Eternal Life

Chapter 1422

Chapter 1 242

The cultivators of the Myriad Heavenly Domain know what the meaning of Heavenly Monarch is.

The ultimate goal of every cultivator is Heavenly Monarch, but for generations, only those who have gained invincible air, can get the secrets of the ancients, or inherit the other Heavenly Monarch gas, can finally be promoted to this one. Myriad Heavenly Domain cultivator is the realm of dreams.

The current Fang Han is the realm that everyone has dreamed of.

All the era cultivators, discipline, Elder, various core Experts, at this moment, feel extremely safe, their own desperate struggle, and finally have a return, a Heavenly Monarch, can really guard them until the end of heaven and earth.

Fang Han’s eyes pierce the sky!

Fang Han’s hands, tearing the heavens.

Fang Han’s Aura, let everything surrender.

“All those who besieged me today have to die, and one must not go, all of them are buried in this Dan.

Fang Han woke up and grabbed the Hongmen Hall, urging the 50,000-seat map inside, which evolved into the existence of the size of the heavens. Suspended in the top of the Danjie, the top of the Danjie, rolling vitality, all kinds of medicine pill, Heiner River into the hall of Hongmeng.

The “key of the moment” in the hands of Fang Han, the constant rotation, the fortune of the whole Dan, forbidden art, under the urging, began to gather around himself.

At the core of the Danjie, the clouds dissipated, and it was faintly seen that a huge tomb appeared. This tomb is the color of bright yellow, as if the gold was cast in general, and there are several large characters such as the tomb of the Lord of the Dan.

It is actually the tomb of the Lord of the Ancient Dan.

It can be imagined with the head that there is something in the tomb, and it is certain that the body of the Lord of the Ancient Dan is in it.

The owner of the ancient Dan dynasty is close to the existence of the celestial king. The rumor has already realized the last step. Compared with the general Heavenly Monarch, it does not know how many times it is. It is a realm that can be compared with the end of the sacred king.

After the body of this character, how much benefit?

In an instant, I saw Fan Han’s promotion to Heavenly Monarch, and I was angered. I was going to kill a “Hua Tiandu”, “Wing Heavenly Monarch”, “Wings on the other side”, “Warrior Heavenly Monarch”, “Miao Li Heavenly” Monarch “has seen the faint “Dan Lord of the Tomb” in the core of the Danish world.

“We are all going to die?”

Hua Tiandu looked at Fang Han, who was promoted to Heavenly Monarch. He was envious and envious, not a taste, but his fierce thoughts rose from the bottom of his heart. “You are promoted to the Heavenly Monarch.” It’s just a person, not our opponent. We are so afraid of you, so many Heavenly Monarchs?”

“Kill him, take the Hongmeng Hall, and capture the tomb of the Lord of the Ancient Dan, the whole Danjie is ours.” Huangfu said on the other side: “He just promoted to Heavenly Monarch, Magic Force is still shallow, can not Compared with our old Heavenly Monarch, we are so many people enough to directly suppress him!”

“He promoted to Heavenly Monarch better, suppressed him, you can refine it into a real Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, kill!” Wing Heavenly Monarch, King of Heaven, Heavenly Monarch.

“Heavenly Monarch is the source of the seven sacred sects of our barbarians, and all of them have returned to their former glory!” Miao Li Heavenly Monarch also screamed and attacked Fang Han with both hands.

The five majors are equivalent to the Heavenly Monarch level, and once again against Fang Han, a fierce attack!

“Yeah? About you don’t know, how terrible after I was promoted to Heavenly Monarch! The way of the era…” Fang Han put his hands up, the ecstasy of the body, the ultimate perfection, all magical treasures, all They are all incorporated into the chapters of the history of civilization, and they can be restored separately. The huge source of Heavenly Monarch in the body is wave after wave.


He is a step. He crossed the front of Hua Tiandu and punched it. This step, across the ancient time, the River Space is completely non-existent. It can be seen with the naked eye, his power, A wave of waves was derived and penetrated into the plane outside the Dan, and all the planes of the seats collapsed.


Hua Tiandu was suddenly shocked. The pores of the whole body were tightly closed. I almost felt that I was fixed by the most ferocious beast in the Taikoo. It was difficult to breathe, and the heart almost suffocated and stopped beating.

He only saw the silhouette of Fang Han swooping, the boxing wind swayed, and the force directly tore the skin on the surface of his body. Severe tingling, spread from the mind to the limbs.

“The burial of the celestial burial, the burial of the heavens, the celestial king wakes up, and makes a dream.”

Hua Tiandu judged it in an instant. Fang Han’s fist was not something that he could resist. He now has many Heavenly Monarch blessings and has the power of Heavenly Monarch, but he is not Heavenly Monarch after all. In the past, it was no longer an opponent of Fang Han. Now that Fang Han has been promoted to Heavenly Monarch, how many times is it?

You can tear the body of his Mortal Body and Heavenly Monarch by hand.

At this critical juncture, the celestial burial in the hands flew up and the crossbar was in front of him, resisting Fang Han’s fist.


Fang Han punched the “Tian burial plaque”, this vermilion god, suddenly burst out of a strong forbidden art, diffused out, swept to Fang Han’s fist.

