Eternal Life

Chapter 1455

The first thousand four hundred and fifty-five chapters

“Fang Zen altar”, the gods of the heavens, the origin of the immortal king of a body and blood forging, but it was directly suppressed by Fang Han, from the size of a big world to the size of the finger

And it is in the heart of Fang Han.

This is a supreme treasure that can be compared with the “the burial of the celestial burial”. The power contained in it is the unpredictable, the power of sacrifice, and the true meaning of the sacrifice.

Fang Han’s income eyebrows, crystal gods, ecstasy, almost doubled, the whole body has changed to shed one’s mortal body and exchange one’s bones, the power grows again, a wave is higher than a wave

At this time, the ecstasy of his body, the four great array eyes, echoed each other, the first line of the eye is “the burial of the celestial burial” and the other is “the robes of the king”, “eight bas-reliefs” and “the altar of the meditation”

However, although the altar of Fengzen was collected, it was not completely refining. Once fully refining, the power of Fang Han was stronger than it is now.

“Fang Han, you actually collected the biggest fetish of our origin dynasty, the altar of the altar, you, you…” The horror Heavenly Monarch looked at this scene and couldn’t speak. “From then on, the origin dynasty and the eclipse gate are really not dead. From now on, we originated from the dynasty, and we joined forces with Heaven to conquer the cancer of Jiyuanmen.”

“Haha, the altar of the altar has been collected by me. I have no value in the place of origin. The origin dynasty still wants to be against me.” Fang Han laughed, his body rising from the sky, his hands ripped, the whole place of origin, actually Being ripped out of thin air, a large number of laws broke, and the spirit outside the heavens rushed into it.

Fang Han’s shot actually broke the place of origin.

“In this case, I will bring a disaster to the origin dynasty and let you become a hell on earth, the land of origin, and many ancient ideas. I have broken the blockade. Can you still go out? Destruction, killing, the origin of the dynasty, is the place where you have been venting for hundreds of millions of years.”

Fang Han’s voice passed through the place of origin, and the millions of different degrees of space, immediately surrounded by many ancient ideas are excited: “Oh… finally got out of trouble”

“Heaven, this is Aura of Heaven, freedom, we are finally free…”

“killing and killing…”

“The place of origin, we have been trapped for so long, we must retaliate, the origin of the dynasty, must retaliate, all the discipline, have to die, die”

“Era of Heavenly Monarch…Fang Han, a man who thanks you to get out of the house, and you have to go out of your house and restore your strength. Go to the epoch to worship the mountain…”

“Oh… this era Heavenly Monarch is not easy to provoke, too strong, and actually charged the altar of the Zen.”

“Can’t provoke the origin of the door, single-handedly, just destroy the origin dynasty”…

Numerous ancient ideas, one after another, went out from the cracks in the time and space that Fang Han broke, and fell into the imperial city of the origin dynasty, which immediately caused a chaos.

The imperial city of the origin dynasty, originally Xiaguang Wandao, Ruiqi thousand, noble and incomparable, stood on the earth, showing the embarrassment, honor makes hundreds of millions of great teachings, all sentient beings, all come to worship, but now, outside the imperial city Countless Expert, suddenly saw, a terrifying Changhong, passed from the deepest part of the Imperial City, seems to have been smashed the seal of the demon, releasing the demon of the Ganges

Then, the strong bloody, shrouded the imperial city

Among the royal cities of the origin dynasty, there are too many Experts. Think about it, even the soldiers who watch the gates are saints, the rest of the lords, the emperors, Life as Heaven and Earth’s Powerhouse, the ancient emperor, the Heavenly Lord… How much can it be? It’s almost ten times more than the number of people in heaven.

This is the essence of a dynasty

Think about it, the location where the essence of this dynasty gathers, suddenly opened by a center to bloom, what is it like?

Fierce, tragic

For a time, countless saints, emperors, Life as Heaven and Earth’s Powerhouse were slaughtered, hurricane, squally, sorrowful, and one after another, from the origin of the land, in the imperial city Launched a crazy massacre

Who are the people coming from the place of origin? Some old and residual devil heads, each one is fierce, and the characters that Heavenly Monarch is afraid of

Think about the “Lord of Time” and “The Lord of the Wolf” and know what is so fierce and violent? Where are the people in the dynasty imperial city? For a time, the losses were heavy, a large number of origin dynasty cultivators were slaughtered, and one by one old devil, fierce magic, with the soul of these cultivators, qi and blood, almost to return to the world

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh This is a big robbery, a huge robbery that has never been seen before. The origin of the dynasty, the dominant heaven has existed since the beginning of the world, but I can’t think of it. Today, Fang Han whispers, and he smashed a dynasty and almost collapsed.

“Hahahahaha’s treasure house of origin dynasty, although I don’t need it for me, but my sacred door discipline, but I need magical treasure and materials.”

