Eternal Life

Chapter 1466

The first thousand four hundred and sixty six chapters

“Heavenly Monarch, I already know my own life, and I know that I am the reincarnation of the Lord of the Church. This time I will take the ancient temple and add glory to my Demon Sect. At the same time, I Will also cultivation reach the realm of Heavenly Monarch, for my first element of the Mozong, perseverance among the heavens, the next era, to create the era of Demon Dao”

The “Innate Great Emperor” in the secular should be innate, facing the Demon Dao, the Heavenly Monarch, the look is rigorous, the tone is clean and neat, it seems that it is sure to have a good grasp.

The Heavenly Monarch opposite him, a bloody robe, seems to be a non-born figure, the Heavenly Monarch, the ancient demon of the Yuanshi Mozong, the Lord of the Blood River, also known as the Blood River Heavenly Monarch.

In the rumor, the owner of this blood river does not know how many blood rivers before the epoch, Insight is a heavenly machine, and it has been transformed into a Heavenly Monarch. It has been recruited by the Yuanshi Devils to build a civilization of Demon Dao, an era. In the era, in the battle of heaven and earth, crusade against the heavens, in an attempt to make the civilization of Demon Dao, truly rule the world

And now, he is cultivating should be congenital

The tone of the “Lord of the Blood River” is very gentle. Obviously, he should be a disciple of his own pride. He must work hard to cultivate.

“Hey, hey…” A shrill voice passed from another Space of the “Sin Ship”, a black air that spread out and turned into a supreme figure wearing a black cloak. “This time, your disciples should be innate, and get the body of the Lord of the Church. Then my Su Xiuyi, the body of the arbitrator, will be promoted to the realm of Heavenly Monarch. Do you know? Ancient Many treasures in the sanctuary must be shared.”

“The master of the ancient times, your sacred disciples Su Xiuyi is not the reincarnation of the arbitrator. He is the reincarnation of the Ayu Mozong ancestors under our Yuanshi Mozong, and has no fate with the ancient sacred church. It is also a good idea to arbitrate the Lord. What about the body? What if the reincarnation of the Lord of Arbitration returns?”

The owner of the Blood River looked at the black cloak that came to Heavenly Monarch and realized it. This is the “master of the ancient world” with his own Yuanshi Mozong.

Yuanshi Mozong, since the fall of the Yuanshi Mouzhu, has been divided into many sects, among which “Blood River Gate” and “Huanggumen” are all prosperous Demon Sect Great School hidden in the depths of the world, creating a world They are not in unity, but they also have a relationship with each other. Especially now, the days are turbulent, Demon Sect major sects, the hidden forces are very close, this time carrying the discipline together, taking the Demon Sect , the ship of sin came to the abyss to obtain magical treasure

“It should be innate, we will meet again.”

Behind the “Lord of the Ancients”, a young man came out. This young man, who is evil, seems to be concentrated in all kinds of evil spirits. It is the lord of the Yellow Springs, and Su Xiuyi, once in the world. Is considered to be the reincarnation of the evil spirits

Su Xiuyi is innate, and his face shows a playful look.

“Yes, we met again. The world of Xuanhuang in the secular world, you and I are all giants, one of the overlords, now reaches the heavens, but it is a discipline of the Yuanshi Mozong.” It should be a faint saga, nowhere else. The taste of knowing

“Are we a discipline? Our current Culture Base is also a giant. The Heavenly Lord is bound to be promoted to the Heavenly Monarch. Why is it so self-defeating?” Su Xiuyi’s words showed evil. “About you have also got the news, from the Xuanhuang big world, together with the people who have risen to the heavens, Fang Han, has long been built into the era of Heavenly Monarch, some time ago, actually went directly to the origin dynasty, killing Heavenly Monarch, The capsule is generally simple, the Culture Base is far more than us, and your death is right, the wind white feather has completely awakened the spirit of the Heavenly Monarch of the Sakyamuni, and he has become Heavenly Monarch. If you don’t make Heavenly Monarch again, I am afraid it will be Feng Baiyu caught up”

This statement seems to have played a role in innateness. His eyes are sharp and fierce: “I will soon be promoted to Heavenly Monarch, stepping through the constraints of the world, killing the wind white feathers, he will never step on my head.”

In the secular, the wind white feathers and the innate, have deep hatred

“Haha, it should be innate, you can’t repair Heavenly Monarch. I don’t know, but I heard that your son should be in love with the sky. He also climbed to the realm of Heavenly Monarch. He was seen by an old antique, and he was collected as a discipline. He was also a rumor. The reincarnation of the Lord’s spirit, I am afraid that it will be a step ahead of you to become the realm of Heavenly Monarch?” Su Xiuyi laughed again.

