Eternal Life

Chapter 1467

Chapter 1 467

Meng Shaobai, should be congenital, Su Xiuyi

Among the three secular worlds, the supreme genius of Xuanhuangda World finally gathered together to discuss how to deal with Fang Han’s affairs. They have prominent identities with each other. They have worked hard for many years and got the full power of Heavenly Monarch. Cultivation, everyone has a very strong past life

Their common goal now is to promote Heavenly Monarch and deal with Fang Han.

Needless to say, Su Xiuyi and Meng Shaobai are the natural enemies of Fang Han. They should be congenitally in the world, and they are also friends with Fang Han. Although hatred is not great, but the wind white feather is a huge hatred, Feng Baiyu Now it has become a Powerhouse of the Fang Han dynasty. It should be innately eradicated and trampled on the wind and white feathers.

The three Experts are intertwined, and they have a fascinating smile. They can see each other’s determination to kill Fang Han.

“Right, if we can get the support of one person in this action, it will be perfect for this person but the deadly enemy of Fang Han.”

On the “Sin of the Sin”, the three Experts planned each other. Suddenly, Meng Shaobai’s face showed a smile that controlled the whole situation.

“This person is Hua Tiandu” Su Xiuyi immediately knew: “This person is the reincarnation of Heavenly Monarch of China. Now he has awakened Yuan Ling and thoroughly cultivated Heavenly Monarch. His body has the legacy of the sacred king. There are still nine secrets in the burial of the celestial burial. Unfortunately, they are all lost in the great war of Fang Han. They are plundered by Fang Han. The difference in luck is horrible. It is that he has achieved Fang Han.”

“This person is also a person with great luck. It is a pity that knowing the myriad secrets of the King of the Immortals. It is restrained by Fang Han.”

“You are not restrained by Fang Han? We are all restrained by Fang Han, so we must kill him.” Meng Shaobai said: “Innate, you think about it, you are the reincarnation of the Lord, just thought To get the inheritance of the ancient sanctuary, Fang Han also wants to share a piece of cake and bring the owner of the arbitration. It is conceivable that with his attitude, a little leftovers will not leave you.”

“Take a look at the means of both sides. I don’t want to provoke a lot of demons in the Yuan Dynasty.” It should be cold and cold. “What’s more, Meng Shaobai, the leader of the legal world behind you, also shot, and will kill Fang. Han, I don’t believe that he can escape the endless pursuit of this time?”

“My master of the French realm will definitely shoot, and Fang Han is even a big Divine Ability. The life of the Ganges Sands is also ruined in this bottomless abyss and died.” Meng Shaobai has enough confidence to speak between Strong tyrannical power, released one after another

“Well, the Lord of the Ancients, the Lord of the Blood River, you manipulate this ship of sin and resist the power of the abyss. I am calling to contact the other masters of the Yuanshi Mozong. Unfortunately, our Yuanshi Mozong is the most powerful. The demon Lord, the Red Devil Lord, went to search for the worldly self-contained Wang Buddha and fell. Otherwise, in the abyss, he is extremely powerful and can deal with Fang Han.

“The Lord of the Red Belt is not afraid of the power of the abyss, but one of his reincarnations, the Red Devil, seems to be very close to Fang Han, do not know that he has recently become Heavenly Monarch? His own Divine Strength, very similar to the abyss, If you want to cultivate the infinite gods, the Heavenly Monarch, you will definitely practice in the abyss. It will be good to find him this time.” Lord of the Blood River shakes his head.

“The Lord of the Red Heart has his own plans, and we have plans, and there is nothing.” The Lord of the Ancients said: “The many supreme Lords of the Yuanshi Mozong are gathered together. This time, we must do something big and earth-shattering. Let Heavenly Monarch’s circle fall into some Lord objects….”

Wū wū wū ,wū wū wū ……

The ship of sin is shuttled in the abyss, and the Lord of the Devils has made a magical pattern. In the air, it is a metaphysical magical scripture that seems to be summoning and passing notes. After a long time, countless A powerful magical thought that crossed the obstacles of the abyss and descended on the ship of sin

This sinful ship is the deity of the Yuanshi Mozong. It fell to the hands of the Lord of the Blood River. With this artifact, the Lord of the Blood River became the leader among many devils, so he dared to rest assured. Boldly to get the ancient sanctuary, with the innate, not afraid of being snatched away

“Master, I feel that the ancient church is getting closer to me, and it seems to be in a mysterious plane.” Suddenly, I should talk to the Lord of the Blood River innately.

