Eternal Life

Chapter 222

A piece of Peerless Grade Pure Yang Treasured Artifact, which contains the incredible atmosphere of the nine yang, such as “Sun Moon Five Stars Bracelet”, a total of Nine Yang Holy Water, which has been smelted and refining. Not a few gourd holy water is enough. The degree of “闃?#8221; was promoted to “Celestial Realm” because it was the result of drinking Nine Yang Holy Water, which is equivalent to a pond. In the future, every time I upgrade First Realm, I need more Nine Yang Holy Water than once. If cultivation is to Longevity Mysteries Realm, I am afraid that it will be able to satisfy it.

The original strength of “闃?#8221; is definitely the Expert of Longevity Mysteries Realm. Now to restore the bondage without realm, as long as there is enough Pure yang qi, you can directly soar.

However, there is not much “Nine Yang Holy Water” in a big river, even “Extreme Unity Sect”.

Compared to ordinary cultivators, 鈥淣ine Yang Holy Water鈥?is still very precious. Although it is not a big deal for Longevity Mysteries Realm, it takes a lot of effort to refine it.

“闃?#8221; now to fully restore the strength, must have ten Experts above Longevity Mysteries Realm, extract the Nine Yang Holy Water from the Apocalypse Aura, at least one Kung Fu can do it. Otherwise, there is absolutely no door.

The only chance now is to wait, wait for Fang Han to step into the Longevity Mysteries Realm and become a giant, and then slowly recover it, the rest are all in the water, can not solve the fundamental problem.

However, all the injuries were restored and became Essence of Dragon Tiger’s Ferocity. “闃?#8221; is still very satisfied.

“Fang Han, look! The following is the auction thing you want, nine days of crystal! This is something further than the mountain god beads, some of the ancient powers to take them to control the water, a little bit of interest The crystal can be turned into a dam and blocked by the flood. This treasure is also the best material for refining the magical treasure of the soil. After the refining, it is specially designed to control the Divine Ability.”

鈥滈槑鈥?suddenly yelled, and in the middle of the store, the third magical treasure has already begun to be auctioned. It鈥檚 a small sallow sand, and it doesn鈥檛 look like any strong soil. But if the Spirit is very strong, it feels like this, the small sallow sand is a magnificent ancient Giant mountain.

Nine days of interest!

Taikoo can use water to control things.

Grab a hand and take a look at it, you can turn it into a dam, block the flood of thousands of years, tens of thousands of years! For generations, the common people have lived and worked in peace, and there is no flood. General Expert, the use of spells to block floods, the temporary construction of the dam, will be washed away in a few years.

“You must know that this is the earthly sacred object, nine days of sacred crystal! This sacred object is not only the best treasure of the cultivation system Divine Ability, the biggest use is to strengthen the cave house! Cultivate the elixir. If you put nine days If you are in the middle of the Dongfu Mountain, you can establish an unbreakable connection with the earth. Not only does the attack on others have no effect, but the quality of the medicine grown on the mountain, the quality and the degree of growth will increase countless times! Starting from five million medicines Pill! Every time the fare increase should not be less than 100,000.” Chi Shouxian introduced the benefits of these nine days of crystallization, many people nodded secretly, knowing what is said.

The biggest advantage of this kind of treasure is the construction of Dongfu. For example, on the reincarnation peak of Fang Han, if the 鈥渘ine days of the crystal鈥?is incorporated, the quality of the production of the elixir will be doubled. What is even more powerful is that the mountain will be unbreakable. Even if the Expert is higher than him, he will not move. It can be said that the old nest was built with a copper wall and iron wall. What is even more powerful is that if the cultivation is long-term, the Divine Thunder will be produced in the mountain peak. The enemy will attack and will automatically condense the earth’s vitality friction, and the thunder will come out of the mountain, and the demon will be demolished. Invincible.

But the opening is five million Spirit Pill, which is twice as expensive as the mountain god, and it is not affordable for the average person.

Fang Han is in need of this thing, and he is welcome. A hand, “5.1 million!” shouted out.

“5.2 million!”

Then, the next person shouted, and Fang Han looked down, but it was a Divine Ability Mysteries Realm three-layer “Primal Astral Realm” who became Astral Qi, gnashing his teeth, seems to be all worth. To buy this treasure is generally. Fang Han smiled and saw that the discipline cultivated Divine Ability, and Astral Qi Dacheng, if you got this “nine days of grain” back, fine Insight, maybe you can make Astral Qi change, and then enter Divine Ability The Fourth Layer 鈥淵in-Yang Realm鈥?

After Insight changed the Yin and Yang, Celestial Realm is not far off.

However, Fang Han knows that this discipline is not able to buy the 鈥渘ine-day-old crystal鈥?treasure, and there is no financial support to the extreme. It is really difficult to photograph this thing.

Sure enough, next, a person in the VIP room shouted “5.5 million!”

The person of the Third layer Astral Qi Realm is like a deflated ball, and the whole smashed down. Obviously, 5.2 million is already the financial resources of his family.

鈥?.6 million!鈥?Fang Han is bound to win.