Fang Han is also mixed in countless magical thoughts. Although those evil thoughts are fierce and evil, they will kill when they see people, and they will swallow when they see things, but they see that Fang Han has retreated. In the origin, these ancient ideas have seen him. Fierce, think that he is the devil of the devil, the ancestor of the demon

Regardless of these ancient ideas, Fang Han was a shouting, a big move, and suddenly the countless houses in the imperial city of the kingdom flew directly, and the ancient palaces were all in the palm of his hand. Incorporated into the depths of the Crystal Gods, this ancient palace, each of which has stored countless elixir, magical treasure

One piece of Saint Grade Immortal Pill, Heavenly Monarch refining symbol, one piece of King Grade Immortal Artifact, one warehouse and one warehouse of heavenly treasures… all kinds of rare gods are in the origin of the dynasty In the treasure house, all were swallowed by Fang Han, waiting for the movement back to the era gate

Apart from this, there are some magical thoughts that can’t escape, and Fang Han also swallowed these magical thoughts. There is no such thing as the Lord of the Wolf, the Lord of Time, the Lord of Shadows, and the Fang Han who swallowed the altar of the Zen Buddhism. These magical ideas are not too big, but they are better than nothing.

The origin of the dynasty treasure house was swallowed, and Yan Guang Guang and others were stunned. This time it was a rich fortune, and the rise of the epoch gate. Since then, it has been unstoppable.

Now what Fang Han has to do is just go back to the era gate, close the portal, and then cultivation, cultivation, so that Mi Bao, Feng Yan Guang, Linglong, Yuhuang and others all cultivate Heavenly Monarch, then a supreme master can The self-proclaimed power of the world is really condense shaped.

Mi Bao, Feng Yan Guang, now the two people’s Cultural Base, have reached the point where they can trigger the Heavenly Monarch robbery at any time, accept the inheritance of the altar, Magic Force is majestic, even Heavenly Monarch can not kill them, although impossible Like the wind white feather, it was promoted to Heavenly Monarch immediately, but the cultivation period took a while to settle down, and it may not be able to promote the Heavenly Monarch.

After all, they are all genius, and everyone has swallowed a few Heavenly Lords who hoped to be promoted to Heavenly Monarch. Even pigs, there is hope for the impact of Heavenly Monarch.

What’s more, there is this unfathomable Fang Han sitting in the town.

“Damn, hateful, Fang Han, I am fighting with you.” The horror Heavenly Monarch also flew out at this time. When I saw this scene, I almost spurted out a blood. He waved his hands and suddenly there were three thousand hands behind him. Every magical face has a horrible magic eye, just like the same as the Fang Han Buddha

He is showing the most horrible means and desperately fighting with Fang Han.

“Hey? Want to fight with me?” Fang Han is in the world, and when he hits the palm of his hand, he trembles away from the horror of Heavenly Monarch. Then he rises to the sky and a spurt of ecstasy spurts out and falls into the royal city of origin. In the meantime, those houses, the ground, and even the Space are burning up, and the entire Imperial City is turned into a sea of ​​fire.

In the midst of the fire, Fang Han disappeared without a trace. He did not fight the horrible Heavenly Monarch, but left a series of voices: “The horror Heavenly Monarch, the dynasty of your origins dare to count me, use me, If you treat the treasures well, I can also become friends of the origin dynasty. Unfortunately, it is a pity that the heavens are especially good, and you can’t live. The heavens have been killed by me. The origins of your dynasty are the same. Today, my altar of altars is still I haven’t completely refining, so I don’t want to do too much entanglement with you. When I completely refine the altar of the Zen Buddhism, it is the death of all Heavenly Monarchs of your origin dynasty. At that time, I will be king of heaven.”

Fang Han’s voice disappeared, but outside the imperial city, countless cultivators heard it clearly, and some cultivators Immortal fainted directly

In an instant, the name of Heavenly Monarch Fang Han, even if it spreads out

The origin dynasty is a mixed place, the cultivators of the Myriad Heavenly Domain, all gathered here to do business. Now the whole dynasty is full of people. Some spies of the world still don’t spread this shocking news in all directions. reason

Fang Han did not fight against the horrible Heavenly Monarch because he was eager to go back to the real alchemy altar, transforming the accumulated power into his own, and then integrating into the epoch, becoming a glimpse of the world Something, made a solid foundation, at the same time assist Mi Bao, exquisite, the Emperor was promoted to Heavenly Monarch

Now that the strength of Ji Yuanmen is really big, Fang Han’s main heart of the crackdown is not to say. If the refining of the altar of “Fan Zen”, I don’t know what level will be promoted to reach? It’s even possible to say that it’s not necessarily comparable to some old antiques.

In addition to Fang Han, there is also the Heavenly Monarch, the white feather, the Heavenly Monarch reincarnation, the cultivation has reached the big position, and the power is unmatched. It is also an unusually horrible role.

Fang Han is eager to go back, still wants to use his own strength to motivate the Hongmeng Hall to see if he can join the Fengbaiyu and push the 12,600-six-story map of Hongmeng Hall together.

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