Eternal Life

Chapter 1468

Chapter 1 486

“Deep red plane” is in front of you, one of the most mysterious seats in the bottomless abyss, close to the heart of the abyss, contaminated with the power of the five gods, eroding Heavenly Monarch.

Fang Han has already seen it, and the “Ancient Church” has fallen into this plane.

He slammed into this face and saw the depths of the plane. The bloody redness was flowing everywhere. The air of the entire plane was deep red, broad and boundless, and the plane of the plane The wall system is like a bloody gemstone. On the plane of the plane, there are thousands of rounds of blood red moon, and the mountains, the earth and the river in the entire plane are splashed with a deep red color.

“Cloning Heavenly Monarch… Miao Li Heavenly Monarch…”

Fang Han landed into the deep red plane, pointing his hand, suddenly, a violent rush out of his body, turned into a tall Heavenly Monarch, was swallowed by him Miao Li Heavenly Monarch, now re-created by Fang Han with the supreme technological civilization and cloning.

This Miao Li Heavenly Monarch, exactly the same as the real Miao Li Heavenly Monarch, is boundless in power and has collapsed and destroyed the universe.

Fang Han swallowed up the highest crystallization of “technical civilization”, the master of time, and many time warriors, it is completely complete, thoroughly mastered the civilization of science and technology, now he only has time, can be re-created A new technological civilization emerged, he is the ancestor of technological civilization.

So, now cloned Heavenly Monarch, it’s nothing.

However, this means fell to the Lord of the Fire, the Lord of the Earthquake… In the eyes of these people, they were shocked to be heavenly, and they planted emotions that could not be countered and did not dare to resist.

The more he contacted Fang Han, the more they felt that Fang Han was so powerful that it was infinitely close to the King of Immortals. Fang Han is a thick and thin hair. Once the impact reaches the Heavenly Monarch and breaks the bondage of the heavens and the earth, the special means of his epoch can make him progress faster than all Heavenly Monarchs, and every moment has new insights. Every moment is in advance with leaps and bounds.

“Miao Li Heavenly Monarch, you get out of the protection of the royal robe, explore the power of this deep red plane!”

Fang Han pointed his finger.

The cloned Miao Li Heavenly Monarch has not reacted yet, just entered the deep red plane and was wrapped in the boundless deep red.

“Ah! Ah! Ah!” Miao Li Heavenly Monarch, who just stepped into the deep red plane, suddenly screamed. In those deep red spirits, the whole body exudes the decaying Aura, and the tall and perfect body appears. Out of the old state of crane hair, and the face is unkempt, the smell of a stock, the old Aura, seems to die immediately.

Heavenly Monarch, the contact reached the deep red plane, without the protection of the gods, and immediately began to decline, no one can be saved, Miao Li Heavenly Monarch is the Heavenly Monarch born in this era, has not broken the world The robbery has no way to resist the strength of the deep red plane.

“Great!” Fang Han grabbed the decaying Miao Li Heavenly Monarch and still recovered his body. At the same time, his body circulated, the flames rushed and did not go out, and soon, a red spirit It seems like a silky sensation, and the silk is wrapped around his fingertips.

“This deep red plane, even Heavenly Monarch can corrode…” The Lord of Fire was shocked, but saw that Fang Han played with deep red energy, as if playing with silk, and could not help but feel a creepy feeling. His heart is deeply clear, and it is so horrible that it is entangled in the red line of Fang Han’s fingertips. When it reaches the Heavenly Monarch, Heavenly Monarch is going to die. Even if he is, he is afraid to break the source before he can be forced out of the body. It may even cause eternal damage to his Culture Base!

Fang Han didn’t care.

“The lord, the strength of the deep red plane, is nothing for you. For us, it is a poisonous medicine, hurting the source. If you wait for the Expert of the Yuanshi Mozong, you will be contaminated. What should I do?” The Lord of the Earthquake is the only way to be Nono.

“Nothing.” Fang Han blinked and his face showed a smile. “I have already figured out some of the powers of the deep red plane. This red energy is the power of decay from Gate to Eternity, but My epoch of the era, to accommodate all civilizations, and I have thoroughly Insight through the end of the way, comprehending the true meaning of decay, decay, death…, combined with the ancient characters of witchcraft, created a set of special resistance to restraint Red plane surface gas corrosion method.”

Between the words, he waved his hand, suddenly, four time warrior, coming out of thin air, this time warrior, landed on the body of the four Heavenly Monarch, immediately, the four Heavenly Monarch had an armor. Crystal clear, time warrior turned into armor, protecting everyone’s body.