鈥?.7 million!鈥?shouted in another VIP room, but a Daoist wearing a silver robe with a golden sword on it. The silver robes, flickering, the top ten golden swords, Sword Qi pressing, seems to be flying at any time, arranged into a sword array to kill people in general, extreme.

“Wan Jian robes!” Fang Han knows that this is a Peerless Grade Treasured Artifact recorded in “World”. Although it is not as “Fifth Hell King Cauldron” and Demonic blade “Blood Sky”, it is also extremely fierce. Robe is the thing of Connecting Heaven Sword School. There is no doubt that this Daoist is a character at the Connecting Heaven Sword School Grand Elder.

“Six million!”

That Meng Shaobai said, and Pan Han was taken aback. He knows that Meng Shaobai has abundant financial resources. The first treasure “Geng Peng Dome” bought 50 million medicine pill. Now six million is a small meaning. He does not want to waste money in this aspect and Meng Shaobai, but nine days. Rare Earth, now his Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty, “Azure Supreme Wood Emperor Merit” has been completed, gave birth to Divine Thunder, “Scarlet Emperor’s Flame Emperor Qi” “White Emperor’s Golden Emperor Chop” “Black Emperor’s Water Emperor “Fist” has been small, but the “Yellow Emperor Road” is too weak. If you can get this “nine-day-old crystal”, Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty can form a small five-line cycle, and its power is greatly increased. No less than the other twenty-eight Great Divine Ability.

And his ** will once again have a metamorphosis.

If the Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty is all perfect, and the five lines of Divine Thunder are born, then the power is absolutely “Black Day”, “Day of the Fire” and even the Great Severing Technique. These top-level Divine Ability can be combined with Extreme Unity Sect. The biggest “doomsday disaster” is comparable. Even more!

However, Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty is cultivating and does not know how many five lines of Essence Qi to draw. Even if you get five kinds of spiritual things, “Tai Bai Jin Xing Shi”, “Wan Zhong Shui Jing”, “Ci Huo Lei Ze Sand”, “Nine Days of the Earth” and “Qinglong Boyang Wood” are far from enough.

“6.1 million!” Fang Han be careful the price of the wing.

“6.2 million!” The Daoist wearing the “Wan Jian Robe” also added 100,000.

“6.3 million!” The first time that the Water Crystal Paradise Middle-aged man, who was also auctioned by Fang Han and wearing a crane, was in the VIP room and shouted the price.

“6.5 million!” Meng Shaobai shouted.

鈥?.6 million!鈥?Fang Han is still not too slow, not too much to increase the price, just slowly, a pair of peeling and snagging soft and hard foam.

“Seven million!” Meng Shaobai fiercely added the price.

鈥淪even hundred and one hundred thousand!鈥?Fang Han sighed with a sigh. It seems that Meng Shaobai is calling again. It鈥檚 not necessary. The rest of the people saw the price of Meng Shaobai, and the increase of one million seems to be unwilling. Come to fight. This White robed youth has bought 50 million eggs at a time, and has already called many people to see it.

“Eight million!” Sure enough, Meng Shaobai said that the price is one million, and it is not awkward. It seems that it is necessary to use strong financial resources to fight any competition with itself. It is indeed such an imposing manner that few people can resist it.

“8.11 million.” Fang Han said.

“10 million!” Meng Shaobai looked at Fang Han and seemed to be impatient. He rushed to a number. Then I looked free.

“One thousand and ten thousand.” Fang Han, although re-quoted, but very uncomfortable, if not Meng Shaobai, his eight million medicine pill can be bought, and now I don’t know how much.

“15 million!” Meng Shaobai’s finger slammed, snapped a finger, and his face showed a sneer.

Fang Han is about to add another 100,000, and suddenly there is a message in a VIP room! “Thirty million! I bought it!” This sound is tender and seems to be a very small child.

“Oh!” Not only Fang Han, but even Meng Shaobai seems to be taken aback. The other party directly shouted “30 million”, which is far beyond the value of “Nine Heavens and Crystals”, and added Doubled, compared with Meng Shaobai, it is a strong self-owned middle hand, and a mountain is still taller than a mountain.

At the moment, Fang Han no longer shouts, knowing how he can’t fight the shouting boy voice. And Meng Shaobai’s face seems to show a sneer, move towards the price of the people repeatedly looked at the past. However, in the VIP room, it was blocked by a piece of brilliance, and no gaze could be penetrated. It was known that it was sealed by force.

鈥淲ho is it?鈥?Fang Han thought, he always felt that the voice seemed familiar and where he heard it.

“Three million, there is no need to buy nine days of crystals.” Lotus Yunxian shook his head.

At this point, there was no one asking for the price, and the “Nine Days of the Crystals” was taken over, and Fang Han could only miss the treasure. But what surprised him was that the curtain of his VIP room was moving, Thirteen Niang, Green Eyebrow and a tall and mighty body, but the old-fashioned old man with the back of the camel came in, holding a plate in his hand. “Nine days of interest in the crystal.”

“Fang DAOist, I can’t think of you to make friends. This is the nine-day sacred crystal that you bought for the VIP room on the 99th. Please accept it!” Thirteen.

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