“Great Dao is unique, unique to the era, and degenerate!”

Fang Han shouted, the body once again progressed, and it was a punch. The great Dao of the era, the history of the civilization of the Ganges, and the number of civilizations were destroyed, and the forbidden art on the “the burial of the celestial burial” was broken. Finally, go to the false, and directly punch, on the body of the red coffin.

The scarlet coffin body, oscillating, like a bell of the heavens, was hit by the Taikoo Mountain, the sound wave was once again scattered, and the Hua Tiandu Mortal Body behind it shattered.


Hua Tiandu Mortal Body split open, the body retreats back and forth, the blood of the big mouth and big mouth is sprayed out, and it can no longer hold the “the burial of the celestial burial”. The forged scorpion of the sacred king of the dynasty flew up and flew up to reach the Danjie high altitude.

Fang Han was hit by a punch.

“Hua Tiandu lost the burial of this day, and was actually broken by a punch, so that this deity lost its master and is now a possession.”

“Capturing the hand, this day is the best thing to bury, but we first joined forces and killed Fang Han.”

“Slay, Seven Styles of Ruling, no one will live forever.”…

Wing Heavenly Monarch, the king of Heavenly Monarch, the emperor’s side, and the Miao Li Heavenly Monarch saw this scene, and at the same time facing Fang Han, they jointly launched a palm, while the big hand was facing the celestial burial.

The four Heavenly Monarchs, the real Heavenly Monarch, join hands, how fierce is it? No one knows it, only sees it. Wherever the palm of strength comes, everything in the Dan world is turned into chaos, and then turned into the water and the wind, the various laws and fragments, mixed with each other, which is even more A variety of Taikoo Shinto killings, thousands of troops, Jin Ge big axe, bombing Fang Han.

“These attacks have nothing to do with me! Do you still want to capture the burial of heaven?”

Fang Han Faced with these attacks, the body was shaken, the gyro was generally rotated, the ancient gods were rotated, the body was turned into a portal, and the tyrannical suction was released. Those attacks were sucked into the portal, all disappear.

Then, Fang Han skyrocketed, and there was a big hand in the portal that could crush the heavens. It shakes off all the palms of the four Heavenly Monarchs, firmly grasps the burial of the day, and captures the hand.

In an instant, the change is like the eagle flying rabbit, the white shackles, the celestial burial artifact, has been easy to change, from Hua Tiandu fell into the hands of Fang Han.

However, the burial of the celestial burial must be the shackles of the sacred king, the instinctual will to be indomitable, falling into the palm of Fang Han, still expanding and expanding, wanting to blow up Fang Han’s big hand, shocking Go out.

“He can’t surrender to the burial of this day and kill him.”

“good chance!”

“The boat on the other side, come out, step by step. Divine Fist, Heavenly Monarch origin, broken the void.”

“Mastering the Holy Law, in the heavens and the earth, I am the only master, the sacred king of the sacred, completely belongs to me.” The four Heavenly Monarch, I don’t want to, I’m showing a lore to Fang Han. At this moment, every time. A person, regardless of any dignity, thoroughly displayed the last earth-shattering Assassin.

Fang Han has been promoted to Heavenly Monarch, they know that there is no reservation, and any means of pressing the bottom of the box are also trying to display.

“Fang Han, hateful, this day is the burial of me, do you think it can be easily taken away? Today is a rest.” Hua Tiandu is hysterical, Fang Han from his hand, captured the key to the Danjie, The achievement of Heavenly Monarch, now from his hand, to take away the burial of the celestial burial, this is simply making him almost crazy!

Hua Tiandu’s huge Heavenly Monarch body began to spur, all will, desperate, attacking Fang Han!

“Is it true that I am not willing to surrender to me?”

Fang Han stood tall, changed from a portal to himself, mastered the “the burial of the celestial burial”, looked arrogant, indifferent, facing the attack of the crowd, the silk did not move, the palm of the hand, the sky, the size of the heavenly court of Hongmeng, fell down All the enthusiasm, condense into a huge eggshell shape canopy, protect yourself.

Suddenly, all the attacks of the four Heavenly Monarch plus Hua Tiandu hit the top of the sigh of relief, and there was a huge earthquake. The Fang Han inside was still motionless, and the clothes were hunting, iron, flame, and pride. The epic hero myth appeared from his body.

Fang Han’s own strength, Heavenly Monarch Cultivation Base, plus Hongmeng Hall, has reached an unimaginable limit, and Heavenly Monarch’s desperate blow can’t shake.

Under the protection of Hongmeng, Fang Han gripped his hands and saw a great array. It poured into the burial of the day, and suddenly the inside of the coffin was turbulent, kā chā kā chā……. It seemed to be an ice-breaking sound. Resounded.

Hua Tiandu shocked, once again spurting out a blood, watching the celestial burial of Fang Han’s hand in horror, not expanding, but gradually shrinking, which marked that Fang Han had refining the coffin.

The burial of the celestial burial does not really belong to him.

The gods that can be cherished in the Hongmen Temple have fallen into the hands of Fang Han. g

[… The first thousand four hundred and twenty-two chapters seized the gods novels text update is the fastest…] a! !

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