Eternal Life

Chapter 1423

Chapter 1 243

“He refining the celestial burial so soon?”

“The burial of the day is the shackles of the sacred kings. There is an unyielding will, how can it be refining so easily?”

“He is so tyrannical? I don’t believe that even if promoted to Heavenly Monarch, it can’t be so tyrannical.”

“No matter how strong he is, after all, it is a person. If we really cooperate, we can still kill him.”

The four Heavenly Monarchs, already red eyes, especially the other side of the emperor, have already made a bloody fight with Fang Han. This time they don鈥檛 kill Fang Han, they have endless troubles, and the entire Pure Land of China, the Emperor鈥檚 family may not be able to protect, he can There is no such treasure to the Hongmeng Temple, which can protect the safety of the descendants of the sect.

On the other side of the emperor, the air spurted out, and the body of the boat on the other side, the savage impact of Fang Han to the temper of Fang Han.

“The Central Wu has already fought the king!”

The wilderness of the king, Heavenly Monarch, roared again and again, and played the strongest school, a central battlefield, appeared, from top to bottom, hitting the Hongmen Temple and the body of Fang Han.

The seedling Heavenly Monarch is played by both hands, the ancestor of the barbarian, descending from the sky, holding seven pieces of sacred objects, smashing the thorns, using the barbaric way, trampling all civilizations.

The wing of Heavenly Monarch, the thirty-six pairs of wings behind it, keeps moving, every feather flies out, and all the Martial art essences of the wing world are played out. Every feather can hurt the Heavenly Monarch and destroy. Countless Supreme Masters.

Hua Tiandu once again took out a symbol from the body, this symbol, a magical workmanship, which is actually carved into the shape of the immortal king, like gold and gold, like jade non-jade, around the body of the genius It portrays nine ancient words, namely, Lin, Bing, Fighting, All, All, Array, Column, In, Before. Nine ancient scripts represent the mystery of a sacred king, and are among the most profound verses, with nothing to record.

This Spirit Talisman is the mysterious symbol of the immortal king, which contains incredible secret power, and can completely compete with the world’s free king Buddha.

“Nine characters!”

When the sign came out, the four Heavenly Monarchs were also sensed and immediately shocked.

But the next moment, Hua Tiandu swallowed the nine-character token and swallowed it into his body. Immediately, the power of the majestic, rising, and the numerous Aura robbed, from the top of his head, he actually began to impact the Heavenly Monarch! After swallowing the nine-character, he also wants to be promoted to Heavenly Monarch like Fang Han.

Moreover, no matter what the day of robbery, arrived at the body of Hua Tiandu, there will be nine ancient characters in his body, which will wipe out the heavens.

In the rumor, this is not the nine ancient characters that the sacred king realized, but the text that he got from the Gate to Eternity. He got nine words, and the world is free from the king, he got another six words. .

Part of the nine-character representative of the Great Dao, was condense in the symbol, Hua Tiandu swallowed, hit Heavenly Monarch Great Dao.

“Damn! Fang Han! This Spirit Talisman is one of the clues for the creation of the King of the Immortal, looking for Gate to Eternity. I didn’t want to use it, but you forced me not to use it.” Hua Tiandu bathing In the Heavenly Monarch robbery, nine ancient characters, flying up and down to resolve the power of the robbery, his body, Spirit, are step by step, breaking the bondage of the heavens and the earth, and promoted to Heavenly Monarch.

The nine-character secret, the creation of the immortal king, from Gate to Eternity, has the role of supporting people to take off the world, but Hua Tiandu consumed this symbol this time, and lost the opportunity to find Gate to Eternity.

Moreover, this is not his own thoughts, the impact of Heavenly Monarch, Foundation is not stable, it is very difficult for future practice, even if the promotion reaches Heavenly Monarch, when the world is destroyed, the chance of corruption is better than the average Heavenly Monarch. A lot bigger.

However, now he has to use it, otherwise it is not enough to deal with Fang Han.

Fang Han stood under the hall of Hongmeng, looking coldly at everything, the attack of the four Heavenly Monarchs, and Hua Tiandu swallowing the nine-character mantra, impacting Heavenly Monarch Great Dao, Aura getting stronger and stronger, he didn’t smell Not moving, it seems to be a lonely spectator.

At this moment, the picture seems to have been frozen.

Time is instant and eternal.

At the moment when the four Heavenly Monarch attacks reached the glory of Hongmeng, the anger of the sorrow was slowly dissipated. Fang Han’s withdrawal from the protection of Hongmeng Temple seems to be suicide. This is an amazing move.

All the people were shocked and stunned.


Fang Han grasped the big hand and the burial of the celestial burial was set up. The color of the vermilion was flowing, it seemed to be blood, heavy and heavy, and the black brilliance was swept out inside, and it was swept away. All the attacks were involved in the coffin. A heavy muffled sound seems to be the final burial.

All spells, attacks, all are buried.


Disintegrated all the spells, Fang Han held the burial of this day, one step came to the other side of the emperor, holding a huge coffin, a shot.

The emperor’s face changed, and he felt the horrible Aura in the coffin. He retreated backwards, but the coffin grew bigger and bigger. In the end, the sky was all broken. The whole universe was the shadow of the coffin.

