Eternal Life

Chapter 1456

Chapter 1, 456

Hongmeng Temple is a god. So far, Fang Han has not been able to exert half of its power. Half of the formations have not been motivated. Of course, the more difficult it is to reach a group, the more difficult it is to mobilize a picture. The last few maps, even one, also require a lot of Heavenly Monarch to join forces.

However, the map of Hongmeng Hall has huge benefits for every one of them. This is unquestionable. Fang Han is eager to go back. He knows that he must upgrade his strength now.

He collected the god of the altar of the Zen, but it was far from refining.

Going back to the power of Hongmeng Temple and cooperating with the celestial burial, it is possible to refine and refine the Divine Strength and bring your Cultural Base to the realm and extent of terror.

He has so many enemies, almost the enemy of the world.

Heaven, needless to say, he killed countless people, smashed the gods, and obtained the life-threatening pool. As long as the Heavenly Monarch’s five Heavenly Monarchs, 33 Skies, they will come to Danjie to find his suffocation.

The Holy Land of Truth, he killed all the inheritance, the Ten Heavenly Lord all died in his hands. Death Heavenly Monarch has hate to leave, this hatred can not be resolved, and will definitely want to eliminate the era gate all the time.

The origin dynasty, this time is a heavy loss, all the essence, the eight Heavenly Lord all killed, the floating Heavenly Monarch, the river map Heavenly Monarch also died, the entire dynasty emperor, a fire all burned, the ancient magic is raging Almost collapsed, waiting for the flood of Heavenly Monarch to become a fetish, I am afraid I will come to him for revenge.

Apart from this, some other enemies who have fallen into the rock have also come from quite a few

“French world”, “ghost world”, “forbearance”, “book world”, “martial arts”… These tyrannical Myriad Heavenly Domain Experts will not mind destroying a living era

Of course, for these Fang Han, I am not afraid of it. How much to kill, how to improve the strength is the fundamental, as long as he goes back, refining the altar of Fengzen, Fengbaiyu once again enhances strength, Mibao, exquisite, and the Emperor is promoted to Heavenly Monarch At the same time, the Emperor pen, the Red Devil, the Heart Demon old man, and the end of the Holy King, the Heavenly Monarch, the chaotic Heavenly Monarch, who can resist?

Fang Han is fast shuttled

With his current degree, almost one thousand worlds, no more than a few hours, passed through the boundless distance of distant heavens, came to the place close to the Dan world, saw the endless, Heavenly Monarch difficult to cross the aurora belt

The aurora belt is a natural danger, guarding the Danjie, not invaded by outsiders, apart from this, the plane of the ancient tree has been grown again, and some broken traces of the Danjie crystal wall system are slowly repairing.

Fang Han led the wind white feather, Mi Bao, Feng Yan Guang, Xiao Huang directly into the Dan world

Immediately, the two Experts, the Emperor and the Linglong, who practiced in the Danmeng Hongmen Temple, opened their eyes. Now, these two Experts are the pillars of the era, and the Culture Base is the most inscrutable. On the realm of Heavenly Monarch, these two people, but all who lived alive, the people who swallowed the pasture

They all have the fighting power of Heavenly Monarch, but they have not been able to take the last critical step.

“Mibao? You came back from the origin dynasty? How is it now?” Linglong saw the treasure of Fang Han, then looked at the white feathers, his eyes sharpened: “Sakyamia Heavenly Monarch, you finally woke up. Are you going to return to the Buddha world and accept the seat of the Lord of Buddhism?”

“No, there is no limit to the Buddha in the world. I will not let me accept the position of the Lord of the Buddha. I am still a white feather. I used to live in the past. I don’t know what the world is.” Feng Bai Yu’s hands are combined: “I am still a person in the era.” With Fang Han, I can reach the realm that my previous life can’t match.”

“Haha, this is my former Ascension Sect, the Headmaster in the secular, it really makes me happy, actually it is in the Buddhism, known as wisdom, force… all kinds of ten-party first Buddha reincarnation, your coming It is bigger than the Lord of the Danish world. It seems that the era gate is indeed the Ascension Sect.” The Emperor stood up and lamented: “My Sectmaster in this heaven is better than your Sectmaster in the world.”

“No, the Emperor Senior Brother, you have now penetrated the cause and effect, the knot front, your past life identity, and also the small, and the ancient church, there are inextricably linked, waiting for me to completely consolidate the Culture Base, the origin of the dynasty The refining of the altar of the altar will take you to find the ancient sanctuary, and collect this artifact that can be compared with the Hongmeng Temple. By then, you can rely on that inheritance and directly promote to the Heavenly Monarch, which is invincible. Fang Han The light of wisdom shines from the eyes and pierces the sky.

“What? You charged the altar of the origin dynasty?”

Exquisite, Yuhuang, and many of the Experts of the Era Gate are a glimpse. They are shocked to say nothing. Fang Han waved his hand and did not speak. In the hall of Hongmeng, various images were displayed, showing Fang. Han went all the way to the scene of the origin, and finally, killing Heavenly Monarch, refining the altar, and burning the imperial city appeared, and everyone was shocked and stunned. After a long time, the exquisite Immortal Venerable came back.