“What? You feel the call of the ancient church?” The Lord of the Blood River heard, and quickly said: “You give me your feelings, listen to me”

I should close my eyes first, and I will fully sense it. The road is slow: “It is a red country, a deep red plane, a sky, a red moon, every round of red moon, eternal shines on the earth, mountains and rivers. The rivers are all deep red, never changing the dark red color, shocking, slowly eroding the ancient temple, I feel that if I enter this plane, I am afraid that in a flash, it will be dark red. Melt, turn into nothingness”

“What? The red moon shines in the plane country? The deep red plane? In the abyss, one of the most dangerous planes in the legend, near the eternal abyss of the bottomless abyss, among the deep red planes The Red Moon, the power of the heart of the abyss, enters into it, and it must be eroded. The heart of the abyss is the most evil, the darkest, the most filthy thing in the whole abyss. It is Gate to Eternity. In the midst of the things that are used to pollute the world, anything is contaminated, and it must be decayed. In the rumors of decay, the heart of the abyss and the five waning of the heavens and the earth when the world breaks down have some connection. I saw it with my own eyes. A Heavenly Monarch, close to the heart of the abyss, did not know how to inhale some Aura, immediately began to age, unkempt, body rancid, showing the Aura of the five-day decline ……….”

The Lord of the Blood River took a sigh of coolness

“Deep red plane….The ancient temple has fallen into the deep red plane, close to the heart of the abyss. It is no wonder that for hundreds of thousands of years, no one has ever won, and has not experienced the number of annihilation of the heavens and the earth, no supreme god. Heavenly Monarch, the body of the object, can’t be close to the deep red plane.”

The Lord of the Ancients is also moved. “The Lord of the Blood River, fortunately, this time, you have sacrificed the ship of sin. Many of our characters have exercised their own objects to protect themselves. Otherwise, it is difficult to enter the deep red plane. Following

“Deep red plane, I only heard about rumors, I have never seen it before, this time I have a good experience.” The lord of the devil is faint………

“Fang Han …….” In the abyss, the lava face that jumped down, the Emperor also opened his eyes: “I feel that the ancient church is in a plane covered with bloody crescent moon. ……”

“Deep red plane?” Fang Han mobilized a huge memory, violently calculated, and immediately jumped into the bottom of his mind with four words, all of which have some images in the memory.

“It’s actually a deep red plane…”


“In the rumor, there are some Heavenly Monarchs entering it, and immediately showed the symptoms of five failures, which is the legendary horror plane near the heart of the abyss, into which…”

I heard the deep red plane, the Lord of the Fire, the Lord of the Tang Dynasty, the Lord of the Scenery, the Lord of the Earth, the four Heavenly Monarchs, and all of them have some uneasiness, watching Fang Han

“Nothing, I have the gods of the heavens, the celestial burial, the altar of the Zen, and the casual offering, can isolate the power of the heart of the abyss.” Fang Han looked away. “But also, you must have the means to save your life, and the ancient church.” Fallen into the deep red plane, not decayed, the power of the church, will certainly sweep the power of the deep red plane, isolate a safe area, the only thing to worry about is the Yuanshi Mozong”

“The lord rest assured that we also have some means to counter the erosion of the power of the abyss. We also want to touch some of the magical lives of the Yuanshi Mozong. They are Heavenly Monarch. They fight by their means. Who are you afraid of?” Eyes turn, respectful way

“Well, what I want is this sentence.”

Fang Han blinked, and he spurred the entire lava plane to start a violent jump. In the bottomless abyss, one by one, far away, everyone can see through the crystal wall system of the lava plane. The plane of the plane almost hits the lava plane. Unfortunately, Fang Han can shuttle between the peaks. This means of jumping in the bottomless abyss, few Heavenly Monarch can match.

Suddenly, an evil force was lasing through the plane, and Heavenly Monarch was there. Everyone couldn’t help but shudder.

Everyone saw it, deep in the bottom of the abyss, there seems to be a huge force, constantly squirming, like the heart of the human being, this is the power of the heart of the abyss

The bottomless abyss, endless, and deeper, there will be a variety of abyss hearts, is the power to pollute the heavens and the earth, just like the tumors of the heavens and the earth, every time the day is broken, these tumors will first Eruption, which makes the Myriad Heavenly Domain, the scene of the five failures of the heavens and the humans

But because of this, some powerful Heavenly Monarch will come to the depths of the bottomless abyss, tempering their own body and magical treasure, with the help of the power of the abyss.

Fang Han’s gaze suddenly saw an extremely red plane suspended in the depths of the bottomless abyss. The power of decaying pollution made it impossible for any cultivator to get close.

When the lava plane jumped, it was suddenly slammed, and it was completely polluted. A large number of mountains and rivers and rivers in the plane began to emit a rancid Aura. Even the feathers of the emperor screamed, and the whole body was unkempt. Sweat smell, eyes are not god, there are symptoms of the five failures of heaven and man

Fang Han immediately grabbed a big hand and grabbed a filth from the feathers. The feathers immediately recovered, the whole body was clean, and the glass was not stained.


The entire lava plane was completely disintegrated, and Fang Han suddenly waved his hand, and a huge robe flew out of the air, shrouded the crowd, and was not eroded by the power of the abyss, directly impacting the deep red plane.

At the same time, a large ship also rushed into the deep red plane from another angle.

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