Eternal Life

Chapter 1470

The first thousand four hundred and seventy chapter

The “blood axe” fetish, dissected from the air, between the two, actually launched a lore to the head of the feather emperor, he wants to kill the feather emperor, preventing him from being promoted to the Heavenly Monarch. ()

The Lord of the Devil is a Heavenly Monarch who has lived for four episodes, and he has collected many substances ejected from the Gate to Eternity, refining it into a bloody axe and adding his Culture Base. That makes his Culture Base, which is comparable to the horror characters of the five mixed ages, even between the axe, even the ordinary Heavenly Monarch, the wilderness, the emperor, and the other side, can not resist, to be directly bombed kill.


Fang Han will naturally not allow such a situation. He decided to defeat the Yuanshi Mozong people here. The assist is promoted to the realm of Heavenly Monarch, and then enters the ancient sanctuary to obtain this god. Object.

He faced the “blood axe” killing, pointing a shot, hehe! A spurt of the spurt out, actually hit the axe directly, this axe shocked, out of the sound of Hong Zhong Da Lu, shocked many people’s ears creaking, almost deaf.

The whole body of the Lord of the Devil has swayed a bit, and the body has cracked, and the cracked texture is shocking.

Fang Han, this finger, actually injured him.

“Inverse magic immortal war secret! I inherited the master of the ancient war, the Supreme Martial Arts! Kill!” The Lord of the Devil took a sigh of relief, the whole body cracked the traces of repair, his bloody axe between the waves The turmoil of the battlefield in the bloody sea of 鈥嬧€媡he corpse, suddenly fell on this deep red plane.

The huge axe was almost made into a battlefield, with a whirlwind, slashing to Fang Han, the power is more violent than just now.

The Lord of the Blood River also started, and a strange seal was pinched out in both hands. Suddenly, a bloody river rushed down, like a red dust, rushing toward the Emperor.

“We guard the reincarnation of the Lord of Arbitration.”

The four Heavenly Monarchs that Fang Han surrendered also took the shot. They joined forces to resist the blood river of the Lord of the Blood River. They saw that Fang Han was testing them. They expressed their loyalty to the alliance. Must be shot.

The four Heavenly Monarchs, all of them are the masters of the world. Magic Force is strong and can compete against the magic masters of many Yuanshi Mozong.


The “Lord of the Ancients” also started, and Astral Qi in the hands of a shock, suddenly, the darkness of the darkness rises into the sky, turned into a Hades, collapsed, the king of the world, the town is pressed down, facing the fourth The big Heavenly Monarch was also bombed.

The “Lord of the Grave” also flew directly, the means was extremely tyrannical, and the bone scepter in his hand waved, and immediately there was a country of graves in the air, huge tombstones, pieces of fallen, the power of each tombstone, Far from the stone monument of the former Megatron.

Each piece of tombstone is engraved with the notes of death, burial, and rest.

The three Experts, at the same time, against the four Heavenly Monarch, actually suppressed the four Heavenly Monarch. Because these three great devils, whether it is “the Lord of the Grave” or “the Lord of the Blood River” and “the Lord of the Ancients” have passed the Lord of Fire and others, the three men joined forces against the four, and prevailed.

However, the strength of the four Heavenly Monarchs is not so easy to break. They tried their best to protect the Emperor, so that the Emperor was promoted to Heavenly Monarch in transforming the power of the robbery.


Just in between, Fang Han slammed into the bloody axe, actually with the palm of the Mortal Body, the edge of the bloody axe.

The edge of the bloody axe was smashed on the palm of Fang Han, as if it was on the permanent immortal King Kong, a burst of fire.

Fang Han turned over the palm of his hand, and it was shot in a row. The power of the road swayed on the bloody axe. The axe was almost deformed, and the axe blade actually rolled up.


The Lord of the Devil spurted a blood. The two rounds are just two rounds. Among the Mozong sects, the Lord of the Devil, who is known for his fighting, is actually vomiting blood by Fang Han.

“This kid is too powerful!” The tyrannical mind of the Lord of the Devil has had to retreat. Although it feels extremely shameful, Heavenly Monarch’s will tells him that if he does not retreat, he will be killed by Fang Han!

“How? Against the Lord of the Devil, you know that it is not my opponent, even if you are the king of the devil, I only have a dead end on it. I could kill you directly, but the war on you. There are some mysteries, surrender to me, I will spare you a life!” Fang Han continued to attack, suddenly, when the epoch of the epoch was unfolded, the Lord of the Devil was wrapped in it, and the refining and refining.

“The Lord of Spring and Autumn! Still not coming out!” The Lord of the Devil finally came out for help.


At the same time, from the sinful ship, there is another demon Lord. This demon is wearing a Confucianism, not a demon, but a great Confucianism. There is no trace of Devil Qi on his body. Instead, it is a book, this one is replaced by a book. The Aura of the Lord is the most powerful, farther away from Aura, the Lord of the Blood River, the Lord of the Ancients, the Lord of the Devil, and the Lord of the Graves.

