, the bottom, which martial art, where to clean up. Can make the seniors disposable Borrowing 10 million medicine pill. The money is three points a month.”

Borrowing 10 million medicine pill today, I will have to pay more than 13 million medicine pills after next month. And it is still profitable.

“Only 10 million? I know. This thing will be said later.” Fang Han listened and waved his hand. He now has a huge amount of 60 million yuan, and he is not worried about borrowing 10 million yuan. And also tell the other party the details, how is this possible? Of course, he also understands that 10 million medicine pills are a huge number, and the other party must know the details of the borrower.

“Is the predecessor wanting to borrow more? This is not a matter of negotiation.” Green eyebrows frowned. She thought that Fang Han didn’t have much wealth. Now it seems that the other person’s appetite is very big. “But this is not me.” Be the winner.”

“Then call a person who can do the Lord! I have to borrow at least 100 million.” Fang Han bounces with his fingers, making a noise.

“More than 100 million!” Green eyebrows took a sigh of relief, hurriedly stood up, and went out, but then was stopped by Fang Han, and she was thrown to her a bottle with one hundred Nascent Origin Pill is a reward: “Yes, do you have a business that hires people to kill people?”

“Assassin no! Our Tiandao Pavilion is a well-known chamber of commerce. But if the seniors encounter any troubles, it is OK to hire the Elder protection of our Heavenly Pavilion.” Green Eyebrow turned quickly and took the bottle, and he was overjoyed.

“Is there a Divine Ability Seventh Layer, is Golden Core Expert hired?” asked Fang Han.

“Of course. Not only is Seventh Layer Golden Core Powerhouse, we have SkyHouse, Powerhouse with Divine Ability Eighth Layer ‘Great Windfire Tribulation’, and also Expert of Divine Ability Ninth Layer ‘Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation’, but if you ask them to take it once I am afraid that it is tens of millions of medicine pill.” Green eyebrows are happy, and received the big business of Fang Han. She will also get a lot of rewards.

“Go! Find someone who can do the Lord.” Fang Han waved again.

Green eyebrows hurried out.

“Divine Ability Eighth Layer, the cultivator of Great Windfire Tribulation, and Powerhouse !my God by Ninth Layer Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation. Fang Han, the three mysterious Golden Core Assassin, is hired by Lingzi to kill you. We are now With World Tree, there is a lot of wealth, and it is not impossible to hire Expert and kill them!” After listening, I was excited.

“But now, the time is still short. If I can give me a year, let me accumulate a lot of medicine pill, even if it is not impossible to invite people to kill Hua Tiandu. But this matter is also carefully considered, Tiandao Pavilion Although the credibility is good, but they can not give them all the money, otherwise they will seek the skin with the tiger. Instead, they will be murdered by them. Outside, I will not completely believe.” Fang Han licks his own eyebrows.

“Do you need to borrow money?”

At this moment, the curtain of the VIP room moved, and the two women came in. It was the “Exquisite Jewel Paradise” and the two experts.

Piaoyun is the Powerhouse of Divine Ability Fifth Layer “Celestial Realm”, and “Lianyun” is the small giant of Seventh Layer Golden Core.

“What? Is it Exquisite Jewel Paradise willing to borrow for me?” Fang Han shrugged his shoulders.

“Yes, with the strength of 300,000 Nascent Origin Pills in 10 days, my Exquisite Jewel Paradise is willing to borrow money for Daoyou. The money borrowed from Tiandaoge is too high. We are willing to be friends. Providing loans without money. The friend wants to borrow 100 million medicine pill, and it only takes one year to repay with Nascent Origin Pill.” Lotus Yunci played a small piece of jade pendant in his hand.

“Don’t the friends of Exquisite Jewel Paradise, don’t inquire about my origins? Just rush to borrow?” Fang Han wonders.

“It’s no problem, do you want to hire someone to protect? Do Quisite Jewel Paradise can provide protection.” Lianyun Fairy Road.

“I don’t want to talk about the employment of Expert. I really want to borrow. As for the amount of borrowing, I will buy the pure yang Peerless Grade Treasured Artifact and Nine Yang Holy Water. Fang Han thought about it and said slowly.

At this moment, the sales conference at the bottom suddenly caused a sensation. It turned out that today’s first treasure has been slowly lifted to the center of the venue.

“There are a lot of high-ranking people present today!” Fang Han was suddenly sensational. He suddenly felt that more than a dozen powerful and suffocating gods swept the treasures in the center of the field. The treasure was covered with a brocade. That brocade brilliance is actually a Low Grade Treasured Artifact that hides Aura!

What is treasure? It is actually covered with Treasured Artifact.

Everyone feels curious, and those powerful gods are just looking at it.

Fang Han clearly feels that those powerful gods have Golden Core-level giants and even even stronger ones.

But he also wants to take a look at what is underneath the Treasured Artifact brocade, so that all the Spirits are concentrated on both eyes, and suddenly it is faintly visible. Under the Treasured Artifact, there is a huge egg. .

“This giant egg”

Fang Han was taken aback because he now has the same giant egg he got from the throne of the Seven Leafs, and this giant egg is exactly the same.

“Tiandaoge selling treasure conference, the first auction of treasure, is a good thing, the main event. I don’t know what is underneath that brocade?” Red masked woman floating clouds guessed.

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