Eternal Life

Chapter 1465

The first thousand four hundred and sixty-five chapters

“So far, people are under the roof and have to bow their heads…”

“This era of Heavenly Monarch means sinister, Magic Force is strong, I look at the Cultivation Base with more than four epochs, and the power of the gods is played to the fullest, we are absolutely not opponents.”

“After a round, he killed the Lord of the poisonous world, directly refining and entering the body, cultivating his treasure. Every time he swallowed an Expert, his Magic Force will be strengthened again, and it will not be affected by the slightest. Tao, it really is the first wonder of the past and the past, and I don’t know how it was created.”

“What now? The entire lava plane was blocked by him, and he couldn’t run out. The Lord of Fire has not been with us. We are united, I am afraid it is not the opponent of this person…”

Fang Han smashed the “Lord of the Poisonous World” and directly refining it. He had already stunned the three great Heavenly Monarchs of Tang, Zhen and Jing. The three Heavenly Monarchs communicated with each other and their faces were embarrassed.

“Isn’t you going to meet the lord?” The Lord of Fire has come back to God. “The lord has said that all the wealth of the Lord of the poisoned world will reward me half, and the remaining wealth, as long as you join the Alliance, it is also yours.” I know it thoroughly. With Fang Han, there are so many benefits. If you resist, you will end up like the Lord of Poisons.

“After seeing the lord, from then on, my soup world… and Ji Yuanmen are in the same breath, and together they dominate the heavens.” The head of the Tang Dynasty first lowered the noble head.

“Well, very good, what about you?” Fang Han looked at the Lord of the Earthquake, the Lord of the Scenery, had already had a vague sinister light, but he said in his mouth: “I give the face of the Lord of Poisons a reward. To you, the wealth contained in it does not say, even if it is the power of the face, you can gain a lot of benefits by plundering and merging, strengthen the plane you created yourself, strengthen the Culture Base, and run the Lord of the poison world. The epoch of the era, think about how many essences are stored in it?”

“After seeing the lord, from then on, we are the leader of the squad.” The remaining Lord of the Earthquake, the Lord of the Vision has finally surrendered, and bowed to Fang Han.

“Ha ha ha…” Fang Han laughed, suddenly snapping his fingers, and suddenly there were two “epochs” on the body of these world masters. It was the mark of the era gate: “This is the alliance of our era. Unique mark, you are the first batch of veterans. In the future, I will carry forward my epoch, and your power will be further expanded. After waiting for you to find the ancient church, you will go back and take the earthquake. The world, the soup world, and the fire world have all moved to the vicinity of the Yuan Dynasty I created. I will personally create the most stable world for you.”

Fang Han stood up and came

The hearts of the people were amazed. The Lord of Fire looked at the word “Epoch” that appeared on his clothes. He had a little hard work and wanted to refine these two words. But no matter how the flame rises, these two words are immortal. It can’t be wiped out at all, and even he feels the threat of bursts. This is a mark to monitor every move in his body. When he has to deal with Fang Han’s behavior, he will encounter the mighty means of Fang Han’s thunder.

The rest of Heavenly Monarch also wants to erase this mark, but it can’t be erased.

They obviously know that Fang Han wants to control them with these imprints.

“What? You want to erase these marks?” Fang Han stunned and gave a meaningful smile: “To be honest, although I forced you to form an alliance, I will be the ally, but I also know that this alliance is also a The name is more reliable than the paper paste. If you have a chance at any time, you don’t mind fighting the water. You can kill my lord and divide the wealth. I can’t figure out this clearly, so I won’t give you any more. Any chance”

“Where the lord said, my lord of fire is not a person who believes in renunciation.”

The Lord of Fire quickly laughed

“It goes without saying, everyone knows it well.” Fang Han waved his hand. “I planted a eclipse in your body. As long as you kill me with me, I immediately know that I will be dispatched with thunder and power. Anyone who kills me will tell you honestly that this time I will get the ancient sacred church, I will meet the people of Yuanshi Mozong, and you need to resist some Heavenly Monarch. Then I will use the magic trick to collect the sacred temple and in the future, I will I will also use you to compete with the origins of the dynasty, the heavens, and the holy places of truth. You follow me, although it is dangerous, but once it is successful, I will never share the spoils.”

“This is natural, wealthy and dangerous,” the owner of the fire sector is busy.

“We naturally assisted the lord and completed the ages.” The other few Heavenly Monarch heard Fang Han’s naked talk, and they all shuddered. Every word of Fang Han is absolutely not sloppy, directly speaking to the soul. In the deepest part, the minds of the people are not hidden.


Fang Han waved his hand to stop these heartfelt Heavenly Monarchs, which under his tyrannical Magic Force turned into a magical treasure-like sphere, jumping wildly in the bottomless abyss, heading for the deepest

“This lava plane has been condensed by me with Magic Force. The quenching reaches the extreme, and it can withstand the erosion of the bottomless abyss. But you shouldn’t idle these Heavenly Monarchs, sit in them, I will teach you one. Knowing the magical use of the epoch, and urging the reinforcement of the lava plane, do you know?”

