Eternal Life

Chapter 1424

Chapter 1 424

Fang Han is invincible, holding the “Tian burial plaque”, the head of the Hongmeng Hall, the Heavenly Monarch way, destroying the ages, sinking the earth, tearing the arm of the Heavenly Monarch Wilderness, and knocking out Miao Li The body of Heavenly Monarch.

“In the old central China, I master the mystery of the Central Committee and run the Olympics…”

The Heavenly Monarch of the King of War knows that this moment is the most crucial time. When you are not careful, you will be sealed by Fang Han and fall into the enemy. The body that is not worn will be refining into a magical treasure. Completely ruined and fallen.

He shot the highest mystery of the center, and his body occupied the center of the heavens and earth. It seemed to be combined with the most central point in the universe. Immediately, the torn arm grew again, and at the same time, he pointed. To Fang Han’s eyebrows, this is a lore, a central blow.

The body of Miao Li’s Heavenly Monarch exploded again, mastering the Qiankun, revolving the sun and the moon, cooperating with the King of Heaven, Monash, and the wilderness totem. The tattoos on the body really leapt and evolved a barbarian. Ancestor’s anger, more of the ancestors of the barbarian descended from the void, was awakened by the sleeping spirit.

The king of Heavenly Monarch, a finger of the wilderness, hits Fang Han’s eyebrows.

Fang Han’s eyes burst into the light, but also pointed out a finger, between the fingers, suddenly the universe seems to be concentrated, shrinking, centering on his fingertips, condense becomes a meta point, compared to the central way Be a lot deeper.


The two fingers collided together.

On the face of the Heavenly Monarch, the face of the warrior, the face of panic, the body of the whole person was bombarded into the body by a huge force, the leaves floated, and then spit out four words: “Heaven Origin Strike !”

Hongmen Daoist’s school, Heaven Origin Strike. Once the ancestor’s sacred king was seriously injured, now Fang Han is promoted to the level of Heavenly Monarch, showing this peerless Martial art, and the king of Heavenly Monarch is not an opponent.

The king of the Heavenly Monarch, the king of the wilderness, floated up, and Fang Han did not let go. The body fluttered, and the “the burial of the celestial burial” in the palm of his hand shrank a little, and then he broke into the wilderness of the wilderness!

“Do not!”

The horror of the wilderness face is getting bigger and bigger, using up the power of the whole body, but they can’t resist the palm of Fang Han, and they are hit by the body of the funeral, and then the body begins to become purple and black. It seems to be poisoned. The whole person is trembled in the air, and the madness is horrible.

This situation can be seen in Miao Li Heavenly Monarch scalp.

He immediately stopped all attacks and began to escape.


Fang Han stepped on the world, chased after it, Aura was overwhelming, the dragon snake landed, and the stars moved, just in the Miao Li Heavenly Monarch, just fled to the exit of the Danjie portal, the hands of the hollow cut, the dense fate of the blade light, It was intertwined into a knife net, covering it. Miao Li Heavenly Monarch was too late to scream, and was cut into a lot of pieces of meat, scattered in the air.

“The era of the gods! Seal!”

Among Fang Han’s eyes, stunned the eclipse of the ecstasy, they sealed the pieces of meat in the air, then turned around and looked at Hua Tiandu.

The nine ancient characters on Hua Tiandu are getting more and more clear. Aura, who was robbed, gradually gained his body. His Aura seemed to burst into a volcano. The whole person opened his eyes and was immortal! He relied on the secrets of the nine ancient characters to create the symbol of the casting of the fairy king, and the impact entered the realm of Heavenly Monarch!

Back to China Heavenly Monarch that year, the peak of the moment.

“Hahahaha…Fang Han, I also cultivated to reach the realm of Heavenly Monarch. Can you get me? I am not weaker than you, Heavenly Monarch is big, I have mastered it again, you can’t always treat me. The threat is created, but it has created me.”

Hua Tiandu smiled.


Fang Han didn’t talk, no expression, like Hua Tiandu is an ant. As soon as he descends, he shot his hand and pinched Beginning Era Divine Fist with his hands. The Beginning Era Divine Fist at this moment is not in the Divine Fist. Next, even between the earthquakes, thousands of portals have turned into the gates of an era.

“I am also Heavenly Monarch, I am endless, Fang Han, I will let you know my true strength! Nine words!” Hua Tiandu appeared in the hands of nine ancient characters, and then changed, each ancient character was turned into A huge palm, nine represents the highest number between heaven and earth, the palm of nine ancient characters, hard to Fang Han’s Beginning Era Divine Fist.

The two great schools, quickly collided together, filled with smoke, Jin Ge iron horse, Qi swallowing Mountains and Rivers airlift rises, in the Dan world, a mushroom cloud like the ancient gods appeared.

Fang Han did not move, but Hua Tiandu was defeated by a blow. The huge palm of the nine-word mantra broke again and turned into nine ancient characters.

Hua Tiandu Cangjie retreats, and a stream of blood flows from the corner of his mouth.

“Impossible, impossible, nine ancient characters, I think you can be defeated by you.” He couldn’t believe that he had just been promoted to Heavenly Monarch and was actually defeated by Fang Han!