She is worried: “In this way, our three gates of the era and the heavens are completely offended. The future era is probably facing the Third layer. But this pressure is also a kind of motivation. Under this pressure, I can also shock. No way to Heavenly Monarch”

“Yes, I am going to make you today, thoroughly thorough, and promote Heavenly Monarch. I want to open the countless maps of Hongmeng, so that your strength can be completely improved, and the last step of the impact.” Fang Han laughed and sat in the air, right. Windy white feathers: “Wind white feathers, are you ready?”

“I am ready anytime, anywhere.”

The wind white feathers also cross-legged and sat down. The door behind the Sakyamuni appeared. The Buddhist scriptures of Buddhism appeared from them, and they lingered in the hall of Hongmeng. All the disciples of the era gate were almost bathed in Among the Buddha’s voices

In the rumor, the Buddha’s Heavenly Monarch was directly ** before many epochs, and anyone who heard the voice could stand up as a Buddha. The Buddha is equivalent to Heavenly Immortal. That is to say, a common person in the secular hears Buddha’s voice of Heavenly Monarch, you can immediately reach the Divine Ability Mysteries Realm from Mortal Body Realm, and then advance to Longevity Mysteries Realm, and finally break through to reach the realm of Heavenly Immortal.

Although it is said that the arrival of Fang Han, Heavenly Immortal Buddha in his eyes, even the dust is not as good, but the wind white feather directly motivated his own Dharma, the general photo, for the many disciples of the era gate, a big wash, This kind of opportunity is unquestionable for the promotion of many disciplines of the epoch, and the understanding of many disciples is now

Fang Han is a big mouth, immediately between the constant treasures of the Ganges River, palaces, materials, and even a lot of King Grade Immortal Artifact, Saint Grade Immortal Pill, the second generation of Divine Pill, and the Holy Spirit, the day The pulse of gas ………. These things are all sprayed out and landed in the hall of Hongmeng. This is the treasure house of the entire origin dynasty, all plundered by Fang Han.

Do not say anything else, these treasures are enough to make the era gates occupy a place among the Myriad Heavenly Domains.

Not to mention, Fang Han has also received various collections such as Hongmeng Hall, Danjie, and so on.

“Hung Meng’s Hall, a one-dimensional map, urging” Fang Han sprayed out the treasure, naturally let the subordinates to divide it, or store it as a resource for cultivation

In his eyebrows, countless forces directly impacted on the image of the Hongmen Temple.

嗡……. The image of the Hongmeng Hall, once again flashing brightly, countless arrays, wave after wave, all played out of strength, the day Fang Han was promoted to Heavenly Monarch, you can motivate 50,000 Array, and now, he swallowed the celestial burial, the instant robe, the floating Heavenly Monarch, the river map Heavenly Monarch, the Lord of the Wolf, the Lord of Time, the Lord of Shadows, the altar of the Zen, and many other gods, blended into one, The Magic Force has soared to the point where it can rival the Heavenly Monarch. Compared to the time of the promotion, it is ten times more powerful? When I was motivated, almost all the maps of Hongmeng Hall were motivated.

More than 100,000 images were directly spurred

In the hall of Hongmeng, the vitality really began to boil and spurred more than 100,000 maps. The power of Hongmeng Palace was almost fully played.

Every picture has a mysterious and mysterious machine

Numerous verses of Hongmeng’s condensed verses swayed in the hall of Hongmeng. In the hall of Hongmeng, all the disciplines of the era, countless countries, all swaying this text is a “Hongmeng Tianjing”

This is the verse contained in the lifelong school of Hongmeng Daoist. It washes the minds of many disciplines of Jiyuanmen over and over again, and the endless blessing force makes every corner of Hongmeng Hall indestructible. The universe is destroyed and its own immortality. Aura

The higher the Cultivation Base, the more benefits it gets, especially the Immortal Venerable. As the owner of the Hongmeng Hall, it is almost the whole body. It is integrated with Hongmeng Hall. She can see clearly, the power of Hongmeng Hall, one Aura, the share of Heavenly Monarch, boiled out of her body

She actually had to ride Heavenly Monarch.

This is not to be counted, the Hongmeng in the Hongmeng Hall has been circulated, and it is actually combined with the whole Danjie. This crystal wall system outside the Danjie actually began to be re-derived, refining, and moving. Understanding the structure of Insight

“Fang Han, there are still the last 3,000 squares on the Hongmeng Hall, there is no urging.” Immortal Venerable saw it. Although this Hongmeng Hall was spurred by more than 100,000 maps, there are still 3,000 extra huge. The array is not motivated. Each of these three thousand maps is almost equivalent to a myriad of world combinations. The strength is strong. Heavenly Monarch enters Magic Force into it, which is equal to a cup of water.

“This is not what the Heavenly Monarch can motivate, it is the means of the king.” Fang Han faint road

What is his Culture Base? It has also been found that the last three thousand maps of the Hongmeng Hall cannot be motivated. At the same time, in the ruins of the celestial burial, there are finally 3,000 maps that cannot be motivated. At the same time, it seems coincidental. It seems to be the truth, and the altar of the Zen is the same.

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