Fang Han’s thoughts, in a moment, passed into the minds of the fire world, the earthquake world, the landscape, and the four Heavenly Monarchs of the Tang world. A complex and mysterious array of methods made the four Heavenly Monarch know.

The four Heavenly Monarchs were happy in the heart, sitting in the lava plane, each jetting out the Heavenly Monarch source, running the entire plane slowly according to the gods taught by Fang Han.

This lava plane is a special plane. It has been condensed by the Lord of Fire for a long time. It is very powerful. Now Fang Han recreates it, and the four Heavenly Monarchs strengthen the square, and the whole plane is made into a cross. Magical treasure, the erosion of the power of the abyss, it is best

The four Heavenly Monarchs are also very happy. They can’t enter the depths of the abyss by their own strength. Once they have been eroded by the power of the abyss, they may damage their origins, show signs of decline, and may even fall into them.

Since ancient times, Heavenly Monarch, which has fallen in the bottomless abyss, is not a minority.

Now, with the help of Fang Han, using the protection of the lava plane to create a jump, it is safe. Many of the four Heavenly Monarchs have long wanted to enter the depths of the abyss, looking for some gods that fall into them. Fang Han used them, and they also used Fang Han’s mind in their hearts.

“The Emperor Senior Brother, you operate the Bible, I help you cultivation, these four Heavenly Monarch solidification planes, while urging the formation, you can rely on my strength, silently intercept their origins…” Fang Han A thought passed into the mind of the Emperor

The Emperor’s busy whole body shocked and began to follow the method of cultivation taught by Fang Han. Sure enough, there was a trace of Heavenly Monarch and a unique Great Dao idea that penetrated into his body.

He now cultivates in a special way, which is equivalent to indirectly giving the Lord of Fire, the Lord of the Tang Dynasty, the Lord of the Earth, the Lord of the Scenery directly infused Magic Force, washing his body.

Yu Huang once again immersed himself in the cultivation. He knew that Fang Han wanted him to reach the best state before he saw the ancient temple. When he was ready to accept the Mortal Body of the arbitrator, master the temple.

The lava plane is jumping, and the deeper the depth, the power of the bottomless abyss is becoming more and more tyrannical, and the corrosive power of one strand cannot be resisted unless it is the gods that are passed down from Gate to Eternity.

Fortunately, Fang Han has a glimpse of the power of the celestial burial, released in the lava plane, almost immortal, so endlessly deep

“The power of the abyss is very suitable for tempering magical treasure. After experiencing the erosion of the power of the abyss, if the magical treasure is still immortal, then it is sturdy. It is no wonder that the Heavenly Monarch Five Heavenly Monarch wants to quench the 33 Skies in the deepest part of the abyss.” Han is extrapolating the power of the abyss outside. It is a black airflow, black is very pure, and there is a noble Aura in black.

This is no longer a demon, but a black that is ejected by Gate to Eternity.

At the same time, just as Fang Han ignited the lava plane and controlled the four Heavenly Monarchs to exercise in the abyss, a huge devil ship was driving in a mysterious plane in the bottomless abyss.

This devil ship is even bigger than the boat on the other side. It is all hoes on all sides. These hoes are hung on the sides of the huge hull, making the big ship move in the void, as if the Yuanshi ancient demon walked out of the void.

On the devil’s boat, there are some figures standing, one by one, some wearing armor, some wearing wide black robes, and cultivators wearing White robed and bloody clothes, all of them are boundless and tyrannical, and there is no Heavenly Monarch. In which

The power of the abyss, the incomparable smashing, the wave of erosion, but when it is close to this invincible giant ship devil ship, it is absorbed by the gimmick that is covered with the ship, causing a series of ghosts crying, it seems to be a demon Destroy the world

If Fang Han is here, searching for a huge memory, you will know that this huge ship is a god of the heavens. It was a famous Yuanshi Mozong, an invincible weapon called “Sin of the Sin”. To fight against the existence of the gods of the buddhas, this ship has experienced many epochs and has been immortal.

This is the condense of all the sins of the world, the condense of the devil’s giant ship, traversing the abyss, like a duck

“Innately, do you know your identity now? You are the reincarnation of the Lord of the Church. The church has fallen into the bottomless abyss. Your reincarnation has reincarnate and entered the secular world. After Desheng Sect, after flying, he entered the sacred sacred sacred place, and was taken by our Yuanshi Mozong. It has been cultivated. Now is the time when you finally contribute. With your strength, you can get the ancient sacred church and be in the church. The predecessor’s body is also among them.”

Wearing White Robed’s “Innate Great Emperor”, standing in the cabin, listening to a Demon Dao, no Heavenly Monarch talking

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