Eternal Life

Chapter 1457

First thousand four hundred and fifty-seven chapters

The three gods of “the burial of the celestial burial”, “the altar of the meditation” and “the sacred temple of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacs It is the creation of the fairy king, the origin of the king, the Hongmen Daoist, the three kings of the three unique understanding of the Three Thousand Great Daos

The same god, “the robes of the king” has no such magical changes, which is revealed, the difference between the Lord of Heaven, “Heavenly Monarch Ksana” and Hongmen Daoist, the genius of the king, the origin of the fairy king

Fang Han’s body is a fusion of “the burial of the celestial burial” and “the altar of the altar”. Nowadays, the practice has reached the limit, and all the arrays have been spurred. Only three of them are motionless.

Even so, his strength has once again made great progress.

In the past, Fang Han used his crystal god country to evolve the Taiji figure. When the celestial burial was performed, the robes of the king were the two eyes of Yin and Yang, but the robes of the moment were always different from the celestial burial.

This leads to the imbalance between Yin and Yang.

Nowadays, the “Fang Chan Altar” replaces the instant royal robes, and they are all in the same level as “the burial of the celestial burial”, one yin and one yang, completely balanced, and the cycle is endless, especially the two great gods under the role of the eclipse Mutual influence, three thousand maps have signs of recovery

Fang Han runs Magic Force a little, and many of the gods in the body are slowly running, becoming the eyes of the epoch of the epoch. With both hands moving, they can shake the whole Danjie at random, and the remaining maps of Hongmeng Hall are repeated by him. The urging, with the help of the object of the Hongmen Temple, quenching the body

In the deep gates of Hongmeng Hall, the supreme power contained in it was inspired by a trace. In the crystal god country of Fang Han, the verses of Hongmeng’s temperament appeared again.

Almost all the mysteries of Hongmen Daoist, all were Fang Han

At the same time, Fang Han’s Cultural Base is almost the same as the Cultivation Base, which has reached the horror of the seven chaotic eras. Among the Myriad Heavenly Domains, among the various worlds, it is also a leader.

Thoroughly refining the “Fan Zen altar”, Fang Han’s thoughts spread in all directions, and suddenly burst out in one breath, in the entire Danjie, before the grave belonging to the Lord of Denmark, there was a towering tower. tree

This towering tree is World Tree.

One of the gods

Now, Fang Han has thoroughly inspected the mystery of World Tree. I know that I don’t know how many epochs, when a land was opened, a seed that came out of Gate to Eternity, and finally became a World Tree after various fortuitous encounters. When the tree is in its heyday, it has the strength of the beautiful king. It grows in the world of Xuanhuang. It can directly break the rules of the heavens and the heavens, and make the heavens the world the first in the world.

If it weren’t for the ancestor’s ancestor of the Protoss, and the creation of the artifact, the axe of the astrology, I’m afraid that it would not cause any harm to this World Tree.

But now this World Tree is not useful for Fang Han for the time being.

Fang Han calculated the day of the week, and when he got a chance, he suddenly prepared to plant World Tree in the Dan world, completely consolidating the Danjie crystal wall system, and can better shape the entire Danjie and repel the Lord of Dan. The last brand left behind

Although Fang Han has now completely refining the entire Danjie, if the Lord of the Danes returns, with his own Aura, he can still find some loopholes, but Fang Han planted the World Tree, which is equal to the entire Danjie There is no relationship with the Lord of Denmark.

“The key to the gods is integrated into the world …..” Fang Han is now the Celebration Base of Heavenly Monarch. Even if Coiling Martial Immortal Venerable is born again, it is not his opponent. The source Daoist has to move to know who is powerful. I completely smashed the spoon of the gods and integrated it into the body of the World Tree.

A huge World Tree, rising in the Dan world, this World Tree is in the center of the Danjie, between the branches and the leaves, the entire Danjie, everywhere is green trees, and Danjie On the top of the crystal wall, there is a smeared green

Fang Han felt that the entire Danjie world has undergone earth-shaking changes. The mountains and rivers rise, the rivers, the oceans, the lakes, the mountains and rivers are picturesque, the beauty is diverse, the vitality is abundant, the spiritual things are born.

Dan’s defense ability has greatly increased

Moreover, the outer saplings of the ancient trees also felt the king of Wanmu, the Aura of the Divine tree World Tree, as if they had the leaders of the Spirit leader, all worshipped and increased their strength.

“This World Tree really has the ability to enhance the world. It has been planted in the world. The defensive power is almost doubled. It seems that I have searched for the fragments of World Tree to enhance my ability.” Fang Han looked at this. Everything, I have a plan in my heart.

Fang Han’s own Culture Base has risen steadily, but because of this, there are too many offended people. Now the three major forces of heaven, heaven, truth, and origin are all enemies like the sea, and the era gate is always subject to attack. It is imperative to strengthen the Dan world.

