Eternal Life

Chapter 1469

The first thousand four hundred and sixty-nine chapters

Fang Han saw the big ship that was all gimmicks at a glance.

The ship of sin.

The gimmick above, I don’t know what it is, the ancient gods forged, rushed into the deep red plane, actually violently inhaled the deep red gas, and then spit it out, and the time of Fang Han sacrificial refining The same is true for the same purpose.

The man on the ship of sin saw himself at a glance.

At the same time, Fang Han also saw the big ship above, Devil Qi skyrocketing, almost condense became the Tongtian Pillar to break through this deep red plane and pass it out. These characters are the supreme magic of the Yuanshi Mozong, the eternal immortal Heavenly Monarch.

Apart from this, Meng Shaobai, should be congenital, Su Xiuyi three, was seen by Fang Han clearly, no one can escape his eyes and ears.


Between the strong milky white light cover, whether it is the four Heavenly Monarchs on Fang Han or the Heavenly Monarch on the “Sin Ship”, they stayed together and looked at each other with their eyes. It seems that it is necessary to see through each other and melt in general.

In particular, some magic light, sweeping from the feathers of the Emperor, has already understood that this is the reincarnation of the Lord of Arbitration.

“You are the era Heavenly Monarch Fang Han?”

A blood light appeared from the barge, and the Lord of the Blood River landed in the vitality of the deep red plane. All the elements eroded around him, but they were all blocked by him. This is the blood of the Lord of the Blood River. On Shenwei, it is obvious that there is a fetish in the body, so that the deep red gas can not corrode his body.

“The Lord of the Blood River?” Fang Han looked at this bloody Daoist: “Is it, you should accept it first, and collect it as a crime. In the rumor, you are also one of the ancestors of Demon Dao. The Master of Cangsheng should be innate. Is the Lord of the Church, this time I want to grab food from my mouth? Get the ancient church?”

“Not bad. (Look at the novel to the leaves, you can go to the leaves.)” The Lord of the Blood River waved his hand, and a piece of blood flickered in the air: “Fang Han, you are the Heavenly Monarch born in this era, and it is amazing.” It is also limited, Foundation is shallow, listen to me, hand over the arbitrator of your hand, and retire, our Yuanshi Mozong many lords can spare you a life, otherwise, this deep red plane is your fall. place.”

“The big words don’t hesitate!” The Lord of the Fireland spoke: “The Lord of the Blood River, if you dare to say such words, I would like to advise you to surrender the Lord of the Church and join our era alliance, and the Heavenly Monarch is the lord. Otherwise, the Yuanshi Mozong will be destroyed.”

“Bold!” A word from the Lord of Fire, provoked the wrath of many devils, when the next whole body green robes, the green flames burned fiercely, holding the scepter, and the nails were full of seven inches long. When he came out, he shook his scepter a little, and immediately there were many ghosts crying and screaming, and a large piece of grave, the country, the tombstone resounded.

This large piece of grave, the kingdom, the tombstone, is the paradise of the dead, and the land of the gods.

“The Lord of the Grave!” The Lord of the Fires saw this demon Lord, and his face changed. He has already seen it. This is a strong lord of the Yuanshi Mozong, the Lord of the Grave. The cultivation is the Three Tombs and Five Tombs, surpassing the peerless existence of Three Thousand Great Daos, the first Demon Dao of the First Master.

Although the owner of this tomb is a character of his contemporaries, he has received many fortuitous encounters. In the rumor, he has got two words from Gate to Eternity, hence the name, Magic Force is better than him. Be tyrannical.

“Where is the Lord of Fire, when did you lose your dignity and vote for this kid born in a new era? An invincible Heavenly Monarch who has survived three times and destroyed the world, and actually turned to the birth of a new kid, which is passed on. In the circle of our Heavenly Monarch, will you not be alive and laughing in the Lord of Fire?”

The owner of the tomb holds the scepter, the road of Senran. [叶*子]【悠*悠】

The Lord of the Fire World was silent for a moment.

Heavenly Monarch has a circle of Heavenly Monarch, which is equivalent to aristocratic circles. The general Immortal can’t reach it, but after the promotion reaches Heavenly Monarch, it will be slowly contacted, and it will be divided into three or six. In general, the newly promoted Heavenly Monarch in this era, in the circle of Heavenly Monarch, is not very much to be seen, and its status is very low.

The Heavenly Monarch, which has been ruined by the heavens and the earth, has a much higher status. The older the Heavenly Monarch, the higher the status.

Every era is equal to the accumulation of strength, and the baptism of a big robbery can make Heavenly Monarch grow a lot of power.

As the owner of the fire industry, relying on Fang Han is indeed a very shameful thing.

“Well, the Lord of Fire, you back. The people of Yuanshi Mozong and I are right, that is, I don’t know how to live and die.” Fang Han was cold and cold, with a wave of his hand, and his eyes slammed into the many standing on the ship of sin. The face of the demon Lord, then stayed on the body of the innate, Su Xiuyi, Meng Shaobai.