He really felt the power of Fang Han, the invincible power. At the same time, he also saw the Miao Li Heavenly Monarch, the king of Heavenly Monarch, the emperor, the wing of Heavenly Monarch, and the fate of the wing of Heavenly Monarch!

Fang Han beat the four Heavenly Monarchs in a row! This is simply unimaginable!

“Our ten-year agreement is too long, Hua Tiandu, today is completely closed, your realm is not the real Heavenly Monarch realm, not the Heavenly Monarch Great Dao, which is made by your own will. Nine ancient characters are not It belongs to you.” Fang Han looked dull and looked at Hua Tiandu, who was shocked by himself. He walked around. “You see, Heavenly Monarch, all of them are imprisoned, they can’t live, let alone you, me. Fang Han has always been invincible, no one can beat me, don’t you know it yet?”

“Fang Han, I am fighting with you.” Hua Tiandu’s eyes were red, and he was the last one, and he launched the final counterattack.

The whole person leapt up, and a circle of aura appeared behind the body: “Fang Han, I regret it. In the original world, why did you make a ten-year contract with you, killing you earlier, letting you live? Now, but I can’t live, you can’t live. If I die, I will pull you down.”

Hua Tiandu is showing a secret recipe that will be burned with Fang Han.

“It’s useless, even if you show any Dao technique, it can’t make me fall. I am promoted to Heavenly Monarch, which means creating an immortal dynasty.” Fang Han’s voice is like walking in the world, spreading the truth, he Behind him, there are three airflows, and each airflow is turned into a fairy king, truth, creation, and origin.

Fang Han was promoted to Heavenly Monarch, and the Martial art of the three great kings was almost as profound as himself.

The shadow of the three great kings appeared, Aura was absolutely suppressed, kā chā kā chā …… Hua Tiandu behind the aperture one after another burst.

Fang Han shrouded the five fingers, and the air spurt reached the body of Hua Tiandu. Immediately, the Hua Tiandu whole body seemed to be tied up, and the ancient characters one after another flew out.

Pro, soldiers, fighting, people, all, array, column, in, before.

The ancient characters that flowed out of the nine Gate to Eternity were actually caught by Fang Han from the body of Hua Tiandu, falling into his palm and re-condensing into a symbol.

This symbol was caught, and the Heavenly Monarch of Hua Tiandu was immediately lost. The Aura in the body fell down. The Heavenly Monarch was lost because of the loss of the symbol, and it was degraded to Heavenly Monarch. under.

“How could this be!” Hua Tiandu yelled insanely: “Why, I obviously passed the catastrophe and promoted the realm of Heavenly Monarch, why the realm is degraded!”

“Do you think Heavenly Monarch is so promoted?” Fang Han coldly said: “Nine ancient characters, which are passed down from Gate to Eternity, can distort the rules. Your previous robbery is only nine ancient words, and It’s not that you’ve really spent it. If you lose nine ancient characters, you will completely degenerate. In fact, you have not survived the catastrophe. You are always the realm under Heavenly Monarch.”

“Do not!”

Hua Tiandu screamed, his body twisted and he wanted to escape.

Unfortunately, Fang Han took away the nine ancient characters in his body and completely cut off all the hopes of Hua Tiandu. His degradation reached the realm under Heavenly Monarch, and even more of Fang Han’s opponent, there was no ability to resist.

“Your body, the body of China Heavenly Monarch, is very useful for me. I can use your body to shape a Heavenly Monarch again.”

Fang Han took a big hand and fished it. He completely banned Hua Tiandu and sent it to the hall of Hongmeng.

At this moment, the change suddenly occurred!

A strong death, Aura, passed through distant time and space, and then the portal of Danjie was bombarded with a faint figure. This figure was completely shrouded in death by Aura, a Middle-aged man. Wearing Confucianism is like a Confucian student, but when it appears, it is a ten times stronger Aura than the Miao Li Heavenly Monarch, Hua Tiandu, and the King of Heaven, and it is obviously a disaster, eternal, chaotic, killing that level. The ancient Heavenly Monarch that has survived many eras is not the Heavenly Monarch that was born in this era.


Fang Han’s seal, Miao Li’s Heavenly Monarch, was shocked and the Miao Li Heavenly Monarch came out again.

Later, this faint figure walked like a fly, and when it got there, it turned into a country of death, the plane of death, the movement of death, and it resounded throughout the Dan.


The celestial burial in the body of the King of Heavenly Monarch was glanced at by this faint figure, and the persecution of life was forced out, and the pastoralism restored freedom.

Subsequently, this faint figure, the gaze looked at the burial of the celestial burial, this coffin actually flew to his body.

“The Holy Land of Truth! Death Heavenly Monarch…”

Fang Han immediately watched, and immediately screamed, and the burial of the burial was as big as a mountain. The figure of the dying Aura slammed into the past, and on his head, the shadows of the three great kings were stuffed. Throughout the Dan, the death of Heavenly Monarch was suppressed.

“Fang Han, you actually got promoted to Heavenly Monarch, we were innocent, but unfortunately you killed all Heavenly Lords in our holy place of truth…”

The faint shadow of Confucianism, the voice passed out: “So this time, I will give you a lesson.”

[… The first thousand four hundred and twenty-four chapters to kill Heavenly Monarch The text is the fastest update…] a! !

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