“This time warrior is the Gate to Eternity cast with the sand of the time.” Fang Han looks like the creator of the whole plane: “It can resist the erosion of the deep red gas, and I will pass it on to you.” The supreme law, then it is truly foolproof, and the law is in the armor of the time warrior incarnation, there is a scripture.

“There is a verse!”

What is the Culture Base of the Fire Lord? Heavenly Monarch, who has gone through three days of great destruction. The comprehension is super tyrannical, Fang Han’s verses are taught to enter his mind, and a little calculation, it is completely mastered, whistling, controlling the body to fly out of the protection of the instant robe, into the deep red plane The deep red air swirled around his body. He slammed and sucked, and the deep red energy was all sucked into the time armor. The entire crystal clear time armor became the color of the blood ruby.


The Lord of the Fires screamed, and the spurt of the spurt, the spurt out, and the deep red gas in the armor of the time was actually spurred by the armor’s power, turned into a red arrow rain, pierced in all sides.

“Ha ha ha, ha ha ha! Sure enough, it is a good armor, good law! Actually able to absorb the deep red gas for your own use, so that the whole plane is not invincible? Who dares to fight us in the deep red plane? ?”

“Yeah, yeah! In the rumor, when the ancient Gate to Eternity spurted out the gods, there was a lot of fallen into the abyss. The deep red plane was the legendary plane, vast and boundless, and there must be countless deities. Among them, we found enough for us to refine the magical treasure!”

“Go and walk! Look for the ancient church!”

The four Heavenly Monarchs excitedly flew out of the protection of the instant robe, and laughed.

“Fang Han, will these four Heavenly Monarchs be anti-water? Although they have formed an alliance with us, they simply cannot rely on them. You give them the protection of time and teach them the law against the erosion of deep red planes. What if they are against the water?” The Emperor saw the four big Heavenly Monarchs laughing, worried.

“They can’t turn the water. I have my supreme spirit on my time. As soon as they are against the water, I can immediately spur Supreme Divine Ability and kill them directly. No one can resist my will. “Fang Han coldly said, the voice passed out, the four excited Heavenly Monarch, suddenly shuddered.

Originally, their hearts have already produced ambitions, but when they heard the voice of Fang Han, they each pressed their ambitions infinitely.

“Hey!” Fang Han cold snort squinted and swept through the many Heavenly Monarch bodies, causing them to bow their heads: “Being ambitious is a good thing, but unfortunately you want to see where it is used and used in our alliance. On the body, I am very welcome. If it is used in a place that is detrimental to the strength of our era, then don’t blame me for being rude and killing one hundred!”

“That is, that is…” The Lord of Fire quickly said, “The Lord is right.”

“Go!” Fang Han waved his hand, letting the Lord of Fire no longer talk, pointing to the distance: “You saw no, the deep red infinite depth, a little white light, is the fall of the ancient church. Where to go, first go into it and say it. Don’t let the people of Yuanshi Mozong take the lead. Otherwise, let them first get the ancient gods, and they are fighting again. I can only display the last one. Assassin is coming.”

“The last Assassin 锏?”

The four Heavenly Monarchs are a glimpse. They are very clear in their hearts. The battle with the Yuanshi Mozong is to see who can get the ancient sacred church first. One party will get it first, and the other party will not finish it.

But now it seems that Fang Han means that even if the other party gets the ancient sanctuary, he also has the last Assassin 锏, which has some inscrutable.

Really people can’t understand.

Hearing this, the hearts of the four Heavenly Monarchs completely lost their hearts against Fang Han.

A line of people, flying out of thin air, flew past the holy light.

In an instant, the white shackles, the rabbits fell, and the speed of several people was extremely fast, and they came directly to the depths of the deep red plane. The source of the light was suddenly seen, a huge ancient church. , showing an elliptical shape, like a dish, landing in the center of the deep red plane.

This church is extremely huge. It is no smaller than the altar of the Zen Buddhism. It is almost equivalent to the heavenly court. It stretches into countless time and space, almost traversing the stars.

Above the sacred church, dense castles, castles, and huge sculptures reveal the ancient Aura and a different style, unlike Immortal Dao, but an unknown civilization in ancient times.

This temple exudes a raging light, milky white, holy light, and endless, non-stop praise of poetry, the inscriptions of the gods, it seems that the ancient gods, praise the majesty and strength of this church.

The milky white light will never fall, and in the eternal abyss, it will shine with immortality.

Ancient Church! The body of the feathers is straight, and in the midst of it, he feels a huge summoning power, which makes him enter it immediately, believes in the power of the Bible, rises steadily, and has a new understanding.


He is about to enter, but a huge barge spurt from the other end of the deep red plane, staying close to Fang Han and others.

Devil Qi 滔天.

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