“It should be innate, Innate Great Emperor. Su Xiuyi, the lord of the Yellow Springs, and Meng Shaobai, the same door of Ascension Sect in my secular, you actually unite against me? We are all from the world of Xuanhuang. It’s also a fellow, how? Look at the face of the fellow, I can spare you a life, kneel down, surrender to me, I will give you boundless wealth, boundless glory, boundless Divine Ability, if not surrender, I only send You are on the road.” Fang Han looked at the three men and showed some smiles on their faces.

“Fang Han, are you getting out of heart, or am I crazy? I actually heard you say such a thing? You forgot, I was chased by me in the secular? I am a avatar, almost killed you, you I can contend with me.” Su Xiuyi’s voice is sharp: “Nothing wrong, flying up to heaven, you are ahead, promoted to Heavenly Monarch, but unfortunately, I am about to be promoted, when it is your death.”

“Fang Han, your tone is too big, be careful windy tongue, I am the Lord of the Church, this ancient church is mine. I have already felt the power of the vast sea, my Mortal Body The body, in which I can quickly advance to Heavenly Monarch! My current strength, with the help of the ancient church, can also rival Heavenly Monarch.” Should speak innate.

As he spoke, the whole body suddenly flew up.

The body is a formless force that motivates the ancient milky white to be the light of the Holy Light. Suddenly, the sacred milky white glory, with the inscriptions of praise to the gods, rushed into the innate body, his power. Ascending, it is able to call the power of the ancient church.

The strength of this ancient sanctuary has a kind of resistance. Even if Fang Han feels that if he rushes into it, he will encounter endless attacks, but it will automatically infuse the innate power. It also indicates that it should be congenital. The identity of the Lord of the Church, the price is real.

“Fang Han! In the secular, I am defeated by you, but today, I am going to kill you!”

Meng Shaobai is murderous.

“I can also accept the power of the ancient sanctuary!” At the same time, the feather emperor also flew up, and like the innate, actually motivated the power of the ancient sanctuary, the sacred poetry, the milky white force, non-stop Perfusion into his body, belief in the Bible, seems to condense into a huge book, spinning in the void, the sword of the church also leapt, shuttle in the light, draw strength, wash the body.

“Fang Han, let me say it again, hand over the owner of the arbitration, otherwise don’t blame me!” The Lord of Blood River finally couldn’t stand it. He felt that the Emperor of the Emperor could be promoted to Heavenly Monarch anytime and anywhere, faster than ever. step.

You must know that the Foundation of the Emperor of the Emperor, the Sectmaster of the Peer Masters, was much thicker than the innate ones. Later, it was the engulfing of all the Culture Base of the Heavenly Monarch, the Heavenly Monarch, in the Hall of Hungmun. In the middle of the practice, the current combat power can be comparable to the general Heavenly Monarch.

Just in the lava plane, I was baptized by the four Heavenly Monarchs, and I have combed my life essence.

Now, as soon as you approach the ancient church, you will be promoted to Heavenly Monarch. Savings reached a peak, and finally began to change in essence, but should be different in nature, and then be valued, and it is impossible for him to directly devour a Heavenly Monarch, to reach the Heavenly Monarch realm, unless it is to find Mortal in his previous life. Body.

“Good! Yumi Senior Brother! You finally reached the peak, and took the last step, I will help you!” Fang Han pointed out, inscribed his understanding of the real world Great Dao, assist feathers, step out The most critical step.


The entire deep red plane began to shake, and the endless sky and robbery appeared on the top of the feathers. Heavenly Monarch robbed and descended.

As long as the Heavenly Monarch robbery once, the Emperor Huang will truly become Heavenly Monarch, the life form changes, and the true memory of the Lord of Arbitration is awakened. Mastering the ancient temple is just around the corner.

If the Emperor became the Heavenly Monarch, it should be congenital to be the reincarnation of the Lord of the Church, and would like to have control of the Church, Heavenly Monarch and Supreme Immortal, the difference is really too big.

“Not good! He wants to make the Lord of Arbitration into Heavenly Monarch. Once it becomes Heavenly Monarch, this ancient church will probably be mastered!” The Lord of Blood River saw this scene and almost roared.

It should be pale in the first place. In any case, he can’t make himself impact on Heavenly Monarch, and his savings are far less than that of the Emperor. He also knows in his heart what the plume impacts on the Heavenly Monarch.

“The devils of the devils must not let the emperor break through, otherwise my identity has no use.”


Whole body armor, like the demon of the Demon Soul of the ancient war, smothered out, a big hand wave, a shot born in the boundless war, glory, glory, blood………. Above the big axe, the blood is mottled. I don’t know how many people have been slashed. When I move a little, I bring a very strong bloody sea and change the human world into hell.

This is the forged object of the Lord of the Devil, not the Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, which does not produce its own intellect, but the power even surpasses the Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, which is the “blood axe.”

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