Huangfu鈥檚 eyes are bloody and spelled!

His hands, again condense into a bitter sea, the other side, the Shenzhou, the big ship… truly show his true strength as the Heavenly Monarch.

However, Fang Han is expressionless, or holding the burial of the celestial burial.

The two Heavenly Monarch collided, and there was an eternal light that broke out in an instant.

K膩 ch膩 ! The light dissipated in the next moment, and the other side of the emperor was photographed down. Half of the body was turned into meat, and he was snarled with pain. The innumerable laws were spurred out of his body and formed another half of the body.

However, Fang Han did not give him any chances, licked his hand, waved again, flipped over, the dark cover of the lid opened, and turned down!


The other side of the emperor, the whole person was black, and was covered by the coffin.

Then the vermilion cover was closed directly, and the eternal imprisonment of the emperor鈥檚 bank was banned in it. Everyone heard it. In the coffin, there was a dull squeaking voice, and it kept shaking. It seemed to be a heart. Beating, the horror is incomparable, and I understand that Fang Han sealed the emperor’s bank with the burial of heaven.

Put a Heavenly Monarch, the seal of life, ready to refine.

After the celestial burial, even the king of the king can be loaded, and Heavenly Monarch is loaded in one of them, and it really falls into the clutches of the hands.

“There are seals on the other side of the emperor!”

Miao Li Heavenly Monarch produced a retreat.

“It doesn’t matter! The emperor’s bank is smashed, even if it is sealed in it, it is not so easy to die. Instead, it seals him. It takes us a huge amount of power. It is our opportunity.” The face of the wing Heavenly Monarch shows evil. The light suddenly rushed up and reached the back of Fang Han. The dark hands and claws pierced the body of Fang Han.

“God Wings! The claws of the hole!”

Wing Heavenly Monarch finally caught the opportunity to make a hit on Fang Han.

It鈥檚 a bang, a burst of sound, the wings of Heavenly Monarch, the hole in the body of Fang Han, this is a blow to Heavenly Monarch.

However, on Fang Han’s body, there is only a faint crack in the crystal god country. The huge Heavenly Monarch source runs a little while, and it has completely recovered and is as clean as new.


With a hand-knife, the fate of the river appeared, and another hand of Fang Han became a hand knife. The power of fate, high condensation, almost the fate of Insight, stifled the head of Heavenly Monarch.

The smile of the wing Heavenly Monarch, abruptly stopped, a faint blood mark appeared on his neck. Then, the whole head flew out and got out of the body, and Fang Han cut his head.

Although he is Heavenly Monarch, Fang Han is also Heavenly Monarch, and it is the epoch of Insight. The Heavenly Monarch of the cultivation world is hard, and I don’t know how many times higher than him!

“Damn! My head, my head.”

Although the head of the wing Heavenly Monarch has been smashed down, it is still not dead. A Heavenly Monarch is almost eternal and will not die.

Fang Han was a body movement, looking at the head with a cold eyes, and suddenly a seal of the epoch of the epoch appeared in the air, intertwined into a latitude and longitude, actually sealed the skull, pulled it over, gave a big mouth, and put the head Swallowed down.

Everyone was surprised to see that Fang Han swallowed the head of Heavenly Monarch into his body. Countless crystal gods began to rotate, and the raging True fire burned. The skull was turned into a breath of energy and completely refining.

The winged wing Heavenly Monarch, roaring, and the neck, once again intertwined the Great Dao rule, to re-condense the head, but Fang Han rushed straight, stepping hard into space, every step with unparalleled power, There was a crack on the body of Heavenly Monarch, and the time to re-condense the skull was slow.

K膩 ch膩 !

Fang Han grasped the big hand and directly pinched the wing of Heavenly Monarch’s body. The powerful force, the bombardment entered the other side of the fly, and suddenly the Heavenly Monarch screamed again and again, the body seemed to swell the ball and then swelled. Next, turned into a bloody rain, the law, Essence Qi.

Hong Mengna everything!

Fang Han looked up and rose up. The Hongmeng Hall shrouded the entire Danjie, and there was a great suction. All the explosive power of the wing of Heavenly Monarch was sucked in.

鍝楀暒鍝楀暒… The sound of the chain is so clear that everyone will see it. On the top of the Hongmeng Hall, the huge scent of the condense into the chain, the wings of the Heavenly Monarch, so that he can not move, how to struggle, no help .

It was during the short-lived fight that the Heavenly Monarch was sealed in the burial of the celestial burial. The winged Heavenly Monarch was smashed and tied to the top of the Hongmeng Hall.

They are all masterpieces of Fang Han.

“Go! Go!” The King of Heaven, Monash, saw this scene, and was shocked. Finally, it was known that Fang Han, who was promoted to Heavenly Monarch, spurred the Hongmen Temple, how terrible the celestial burial was, and Miao Li Heavenly Monarch Looking at it, suddenly leaping outside the Danjie, you have to escape.

However, the two just leapt, and Fang Han crossed the ages and came to the two.

boom! A boxing out, Miao Li Heavenly Monarch’s body burst.

Fang Han tears away, and the king of Heavenly Monarch screams, and an arm is torn apart. g

[… The first thousand four hundred and twenty-three chapters kill Heavenly Monarch. The text is the fastest update…] a! !

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