Almost nothing to do with the chaotic Heavenly Monarch, the wilderness of Heavenly Monarch!

This is now one of the most powerful lords of the Yuan Dynasty, the “master of the Spring and Autumn Period”.

The lord of the Spring and Autumn Period, rumors before many episodes, is a Heavenly Monarch who founded the Confucianism and Taoism civilization. Unfortunately, because of the different doctrines of the doctrines, the Confucianism was turned out, trying to prove himself, using the supreme Confucianism and Taoism, and educating Demon Sect It is a pity that instead of being defeated by the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, the Supreme Master of the Kings, the debate failed. Instead, it became the highest level of the Demon Sect. The Magic Force is almost endless.

The Spring and Autumn Lord appeared, Magic Force is still a pure Confucianism and Culture Base, a stock of Haoran books, gas filled the world, Dagang unyielding, big sleeves fluttering, facing Fang Han, suddenly a palm, a push, Immediately, Astral Qi, like a mountain, was born in the mountains, sultry and white, and turned into the infinite endless Great Dao, Confucianism, oppression, and Fang Han鈥檚 Astral Qi immediately began to strengthen. The shock, there is a taste that is broken.

“Good means!” Faced with the Spring and Autumn Heavenly Lord, Fang Han is not angry and rejoicing, and the long and short whistling, rising from the sky, hands and movements, nine consecutive ancient characters, turned into a scorpion, and bombed the Spring and Autumn Lord.

“Nine words secret … … Pro, soldiers, fighters …” Spring and Autumn Heavenly Lord, eyes dignified, all of a sudden, finger movements, wrote two large characters “spring” “autumn” in the air.

These two characters are inscriptions that no one knows, and are obviously the secrets of the Gate to Eternity.

The nine-character secret bombardment on the Spring and Autumn characters, all collapsed, and the Spring and Autumn characters, but also collapsed.

Fang Han did not move, and one hand grabbed the master of the demon, and between the five fingers, the six-word mantra appeared, which produced the kingdom of Buddhism, the pure land of bliss, and his other hand suddenly shocked and hit. Twelve ancient witches.

When the twelve ancient witches came out, the face of the Spring and Autumn Period was moving, and suddenly his fingers seemed to have a pen. The pen of Confucianism was different from the pen of the Emperor. The Emperor represented the heavens. His brushwork represents the Spring and Autumn Annals, but it is the Spring and Autumn History.

This “spring and autumn history pen”, fierce writing, pens and dragons, dragons and tails, in the air for a big “Confucian”. This Confucian word has taught countless epochs, never annihilated, and once again collided with twelve ancient witches, and at the same time spent in the dust of history.


At the same time, the Lord of the Devil was eating a big loss, and was completely trapped by the six-character mantra. Foguang rendered his Devil Qi into a piece of gold, and he is now a supreme. The Buddha Lord turned to be a Buddha, and at this moment, he knew the power of Fang Han.

“Fang Han, you actually want to improve me, to become the master of the demon, the king of Demon Dao, you will pay for your actions.” The Lord of the Devil launched a means of lore, attacking six consecutive attacks Big ancient characters. It was a pity that the six-character mantra became more and more restrained. It almost formed a Buddhist kingdom and completely blocked him and made him unable to move.

Fang Han does not talk to him, but to the “Spring and Autumn Lord” who looks dignified: “The Lord of Spring and Autumn, you are the famous Confucian Heavenly Monarch. Why do you want to be degraded and become the devil? I started the era. The way to enrich the infinite civilization, in the future era, will certainly be able to create a flourishing world of contending, and if you work with me, you will be able to do a great job and let the heavens admire.”

“The era of Heavenly Monarch, your epoch, really makes me appreciate, but I entered Demon Sect to teach all the demons of Demon Sect. It is also a great work, just a few words from your district. It makes my mind shake, it is a delusion, in a word, hand over the owner of arbitration, retreat from the house, let me take away the ancient temple, otherwise, I will display the most severe means, kill you, even the soul is left If you don鈥檛 come down, now the heavens are in troubled times, and in the troubled times, I will not use any means of my own to kill you.”

The Spring and Autumn Lord smiled.

“If this is the case, then you can see the true chapter in the means, and you can kill your kind-hearted Expert. It is a milestone on my path of practice. You are my stepping stone. I am very pleased.” Fang Han’s body movement In a few steps, stepping on, the fists are vertical, Beginning Era Divine Fist has already come out, between the punches, the epoch of the gods appears in the air, the crystal gods of the Ganges sand number, the four sides rotate, each god country, They all show their unique strength.

The look of the Spring and Autumn Lord is getting more and more dignified. He has fully carried out the “Spring and Autumn History Pen” in his hands.

Between the history of the pen and the slight shaking, the power of writing the heavens traverses the ages, and Fang Han seems to have seen this history of a huge boundlessness. Every stroke can make the will of countless people smash. This is the power of history. History, history, and history, the history of iron, can not be changed.

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