“You don’t laugh too. In the secular, you chased Fang Han several times. He almost took his life. Now he has reached heaven. He has become the Heavenly Monarch. He will definitely be the first to kill you. You must know. You took away the Yellow Springs treasury, plundered the Great Emperor Yellow Springs Dao Lineage that belonged to him, and even the gods left by the Great Emperor Yellow Springs. The Pearl of Yellow Springs was rebuilt as the second god. Language counterattack

“Fang Han” Su Xiuyi is murderous and deep, and seems to have endless resentment: “I will marry him sooner or later, stepping on him under my feet, so that he will never turn over”

“The Lord of the Ancients, the discipline you cultivated, it is not simple, actually killing the era Heavenly Monarch Fang Han rumored this person’s Cultural Base, has been afraid of not under you and me” “The blood of the Lord’s faint road

“There is nothing, even if the Heavenly Monarch Fang Han is so powerful, it is just the Heavenly Monarch that was born in this era. It has never experienced the precipitation of the destruction of heaven and earth. It is never possible to reach the peak. How about killing him? “At this moment, on the “Sin of the Sin”, a Heavenly Monarch wearing armor appeared.

“The Lord of the Devil”

This is also an invincible Heavenly Monarch of Demon Sect. He is known for his fighting. He stands with a young man, holding a sword of killing, closing his eyes, and seeing that he should be innate. After Su Xiuyi, he suddenly opened his eyes.

“Meng Shaobai, the son of the killing?” should be congenital, Su Xingyi shocked the road and an acquaintance in the secular was originally in the secular, Meng Shaobai is a small servant, elite discipline, can not coherent, Su Xiuyi Compared to this troll, but in the heavens, the three Lord objects have been leveled

“Why is this killing son, who is at the side of the Lord of the Devil?”

“I have seen the Lord of the Blood River, and the Lord of the Ancients asks the younger generation to come in detail.” Meng Shaobai said: “The predecessor of the Devil is the master of my master, who came to join the Yuanshi Mozong and jointly obtained the ancient temple. Among the treasures, among the ancient churches, there is a fetish that can be assist. I am also promoted to the realm of Heavenly Monarch, so I have to take it.”

“Who is your master? Is it killing Heavenly Monarch? He is busy with cultivation 33 Skies, and he has the energy to take care of the ancient church. Moreover, our devil and heaven are not in the same position. Do you want to share a piece of this kid? Ability?” The Lord of the Ancients laughed

“My Master is the master of the legal world” Meng Shaobai said, let the Lord of the Ancients, the Lord of the Blood River shocked, the Lord of the Fa, the four heavy fonts thrown out, enough to shock the heavens

Among the Myriad Heavenly Domains, the French world can be ranked in the top five, the Lord of the Fa, is the general horror of the end of the Holy King, no one can defeat, the rumors are in the midst of the impact of the immortal king, in this world is shattered In the middle, get the ultimate mystery of Gate to Eternity

The Lord of the Blood River, the Lord of the Ancients, looked at the “Lord of the Devil” and tried to verify it.

The tyrannical figure of a armor nodded to the Lord of the Devil: “Nothing wrong, I got the trust of the Lord of the Law, let Meng Shaobai take a piece of the instrument in the ancient temple, so that Meng Shaobai was promoted to The realm of Heavenly Monarch, and he also brought a message, this news can make him a piece of cake”

“What news?” The Lord of the Blood River looked at Meng Shaobai.

“The Lord of Arbitration has appeared. It is the original owner of Ascension Sect. The feathers of the Emperor can be guessed.” Meng Shaobai said: “The leader of the arbitration is the epoch Heavenly Monarch Fang Han, who also wants to obtain the ancient church. And then together with the chaotic Heavenly Monarch against 33 Skies, the Heavenly Five Great Heavenly Monarch, so your treasure plan, you will definitely meet Fang Han, a huge encounter, inevitably”

“The Owner of the Arbitration of Heavenly Monarch”, the Lord of the Blood River, the Lord of the Ancients looked at him and couldn’t help but follow the silence and fell into meditation.

The Lord of the Devils spoke up: “The Lord of the Faith, this time is to unite with us mainly to cooperate with Heaven, to kill the chaotic Heavenly Monarch and Fang Han, and to attract the electrician Heavenly Monarch to get Gate to Eternity, Great Destiny Technique The mystery of the supremacy”

“How do you explain this?” The main channel of the Blood River: “Do we want to assist heaven, deal with the era Heavenly Monarch? You know, heaven is our biggest enemy?”

“No, the Lord of the Fa is to prepare for the arrest of the oriole in the heavenly court. He is ready to unite with us, and let the messy Heavenly Monarch, Fang Han, the mother-in-law Heavenly Monarch and the heavens fight together. The first is weakening. The strength of the heavenly court, the second is the eradication of Heavenly Monarch Fang Han, the big threat. The master of the anti-magic, quietly said: “When the heavens are made into 33 Skies, they will be supreme and invincible, sweeping the heavens, very strong, so It weakens his strength, and the Fang Han is a huge threat. The Lord of the Legal Circle has secretly calculated some fateful tracks of this child. He may be the key figure in this era of annihilation, bringing people with boundless robbery. If you don’t kill him, it’s very likely that in the future, many characters will fall because of him, and even you are no exception. He is as dangerous as heaven, he must kill and scoop the roots.”

“Yes, this child is not a good class, turned out to be a robbery.” The Lord of Blood River also secretly nodded.

“Okay, just set us up again to convene the Expert of Yuanshi Mozong, and unite together…”

“Tennic…33 Skies is not a treasure, and he can’t let him go out so that they can lose both with Fang Han.”

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