Strengthening a world, nothing is more reliable than World Tree. In the rumor, the reason why the gods are now in the Myriad Heavenly Domain is second to none, because of the foundation of the whole godhood Foundation, the huge World Tree as the backbone, still Constantly suppressing the crystal wall system of the whole world

Among the Myriad Heavenly Domains, the number one is the second in the heavens. Nature is the gods.

What mysterious legal world, treasure world, book world, martial arts, and the world of tolerance… are not comparable to the gods

The Expert of Heaven has once attacked the gods countless times, but it has been blocked outside the world’s crystal wall system. This is the result of World Tree’s integration into the world. With World Tree planted in the world, the crystal wall system of the whole world is incomparable. stable

“Let me come back to Dan, add First Layer to protect my aurora and bring me together.” Fang Han planted World Tree’s heart calculations, and in a moment I figured out where some World Tree fragments are located.

The World Tree was scattered among the Myriad Heavenly Domains. In addition to the Protoss who took the biggest backbone, some mysterious Experts also took a lot and stabilized their own world. For example, Fang Han now calculated it, the legal world, and the forbearance. World, the book world… all have fragments of World Tree

By these supreme powers, they have been refined into magical treasures, sprouting and developing their own world.

In the rumor, if you have all the World Tree, planted in your own world, even if the world is shattered, I am afraid that it will not be destroyed. If someone finds the complete World Tree, then re-sacificial refining, refining The seed that was ejected from Gate to Eternity returned to the innate, then swallowed, and even reached the realm of the king.

These are all Fang Han mobilized a huge memory, and then based on their own calculations

In short, he determined his way to improve the Culture Base, looking for the fragments of World Tree, it is best to go to the gods and get the backbone back.

Although the horror of the gods is absolutely ten times stronger than the origin dynasty, Fang Han has a relationship with the end of the sacred king. The end of the sacred king is the terminator of the protoss. Regardless of the life and death of the protoss, only the metamorphosis of the Great Dao is pursued. Whoever wants to kill will kill someone who has mutual trust with Fang Han, and there is nothing to get the backbone of World Tree.

After I decided to practice in the future and improve the plans of Cultural Base, Fang Han did not immediately go out and look for the fragments of World Tree. Instead, she suddenly grabbed it out, and it was as big as the 100,000 big states. In the aurora long river surrounding the Danjie, countless aurora was caught, turned into a halo of light, and rotated around the Dan, while the halo flickered in the halo, extremely powerful killing one after another Condens shaped body

Fang Han kept pushing his Magic Force, and the aurora in the long aurora was caught, condense into a picture, surrounded by the Dan, arranged into a ban.

This is the addition of the First Layer guardian for the Dan world.

However, this guardian can only resist the general Heavenly Monarch. If it is Death Heavenly Monarch, Horror Heavenly Monarch, or even the kind of Heavenly Monarch, the character is coming, it is better than nothing.

Fang Han now knows that the situation is urgent, the origin of the dynasty, the holy place of truth, the heavens are all eyeing, not to build the Danish old nest to be impregnable, I am afraid that when these Heavenly Monarch hit the door, they will directly go out.

“Ah…” Just when Fang Han built Danjie, suddenly, the Heavenly Monarch catastrophe of Immortal Venerable really came down, countless Thunderclouds, Kamikaze, Devil, and Xuanhuang Blood Mine… The endless stream of monsters, the devil’s head, descended from the void, and drilled in the exquisite body.

And Linglong is always solemn and solemn, and there is a group of Hongmeng flames in the body. The various days are robbed and refined, more and more stable, more and more powerful, and the life form is undergoing the final change. Start with the characteristics of Heavenly Monarch

Massive days, not burning the money

In the hall of Hongmeng, many images of the array kept flashing and entered her body, expelling her from the robbery and changing the life form.

“Da Luo Tiandao…” Linglong suddenly, one opened his eyes, all the catastrophe was turned into vitality into his body, and then the strength of the body swelled, like a spring rain, and finally, her finger flicked, A chessboard that doesn’t know how many lines, appears in the air, a piece of chess, is a small world, black and white two, criss-cross, twisted and twisted, is undergoing fierce killing, performing endless technique

This is the exquisite way of Linglong Immortal Venerable, the exquisite chess game, the exquisite robbery, each piece is a robbery, countless robbery, interlocking, interpreting the conflict between Yin and Yang, can be all-encompassing, refining Everything

Heavenly Monarch, became

The exquisite Immortal Venerable has also become the Heavenly Monarch in the secular, the first expert of the Xuanhuangda world, although the Heavenly Monarch after Fang Han, Feng Baiyu, but after all, became

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